A Study of Teen Female Sexualization on Primetime TV

you appreciate his way with words? for real??

i think he sounds unhinged. *shrug*

and for the record, studies show that it's rightwingers who watch the reality TV garbage. so it may be being sold by "lefties" but it's being bought by "righties"

Liberals and Conservatives watch different TV : Aaron Krager

The "reality TV garbage," you are referencing from the article seems to be White Collar, Pawn Stars and American Chopper. Which of these involve "slutting up children?"

Frankly, I'm not certain what you guys are talking about: Can anyone give a link that would give an example of whatever the OP is talking about? I don't really consider a show about pregnate teens on MTV an example of, "Teen Female Sexualization."

One of the examples given were two females making out on a bed in Glee. The scene was gratuitious and unnecessary. The girls are not lesbians. They were just "experimenting" I suppose. It won't stop me from watching the show, but it was a bit over the top. I think there's something particularly sleezy about men wanting to see two HETEROSEXUAL women in bed together. Esp. if they're supposed to be 16.

I think men want to see 2 women in bed together regardless of their sexuality, but the part about those 2 girls being 16 is sleazy, I have heard of Glee but never watched it, what is the point of that show?
Good grief you are one vulgar woman. How do you even think of this trash you post? :puke3:

Here is what you're missing.

Yes I am a trash talking chick on the internet.

1. I never talk like that in public while doing business.

2. I know where it is appropriate.

I was hoping some of the males here would do the same.

On this site people talk trash all day long NO?

I am not the only one.

With my personal friends we talk like that for fucking fun.

Do you understand the differance between business and casual interaction?

The same what, exactly? Just doing #1 & #2 would make us all a bunch of girls!

Boys like girls and that's not going to change anytime soon. You don't like unwelcome advances and I get that - but I'm old and careful. When I was young and stupid I made some advances that were unwelcome and I'll fess up to making some girls cry along the way, mostly in elementary school. When a boy learns how to tell which girls he can and which girls he can't, fuck with, he should write a book because it's still beyond men..... like I said, we're pretty stupid with pretty much everything except the plumbing.

We are passionate about servicing the plumbing. :salute:

It's hard enough for a nice guy to get laid..... do you really think the wolf whistlers EVER get a true date with that shtick? Trust me. The boys will change or the men will masturbate.

If you don't want you're plumbing serviced, that's your right and I for one will defend a woman's right to self service her plumbing as long as there's ink in my typewriter ribbon. Some girls, on the other hand, like to get their plumbing serviced and we're all looking for her - you can't blame a guy for asking. That's a major difference*... girls sometimes want a hand with the plumbing and boys will ALWAYS prefer a hand that isn't theirs if a blow-job is out of the question.

Grown up men who prefer grown up women prefer a relationship with one woman that they don't have to chase because she likes getting caught occasionally.

It'll be different after high school.

* Only a fool believes men and women aren't just a little bit different. Hooray for that little difference! :eusa_dance:


I LOVE men, men are my family and my best friends.

I love them and believe they are intelligent and capable people.

I think they are very capable of learning , hense my responses on this thread.

In my experience the harrassment I have recieved in my lifetime was NOT intended to make me feel pretty.

They were aimed at making me feel vulnerable in public.

Its completely different to flirt with a woman then it is to scream from a car "god damned look at the titties on that one'.

Some how to the people here who hate my politics think I am insane for not liking that treatment and chasing after the car asking for more of it from the screamers?

They would not ask that of any woman they care about like say a Mom or Grandma or daughter but they always require completely insane shit from me due to my politics.
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Here is what you're missing.

Yes I am a trash talking chick on the internet.

1. I never talk like that in public while doing business.

2. I know where it is appropriate.

I was hoping some of the males here would do the same.

On this site people talk trash all day long NO?

I am not the only one.

With my personal friends we talk like that for fucking fun.

Do you understand the differance between business and casual interaction?

The same what, exactly? Just doing #1 & #2 would make us all a bunch of girls!

Boys like girls and that's not going to change anytime soon. You don't like unwelcome advances and I get that - but I'm old and careful. When I was young and stupid I made some advances that were unwelcome and I'll fess up to making some girls cry along the way, mostly in elementary school. When a boy learns how to tell which girls he can and which girls he can't, fuck with, he should write a book because it's still beyond men..... like I said, we're pretty stupid with pretty much everything except the plumbing.

