A Study of Teen Female Sexualization on Primetime TV

Men who molest women with cat calls, woman who are doing nothing but walking down the street, I mean, ought to be horsewhipped or otherwise publically humiliated..

Men who don't understand the difference between making advances that are appropriate to the situation and those that are an insult make life harder for every man, and every woman, too.

i don't think i said the behavior was appropriate. it just isn't worth getting apoplectic over.
Saying what you believe is not being a drama queen.

Telling people to enjoy what they dont enjoy is being a drama queen.

Does your mother enjoy being treated like this?
Er.. TM, no one is missing the fact that you clearly have an emotional issue with this. You have some type of derangement which causes you great anger and irrationality. You have a victim mentality about it that either tells me you have been victimized (and if you were, I'm sorry about that) or just have a deep-seated anger and hatred of men.

I don't think anyone misses that at all.

Now, we aren't talking about someone breaking the law and pawing an unwilling woman... we're talking about catcalls. You want to know what normal women do when a guy whistles or catcalls?

you smile and you keep walking or you ignore them ... you don't lose your freaking ever-loving mind.... because just cause some guy is classless, doesn't mean you should throw yourself into a tizzy...

that's what lunatics do... react irrationally to stimuli.

I beg to most respectfully differ on this point.

The occasional "tizzy" is healthy, IMHO: You get to blow off steam, and you keep the people around you on their toes. We need to be reminded occasionally to tread carefully through our culture of hidden emotional landmines.

i suppose there's always a need for drama queens.

but i'd kind of like to see them rooted in some basic agreed-upon reality.

You mean, like writing grammatically correct sentences?

You have pretty high expectations.
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These women are "bothered" "feel" harassed, think they are being followed( I like that one)."Hello police, I think these men whp are whistling at me are now walking off their contruction site and following me....Please stop them. In fact there are two of them in my apartment right now." One says she can't go to her gym in the mornings because she has to walk by a construction site.....Take a fuckin cab!!!!
Look sweetie pie, there is no law that says we have the right to not be "bothered"..
If you want to live in a vacuum, don't go out.
When people stop being people we have robots.
If you don't like what someone says, ignore it and move on.
DO you really think you stand a snowball's chance of getting some kind of thought/speech police to prevent you from being "bothered"...
Harassment free zones...Are you fucking kidding me?!!!!.Ok, so you're in one of these so-called harassment free zones and you "feel" harassed. By the time you call a cop you are out of the zone and the alleged harasser is long gone. Just who do you think is going to enforce such a ridiculous idea?
Jesus H Christ. Grow a thicker skin.

If it bothered me I'd ignore it and skulk away, hurriedly race walking down the street to get away before my brain exploded from being offended. Peachy if that works for you. Me? I join in, have some laughs . . . bit of a wink and a nod type thing. And get this, I walk away with my sensibilities intact!

But TM? She will never hear me.

^ ^ ^ People are even saying to ignore it, which is what you do. Where am I saying to engage them, as I do? Liar, liar, liar.

Truthmatters is a fucking liar and nothing will change that fact. She is a Truthmangler.

These women are "bothered" "feel" harassed, think they are being followed( I like that one)."Hello police, I think these men whp are whistling at me are now walking off their contruction site and following me....Please stop them. In fact there are two of them in my apartment right now." One says she can't go to her gym in the mornings because she has to walk by a construction site.....Take a fuckin cab!!!!
Look sweetie pie, there is no law that says we have the right to not be "bothered"..
If you want to live in a vacuum, don't go out.
When people stop being people we have robots.
If you don't like what someone says, ignore it and move on.
DO you really think you stand a snowball's chance of getting some kind of thought/speech police to prevent you from being "bothered"...
Harassment free zones...Are you fucking kidding me?!!!!.Ok, so you're in one of these so-called harassment free zones and you "feel" harassed. By the time you call a cop you are out of the zone and the alleged harasser is long gone. Just who do you think is going to enforce such a ridiculous idea?
Jesus H Christ. Grow a thicker skin.

If it bothered me I'd ignore it and skulk away, hurriedly race walking down the street to get away before my brain exploded from being offended. Peachy if that works for you. Me? I join in, have some laughs . . . bit of a wink and a nod type thing. And get this, I walk away with my sensibilities intact!

