A transgender teen used the girls’ locker room. Now her community is up in arms.

A sensitive issue is dragged into the gutter by homophobes.

Congrats you are the most disgusting people on earth.
But wait, how can anyone opposing the imposition imposed on all the girls be considered homophobic? Aren't homophobes' angst directed against homosexuals? Yet you argue that this individual is "female". How can anyone opposed be homophobic?
As ignorant and bigoted as you want to be, the school followed the law.
Your hate is not going to change that.

The student have to get used to her or they can find a private school.

The law is not going to change because of a few students are intolerant. Maybe if the students sit down with her and the school board and staff some compromise like a screen can be used.
Ah here comes the name-calling. If you disagree with the PC thought police you are a hater and an intolerant bigot. lol

Do you really think high school guys who dress up like girls should be allowed to ogle naked young women?! Do you think these young women should be forced to comply with this sort of government dictate?

It is not boy dressing up as a girl to catch a peek at the girls. She lives her life as a girl. She has been doing this for almost five years. This is who she is, a girl.

Why does she care what the other girls look like, that is not her interest. Doctors, parents and school board agreed to the designation. The law says she must be treated as a girl.

Anything else is breaking the law.

The kids that are so intolerant they cannot accept her should find another school. The whole school did not walk out for two hours, not even her whole senior call. There were some 150 people protesting. I don't even know if they were all students or all girls.

It dose not matter. The law says she is to be treated as a girl and that is what the school did.

Actually he was gay before and just started pretending to be a girl this year.

Wow you are so caring. To hell with the 150, they should be ok with this. So to make one boy feel more comfortable you are ok with making 150 and parents uncomfortable. Sorry that is not being a caring person. That is being a selfish asshole.

Again what law are you referencing?

And a gay is somehow a danger to girls in a locker room? It was easier to pretend to be gay for simplicity but she is a senior and wants to graduate as a girl and begin the rest of her life as a girl.
She had to go through all the evaluation since she was 13 and ask this last year to be herself and graduate as a boy.
The school board agreed and followed the law to recognize her as a girl.
She is no threat to the girl. She just wants to be treated as a girl so she can begin her lie after school as herself.
Gay or TG, she is not attacked to girl, she identifies as one.
Why does she have to pretend to be a gay boy? School has to accept her.

The school board followed the law.

Time for you to accept it.
Oh, my, a Freudian slip? Seems it has been trying to live its lie already.
Because lesbians are still physically female. A TG "girl" is not. Lesbians do not tend to make other women/girls feel uncomfortable. TG "girls", unless they have undergone the appropriate surgical mutilation, are still males.

Even with the mutilation, that doesn't make him female.

A guy with his dick cut off isn't a girl; he's just a guy with his dick cut off. And even after such a mutilation, he still has no business going into a girls' locker room.
A sensitive issue is dragged into the gutter by homophobes.

Congrats you are the most disgusting people on earth.

The 150 girls who don't want a boy in the locker room are homophobes? Think the disgusting one is you.
A sensitive issue is dragged into the gutter by homophobes.

Congrats you are the most disgusting people on earth.

What now the Man made climate change cult don't want to use science/biology ?

Its not being a homophobe .

Its being real quit fucking picking and choosing a man can never be a woman and woman can never be a man.
A sensitive issue is dragged into the gutter by homophobes.

Congrats you are the most disgusting people on earth.

What now the Man made climate change cult don't want to use science/biology ?

Its not being a homophobe .

Its being real quit fucking picking and choosing a man can never be a woman and woman can never be a man.

Not to mention we are trying to keep a boy out of the girls locker room. That is hetero.
Because lesbians are still physically female. A TG "girl" is not. Lesbians do not tend to make other women/girls feel uncomfortable. TG "girls", unless they have undergone the appropriate surgical mutilation, are still males.

Even with the mutilation, that doesn't make him female.

A guy with his dick cut off isn't a girl; he's just a guy with his dick cut off. And even after such a mutilation, he still has no business going into a girls' locker room.
I fully agree, I misspoke. No amount of self mutilation will change it's genetics.
As ignorant and bigoted as you want to be, the school followed the law.
Your hate is not going to change that.

