A Study of Teen Female Sexualization on Primetime TV

In fact the good folks at MTV just created a show promoting Teen Pregnancy called '16 and Pregnant.' Just more Dumbing-Down of America and Slutting-Up of American Children brought to us by the "Enlightened" Liberals/Progressives. :(

Well that show was started to try and showing the ramifications of teen pregnancy but I see your point, I have heard reports of girls getting pregnant on purpose just to be on the show. It needs to be cancelled.

Liberal Hollywood has gotten in on the Slutting-Up of American Children act too. They have created several films in recent years promoting Teens getting knocked up. I guess Liberals/Progressives feel that their Slutting-Up thing is a slap in the face to the folks promoting Family Values. Anything to piss off those "evil" Family Values folks i guess. Liberals/Progressives really are warped. Stop watching their shows and buying their products. Quit buying Barbie Dolls dressed up as Rap Video Sluts. You do have some control and influence.
Well libo - I don't necessarily agree with your premise, because I think its promoted by greed - not ideology. Sex sells. And as a high school teacher I can assure you that slutty teen clothes are purchased by people of all socioeconomic classes and political afilliations. But I do appreciate your way with words. "Slutting up the children " may now become a USMB classic!
Well libo - I don't necessarily agree with your premise, because I think its promoted by greed - not ideology. Sex sells. And as a high school teacher I can assure you that slutty teen clothes are purchased by people of all socioeconomic classes and political afilliations. But I do appreciate your way with words. "Slutting up the children " may now become a USMB classic!

you appreciate his way with words? for real??

i think he sounds unhinged. *shrug*

and for the record, studies show that it's rightwingers who watch the reality TV garbage. so it may be being sold by "lefties" but it's being bought by "righties"

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Teens watch teen shows Jillian. They don't vote and generally don't know or care who's left or right. But your partisan take is duly noted. Up there with libo.
Teens watch teen shows Jillian. They don't vote and generally don't know or care who's left or right. But your partisan take is duly noted. Up there with libo.

it's not *my* "partisan take". it was a study of viewing habits as relates to political leanings. my response, in case you missed it, was to the wacko libo's rant.

you didn't ask what I think.
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Well libo - I don't necessarily agree with your premise, because I think its promoted by greed - not ideology. Sex sells. And as a high school teacher I can assure you that slutty teen clothes are purchased by people of all socioeconomic classes and political afilliations. But I do appreciate your way with words. "Slutting up the children " may now become a USMB classic!

I always thought high school teachers were way hotter than slutty teens...even in high school!
What disturbs me, and any normal man, is the "adultifying" of teens and preteens.
And I am not talking about TV...real life.

How many guys are with me here...how many times have you looked at a distance at a female in...that way...and as she comes closer you realize you were looking at girl maaaybe 16.
Where are this girls parents? Especially the father!

Given the increased incidence of both divorce and single motherhood, it's very doubtful that she grew up in the same house with her father, or even with much contact with him.
What disturbs me, and any normal man, is the "adultifying" of teens and preteens.
And I am not talking about TV...real life.

How many guys are with me here...how many times have you looked at a distance at a female in...that way...and as she comes closer you realize you were looking at girl maaaybe 16.
Where are this girls parents? Especially the father!

Here is an example of where the problem originates.

You personal reaction to a female on the street.

You looked at them like a piece of ass and felt a little guilty and blamed the girls dad for not following her arround.

Stop treating the women you see as a potential piece of ass no matter what their ages.

Want to know why TV does this , look in the mirror.

Believe me you, I have been treated like this my entire life.

To be female in this culture is to have your whole being judged on wether some fucknut things you are doable or not.

When we teach our girls to USE this power because there is no fighting it then you call then bitches.

This is why being a bitch is a new value to women.

If I be a bitch and piss you off you stop looking at me like you are about to rape me.

Men need to act like they can control their dicks and quit blaming it on what someone looks like.

My, don't YOU sound bitter and hostile toward men.
Now note the female posters on here who post pictures of beautiful women who are NOT themselves.

They post these so you will think that they are beautiful and fuckable so you will like them for their sexiness.

I dont want you to see me for good reason.

I want you to address my words without that value you seem to need.

No, you silly, bitter bitch. We use pictures of women other than ourselves because only a complete dumbass makes personal information available on an open Internet forum.

As for your intense desire to hide what you apparently consider your overwhelming beauty in order to have your words valued for themselves, I don't know why you bother, since you're obviously incapable of believing that anyone is judging you on anything but your twat, no matter what the circumstances.
We live in a world of rape you fool.