But TM? She will never hear me.

^ ^ ^ People are even saying to ignore it, which is what you do. Where am I saying to engage them, as I do? Liar, liar, liar.

Truthmatters is a fucking liar and nothing will change that fact. She is a Truthmangler.


I just think shes a psychotic.
Why not try to act like a civilized human being and quit making your fucking inability to control you lower brain obvious to the person on the street you are ogliing.

What many of you men dont realize is the women (yes even the little girls) are aware of what you are doing because you make asses out of yourself doing it.
Women and girls do the same thing. They just start doing it at a younger age because they reach puberty faster.
I never got offended when cat called, I always just laughed and winked backed. TM, you take things way too seriously; lighten up and get over yourself.

I think you forgot what you said earlier ZB

I take it too seriously ?

I ignore it completedly.

I dont like it.

Nothing you say will make me like it.

Where did I say you had to like it? Again, you put words in my mouth.

I am allowed NOT TO LIKE IT

No one ever said you weren't so stop lying and saying that they are.
It's the Liberal/Progressive way. Your average Liberal/Progressive Parent really is an ignorant fucking degenerate. They are responsible for the sexualization of our American Children. TV only reflects the viewpoints of the Liberal/Progressive assholes who run the TV Networks. They're turning the children into dirty sluts at younger & younger ages. I know what i'm saying is a bit blunt,but it is the truth. The stupid Liberals/Progressives are responsible for this child abuse. It's very sad.
It's the Liberal/Progressive way. Your average Liberal/Progressive Parent really is an ignorant fucking degenerate. They are responsible for the sexualization of our American Children. TV only reflects the viewpoints of the Liberal/Progressive assholes who run the TV Networks. They're turning the children into dirty sluts at younger & younger ages. I know what i'm saying is a bit blunt,but it is the truth. The stupid Liberals/Progressives are responsible for this child abuse. It's very sad.

So liberals are responsible for teen girls acting like sluts?
It's the Liberal/Progressive way. Your average Liberal/Progressive Parent really is an ignorant fucking degenerate. They are responsible for the sexualization of our American Children. TV only reflects the viewpoints of the Liberal/Progressive assholes who run the TV Networks. They're turning the children into dirty sluts at younger & younger ages. I know what i'm saying is a bit blunt,but it is the truth. The stupid Liberals/Progressives are responsible for this child abuse. It's very sad.

So liberals are responsible for teen girls acting like sluts?

Libocatroll is the Right Wing Nutter side of Truth Matters.

The right wing are just as ashamed of him as the left is of TM.
It's the Liberal/Progressive way. Your average Liberal/Progressive Parent really is an ignorant fucking degenerate. They are responsible for the sexualization of our American Children. TV only reflects the viewpoints of the Liberal/Progressive assholes who run the TV Networks. They're turning the children into dirty sluts at younger & younger ages. I know what i'm saying is a bit blunt,but it is the truth. The stupid Liberals/Progressives are responsible for this child abuse. It's very sad.

So liberals are responsible for teen girls acting like sluts?

Libocatroll is the Right Wing Nutter side of Truth Matters.

The right wing are just as ashamed of him as the left is of TM.

From my experience most teenage girls rebel against what their parents want from them and do things to go against the grain, I have seen Pastors daughters dressed like strippers at the club during the weekend, you can't be so quick to blame the parents because alot of the time the parents did their job, different things happen along the way to make a teenage girl act that way.
I take it too seriously ?

I ignore it completedly.

I dont like it.

Nothing you say will make me like it.

Where did I say you had to like it? Again, you put words in my mouth.

I am allowed NOT TO LIKE IT

No one ever said you weren't so stop lying and saying that they are.

Actually I did tell her she has to like it.

That's on you then. I never have and she implies that I did. She's a liar.

eta: she made her claim before your statement. She's a proven liar.
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It's the Liberal/Progressive way. Your average Liberal/Progressive Parent really is an ignorant fucking degenerate. They are responsible for the sexualization of our American Children. TV only reflects the viewpoints of the Liberal/Progressive assholes who run the TV Networks. They're turning the children into dirty sluts at younger & younger ages. I know what i'm saying is a bit blunt,but it is the truth. The stupid Liberals/Progressives are responsible for this child abuse. It's very sad.