The student have to get used to her or they can find a private school.

The law is not going to change because of a few students are intolerant. Maybe if the students sit down with her and the school board and staff some compromise like a screen can be used.
Ah here comes the name-calling. If you disagree with the PC thought police you are a hater and an intolerant bigot. lol

Do you really think high school guys who dress up like girls should be allowed to ogle naked young women?! Do you think these young women should be forced to comply with this sort of government dictate?

It is not boy dressing up as a girl to catch a peek at the girls. She lives her life as a girl. She has been doing this for almost five years. This is who she is, a girl.

Why does she care what the other girls look like, that is not her interest. Doctors, parents and school board agreed to the designation. The law says she must be treated as a girl.

Anything else is breaking the law.

The kids that are so intolerant they cannot accept her should find another school. The whole school did not walk out for two hours, not even her whole senior call. There were some 150 people protesting. I don't even know if they were all students or all girls.

It dose not matter. The law says she is to be treated as a girl and that is what the school did.

Actually he was gay before and just started pretending to be a girl this year.

Wow you are so caring. To hell with the 150, they should be ok with this. So to make one boy feel more comfortable you are ok with making 150 and parents uncomfortable. Sorry that is not being a caring person. That is being a selfish asshole.

Again what law are you referencing?

And a gay is somehow a danger to girls in a locker room? It was easier to pretend to be gay for simplicity but she is a senior and wants to graduate as a girl and begin the rest of her life as a girl.
She had to go through all the evaluation since she was 13 and ask this last year to be herself and graduate as a boy.
The school board agreed and followed the law to recognize her as a girl.
She is no threat to the girl. She just wants to be treated as a girl so she can begin her lie after school as herself.
Gay or TG, she is not attacked to girl, she identifies as one.
Why does she have to pretend to be a gay boy? School has to accept her.

The school board followed the law.

Time for you to accept it.

So you let one boy in the girls locker room to make him comfortable while making 150 girls uncomfortable. Why do you not care about the real girls? You aren't caring at all.

There is no law. Stop pretending there is.

She is a TG girl
Transgender people face alarmingly high risk of suicide

Suicide attempts are alarmingly common among transgender individuals such as Lampe; 41% try to kill themselves at some point in their lives, compared with 4.6% of the general public.

41%? It should be child abuse for any adult to promote this with children.

People, like so many on this forum, won't accept them and abuse them.

They are people trapped in the wrong body. They are not a threat to anyone, they just want to be accepted, beginning with the use of the proper pronouns. Lily is a girl, a TG girl, but she just wants to be treated as a girl.
Legally she is entitled to that right. The school did the right thing.

Why would anyone go through what she has since a child just to peek at the girls in the locker room.
It makes no sense. She fully believes she is a girl. She wants to be treated as a girl. That is what her brain has been telling her, her whole life.
She is a girl. Legally she has the same rights as a girl.
He is mentally ill. The illness is called gender dysphoria. Most people grow out of it.

It is the same as body integrity dysphoria where people see themselves without arms and legs.
Ah here comes the name-calling. If you disagree with the PC thought police you are a hater and an intolerant bigot. lol

Do you really think high school guys who dress up like girls should be allowed to ogle naked young women?! Do you think these young women should be forced to comply with this sort of government dictate?

It is not boy dressing up as a girl to catch a peek at the girls. She lives her life as a girl. She has been doing this for almost five years. This is who she is, a girl.

Why does she care what the other girls look like, that is not her interest. Doctors, parents and school board agreed to the designation. The law says she must be treated as a girl.

Anything else is breaking the law.

The kids that are so intolerant they cannot accept her should find another school. The whole school did not walk out for two hours, not even her whole senior call. There were some 150 people protesting. I don't even know if they were all students or all girls.

It dose not matter. The law says she is to be treated as a girl and that is what the school did.

Actually he was gay before and just started pretending to be a girl this year.

Wow you are so caring. To hell with the 150, they should be ok with this. So to make one boy feel more comfortable you are ok with making 150 and parents uncomfortable. Sorry that is not being a caring person. That is being a selfish asshole.

