A Swamp Monster Examined


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This gal is the epitome of a Swamp Monster, but she is far from the worst of them I am sure.

Report: Businesses Tied to McCaskill's Husband Get $131 Million in Federal Subsidies | Breitbart

Businesses with ties to Sen. Claire McCaskill’s (D-MO) husband have received $131 million in federal government subsidies since McCaskill’s election to the Senate in 2007, according to a report released Tuesday.
The Kansas City Star reported that McCaskill’s husband, Joseph Shepard, had personal income from investments in federally-funded housing projects receiving money from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) that grew exponentially after McCaskill took office in 2007.

In 2006, the year before McCaskill became a senator, McCaskill’s husband reported making between $1,608 and $16,731 from these investments. In 2017, five years into McCaskill’s second Senate term, Shepard reported earning between $365,374 and $1,118,158 in personal income from his investments.
This gal is the epitome of a Swamp Monster, but she is far from the worst of them I am sure.

Report: Businesses Tied to McCaskill's Husband Get $131 Million in Federal Subsidies | Breitbart

Businesses with ties to Sen. Claire McCaskill’s (D-MO) husband have received $131 million in federal government subsidies since McCaskill’s election to the Senate in 2007, according to a report released Tuesday.
The Kansas City Star reported that McCaskill’s husband, Joseph Shepard, had personal income from investments in federally-funded housing projects receiving money from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) that grew exponentially after McCaskill took office in 2007.

In 2006, the year before McCaskill became a senator, McCaskill’s husband reported making between $1,608 and $16,731 from these investments. In 2017, five years into McCaskill’s second Senate term, Shepard reported earning between $365,374 and $1,118,158 in personal income from his investments.
I thought this was going to be another thread on Hillary. Close enough.
This gal is the epitome of a Swamp Monster, but she is far from the worst of them I am sure.

Report: Businesses Tied to McCaskill's Husband Get $131 Million in Federal Subsidies | Breitbart

Businesses with ties to Sen. Claire McCaskill’s (D-MO) husband have received $131 million in federal government subsidies since McCaskill’s election to the Senate in 2007, according to a report released Tuesday.
The Kansas City Star reported that McCaskill’s husband, Joseph Shepard, had personal income from investments in federally-funded housing projects receiving money from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) that grew exponentially after McCaskill took office in 2007.

In 2006, the year before McCaskill became a senator, McCaskill’s husband reported making between $1,608 and $16,731 from these investments. In 2017, five years into McCaskill’s second Senate term, Shepard reported earning between $365,374 and $1,118,158 in personal income from his investments.
I thought this was going to be another thread on Hillary. Close enough.
Oh my...why would you think that?
Geesus, another deflection thread from the most corrupt and compromised Administration in history. Deal with the fact that your man, Trump, is a corrupt POS and has turned the White House into a Hell House.

Notwithstanding the link is to Breitbart trash, here is a quote from the link:

"There is no direct evidence that McCaskill is influencing her husband’s investments. McCaskill does not sit on Senate committees that have oversight over USDA or HUD..."

This is nothing but deflection.
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Geesus, another deflection thread from the most corrupt and compromised Administration in history. Deal with the fact that your man, Trump, is a corrupt POS and has turned the White House into a Hell House.

Notwithstanding the link is to Breitbart trash, here is a quote from the link:

"There is no direct evidence that McCaskill is influencing her husband’s investments. McCaskill does not sit on Senate committees that have oversight over USDA or HUD..."

This is nothing but deflection.
Just made the POTUS apologists pack sand but that will not deter them from defending their Orange Jack the Gripper.
Nice to know someone on the inside.

I can assure you she did not have sex with that man nor did she know what other people are doing.
'In like Flynn' has a history.

That actually connotates sodomy.

Well, he was more of a heterosexual predator, but the connotation as I understand it, is a person who is so wealthy and connected that they can get away with anything

Errol Flynn - Wikipedia
In late 1942, two under-age girls, Betty Hansen and Peggy Satterlee, accused Flynn of statutory rape[41] at the Bel Air home of Flynn's friend Frederick McEvoy, and on board Flynn's yacht Sirocco, respectively.[42] The scandal received immense press attention. Many of Flynn's fans founded organisations to publicly protest the accusation. One such group, the American Boys' Club for the Defense of Errol Flynn—ABCDEF—accumulated a substantial membership that included William F. Buckley Jr.[43]

The trial took place in late January and early February 1943; Flynn's attorney, Jerry Giesler, impugned the accusers' character and morals, and accused them of numerous indiscretions, including affairs with married men and, in Satterlee's case, an abortion (which was illegal at the time).[44] He noted that the two girls, who said they did not know each other, filed their complaints within days of each other, although the episodes allegedly took place more than a year apart. He implied that the girls had cooperated with prosecutors in hopes of avoiding prosecution themselves.[45] Flynn was acquitted, but the trial's widespread coverage and lurid overtones permanently damaged his carefully cultivated screen image as an idealised romantic leading player.​
Geesus, another deflection thread from the most corrupt and compromised Administration in history. Deal with the fact that your man, Trump, is a corrupt POS and has turned the White House into a Hell House.
so we can't talk about other things that happen.
you're fucking pathetic.
Anyone who does not stay on the libtard narrative of the day is subject to firing squads, lol
Geesus, another deflection thread from the most corrupt and compromised Administration in history. Deal with the fact that your man, Trump, is a corrupt POS and has turned the White House into a Hell House.
so we can't talk about other things that happen.
you're fucking pathetic.
Anyone who does not stay on the libtard narrative of the day is subject to firing squads, lol

Today I think it's "The Orange Jack the Gripper"

^The best one yet? :abgg2q.jpg: I laughed.
This gal is the epitome of a Swamp Monster, but she is far from the worst of them I am sure.

Report: Businesses Tied to McCaskill's Husband Get $131 Million in Federal Subsidies | Breitbart

Businesses with ties to Sen. Claire McCaskill’s (D-MO) husband have received $131 million in federal government subsidies since McCaskill’s election to the Senate in 2007, according to a report released Tuesday.
The Kansas City Star reported that McCaskill’s husband, Joseph Shepard, had personal income from investments in federally-funded housing projects receiving money from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) that grew exponentially after McCaskill took office in 2007.

In 2006, the year before McCaskill became a senator, McCaskill’s husband reported making between $1,608 and $16,731 from these investments. In 2017, five years into McCaskill’s second Senate term, Shepard reported earning between $365,374 and $1,118,158 in personal income from his investments.

Oh isn't McCaskill the first senator to have had a hack attempt by the Russians for this 2018 election season??

We have the first documented case of Russian hacking in the 2018 election
Interesting, The Daily Beast is reporting today that she got phished "by the Russians."

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