A transgender teen used the girls’ locker room. Now her community is up in arms.

No not really. The child identified as a female because that is what her brain chemistry kept telling her from birth.
Nonsense. Johns Hopkins no longer does transgender operations and recognizes it as a mental disorder. The gender determines brain function to a degree, not the other way around.

It is not a mental "disorder" but the brain chemistry makes her a mental female despite what her body looks like. Once the girl and her family have gone through the process to transition, she needs to be treated as a female.

This is not a guy in drag, the is a girl born with the wrong body parts.

If she had a third leg?

If it was a male and female Siamese twins?

This is a girl on hormones in preparation for GRS when she finishes growing.

Legally she is female
Really? So you have no problem with your 13 year old daughter sharing a public restroom with a 50 year old creepy fat guy who thinks he's a woman?

If it was in a location where I though she would be the only female and worried there might be an creeps, I'd go with her. At a school or curtain palaces of business, I raised my kids to walk back out if they were not comfortable any place.
And that is precisely what those 150 girls did in that school.....Gee, 24 pages of you standing in the middle of a crowded room screeching that it is not you who is wrong, every one else is wrong.....
I think you're quite through here.
The rock from under which you crawled, calls you.
No not really. The child identified as a female because that is what her brain chemistry kept telling her from birth.
Nonsense. Johns Hopkins no longer does transgender operations and recognizes it as a mental disorder. The gender determines brain function to a degree, not the other way around.

It is not a mental "disorder" but the brain chemistry makes her a mental female despite what her body looks like. Once the girl and her family have gone through the process to transition, she needs to be treated as a female.

This is not a guy in drag, the is a girl born with the wrong body parts.

If she had a third leg?

If it was a male and female Siamese twins?

This is a girl on hormones in preparation for GRS when she finishes growing.

Legally she is female
Really? So you have no problem with your 13 year old daughter sharing a public restroom with a 50 year old creepy fat guy who thinks he's a woman?
It's OK if it's somebody else's kids.
Lila Perry

Lila...???? his parents knew from birth he was a GIRLIE FAG????
If someone was a hermaphrodite from birth, what locker room would you make it use? The one the person identifies with or one that it does not?

If is was a transgender taking hormones that identified as a boy, where would you put it?
Oh stop reaching..Your argument holds no water. Get lost...

and you are trying to discriminate against her.
School did nothing wrong. There are rules the school must follow for transgender children that is the same across the country. The school was following the law.

Transgenders are not going to go away, nor is the law.
You are a century out of step.

When you are forcing all the REAL girls to be uncomfortable to accommodate one child that is a problem. Those sorts of rules are going to lead to lots of discrimination. Lots of angry students and parents.

All? 10% of the students, that is not all. The other 40 percent of the girls did not protest, or skip classes. We don't even know that all those protesting were even girls, just 150 people.
Students are wrong. They have to get used to it, that will be an issue out in the rest of the real world. Many places have unisex bathrooms. College, work, shopping, they have to get used to transgenders. Whites finally had to accept blacks. TGs have a right to be treated according to their identification not what others want them to be.

Closing your mind is not going to change things. School did what they were supposed to, let her use the girls room
10% is a strong message..
BTW, why are you so adamant about this?
What's in it for you?
You libs never have a strong feeling about anything unless it somehow benefits you.
So what is your game here?

I've had teachers and friends who were gay and when my children were in high school, my home became a haven to kids with family problems. We have had gays and transgender as well as those who tried to commit suicide or used drugs because of family, school and social problems. Some were just about to be runaways.
We were a safe house before social services get involved and while the kids and family try to work out their differences.
My kids would bring them home like stray pets. I could not turn them away to live on the streets. They had sleeping bags or air bed, a good meal and a safe place till they could have a more suitable solution. We made arrangement for social workers and counselors to speak to them. They would still go to school and do their home work with my kids. I would try to give them support and some logic and facts to help them.
Some returned home, some to foster care, while other were emancipated. One sadly did commit suicide after returning home. Some years late, one ended up on the street, became a drug addict and went to jail. One boy went on to become a doctor in the navy.
I've seen the struggles kids go through growing up, and especially growing up "different". They need support while growing up and understanding who and what they are.
I'm against kids being bullies and ostracized.
I did not find out about it till some time later, but my son while in middle school at the beginning of the year, found the school bully and picked a fight with him after school and bested him. The weaker kids then because his friends and he was their protector. I did not approve of his method but did of his heart.
I have been so proud of the way he helps and tries to save others, be it school, during a disaster or from a car accident. Some times I would not know till well after the fact when someone would come to the house to thank him, or the police would not more details of what took place, and thank him for his actions. He would come home like it was just another day and not say a word.