Cat calls are not designed to make you feel pretty, they are designed to make the caller feel manly.

You do realize women are raped every day right?

You do realize that the vast majority of men DON'T rape, and never would under any circumstances, so it's pathological of you to characterize this as "a world of rape" based on the actions of a statistically tiny group of evil people, or view everyday men and their behavior through a prism of hatred and paranoid fear because of it. Do you also see this as a world of child-abusing mothers, just because a (thankfully) statistically small group of women abuse their children?

What a sad, sick, negative way to live your life.
It works fine.

If you want to be flattered by shit that is designed to demean you then that is your problem

perhaps you're not on the same page as ZB. I don't think she's referring to being demeaned or being made uncomfortable. i think she's referring to someone thinking a woman is attractive. That doesn't mean walking around with your boobs hanging out and a skirt that lets people know what color underwear you have on.

but there's nothing wrong with healthy appreciation on either side.

TM doesn't seem to be able to draw a distinction between "looking at a woman that way" - as the original post that got her frothing said, hooting and catcalling, and rape. Just doesn't seem to be much of a sense of perspective or degree in her.
was anything I said about looking?

Why the fuck do you people have to lie about what is said.

When a woman is walking alone in public and a group of men start yelling at her about the size of her tits and the hotness of her ass and what they would do with said body parts there is an element of threat involved.

I challenge you to find it harmless while watching it happen to your 14 year old daughter.

So much concern for the way girls are protrayed on TV and NO FUCKING concern about how people treat each other in real life??

I wish every one of you would experience what I'm talking about personally then you may have a shred of decency.

Actually, the post that initially got your granny panties in a ruffle DID talk about looking, which you immediately interpreted into drooling on the ground and screaming things about private parts.

I'd like to think I taught my daughter more of a sense of proportion and common sense than you seem capable of displaying. It's doubtful I could have taught her LESS.
I am not amazed you think males brains and mouths are not connected making it impossible for them to receive any blame for what comes out of their mouths.

For someone who's been having a screeching bitch fit for pages now about the horrors of being pre-judged and stereotyped by sex, your constant blanket denigrations of all men as stupid, Neanderthal, would-be rapists smack of a large dose of hypocrisy.

On the other hand, the tone to your posts indicates that you lost control of yourself some time ago, and have yet to recover it.
Now heres the point, you dont care about the women at all.

You see them as objects and not human beings.

You just want your johnson touched by someone other than rosie palms.

You are so enlightened about women that you have to pay desperate ones to rub you.

How would you know what I do at the strip club? you been

me physco?:cuckoo:

In TM's world, if you view women as sexually desirable, it is impossible for you to ALSO view them as fellow human beings. The two are mutually exclusive.

She appears to have serious sexual identity issues.
I never mentioned jail did I.

What I did say is I dont like this type of attention.

The con women on here said I should like it and engauge the offenders.

It is my right not to enjoy it dont you think?

Yes strippers are women but they are women who have put themselves in a place to make money from this typeof attention.

They consented huh?

A woman walking down the street ( including 14 year old girls) have not consented to be screamed at with sexual slurs, they are just trying to enjoy their own freedoms.

EZ is a "con woman"?

I'm a "con woman"?

and you wonder why you don't get taken seriously and get called 'truthdoesntmatter'?

No, she doesn't wonder. She's convinced that it's because of sexism. That's the only POSSIBLE reason anyone could ever dislike her or view her with contempt, because as much as she screeches about wanting to be viewed as a person, not just a set of genitals, she herself is incapable of doing so.
Well libo - I don't necessarily agree with your premise, because I think its promoted by greed - not ideology. Sex sells. And as a high school teacher I can assure you that slutty teen clothes are purchased by people of all socioeconomic classes and political afilliations. But I do appreciate your way with words. "Slutting up the children " may now become a USMB classic!

you appreciate his way with words? for real??

i think he sounds unhinged. *shrug*

and for the record, studies show that it's rightwingers who watch the reality TV garbage. so it may be being sold by "lefties" but it's being bought by "righties"

Liberals and Conservatives watch different TV : Aaron Krager

The "reality TV garbage," you are referencing from the article seems to be White Collar, Pawn Stars and American Chopper. Which of these involve "slutting up children?"

