A transgender teen used the girls’ locker room. Now her community is up in arms.

Really? So you have no problem with your 13 year old daughter sharing a public restroom with a 50 year old creepy fat guy who thinks he's a woman?

And just in case anyone thinks you're being hyperbolic…

Planet Pervert Fitness cancels woman's membership after her complaints of transgender woman in locker room

And in some later articles, more information about the “transgender woman” involved in that incident came out.

Carlotta Sklodowska @sklodowska1982 @CSklodowska @PlanetFitness @HRC @ACLULGBT (USA)


Can anyone imagine why some ladies might have a problem with this creep being in their locker room, while they are undressing?
Really? So you have no problem with your 13 year old daughter sharing a public restroom with a 50 year old creepy fat guy who thinks he's a woman?

And just in case anyone thinks you're being hyperbolic…

Planet Pervert Fitness cancels woman's membership after her complaints of transgender woman in locker room

And in some later articles, more information about the “transgender woman” involved in that incident came out.

Carlotta Sklodowska @sklodowska1982 @CSklodowska @PlanetFitness @HRC @ACLULGBT (USA)

View attachment 49308 View attachment 49310 View attachment 49309

Can anyone imagine why some ladies might have a problem with this creep being in their locker room, while they are undressing?

So this gym accommodated the confused-gendered person's complaint yet cancelled the membership of another who complained about said confused-gendered person being in the same locker room.

This world is so screwed up.
When you are forcing all the REAL girls to be uncomfortable to accommodate one child that is a problem. Those sorts of rules are going to lead to lots of discrimination. Lots of angry students and parents.
Amen to this. When a kid is really bad sick, but goes to school anyways, it isn't going to be the rest of the students who have to leave when they are not the ones who are out numbered.

God bless you always!!!

Will this person get a transported pussy and womb??? Now that would be something to see.

actually, GRS is more of turning the penis inside out, or an out-y to an in-y
In a few years womb transplant might be available for transgender. Right now they are new for woman in certain cases who cannot carry a child.

If men can give birth then some day transgender females might also be able to give birth.
And as soon as it has managed to obtain the requisite surgical mutilation, it should perhaps be permitted to invade facilities provided to real females. Otherwise, it is a mentally perverted male who needs to either accept the reasonable accommodation provided by allowing access to a faculty restroom, or who needs to use the facilities appropriate to the plumbing Nature provided. The natural girls' on whom this aberration has been inflicted should also be respected.
The transgender is in transition. You have to wait for GRS till she finishes growing.
If the kids don't mind and consider her female, why is there so much fuss.
Transgender is not a whim or a gag for a male to get into the girls locker room.
If she is getting counseling, under medical care and on hormones, she identifies as a female.

Time for people to become understanding and stuff their bigotry under the rug. The girl needs friends and support, not hostility and prejudice by ignorant adults
First off HE is not a girl...
Second. "the kids" walked out of school in protest. It is THEIR school and they have decided enough is enough.
Transition? No way. HE is keeping his male parts. HE has an X and a Y chromosome....MALE....
Now, transgender is a cheap way to a sex change. Which by the way is a perfectly acceptable transition from one gender to the other.
If so called transgender people want to be of the other gender,. let them go all the way. Sex change surgery, hormone treatments, the works.
Transgender people think it's possible to "get a little bit pregnant"...Not possible

Adults can do whatever they want. Children however shouldn't be making gender decisions. Adults should not be promoting this fantasy. His parents should be teaching him to love who he is. This just leads to dangerous surgery and higher likelihood of suicide. And he will never be woman.

Kids at 5 or 6 have been identified as transgender. Link was posted in a previous post.

Decisions are made with medical experts and counseling. It is not whim. School board voted to agree to her identification as female and reviewed the law before school started.

School rules say they must treat her as a girl and let her used the girls locker room.

Age 5 Is Not too Early to Learn Your Child Might Be Transgender

School was right and the protesters were wrong

It should be criminal to identify a child as transgender. Children should be taught to love themselves, not that they need dangerous surgery one day.