I care about the students that need moral support and understanding. Why shouldn't I?
They are kids struggling to grow up and find themselves.

When my niece ran away from home, I was ready to adopt her, but her grandparents finally agreed to take her in. She eventually came to terms with her parents, but she did not go back home. Her younger sister eventually got mixed up with drugs and dangerous behavior but we were in another state at the time and I was not there to help her. She has been in and out of rehab but is doing well finally.

Someone like Lily is very brave and has a right to be treated as a girl in school. It is also the law.
If it is that much of an issue, the school could find a folding screen for her to take a shower and get dressed. One the underwear is on just changing in and out of clothes should not be so strange.
I'm sure most of the students have seen a brother or father in their underwear. The girls see each other in their bra and panties. I'm sure there are kids with all shapes and sizes or even kids that might have a disability of lost a limb. Should their difference be frightening or offensive?

As seniors, it is time to learn about all types of people and learn to accept them and work with them. In a locker room with all those girls a lesbian is not seen as a threat, so why should Lily?
You don't think someone would try to abuse any girl and the others girls would not stop it?
All those girls against on person? Seems the girls in the locker room are more of the threat to Lily than the other way around.

Kids need to learn to be tolerant with all people, in school and out side in the real world. Discrimination is wrong and they need to learn that. Lily, and all girls like her, have a right to be treated as girls. The school agrees, the law agrees. Time for the student to learn.

"My game" is that I care about others. Does not matter if they are abused, raped, LGBT or anything else. I don't like to see kids hurt or struggling in some way. Why is that wrong?

I've seen too many horrors and even kids that have been killed by their parents or executed because they are different.

Why would I not object to kids here and now that need to be accepted and not rejected by society?
No not really. The child identified as a female because that is what her brain chemistry kept telling her from birth.
Nonsense. Johns Hopkins no longer does transgender operations and recognizes it as a mental disorder. The gender determines brain function to a degree, not the other way around.

It is not a mental "disorder" but the brain chemistry makes her a mental female despite what her body looks like. Once the girl and her family have gone through the process to transition, she needs to be treated as a female.

This is not a guy in drag, the is a girl born with the wrong body parts.

If she had a third leg?

If it was a male and female Siamese twins?

This is a girl on hormones in preparation for GRS when she finishes growing.

Legally she is female
Really? So you have no problem with your 13 year old daughter sharing a public restroom with a 50 year old creepy fat guy who thinks he's a woman?

If it was in a location where I though she would be the only female and worried there might be an creeps, I'd go with her. At a school or curtain palaces of business, I raised my kids to walk back out if they were not comfortable any place.
And that is precisely what those 150 girls did in that school.....Gee, 24 pages of you standing in the middle of a crowded room screeching that it is not you who is wrong, every one else is wrong.....
I think you're quite through here.
The rock from under which you crawled, calls you.

Shame on you for not understanding what Lily is going through and learning to accept her.

You are just inciting hate against those who are different.
Lila Perry

Lila...???? his parents knew from birth he was a GIRLIE FAG????

Probably not his real name.

According to the article, he only started “identifying” as “female” at the age of thirteen. He probably adopted the name “Lila” about that time.

I don't think we've been told what his legal name is, but it is almost certainly a masculine name.
Shame on you for not understanding what Lily is going through and learning to accept her.

No. Shame on you for lionizing madness and evil—for making heroes of sick perverts, and cheering them on as they victimize decent people.

Shame on you.
Shame on you for not understanding what Lily is going through and learning to accept her.

No. Shame on you for lionizing madness and evil—for making heroes of sick perverts, and cheering them on as they victimize decent people.

Shame on you.

Neither sick nor perverts, just people struggling to be themselves and understood by society.
Just people.

Why can't people like you see that?
Shame on you for not understanding what Lily is going through and learning to accept her.

No. Shame on you for lionizing madness and evil—for making heroes of sick perverts, and cheering them on as they victimize decent people.

Shame on you.