Frankly, I'm not certain what you guys are talking about: Can anyone give a link that would give an example of whatever the OP is talking about? I don't really consider a show about pregnate teens on MTV an example of, "Teen Female Sexualization."
She chooses to coopperate with assholes and I choose not to.

Listen to your stupid self telling me I should LIKE being screamed at in public about my girl parts.

Its like telling a rape victim to just lie back and enjoy the fucking.

Good grief you are one vulgar woman. How do you even think of this trash you post? :puke3:

Here is what you're missing.

Yes I am a trash talking chick on the internet.

1. I never talk like that in public while doing business.

2. I know where it is appropriate.

I was hoping some of the males here would do the same.

On this site people talk trash all day long NO?

I am not the only one.

With my personal friends we talk like that for fucking fun.

Do you understand the differance between business and casual interaction?

The same what, exactly? Just doing #1 & #2 would make us all a bunch of girls!

Boys like girls and that's not going to change anytime soon. You don't like unwelcome advances and I get that - but I'm old and careful. When I was young and stupid I made some advances that were unwelcome and I'll fess up to making some girls cry along the way, mostly in elementary school. When a boy learns how to tell which girls he can and which girls he can't, fuck with, he should write a book because it's still beyond men..... like I said, we're pretty stupid with pretty much everything except the plumbing.

We are passionate about servicing the plumbing. :salute:

It's hard enough for a nice guy to get laid..... do you really think the wolf whistlers EVER get a true date with that shtick? Trust me. The boys will change or the men will masturbate.

If you don't want you're plumbing serviced, that's your right and I for one will defend a woman's right to self service her plumbing as long as there's ink in my typewriter ribbon. Some girls, on the other hand, like to get their plumbing serviced and we're all looking for her - you can't blame a guy for asking. That's a major difference*... girls sometimes want a hand with the plumbing and boys will ALWAYS prefer a hand that isn't theirs if a blow-job is out of the question.

Grown up men who prefer grown up women prefer a relationship with one woman that they don't have to chase because she likes getting caught occasionally.

It'll be different after high school.

* Only a fool believes men and women aren't just a little bit different. Hooray for that little difference! :eusa_dance:

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Well libo - I don't necessarily agree with your premise, because I think its promoted by greed - not ideology. Sex sells. And as a high school teacher I can assure you that slutty teen clothes are purchased by people of all socioeconomic classes and political afilliations. But I do appreciate your way with words. "Slutting up the children " may now become a USMB classic!

you appreciate his way with words? for real??

i think he sounds unhinged. *shrug*

and for the record, studies show that it's rightwingers who watch the reality TV garbage. so it may be being sold by "lefties" but it's being bought by "righties"

Liberals and Conservatives watch different TV : Aaron Krager

The "reality TV garbage," you are referencing from the article seems to be White Collar, Pawn Stars and American Chopper. Which of these involve "slutting up children?"

Frankly, I'm not certain what you guys are talking about: Can anyone give a link that would give an example of whatever the OP is talking about? I don't really consider a show about pregnate teens on MTV an example of, "Teen Female Sexualization."

One of the examples given were two females making out on a bed in Glee. The scene was gratuitious and unnecessary. The girls are not lesbians. They were just "experimenting" I suppose. It won't stop me from watching the show, but it was a bit over the top. I think there's something particularly sleezy about men wanting to see two HETEROSEXUAL women in bed together. Esp. if they're supposed to be 16.
Oh and Samson - I think "16 and Pregnant" is an excellent show for kids. They do NOT glamorize teen pregnancy at all.
you appreciate his way with words? for real??

i think he sounds unhinged. *shrug*

and for the record, studies show that it's rightwingers who watch the reality TV garbage. so it may be being sold by "lefties" but it's being bought by "righties"

Liberals and Conservatives watch different TV : Aaron Krager

The "reality TV garbage," you are referencing from the article seems to be White Collar, Pawn Stars and American Chopper. Which of these involve "slutting up children?"

Frankly, I'm not certain what you guys are talking about: Can anyone give a link that would give an example of whatever the OP is talking about? I don't really consider a show about pregnate teens on MTV an example of, "Teen Female Sexualization."

One of the examples given were two females making out on a bed in Glee. The scene was gratuitious and unnecessary. The girls are not lesbians. They were just "experimenting" I suppose. It won't stop me from watching the show, but it was a bit over the top. I think there's something particularly sleezy about men wanting to see two HETEROSEXUAL women in bed together. Esp. if they're supposed to be 16.

^ ^ ^ And that's why I won't let my 13 year old watch it.

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