A solution to Illegal immigration- A modest proposal.

Are you fucking retarded? I was listing my MONTHLY EXPENSES, not my monthly revenues. (My month revenues vastly outstrip it, and that's not even counting Mrs. B131's contribution.)

Do you just like to be a contrarian? Is your life that lonely?
You listed your business as an expense, if it's making a profit, it isn't. Part of your problem is that you haven't separated your personal life from your business life.

Breaking Down the 2023 Immigration Court Data

January 31, 2024


"One surprise for me was the low grant rate for asylum cases in Immigration Court. The overall approval rate for court cases in FY 2023 was only 14.40%, which is slightly better than FY 2022, when courts granted a paltry 14.18% of asylum cases. In fact, grant rates have been falling since FY 2011 (when 31.35% of asylum cases were approved), but the last two years have had the lowest asylum grant rates since at least 2008, lower even than during the Trump years, when grant rates ranged from 19.13% to a generous 20.69%. The low approval rates might be explained by the fact that these numbers include detained cases, which are more likely to be denied (due to criminal convictions or the one-year filing bar) and cases for people who arrive at the border, who can often not demonstrate a nexus to a protected ground. Also, of course, it is difficult for people in detention and at the border to gather evidence or find a lawyer."

It's not a surprise to me. There are NGOs operating in Mexico coaching illegals on how to demand asylum, economic refugees can't possibly legally qualify for asylum.
You listed your business as an expense, if it's making a profit, it isn't. Part of your problem is that you haven't separated your personal life from your business life.

No, I calculate my expenses in two different buckets in terms of monthly expenditure.

Paycheck from my day job
Revenues from Side Business
Whatever money the wife kicks in
Until fairly recently, revenues from a property I was renting (the aforementioned condo that converted.)

Mortage and association fees (which I was paying two of each on when I was waiting for the sale to go through)
costs to run the business (Computer license fees and advertising)

So to me, $7000 would not be a life changing amount. Some months, I make more than that in just a month.
It's not a surprise to me. There are NGOs operating in Mexico coaching illegals on how to demand asylum, economic refugees can't possibly legally qualify for asylum.

Uh, you got that German Family that has been here for 17 years because they had to pay a fine to homeschool their kids. If they qualify, economic refugees qualify.
You think that adding millions of poor foreigners with little education to our welfare system is good for America

Which is insane
No, he simply wants the votes.
Go back to the original posts... I provide multiple suggestions for making it HARDER for people to get in permanently.

Biometric ID's
Limited Guest Worker Visas
Workplace enforcement
Increased reporting
Expedited asylum resolution
Fixing the problems in the countries they are coming from.

All of these things will severely reduce the number of migrants because there would be no good reason for them to come here.

Walls, on the other hand, are a joke. Walls can be easily beaten.

About 15 years ago, Penn and Teller did this show where they hired six illegal immigrants outside the Home Depot, and got them to build a section of Fence similar to what was in use at the time. It took them a whole day to do it.

Then they told them to break up into two-man teams and get through it. One dug under, one climbed over, and one broke through it. It took them about three minutes to do it. Penn joked, "Gee, do you think they did this before?"
That's because the wall was not protected correctly: Predator drones, machine guns on motion detectors, and a belt of land mines would work nicely. So would the barrier humming with electricity, say, 25,000 volts at 200 amps.
I don't have to. It isn't. No one thinks that's a good idea.

They usually find that soldiers just aren't good at law enforcement.
Who said anything about law enforcement? At this point, they should simply shoot on sight.
All the G.Is have to do is round up the illegals at the border

After that the border patrol can remove them back to mexico
Much better to simply shoot border-jumpers on sight.
How is that even possible since President Biden reversed the Trump policies the first week Biden was in office?
You should shut down your business if it is costing you money to run. Businesses are designed to make money, not lose it.
Joey doesn't have a business. He's full of shit.
These are built by man and will undoubtedly stop them:
View attachment 900233
So would these.


It tells me that the more the racists squeeze, the more people slip through their fingers.

Closing the border is a practical impossibility.

Unless you are putting a guard every 100 feet of that fence, someone is going to sneak through.

Case in point, were were really better off when the season migrant was replaced by the guy who brought his whole family here for good?

So are Social Security, Medicare, Veteran's Benefits, Unemployment Insurance, etc.

View attachment 900311
Every word of this is a lie. As usual.