Children should be accepted for who they are. Lily is female
The transgender is in transition. You have to wait for GRS till she finishes growing.
If the kids don't mind and consider her female, why is there so much fuss.
Transgender is not a whim or a gag for a male to get into the girls locker room.
If she is getting counseling, under medical care and on hormones, she identifies as a female.

Time for people to become understanding and stuff their bigotry under the rug. The girl needs friends and support, not hostility and prejudice by ignorant adults
First off HE is not a girl...
Second. "the kids" walked out of school in protest. It is THEIR school and they have decided enough is enough.
Transition? No way. HE is keeping his male parts. HE has an X and a Y chromosome....MALE....
Now, transgender is a cheap way to a sex change. Which by the way is a perfectly acceptable transition from one gender to the other.
If so called transgender people want to be of the other gender,. let them go all the way. Sex change surgery, hormone treatments, the works.
Transgender people think it's possible to "get a little bit pregnant"...Not possible

Adults can do whatever they want. Children however shouldn't be making gender decisions. Adults should not be promoting this fantasy. His parents should be teaching him to love who he is. This just leads to dangerous surgery and higher likelihood of suicide. And he will never be woman.

Kids at 5 or 6 have been identified as transgender. Link was posted in a previous post.

Decisions are made with medical experts and counseling. It is not whim. School board voted to agree to her identification as female and reviewed the law before school started.

School rules say they must treat her as a girl and let her used the girls locker room.

Age 5 Is Not too Early to Learn Your Child Might Be Transgender

School was right and the protesters were wrong

It should be criminal to identify a child as transgender. Children should be taught to love themselves, not that they need dangerous surgery one day.

Children should be accepted for who they are. Lily is female
"Lily" is not a female. It is a male who wants to pretend it's a female and impose it's delusions on girls.
Really? So you have no problem with your 13 year old daughter sharing a public restroom with a 50 year old creepy fat guy who thinks he's a woman?

And just in case anyone thinks you're being hyperbolic…

Planet Pervert Fitness cancels woman's membership after her complaints of transgender woman in locker room

And in some later articles, more information about the “transgender woman” involved in that incident came out.

Carlotta Sklodowska @sklodowska1982 @CSklodowska @PlanetFitness @HRC @ACLULGBT (USA)

View attachment 49308 View attachment 49310 View attachment 49309

Can anyone imagine why some ladies might have a problem with this creep being in their locker room, while they are undressing?

oh Lordee :(

I would have left the locker room too .... if that creature was inside.

I mean no disrespect

I am only saying how I feel
No not really. The child identified as a female because that is what her brain chemistry kept telling her from birth.
Nonsense. Johns Hopkins no longer does transgender operations and recognizes it as a mental disorder. The gender determines brain function to a degree, not the other way around.

It is not a mental "disorder" but the brain chemistry makes her a mental female despite what her body looks like. Once the girl and her family have gone through the process to transition, she needs to be treated as a female.

This is not a guy in drag, the is a girl born with the wrong body parts.

If she had a third leg?

If it was a male and female Siamese twins?

This is a girl on hormones in preparation for GRS when she finishes growing.

Legally she is female
Really? So you have no problem with your 13 year old daughter sharing a public restroom with a 50 year old creepy fat guy who thinks he's a woman?

If it was in a location where I though she would be the only female and worried there might be an creeps, I'd go with her. At a school or curtain palaces of business, I raised my kids to walk back out if they were not comfortable any place.
Really? So you have no problem with your 13 year old daughter sharing a public restroom with a 50 year old creepy fat guy who thinks he's a woman?

And just in case anyone thinks you're being hyperbolic…

Planet Pervert Fitness cancels woman's membership after her complaints of transgender woman in locker room

And in some later articles, more information about the “transgender woman” involved in that incident came out.

Carlotta Sklodowska @sklodowska1982 @CSklodowska @PlanetFitness @HRC @ACLULGBT (USA)

View attachment 49308 View attachment 49310 View attachment 49309

Can anyone imagine why some ladies might have a problem with this creep being in their locker room, while they are undressing?