So liberals are responsible for teen girls acting like sluts?

Yes. Those who create the shows and run the TV Networks are Liberals/Progressives. They are responsible for slutting-up these children at younger & younger ages. And parents who are Liberals/Progressives promote this kind of child abuse as well. Liberal/Progressive parents try to come off as being superior and enlightened but in reality they're just ignorant degenerates. The Media and especially TV only reflect the warped Liberal/Progressive mentality. Slutting-up the children is something they truly believe in. It is very sad but it is what it is.
If those in the Media and those who create TV Shows weren't Liberals/Progressives,you wouldn't see this obsession with Slutting-up the children like you see now. It's just their degeneracy. They really can't help themselves. I blame the Media but i also blame Liberal/Progressive parents who buy the products and promote this child abuse. Liberals/Progressives like to sneer at Family Values but that's just a symptom of their ignorant degeneracy disease. First they brought us the 'Dumbing-Down of America' and now they're bringing us the 'Slutting-Up of American Children.' Wake up America. Family Values is exactly what we need at this point.
It's the Liberal/Progressive way. Your average Liberal/Progressive Parent really is an ignorant fucking degenerate. They are responsible for the sexualization of our American Children. TV only reflects the viewpoints of the Liberal/Progressive assholes who run the TV Networks. They're turning the children into dirty sluts at younger & younger ages. I know what i'm saying is a bit blunt,but it is the truth. The stupid Liberals/Progressives are responsible for this child abuse. It's very sad.

So liberals are responsible for teen girls acting like sluts?

Yes. Those who create the shows and run the TV Networks are Liberals/Progressives. They are responsible for slutting-up these children at younger & younger ages. And parents who are Liberals/Progressives promote this kind of child abuse as well. Liberal/Progressive parents try to come off as being superior and enlightened but in reality they're just ignorant degenerates. The Media and especially TV only reflect the warped Liberal/Progressive mentality. Slutting-up the children is something they truly believe in. It is very sad but it is what it is.

But how does it help anyone agenda to slut up the children?
High Gravity, don't bother trying to discuss anything with the troll. He'll just keep repeating himself over and over and over, saying the same thing. He's not rational enough to debate anything, he's kinda like a bot.

So liberals are responsible for teen girls acting like sluts?

Yes. Those who create the shows and run the TV Networks are Liberals/Progressives. They are responsible for slutting-up these children at younger & younger ages. And parents who are Liberals/Progressives promote this kind of child abuse as well. Liberal/Progressive parents try to come off as being superior and enlightened but in reality they're just ignorant degenerates. The Media and especially TV only reflect the warped Liberal/Progressive mentality. Slutting-up the children is something they truly believe in. It is very sad but it is what it is.

But how does it help anyone agenda to slut up the children?

Millions of stupid Americans are watching these shows and buying their products no? So obviously there are enough morons out there who do enjoy this Slutting-up of American children. If you buy a Barbie Doll dressed up like a Rap Video Slut than you're contributing to Slutting-up your own child. If you buy their products,you're only making things worse. Just look closely at who creates these shows. They are created by Liberals/Progressives. And people sit around wondering why there are so many insane pervs in this country. The lines are all being blurred. When you see an eight year old little girl dressed up like a Rap Video Slut,you know there is something very wrong. Liberals/Progressives love to sneer at Family Values but maybe they should reconsider that warped mentality? Something to think about i guess.
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In fact the good folks at MTV just created a show promoting Teen Pregnancy called '16 and Pregnant.' Just more Dumbing-Down of America and Slutting-Up of American Children brought to us by the "Enlightened" Liberals/Progressives. :(
In fact the good folks at MTV just created a show promoting Teen Pregnancy called '16 and Pregnant.' Just more Dumbing-Down of America and Slutting-Up of American Children brought to us by the "Enlightened" Liberals/Progressives. :(

Well that show was started to try and showing the ramifications of teen pregnancy but I see your point, I have heard reports of girls getting pregnant on purpose just to be on the show. It needs to be cancelled.

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