We are passionate about servicing the plumbing. :salute:

It's hard enough for a nice guy to get laid..... do you really think the wolf whistlers EVER get a true date with that shtick? Trust me. The boys will change or the men will masturbate.

If you don't want you're plumbing serviced, that's your right and I for one will defend a woman's right to self service her plumbing as long as there's ink in my typewriter ribbon. Some girls, on the other hand, like to get their plumbing serviced and we're all looking for her - you can't blame a guy for asking. That's a major difference*... girls sometimes want a hand with the plumbing and boys will ALWAYS prefer a hand that isn't theirs if a blow-job is out of the question.

Grown up men who prefer grown up women prefer a relationship with one woman that they don't have to chase because she likes getting caught occasionally.

It'll be different after high school.

* Only a fool believes men and women aren't just a little bit different. Hooray for that little difference! :eusa_dance:


I LOVE men, men are my family and my best friends.

I love them and believe they are intelligent and capable people.

I think they are very capable of learning , hense my responses on this thread.

In my experience the harrassment I have recieved in my lifetime was NOT intended to make me feel pretty.

They were aimed at making me feel vulnerable in public.

Its completely different to flirt with a woman then it is to scream from a car "god damned look at the titties on that one'.

Some how to the people here who hate my politics think I am insane for not liking that treatment and chasing after the car asking for more of it from the screamers?

They would not ask that of any woman they care about like say a Mom or Grandma or daughter but they always require completely insane shit from me due to my politics.

Capable of learning? You just voided your previous statements with this. You make men sound like monkeys or dogs or something.

My response would have been 'they're real and they're spectacular!'

Well libo - I don't necessarily agree with your premise, because I think its promoted by greed - not ideology. Sex sells. And as a high school teacher I can assure you that slutty teen clothes are purchased by people of all socioeconomic classes and political afilliations. But I do appreciate your way with words. "Slutting up the children " may now become a USMB classic!

You're right,it's not only about ideology. It is about cash too. If a parent purchases that Barbie Doll dressed as a Rap Video Slut,then they're contributing to the Slutting-Up of their own child. That's why i brought up Family Values. The 'Enlightened" Liberals/Progressives love to sneer at Family Values but they really are very important. You don't have to watch their shows and purchase their products. You can bring dignity and self-respect to your own home. You don't have to buy into their Dumbing-Down of America or their Slutting-Up of American Children. You do have a choice. And thanks for the kind words Chanel.
"their" commercials?


this is corporations making and running these commercials.

They are who YOU fight for
Look closely at who creates these shows & movies sexualizing Children and you will quickly see that they're all created by "Enlightened" Liberals/Progressives. I assure you none are created by Conservatives. See who their creators,writers,producers,and directors are. You wont find any Conservatives there. They're all self-professed "Enlightened" Liberals/Progressives. It's all about Slutting-Up the kids for them. Apparently it's a new and enormous market. It's the final frontier in perverting and Dumbing-Down America. Time to target the children now. It really is very sad. So throw away that Sesame Street and give the kids that stupid slut Lady Gaga instead. WTG America! Keep up the good work. :(
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This thread is now hysterical, in a sad way.

Truthmatters on one side, and Librocaltroll on the other, both sounding like batshit crazy broken records.

They are both Coo-Coo for Coconuts. :cuckoo:

Unsubscribing. :eusa_hand:
This thread is now hysterical, in a sad way.

Truthmatters on one side, and Librocaltroll on the other, both sounding like batshit crazy broken records.

They are both Coo-Coo for Coconuts. :cuckoo:

Unsubscribing. :eusa_hand:

Obviously I disagree. lol! My posts are actually quite sane & accurate. Read em some more and than think some more. You might be surprised how sane & accurate i am. But then again,maybe not. But you know what they say about opinions right? :)
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"their" commercials?


this is corporations making and running these commercials.

They are who YOU fight for

Yes, because supporting capitalism and objecting to treating American businesses like the golden goose that we're slowly killing to try to get the eggs inside MUST mean that we think everything any of them ever do is always right. Much the same way that you - apparently - hang out in disgusting slums and assume that all men are exactly like the handful of bad apples you encounter there. Although actually, I suspect the only slum you're encountering these evil would-be rapists in is your own diseased mind.