Again what law are you referencing?

And a gay is somehow a danger to girls in a locker room? It was easier to pretend to be gay for simplicity but she is a senior and wants to graduate as a girl and begin the rest of her life as a girl.
She had to go through all the evaluation since she was 13 and ask this last year to be herself and graduate as a boy.
The school board agreed and followed the law to recognize her as a girl.
She is no threat to the girl. She just wants to be treated as a girl so she can begin her lie after school as herself.
Gay or TG, she is not attacked to girl, she identifies as one.
Why does she have to pretend to be a gay boy? School has to accept her.

The school board followed the law.

Time for you to accept it.

So you let one boy in the girls locker room to make him comfortable while making 150 girls uncomfortable. Why do you not care about the real girls? You aren't caring at all.

There is no law. Stop pretending there is.

She is a TG girl

So a boy if you aren't insane. And all the girls in that locker room can clearly see a boy.
She is a TG girl
You're doing the equivalent of chanting and rubbing prayer beads. Over and over.

No one hurt? How about all the transgenders that go on to kill themselves when they discover it wasn't the real source of their problems. That's why Johns Hopkins stopped, it's a big price to pay so jerkoffs like you can feel morally superior.
Transgender people face alarmingly high risk of suicide

Suicide attempts are alarmingly common among transgender individuals such as Lampe; 41% try to kill themselves at some point in their lives, compared with 4.6% of the general public.

41%? It should be child abuse for any adult to promote this with children.

People, like so many on this forum, won't accept them and abuse them.

They are people trapped in the wrong body. They are not a threat to anyone, they just want to be accepted, beginning with the use of the proper pronouns. Lily is a girl, a TG girl, but she just wants to be treated as a girl.
Legally she is entitled to that right. The school did the right thing.

Why would anyone go through what she has since a child just to peek at the girls in the locker room.
It makes no sense. She fully believes she is a girl. She wants to be treated as a girl. That is what her brain has been telling her, her whole life.
She is a girl. Legally she has the same rights as a girl.

Legally? It appears as though judges are ruling against it actually. So no a boy does not legally get to go in the girls locker room.

If he wants to be accepted than he probably shouldn't go in the girls locker room pissing off all the girls. That's a stupid way to try to be accepted.

If he would look between his legs it would be clear he is boy. Nothing will ever change that.
So a girl cuts her hair short and puts on jeans and a T-shirt and says she's a boy, then heads into the boy's locker room and strips down naked... now what do you think is going to happen there? How long will it be before she's either molested or accosted?

Boys are boys and girls and girls, no matter how they want to play dress up or keep their hair. This calling a boy a girl or a girl a boy just because they play dress up is absolutely ASININE.

People suffering from gender identity dysfunction need psychiatric help, not coddling. It's a mental illness, not something cute or something to be encouraged.
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So a girl cuts her hair short and puts on jeans and a T-shirt and says she's a boy, then heads into the boy's locker room and strips down naked... now what do you think is going to happen there? How long will it be before she's either molested or accosted?

Boys are boys and girls and girls, no matter how they want to play dress up or keep their hair. This calling a boy a girl or a girl a boy just because they play dress up is absolutely ASININE.

People suffering from gender identity dysfunction need psychiatric help, not coddling. It's a mental illness, not something cute or something to be encouraged.

Even without some sort of assault it will make many boys uncomfortable. This sort of thing is just not appropriate for children.
So a girl cuts her hair short and puts on jeans and a T-shirt and says she's a boy, then heads into the boy's locker room and strips down naked... now what do you think is going to happen there? How long will it be before she's either molested or accosted?

Boys are boys and girls and girls, no matter how they want to play dress up or keep their hair. This calling a boy a girl or a girl a boy just because they play dress up is absolutely ASININE.

People suffering from gender identity dysfunction need psychiatric help, not coddling. It's a mental illness, not something cute or something to be encouraged.

Even without some sort of assault it will make many boys uncomfortable. This sort of thing is just not appropriate for children.
It's the bat shit crazy far left, once again, teaching young impressionable minds that mentally ill perversions are to be accepted, and it's wrong, everything about it is wrong, period.

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