And note: the two people I know most vehemently anti-illegal-alien (they want illegals rounded up en masse and SHOT) are, in fact, immigrants!
You listed your business as an expense, if it's making a profit, it isn't. Part of your problem is that you haven't separated your personal life from your business life.
Joey doesn't have a business, he's on welfare.
Much better to simply shoot border-jumpers on sight.
I dont consider that a serious proposal and wont support it if it is

I’m all for shooting gangbangers and drug lords, but not illiterate and unarmed peasants
Closing the border is a practical impossibility.

Unless you are putting a guard every 100 feet of that fence, someone is going to sneak through.
That's the prison of two ideas argument. Because we can close the border 100%, we shouldn't do anything. You even have to agree that this is a foolish position.

Why do you support 10,000 pounds of illegal drugs and Fentanyl rather than 2,500 pounds? Why do you support 10,000 unaccompanied children being sex trafficked rather than 2,500 kids?

Why do you believe these countries are sending us their best and brightest? Do you honestly believe that citizens walk up to a window in Communist China and buy a ticket to leave the country? Seriously? Who do you suppose they would allow to leave?


How many terrorists took down four airliners in 2001?

No, I calculate my expenses in two different buckets in terms of monthly expenditure.

Paycheck from my day job
Revenues from Side Business
Whatever money the wife kicks in
Until fairly recently, revenues from a property I was renting (the aforementioned condo that converted.)

Mortage and association fees (which I was paying two of each on when I was waiting for the sale to go through)
costs to run the business (Computer license fees and advertising)

So to me, $7000 would not be a life changing amount. Some months, I make more than that in just a month.

No one thinks this is a good idea either.
Oh, I don't care.

They were coming no matter what we did, we needed to be prepared for it.

That's the prison of two ideas argument. Because we can close the border 100%, we shouldn't do anything. You even have to agree that this is a foolish position.

Why do you support 10,000 pounds of illegal drugs and Fentanyl rather than 2,500 pounds? Why do you support 10,000 unaccompanied children being sex trafficked rather than 2,500 kids?

Fentanyl is only a "problem" because Big Pharma got millions hooked on Opioids.

Sex trafficking is a figment of your imagination.

Why do you believe these countries are sending us their best and brightest? Do you honestly believe that citizens walk up to a window in Communist China and buy a ticket to leave the country? Seriously? Who do you suppose they would allow to leave?

I suspect that most of these people are leaving because their countries are awful places to live. It's why my grandfather left Germany in 1925. It's why my wife left China in 2015.
First and foremost, we need to stop foolishly talking about walls, fences, and alligators in a moat. If someone has traveled 2000 miles over deserts and mountains to get here, something built by man isn't going to stop them.

Our main problem is that they have a manpower surplus and we have a manpower shortage, hence why they come here to do jobs that Americans don't want to do. Period. Our more recent troubles are caused by economic turmoil in Central and South America that we are more than a little responsible for.

So, let's look at some sensible solutions to control the inevitable.

1) Establish a national biometric ID system based on Social Security so everyone knows who they are hiring. You can't get a job or benefits without said ID.

2) Create a Guest-worker program to fill the legitimate labor needs of companies requiring low-skill jobs Americans don't want to do. Such permits will be limited (two years, only renewable after a 1 Year return to your home country).

3) Go after the white people (and yes, it's almost exclusively white people) who hire undocumented laborers who don't have the above. Not just the sweatshop owner but the clown who hires a truckload of day laborers from the Home Depot parking lot when that DIY project turns out to be harder than Chip and Joanna made it look. The Rich asshole (and I always love going after the rich!) who can't be bothered to raise their own spawn, so they've hired Lupe, who is just like a member of the family they don't pay taxes on.

4) Set up a 1-800 number to report people who are hiring undocumented laborers. A few visits from La-Migra and a few fines should straighten them out.

5) Here's the big one- Adequately staff the asylum system with people who can evaluate cases quickly. It should NOT take 4 years to get an asylum hearing. Like it or not, we have laws that state that anyone is entitled to an asylum hearing if they get here and ask for it. If some of those cases are bogus (and I'm sure many of them are) we need to address that quickly.

6) Stop a foreign policy that creates refugees to start with. Most of the current batch are not coming form Mexico, they are coming from Central America or Venezuela, where our policies have caused untold economic and political misery. We need to stop punishing Venezuela because we don't like the form of government they selected 20 years ago, and we need to help the countries of Central America get control over their rampant crime problems that are driving people out.

How about reading the Senate Border Bill, it's got a lot of good things in it. The problem is far more complex than that.
How about reading the Senate Border Bill, it's got a lot of good things in it. The problem is far more complex than that.

I agree it would have helped, but the reality is as long as they know they can get jobs up here, they are going to keep trying to find ways to get in.

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