Either way, what is it I keep saying about you in regard to a complete and utter lack of perspective and proportion?
Here is what you're missing.

Yes I am a trash talking chick on the internet.

1. I never talk like that in public while doing business.

2. I know where it is appropriate.

I was hoping some of the males here would do the same.

On this site people talk trash all day long NO?

I am not the only one.

With my personal friends we talk like that for fucking fun.

Do you understand the differance between business and casual interaction?

The same what, exactly? Just doing #1 & #2 would make us all a bunch of girls!

Boys like girls and that's not going to change anytime soon. You don't like unwelcome advances and I get that - but I'm old and careful. When I was young and stupid I made some advances that were unwelcome and I'll fess up to making some girls cry along the way, mostly in elementary school. When a boy learns how to tell which girls he can and which girls he can't, fuck with, he should write a book because it's still beyond men..... like I said, we're pretty stupid with pretty much everything except the plumbing.

We are passionate about servicing the plumbing. :salute:

It's hard enough for a nice guy to get laid..... do you really think the wolf whistlers EVER get a true date with that shtick? Trust me. The boys will change or the men will masturbate.

If you don't want you're plumbing serviced, that's your right and I for one will defend a woman's right to self service her plumbing as long as there's ink in my typewriter ribbon. Some girls, on the other hand, like to get their plumbing serviced and we're all looking for her - you can't blame a guy for asking. That's a major difference*... girls sometimes want a hand with the plumbing and boys will ALWAYS prefer a hand that isn't theirs if a blow-job is out of the question.

Grown up men who prefer grown up women prefer a relationship with one woman that they don't have to chase because she likes getting caught occasionally.

It'll be different after high school.

* Only a fool believes men and women aren't just a little bit different. Hooray for that little difference! :eusa_dance:


I LOVE men, men are my family and my best friends.

I love them and believe they are intelligent and capable people.

I think they are very capable of learning , hense my responses on this thread.

In my experience the harrassment I have recieved in my lifetime was NOT intended to make me feel pretty.

They were aimed at making me feel vulnerable in public.

Its completely different to flirt with a woman then it is to scream from a car "god damned look at the titties on that one'.

Some how to the people here who hate my politics think I am insane for not liking that treatment and chasing after the car asking for more of it from the screamers?

They would not ask that of any woman they care about like say a Mom or Grandma or daughter but they always require completely insane shit from me due to my politics.

Excellent! I was worried about ya. You seemed angry..... Hug?

Angry women freak me out. They can have their fun side to be certain, but I'm a 'fixer' and one hard rule to life is that one and only one is the attitude a human truly has control over.

I made a long distance call or two in my youth. :eusa_think:

I'm jealous of you young'uns..... e-mail must :rock:!!
I LOVE men, men are my family and my best friends.

I love them and believe they are intelligent and capable people.

I think they are very capable of learning , hense my responses on this thread.

In my experience the harrassment I have recieved in my lifetime was NOT intended to make me feel pretty.

They were aimed at making me feel vulnerable in public.

Its completely different to flirt with a woman then it is to scream from a car "god damned look at the titties on that one'.

Some how to the people here who hate my politics think I am insane for not liking that treatment and chasing after the car asking for more of it from the screamers?

They would not ask that of any woman they care about like say a Mom or Grandma or daughter but they always require completely insane shit from me due to my politics.

Look TM, I don't really know you and you don't really know me but we're making contact here. I'm telling you straight up - in a public situation, if I felt like I could help a sister out of a 'difficult situation' I'd step to the plate in a heartbeat if asked to. I'm also a friendly mutt who doesn't hesitate asking folks if they need a hand if it looks like they're havin' a bad day.

There's a LOT of guys out there just like me who would help if asked. Girls too. Girls :rock:

If you have some guy asking you to show him your b:boobies:bies, it's only because 1.) he wants to see them & 2.) some girls, when asked, will show boobies and more if asked nicely, and legislating wants and attitudes is not difficult - it's im-fucking-possible, so you can't blame a guy for asking.

If you ever come across some clown who doesn't understand when 'no' means 'no', ask for help... you'd be surprised what can happen when 'the public' turns into people.

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The same what, exactly? Just doing #1 & #2 would make us all a bunch of girls!