Neither sick nor perverts, just people struggling to be themselves and understood by society.
Just people.

Why can't people like you see that?

A boy who thinks he's a girl, and demands to be allowed in the girls' locker room while actual girls are in there undressing.

What's to understand about that. The boy is sick in the head. He needs psychiatric treatment, not indulgence. He needs to have his ass kicked. Hard.

And the girls need to be protected from him. The girls have a right to be protected from him.

What does it say about you, that you support the “right” of a mentally-disordered sex offender to victimize young girls?

Shame on you for taking the side of a sexual predator over that of his intended victims.
Shame on you for not understanding what Lily is going through and learning to accept her.

No. Shame on you for lionizing madness and evil—for making heroes of sick perverts, and cheering them on as they victimize decent people.

Shame on you.

Neither sick nor perverts, just people struggling to be themselves and understood by society.
Just people.

Why can't people like you see that?

Nobody is saying he can't dress like a girl or eventually have surgery if he wants to become some Frankenstein gender. But the other girls at school are not comfortable having a boy in the locker room. And he is a boy, so he should not be in there making ALL the girls uncomfortable. You can't put the interests of 1 ahead of 150.
Oh stop reaching..Your argument holds no water. Get lost...

and you are trying to discriminate against her.
School did nothing wrong. There are rules the school must follow for transgender children that is the same across the country. The school was following the law.

Transgenders are not going to go away, nor is the law.
You are a century out of step.

When you are forcing all the REAL girls to be uncomfortable to accommodate one child that is a problem. Those sorts of rules are going to lead to lots of discrimination. Lots of angry students and parents.

All? 10% of the students, that is not all. The other 40 percent of the girls did not protest, or skip classes. We don't even know that all those protesting were even girls, just 150 people.
Students are wrong. They have to get used to it, that will be an issue out in the rest of the real world. Many places have unisex bathrooms. College, work, shopping, they have to get used to transgenders. Whites finally had to accept blacks. TGs have a right to be treated according to their identification not what others want them to be.

Closing your mind is not going to change things. School did what they were supposed to, let her use the girls room
10% is a strong message..
BTW, why are you so adamant about this?
What's in it for you?
You libs never have a strong feeling about anything unless it somehow benefits you.
So what is your game here?

I've had teachers and friends who were gay and when my children were in high school, my home became a haven to kids with family problems. We have had gays and transgender as well as those who tried to commit suicide or used drugs because of family, school and social problems. Some were just about to be runaways.
We were a safe house before social services get involved and while the kids and family try to work out their differences.
My kids would bring them home like stray pets. I could not turn them away to live on the streets. They had sleeping bags or air bed, a good meal and a safe place till they could have a more suitable solution. We made arrangement for social workers and counselors to speak to them. They would still go to school and do their home work with my kids. I would try to give them support and some logic and facts to help them.
Some returned home, some to foster care, while other were emancipated. One sadly did commit suicide after returning home. Some years late, one ended up on the street, became a drug addict and went to jail. One boy went on to become a doctor in the navy.
I've seen the struggles kids go through growing up, and especially growing up "different". They need support while growing up and understanding who and what they are.
I'm against kids being bullies and ostracized.
I did not find out about it till some time later, but my son while in middle school at the beginning of the year, found the school bully and picked a fight with him after school and bested him. The weaker kids then because his friends and he was their protector. I did not approve of his method but did of his heart.
I have been so proud of the way he helps and tries to save others, be it school, during a disaster or from a car accident. Some times I would not know till well after the fact when someone would come to the house to thank him, or the police would not more details of what took place, and thank him for his actions. He would come home like it was just another day and not say a word.

I care about the students that need moral support and understanding. Why shouldn't I?
They are kids struggling to grow up and find themselves.

When my niece ran away from home, I was ready to adopt her, but her grandparents finally agreed to take her in. She eventually came to terms with her parents, but she did not go back home. Her younger sister eventually got mixed up with drugs and dangerous behavior but we were in another state at the time and I was not there to help her. She has been in and out of rehab but is doing well finally.

Someone like Lily is very brave and has a right to be treated as a girl in school. It is also the law.
If it is that much of an issue, the school could find a folding screen for her to take a shower and get dressed. One the underwear is on just changing in and out of clothes should not be so strange.
I'm sure most of the students have seen a brother or father in their underwear. The girls see each other in their bra and panties. I'm sure there are kids with all shapes and sizes or even kids that might have a disability of lost a limb. Should their difference be frightening or offensive?