Been places where the woman didn't look any better, some much worse. Looks does not make a person bad or improperly motivated.
Many gays work in fashion, clothing stores, or entertainment where they will be around naked or near naked woman. Hetero men might also and they should not all be viewed as a threat. What of man and woman to might have love scenes in a movie? What of all the other people on the set watching?
Why do you think men and woman who are in various states of undress is in some way dangerous?
I'd be more concerned of terrorism than a locker room or bathroom where there are other people around.
No not really. The child identified as a female because that is what her brain chemistry kept telling her from birth.
Nonsense. Johns Hopkins no longer does transgender operations and recognizes it as a mental disorder. The gender determines brain function to a degree, not the other way around.

It is not a mental "disorder" but the brain chemistry makes her a mental female despite what her body looks like. Once the girl and her family have gone through the process to transition, she needs to be treated as a female.

This is not a guy in drag, the is a girl born with the wrong body parts.

If she had a third leg?

If it was a male and female Siamese twins?

This is a girl on hormones in preparation for GRS when she finishes growing.

Legally she is female
Really? So you have no problem with your 13 year old daughter sharing a public restroom with a 50 year old creepy fat guy who thinks he's a woman?

If it was in a location where I though she would be the only female and worried there might be an creeps, I'd go with her. At a school or curtain palaces of business, I raised my kids to walk back out if they were not comfortable any place.
So you would tolerate the possibility of such a scenario. I wouldn't. Most parents wouldn't. There was one time my family was eating at a restaurant. My niece who was about 7 at the time had to use the restroom. She came back crying and visibly shaken. A homeless man had taken up residence in the restroom. I went in there and grabbed him and threw him out of the restaurant myself. Management called the police. My niece continued to suffer night terrors for two months afterward and went to see a therapist.

All this to say, you don't have a clue what you're talking about. Get your head out of your ass and quit advocating stupid shit.
The only bigots are the liberals who are FORCING upon US their immorality. All a normal citizen wanted was to be left alone, but since the bullies of the left cannot be happy unless they are treading upon US, we see time and again, how they push their homosexual behavior constantly. This is all about Government control and as long as people believe in God, and not the government, the government cannot control the masses like they did in the USSR. Shame REAL history isn't being taught in public education anymore, but if it was, then the liberals would be in real trouble, as they were the RACISTS, SEXISTS, and BIGOTS, but lied to get the low information voter to believe otherwise. And the liberals have no shame in their dishonor.

If someone was a hermaphrodite from birth, what locker room would you make it use? The one the person identifies with or one that it does not?

If is was a transgender taking hormones that identified as a boy, where would you put it?
Oh stop reaching..Your argument holds no water. Get lost...

and you are trying to discriminate against her.
School did nothing wrong. There are rules the school must follow for transgender children that is the same across the country. The school was following the law.

Transgenders are not going to go away, nor is the law.
You are a century out of step.

When you are forcing all the REAL girls to be uncomfortable to accommodate one child that is a problem. Those sorts of rules are going to lead to lots of discrimination. Lots of angry students and parents.

All? 10% of the students, that is not all. The other 40 percent of the girls did not protest, or skip classes. We don't even know that all those protesting were even girls, just 150 people.
Students are wrong. They have to get used to it, that will be an issue out in the rest of the real world. Many places have unisex bathrooms. College, work, shopping, they have to get used to transgenders. Whites finally had to accept blacks. TGs have a right to be treated according to their identification not what others want them to be.

Closing your mind is not going to change things. School did what they were supposed to, let her use the girls room
The only bigots are the liberals who are FORCING upon US their immorality. All a normal citizen wanted was to be left alone, but since the bullies of the left cannot be happy unless they are treading upon US, we see time and again, how they push their homosexual behavior constantly. This is all about Government control and as long as people believe in God, and not the government, the government cannot control the masses like they did in the USSR. Shame REAL history isn't being taught in public education anymore, but if it was, then the liberals would be in real trouble, as they were the RACISTS, SEXISTS, and BIGOTS, but lied to get the low information voter to believe otherwise. And the liberals have no shame in their dishonor.

