A Summer Snowstorm Forecast For Montana, but it is Merely Weather....


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Yeah, dont think that this somehow proves that Global Warming is horseshit or in a pause.

It is merely weather.

Snow forecast for Montana, parts of Idaho and Wyoming this weekend - East Idaho News

A winter storm warning has been issued for much of southern Montana this weekend.

The National Weather Service reports some 8 to 14 inches of snow is possible above 7,000 feet. Officials say travel in high country could be difficult and tree and power line damage is possible.

Lighter snow or rain and high winds are predicted at slightly lower elevations of 6,500 feet, according to the NWS. Snowfall rates will peak Friday and will gradually end Saturday.
You see winter storm warnings during the summer are just a random thing, they happen all the time.

Nothing to see here, just weather.
It regularly drops to below freezing in Wyoming in early September. Been doing it for, like, ever.
Yeah, dont think that this somehow proves that Global Warming is horseshit or in a pause.

It is merely weather.

Snow forecast for Montana, parts of Idaho and Wyoming this weekend - East Idaho News

A winter storm warning has been issued for much of southern Montana this weekend.

The National Weather Service reports some 8 to 14 inches of snow is possible above 7,000 feet. Officials say travel in high country could be difficult and tree and power line damage is possible.

Lighter snow or rain and high winds are predicted at slightly lower elevations of 6,500 feet, according to the NWS. Snowfall rates will peak Friday and will gradually end Saturday.
You see winter storm warnings during the summer are just a random thing, they happen all the time.

Nothing to see here, just weather.

God I hate global warming, Ummm no, global cooling, ahhhh shoot.............

Change! Yeah, that covers everything,

I hate global climate change!
Maybe the hot weather on the west coast along with a migrating equatorial heat in the gulf of mexico has caused the center of the USA to become colder with all the accumulated moisture.
The Rules are well understood by now:

1) When it is too cold, that's just Weather;

2) When it is too hot, that's Global Warming;

3) When its too cold for a long period of time (like the last the last 15 years or so) that's Climate Change;

4) Climate Change is just as bad as Global Warming, and both are caused by the same people---Republicans;

5) A Weatherman or Climatologist, or any other "Expert" who doesn't find Global Warming or Climate Change in every Weather event will starve to death;

6) A Weatherman or Climatologist, or any other "Expert", who does find Global Warming or Climate Change in every Weather event will get grants from the EPA and donations from Hollywood, and may get to star in a Al Gore Movie---if it makes Al Gore another billion dollars.
Meteorological autumn begins September 1. It's now fall in Wyoming.

I was taking your comment as a sarcastic snark, but seriously, it does present a very interesting mystery to me.

The differences in meteorological seasons and astronomical ones are explained here.

Meteorological Versus Astronomical Summer—What’s the Difference? | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) formerly known as National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)


The Astronomical use of the highest point of the sun's apparent movement on the horizon is used as the BEGINNING of the Astronomical season, and not its mid point. I realize that there is a delay in the transfer of heat, both gained and lost, but why set it at its apex instead of its geometric ascent? Spring and Autumn are transitioning seasons toward the direction of the suns traversal on the horizon, but over two thirds of a meteorological seasons after the suns path has changed direction.

It seems that Astronomical seasons should be the midpoints of their transitional phases, not of their climax or equinox. But this stuff was set up way back when all they used was the naked eye lining up along lines literally set in stone structures, lol.
This person who lives in Montana thinks the snow winter warnings in Montana are entirely early, 60 days too early.

Montana Snow About 60 Days Early - Ice Age Now

Montana Snow About 60 Days Early
By Chet Walker

I live south of Missoula, Montana, in the Sapphire & Bitterroot Mountains at 3,500 ft; in the area being discussed, and we haven’t been getting snow like this for several years. Our hunting seasons have been without snow quite regularly and last year we didn’t get ANY snow until the last few days of the season in late November. However the winter snow sticks around here until early August at higher altitude (6,000 ft+).

So, it’s about 60 days early, and with this the bow hunters might stop complaining about terrible tracking conditions without SNOW. Animals leave tell-tale tracks in the snow to follow their movements.

The real change has been the temperature and seasonal shift. What used to take several weeks to change from blistering hot to a cooler fall season has turned into an OVERNIGHT event. Even with hot days (80s & 90s), the nights are dropping into the mid to low forties. This summer has been like the Sahara and then overnight NOW it’s cold-drizzly-wet old London, and then our next day is followed by northern Norway. We could turn around of course and go back to the Sahara for a couple of weeks, but if the snow sticks and keeps advancing down the mountainsides then the shift to winter will have deleted our having any FALL season.​

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