As seniors, it is time to learn about all types of people and learn to accept them and work with them. In a locker room with all those girls a lesbian is not seen as a threat, so why should Lily?
You don't think someone would try to abuse any girl and the others girls would not stop it?
All those girls against on person? Seems the girls in the locker room are more of the threat to Lily than the other way around.

Kids need to learn to be tolerant with all people, in school and out side in the real world. Discrimination is wrong and they need to learn that. Lily, and all girls like her, have a right to be treated as girls. The school agrees, the law agrees. Time for the student to learn.

"My game" is that I care about others. Does not matter if they are abused, raped, LGBT or anything else. I don't like to see kids hurt or struggling in some way. Why is that wrong?

I've seen too many horrors and even kids that have been killed by their parents or executed because they are different.

Why would I not object to kids here and now that need to be accepted and not rejected by society?

If you care about others, then care about the 150 girls who were made uncomfortable by this one guy.
Shame on you for not understanding what Lily is going through and learning to accept her.

No. Shame on you for lionizing madness and evil—for making heroes of sick perverts, and cheering them on as they victimize decent people.

Shame on you.

Neither sick nor perverts, just people struggling to be themselves and understood by society.
Just people.

Why can't people like you see that?

A boy who thinks he's a girl, and demands to be allowed in the girls' locker room while actual girls are in there undressing.

What's to understand about that. The boy is sick in the head. He needs psychiatric treatment, not indulgence. He needs to have his ass kicked. Hard.

And the girls need to be protected from him. The girls have a right to be protected from him.

What does it say about you, that you support the “right” of a mentally-disordered sex offender to victimize young girls?

Shame on you for taking the side of a sexual predator over that of his intended victims.

As ignorant and bigoted as you want to be, the school followed the law.
Your hate is not going to change that.

The student have to get used to her or they can find a private school.

The law is not going to change because of a few students are intolerant. Maybe if the students sit down with her and the school board and staff some compromise like a screen can be used.

You can dislike it all you want but it will not force her out of the girls room. She is registered as a transgender girl and must be treated as such.
Shame on you for not understanding what Lily is going through and learning to accept her.

No. Shame on you for lionizing madness and evil—for making heroes of sick perverts, and cheering them on as they victimize decent people.

Shame on you.

Neither sick nor perverts, just people struggling to be themselves and understood by society.
Just people.

Why can't people like you see that?

Nobody is saying he can't dress like a girl or eventually have surgery if he wants to become some Frankenstein gender. But the other girls at school are not comfortable having a boy in the locker room. And he is a boy, so he should not be in there making ALL the girls uncomfortable. You can't put the interests of 1 ahead of 150.

Lily is not a boy. She is a TG girl. Lesbians are not forced out of the locker room, why should a TG girl?
Shame on you for not understanding what Lily is going through and learning to accept her.

No. Shame on you for lionizing madness and evil—for making heroes of sick perverts, and cheering them on as they victimize decent people.

Shame on you.

Neither sick nor perverts, just people struggling to be themselves and understood by society.
Just people.

Why can't people like you see that?

Nobody is saying he can't dress like a girl or eventually have surgery if he wants to become some Frankenstein gender. But the other girls at school are not comfortable having a boy in the locker room. And he is a boy, so he should not be in there making ALL the girls uncomfortable. You can't put the interests of 1 ahead of 150.
Lily is not a boy. She is a TG girl. Lesbians are not forced out of the locker room, why should a TG girl?
...because they have girl parts? No such thing as a TG girl. Repeating retarded beliefs don't make them come true.
Shame on you for not understanding what Lily is going through and learning to accept her.

No. Shame on you for lionizing madness and evil—for making heroes of sick perverts, and cheering them on as they victimize decent people.

Shame on you.

Neither sick nor perverts, just people struggling to be themselves and understood by society.
Just people.

Why can't people like you see that?

A boy who thinks he's a girl, and demands to be allowed in the girls' locker room while actual girls are in there undressing.

What's to understand about that. The boy is sick in the head. He needs psychiatric treatment, not indulgence. He needs to have his ass kicked. Hard.

And the girls need to be protected from him. The girls have a right to be protected from him.

What does it say about you, that you support the “right” of a mentally-disordered sex offender to victimize young girls?