If someone was a hermaphrodite from birth, what locker room would you make it use? The one the person identifies with or one that it does not?

If is was a transgender taking hormones that identified as a boy, where would you put it?
Oh stop reaching..Your argument holds no water. Get lost...

and you are trying to discriminate against her.
School did nothing wrong. There are rules the school must follow for transgender children that is the same across the country. The school was following the law.

Transgenders are not going to go away, nor is the law.
You are a century out of step.

When you are forcing all the REAL girls to be uncomfortable to accommodate one child that is a problem. Those sorts of rules are going to lead to lots of discrimination. Lots of angry students and parents.

All? 10% of the students, that is not all. The other 40 percent of the girls did not protest, or skip classes. We don't even know that all those protesting were even girls, just 150 people.
Students are wrong. They have to get used to it, that will be an issue out in the rest of the real world. Many places have unisex bathrooms. College, work, shopping, they have to get used to transgenders. Whites finally had to accept blacks. TGs have a right to be treated according to their identification not what others want them to be.

Closing your mind is not going to change things. School did what they were supposed to, let her use the girls room
10% is a strong message..
BTW, why are you so adamant about this?
What's in it for you?
You libs never have a strong feeling about anything unless it somehow benefits you.
So what is your game here?
The only bigots are the liberals who are FORCING upon US their immorality. All a normal citizen wanted was to be left alone, but since the bullies of the left cannot be happy unless they are treading upon US, we see time and again, how they push their homosexual behavior constantly. This is all about Government control and as long as people believe in God, and not the government, the government cannot control the masses like they did in the USSR. Shame REAL history isn't being taught in public education anymore, but if it was, then the liberals would be in real trouble, as they were the RACISTS, SEXISTS, and BIGOTS, but lied to get the low information voter to believe otherwise. And the liberals have no shame in their dishonor.

If someone was a hermaphrodite from birth, what locker room would you make it use? The one the person identifies with or one that it does not?

If is was a transgender taking hormones that identified as a boy, where would you put it?
Oh stop reaching..Your argument holds no water. Get lost...

and you are trying to discriminate against her.
School did nothing wrong. There are rules the school must follow for transgender children that is the same across the country. The school was following the law.

Transgenders are not going to go away, nor is the law.
You are a century out of step.

When you are forcing all the REAL girls to be uncomfortable to accommodate one child that is a problem. Those sorts of rules are going to lead to lots of discrimination. Lots of angry students and parents.

All? 10% of the students, that is not all. The other 40 percent of the girls did not protest, or skip classes. We don't even know that all those protesting were even girls, just 150 people.
Students are wrong. They have to get used to it, that will be an issue out in the rest of the real world. Many places have unisex bathrooms. College, work, shopping, they have to get used to transgenders. Whites finally had to accept blacks. TGs have a right to be treated according to their identification not what others want them to be.

Closing your mind is not going to change things. School did what they were supposed to, let her use the girls room
As it appears, that use is a one time event. The girls are not going to tolerate a guy in their room. Period...
Look sweet lumps, an elephant would not be housed in a predator's section at the zoo.
Let this freakizoid undergo sex change surgery. There are no short cuts.....
You're over.
Oh stop reaching..Your argument holds no water. Get lost...

and you are trying to discriminate against her.
School did nothing wrong. There are rules the school must follow for transgender children that is the same across the country. The school was following the law.

Transgenders are not going to go away, nor is the law.
You are a century out of step.

When you are forcing all the REAL girls to be uncomfortable to accommodate one child that is a problem. Those sorts of rules are going to lead to lots of discrimination. Lots of angry students and parents.

All? 10% of the students, that is not all. The other 40 percent of the girls did not protest, or skip classes. We don't even know that all those protesting were even girls, just 150 people.
Students are wrong. They have to get used to it, that will be an issue out in the rest of the real world. Many places have unisex bathrooms. College, work, shopping, they have to get used to transgenders. Whites finally had to accept blacks. TGs have a right to be treated according to their identification not what others want them to be.