Boys like girls and that's not going to change anytime soon. You don't like unwelcome advances and I get that - but I'm old and careful. When I was young and stupid I made some advances that were unwelcome and I'll fess up to making some girls cry along the way, mostly in elementary school. When a boy learns how to tell which girls he can and which girls he can't, fuck with, he should write a book because it's still beyond men..... like I said, we're pretty stupid with pretty much everything except the plumbing.

We are passionate about servicing the plumbing. :salute:

It's hard enough for a nice guy to get laid..... do you really think the wolf whistlers EVER get a true date with that shtick? Trust me. The boys will change or the men will masturbate.

If you don't want you're plumbing serviced, that's your right and I for one will defend a woman's right to self service her plumbing as long as there's ink in my typewriter ribbon. Some girls, on the other hand, like to get their plumbing serviced and we're all looking for her - you can't blame a guy for asking. That's a major difference*... girls sometimes want a hand with the plumbing and boys will ALWAYS prefer a hand that isn't theirs if a blow-job is out of the question.

Grown up men who prefer grown up women prefer a relationship with one woman that they don't have to chase because she likes getting caught occasionally.

It'll be different after high school.

* Only a fool believes men and women aren't just a little bit different. Hooray for that little difference! :eusa_dance:


I LOVE men, men are my family and my best friends.

I love them and believe they are intelligent and capable people.

I think they are very capable of learning , hense my responses on this thread.

In my experience the harrassment I have recieved in my lifetime was NOT intended to make me feel pretty.

They were aimed at making me feel vulnerable in public.

Its completely different to flirt with a woman then it is to scream from a car "god damned look at the titties on that one'.

Some how to the people here who hate my politics think I am insane for not liking that treatment and chasing after the car asking for more of it from the screamers?

They would not ask that of any woman they care about like say a Mom or Grandma or daughter but they always require completely insane shit from me due to my politics.

Capable of learning? You just voided your previous statements with this. You make men sound like monkeys or dogs or something.

My response would have been 'they're real and they're spectacular!'


'Liar' is extreme.

Perhaps 'Extremist'. But aren't we all over certain issues?​
This thread is now hysterical, in a sad way.

Truthmatters on one side, and Librocaltroll on the other, both sounding like batshit crazy broken records.

They are both Coo-Coo for Coconuts. :cuckoo:

Unsubscribing. :eusa_hand:

Obviously I disagree. lol! My posts are actually quite sane & accurate. Read em so more and than think some more. You might be surprised how sane & accurate i am. But then again,maybe not. But you know what they say about opinions right? :)

Average saying: "Sanity and accuracy do NOT relieve a writers responsibility to be other than boring."
"According to a new study conducted by the Parents Television Council (PTC)"

That's all I need to know before I can dismiss the entire study.

Seriously it's done by a political group with an agenda that just so happened to be supported by the study they made.

It's like a tobacco company conducting a study that says the dangers of smoking are overrated.
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And to comment on truthmatters ... well I haven't seen a good meltdown here in a long time.

Yes TM all men secretly want to rape every woman we find attractive, that cat call is just there to mark our targets to other men.

In fact

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I really don't know what to tell you, you keep mentioning police and groups of men. I think you are greatly exageratting your stories, do you want all men who look at a woman or cat call to be thrown in jail? I can tell you this in some parts of the country you go there are large groups of people from Mexico and Latin America, in those countries the legal age of consent in 14 and in their eyes they see a 14 year old girl as a legit sexual conquest, I'm not saying I agree but that is the case for them.

I never mentioned jail did I.

What I did say is I dont like this type of attention.

The con women on here said I should like it and engauge the offenders.

It is my right not to enjoy it dont you think?

Yes strippers are women but they are women who have put themselves in a place to make money from this typeof attention.

They consented huh?

A woman walking down the street ( including 14 year old girls) have not consented to be screamed at with sexual slurs, they are just trying to enjoy their own freedoms.

I really don't know what to tell you, I have been around a while and been in some pretty bad areas, but I have never seen a 14 year old girl screamed at by a pack of men like you say, but if this were to happen would I agree with it? no. If you don't like the attention of men, thats up to you also. But, this is a free society, and with a free society you have risks that come with it. If you don't like men cat calling you, dress conservatily or wear one of the burkas that I posted in the other page of this thread.

They shouldn't have to do that, they should just be able to tell them to knock it off. If they don't listen then uh... not sure what you should do.

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