Shame on you for taking the side of a sexual predator over that of his intended victims.

As ignorant and bigoted as you want to be, the school followed the law.
Your hate is not going to change that.

The student have to get used to her or they can find a private school.

The law is not going to change because of a few students are intolerant. Maybe if the students sit down with her and the school board and staff some compromise like a screen can be used.

You can dislike it all you want but it will not force her out of the girls room. She is registered as a transgender girl and must be treated as such.

What law are you talking about? The school board decided it was ok. I suspect they won't do well next election.
Shame on you for not understanding what Lily is going through and learning to accept her.

No. Shame on you for lionizing madness and evil—for making heroes of sick perverts, and cheering them on as they victimize decent people.

Shame on you.

Neither sick nor perverts, just people struggling to be themselves and understood by society.
Just people.

Why can't people like you see that?

Nobody is saying he can't dress like a girl or eventually have surgery if he wants to become some Frankenstein gender. But the other girls at school are not comfortable having a boy in the locker room. And he is a boy, so he should not be in there making ALL the girls uncomfortable. You can't put the interests of 1 ahead of 150.

Lily is not a boy. She is a TG girl. Lesbians are not forced out of the locker room, why should a TG girl?
Sorry but he is obviously a boy. Gender isn't a mental state, it's physical.

Lesbians are girls so they go in the girl locker rooms.

If you care about people why do you put one person above the other 150?
As ignorant and bigoted as you want to be, the school followed the law.
Your hate is not going to change that.

The student have to get used to her or they can find a private school.

The law is not going to change because of a few students are intolerant. Maybe if the students sit down with her and the school board and staff some compromise like a screen can be used.
Ah here comes the name-calling. If you disagree with the PC thought police you are a hater and an intolerant bigot. lol

Do you really think high school guys who dress up like girls should be allowed to ogle naked young women?! Do you think these young women should be forced to comply with this sort of government dictate?
As ignorant and bigoted as you want to be, the school followed the law.
Your hate is not going to change that.

The student have to get used to her or they can find a private school.

The law is not going to change because of a few students are intolerant. Maybe if the students sit down with her and the school board and staff some compromise like a screen can be used.
Ah here comes the name-calling. If you disagree with the PC thought police you are a hater and an intolerant bigot. lol

Do you really think high school guys who dress up like girls should be allowed to ogle naked young women?! Do you think these young women should be forced to comply with this sort of government dictate?

It is not boy dressing up as a girl to catch a peek at the girls. She lives her life as a girl. She has been doing this for almost five years. This is who she is, a girl.

Why does she care what the other girls look like, that is not her interest. Doctors, parents and school board agreed to the designation. The law says she must be treated as a girl.

Anything else is breaking the law.

The kids that are so intolerant they cannot accept her should find another school. The whole school did not walk out for two hours, not even her whole senior call. There were some 150 people protesting. I don't even know if they were all students or all girls.

It dose not matter. The law says she is to be treated as a girl and that is what the school did.
As ignorant and bigoted as you want to be, the school followed the law.
Your hate is not going to change that.

The student have to get used to her or they can find a private school.

The law is not going to change because of a few students are intolerant. Maybe if the students sit down with her and the school board and staff some compromise like a screen can be used.
Ah here comes the name-calling. If you disagree with the PC thought police you are a hater and an intolerant bigot. lol

Do you really think high school guys who dress up like girls should be allowed to ogle naked young women?! Do you think these young women should be forced to comply with this sort of government dictate?

It is not boy dressing up as a girl to catch a peek at the girls. She lives her life as a girl. She has been doing this for almost five years. This is who she is, a girl.

Why does she care what the other girls look like, that is not her interest. Doctors, parents and school board agreed to the designation. The law says she must be treated as a girl.

Anything else is breaking the law.

The kids that are so intolerant they cannot accept her should find another school. The whole school did not walk out for two hours, not even her whole senior call. There were some 150 people protesting. I don't even know if they were all students or all girls.

It dose not matter. The law says she is to be treated as a girl and that is what the school did.

Actually he was gay before and just started pretending to be a girl this year.

Wow you are so caring. To hell with the 150, they should be ok with this. So to make one boy feel more comfortable you are ok with making 150 and parents uncomfortable. Sorry that is not being a caring person. That is being a selfish asshole.

Again what law are you referencing?

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