Closing your mind is not going to change things. School did what they were supposed to, let her use the girls room

Yes you are making 150 students uncomfortable and unhappy so that one person with a mental disorder can try to be happy. That won't work.


APA Revises Manual: Being Transgender Is No Longer A Mental Disorder
One liberal group's attempt to promote an agenda.
Oh stop reaching..Your argument holds no water. Get lost...

and you are trying to discriminate against her.
School did nothing wrong. There are rules the school must follow for transgender children that is the same across the country. The school was following the law.

Transgenders are not going to go away, nor is the law.
You are a century out of step.

When you are forcing all the REAL girls to be uncomfortable to accommodate one child that is a problem. Those sorts of rules are going to lead to lots of discrimination. Lots of angry students and parents.

All? 10% of the students, that is not all. The other 40 percent of the girls did not protest, or skip classes. We don't even know that all those protesting were even girls, just 150 people.
Students are wrong. They have to get used to it, that will be an issue out in the rest of the real world. Many places have unisex bathrooms. College, work, shopping, they have to get used to transgenders. Whites finally had to accept blacks. TGs have a right to be treated according to their identification not what others want them to be.

Closing your mind is not going to change things. School did what they were supposed to, let her use the girls room

Why is it this guy wants to be in the girls locker room? Certainly this is one place where it will be most obvious he is not a woman. I think it's just a ridiculous attention grab. You don't force your way into the girls locker room if you want to be accepted. This kid has more than one mental disorder.

Law says to treat her as a girl and the school did just that.

When they make the locker rooms unisex will there be protest?

School was follow the rules for transgender students.
No..The law, as you refer to it, does not speak to this phenomenon. And if it did, the issue would eventuially boil down to contemporary community standards. That is, whether or not the members of this community will accept or reject.
This is how we as Americans reject unjust laws. Remember, government works for US. Not the other way around. And in case you did not notice, Justitia STILL wears a blindfold.
Legislatures do not exist for the sole use of special interests. Nor do they exist for your convenience.
Really? So you have no problem with your 13 year old daughter sharing a public restroom with a 50 year old creepy fat guy who thinks he's a woman?

And just in case anyone thinks you're being hyperbolic…

Planet Pervert Fitness cancels woman's membership after her complaints of transgender woman in locker room

And in some later articles, more information about the “transgender woman” involved in that incident came out.

Carlotta Sklodowska @sklodowska1982 @CSklodowska @PlanetFitness @HRC @ACLULGBT (USA)

View attachment 49308 View attachment 49310 View attachment 49309

Can anyone imagine why some ladies might have a problem with this creep being in their locker room, while they are undressing?

Been places where the woman didn't look any better, some much worse. Looks does not make a person bad or improperly motivated.
Many gays work in fashion, clothing stores, or entertainment where they will be around naked or near naked woman. Hetero men might also and they should not all be viewed as a threat. What of man and woman to might have love scenes in a movie? What of all the other people on the set watching?
Why do you think men and woman who are in various states of undress is in some way dangerous?
I'd be more concerned of terrorism than a locker room or bathroom where there are other people around.
Oh please....Stop with the non sequiturs.
BTW, Planet Fitness had to change its policy after it got blasted on social media and the news media.
Guys are not longer allowed in the women's facilities.
Got a question which I have asked and received no response...
Referring to the all female gyms called "Curves". What say you if men decided they were victims of discrimination because Curves would not permit them to become members and use the facilities...
Just answer the question....And do not come back with "that's different"....
When you are forcing all the REAL girls to be uncomfortable to accommodate one child that is a problem. Those sorts of rules are going to lead to lots of discrimination. Lots of angry students and parents.

All? 10% of the students, that is not all. The other 40 percent of the girls did not protest, or skip classes. We don't even know that all those protesting were even girls, just 150 people.
Students are wrong. They have to get used to it, that will be an issue out in the rest of the real world. Many places have unisex bathrooms. College, work, shopping, they have to get used to transgenders. Whites finally had to accept blacks. TGs have a right to be treated according to their identification not what others want them to be.

Closing your mind is not going to change things. School did what they were supposed to, let her use the girls room

Yes you are making 150 students uncomfortable and unhappy so that one person with a mental disorder can try to be happy. That won't work.


APA Revises Manual: Being Transgender Is No Longer A Mental Disorder

Yes the APA clearly has a lot of problems. Next they will say people who believe they are unicorns don't have a mental disorder. Sorry but you don't need to be a psychologist to know when somebody believes they are something that is obviously not true that person is crazy.

and are you crazy for accepting the facts?
for refusing to see the truth of TG?

Go see you psychiatrist

school followed the law
Genius. Transgender is just a term someone made up because no one could define or identify this strange urge to dress up in the clothing of the opposite gender.
This entire transgender thing is about to die on the vine.
We've got much larger fish to fry.
It is only left wing fringe kooks like you who cannot let go of "the cause"....
and are you crazy for accepting the facts?
for refusing to see the truth of TG?

Go see you psychiatrist

The truth is quite clear enough. Male is male, female is female, they are different, they are not interchangeable, and one cannot become the other.

It's a matter of hard biological science.

Yours is the side that refuses to see the plain truth.

The medical side? The legal side? I should instead be on the bigots side?

Even Islam which does not allow homosexuality let people get GRS

Even the bible speak of those who were 'born eunuchs'.
"Bigot"....Here we go....Just because we disagree with and reject the notion of one's ability to simply put on women's clothing and refer to this male as female, that makes us bigots..
Ok, ya know what? We don't care what names you choose to call us.
It has no effect. Male is male. Female is female....
Why is it not okay to have one individual be uncomfortable about which locker room they use but it is okay for everyone else in that locker room to be uncomfortable because of the one individual?
Simple...It is the result of kowtowing to the lowest common denominator.
When you are forcing all the REAL girls to be uncomfortable to accommodate one child that is a problem. Those sorts of rules are going to lead to lots of discrimination. Lots of angry students and parents.

All? 10% of the students, that is not all. The other 40 percent of the girls did not protest, or skip classes. We don't even know that all those protesting were even girls, just 150 people.
Students are wrong. They have to get used to it, that will be an issue out in the rest of the real world. Many places have unisex bathrooms. College, work, shopping, they have to get used to transgenders. Whites finally had to accept blacks. TGs have a right to be treated according to their identification not what others want them to be.

Closing your mind is not going to change things. School did what they were supposed to, let her use the girls room

Why is it this guy wants to be in the girls locker room? Certainly this is one place where it will be most obvious he is not a woman. I think it's just a ridiculous attention grab. You don't force your way into the girls locker room if you want to be accepted. This kid has more than one mental disorder.

Law says to treat her as a girl and the school did just that.

When they make the locker rooms unisex will there be protest?

School was follow the rules for transgender students.

Unisex bathrooms are usually single shooters, you don't have to share them with others.

You don't get out the east or travel to europe much
Hey, sweet pea....If you are so enamored with this shit, move to Europe. There you will comfy with every friggin weirdo who wants to waive his dick in your face
No not really. The child identified as a female because that is what her brain chemistry kept telling her from birth.
Nonsense. Johns Hopkins no longer does transgender operations and recognizes it as a mental disorder. The gender determines brain function to a degree, not the other way around.

It is not a mental "disorder" but the brain chemistry makes her a mental female despite what her body looks like. Once the girl and her family have gone through the process to transition, she needs to be treated as a female.

This is not a guy in drag, the is a girl born with the wrong body parts.

If she had a third leg?

If it was a male and female Siamese twins?

This is a girl on hormones in preparation for GRS when she finishes growing.

Legally she is female
Really? So you have no problem with your 13 year old daughter sharing a public restroom with a 50 year old creepy fat guy who thinks he's a woman?

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