A transgender teen used the girls’ locker room. Now her community is up in arms.

Here's the deal...If a fully functional womb, vagina and breast that work is transplanted onto this person. Well, I'll call them a woman. Deal?

the Vagina needs to be able to have babies.

Better get used to it, transgenders are here to stay.
School followed the rules. Got a problem? Find a country without transgenders to live in.
Here's the deal...If a fully functional womb, vagina and breast that work is transplanted onto this person. Well, I'll call them a woman. Deal?

the Vagina needs to be able to have babies.

Better get used to it, transgenders are here to stay.
School followed the rules. Got a problem? Find a country without transgenders to live in.

The majority won't stand for rules like this. You can't make the majority uncomfortable for one student. Judges have recently ruled against it.
Here's the deal...If a fully functional womb, vagina and breast that work is transplanted onto this person. Well, I'll call them a woman. Deal?

the Vagina needs to be able to have babies.

Better get used to it, transgenders are here to stay.
School followed the rules. Got a problem? Find a country without transgenders to live in.

Every tongue will confess, every knee will bow.

He also reported on a new study showing that the suicide rate among transgendered people who had reassignment surgery is 20 times higher than the suicide rate among non-transgender people.

If I'd pay 50,000 dollars for a doctor to cut off my dick, turn it inside out and shove it up into my gut I'd want to put a bullet in my head to.
No not really. The child identified as a female because that is what her brain chemistry kept telling her from birth.
Nonsense. Johns Hopkins no longer does transgender operations and recognizes it as a mental disorder. The gender determines brain function to a degree, not the other way around.

It is not a mental "disorder" but the brain chemistry makes her a mental female despite what her body looks like. Once the girl and her family have gone through the process to transition, she needs to be treated as a female.

This is not a guy in drag, the is a girl born with the wrong body parts.

If she had a third leg?

If it was a male and female Siamese twins?

This is a girl on hormones in preparation for GRS when she finishes growing.

Legally she is female
It is not a mental "disorder" but the brain chemistry makes her a mental female despite what her body looks like. Once the girl and her family have gone through the process to transition, she needs to be treated as a female.

This is not a guy in drag, the is a girl born with the wrong body parts.

If she had a third leg?

If it was a male and female Siamese twins?

This is a girl on hormones in preparation for GRS when she finishes growing.

Legally she is female
Brain chemistry that is lacking in reason, is a "MENTAL DISORDER", you libtards have tried to change the wording and be PC so much, that you don't know truth from lies, you have been so brainwashed. XY chromosomes, means MALE. XX chromosomes, means FEMALE. Cant change the DNA, only the package, but inside you are still who you are. Bunch of dumbasses who vote dumbocrat.
So, explain XX males and XY females? We have both: XX male syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now what, hot shit?

OMG! What drugs are you doing! It's gotta balls-n-sticks....it's a MALE. Unless it's unwilling to undergo the surgery to render it otherwise viable, it's still a "HE". It's a guy who decides he looks better in girls' clothing. Otherwise, it goes to the boys bathroom. Anything else is a freak and a pervert.
Both extremely rare and in no way a viable explanation for currently popular excuses for multiple mental disorders as described as "normal".

Not any more. Lily is female and the school did what they should by allowing her to use the girls locker room.
Have you noticed you're the only one here defending this nonsense?

Defending the rules, the law? Defending a TG girl from being picked on by adults who should know better? Defending the medical and psychological community?
The bigoted ignorants assholes posting don't want to understand that she is not male. She is not a pervert trying to get a sneaky peek at the girls.
With the evidence presented the school agreed that she was TG and they are following the rules for TG students.
What is there not to defend? She has rights and the school is giving them to her.

If you don't understand what TG is, not my fault, I gave you links to read and learn. You have the problem, so you have to get over it.

School followed the law.
Nonsense. Johns Hopkins no longer does transgender operations and recognizes it as a mental disorder. The gender determines brain function to a degree, not the other way around.

It is not a mental "disorder" but the brain chemistry makes her a mental female despite what her body looks like. Once the girl and her family have gone through the process to transition, she needs to be treated as a female.

This is not a guy in drag, the is a girl born with the wrong body parts.

If she had a third leg?

If it was a male and female Siamese twins?

This is a girl on hormones in preparation for GRS when she finishes growing.

Legally she is female
Brain chemistry that is lacking in reason, is a "MENTAL DISORDER", you libtards have tried to change the wording and be PC so much, that you don't know truth from lies, you have been so brainwashed. XY chromosomes, means MALE. XX chromosomes, means FEMALE. Cant change the DNA, only the package, but inside you are still who you are. Bunch of dumbasses who vote dumbocrat.
So, explain XX males and XY females? We have both: XX male syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now what, hot shit?

OMG! What drugs are you doing! It's gotta balls-n-sticks....it's a MALE. Unless it's unwilling to undergo the surgery to render it otherwise viable, it's still a "HE". It's a guy who decides he looks better in girls' clothing. Otherwise, it goes to the boys bathroom. Anything else is a freak and a pervert.
Both extremely rare and in no way a viable explanation for currently popular excuses for multiple mental disorders as described as "normal".

Not any more. Lily is female and the school did what they should by allowing her to use the girls locker room.
Have you noticed you're the only one here defending this nonsense?

Defending the rules, the law? Defending a TG girl from being picked on by adults who should know better? Defending the medical and psychological community?
The bigoted ignorants assholes posting don't want to understand that she is not male. She is not a pervert trying to get a sneaky peek at the girls.
With the evidence presented the school agreed that she was TG and they are following the rules for TG students.
What is there not to defend? She has rights and the school is giving them to her.

If you don't understand what TG is, not my fault, I gave you links to read and learn. You have the problem, so you have to get over it.

School followed the law.

Gender is physical and easy to determine. He is not a girl.
Damn I'm so freaking tired of all these transgenders. I want them to see burning in hell. Just stop all those perversions, I can't even imagine what happens next. First transgenders, then transanimals and other trans things....
Wear a dress, tell people I'm a girl, and have unfettered access to all the chicks in the girls locker room in high school. It's brilliant, why the hell didn't I think of that?

I think the ass beatings might be a downside.
Why do you think he wants the girls' locker room?? The boys are already kicking his ass as a freak. He's hoping the girls will be more forgiving.

That was pretty much my point.
Anybody see transgender reporters in the liberal media or trans actors on pop T.V. or even commercials? No way. The people who are responsible for viewers are well aware that the majority of Americans do not want to see a freakazoid on T.V. So why does the democrat/liberal cabal think that teenage girls should accept a freak with a dick in their locker room? Is there something missing in the liberal DNA?
He also reported on a new study showing that the suicide rate among transgendered people who had reassignment surgery is 20 times higher than the suicide rate among non-transgender people.

If I'd pay 50,000 dollars for a doctor to cut off my dick, turn it inside out and shove it up into my gut I'd want to put a bullet in my head to.

For transgenders, it is that important to them.

This is not a whim. They is seriously what they are.
For a hetero it would seem crazy but for them is making them who they are inside.

There is a lot for them to go through before they ever get close to surgery. It is long process for them. Lots of doctors.

This is get dressed in drag for fun, this is their life.

There are link in previous posts and plenty on the net to read and become more knowledgeable about TG or GD.

This is not a game or a trick for them. They firmly believe they were born with the wrong body parts. At the point when doctors agree the process of change begins.

When the school agreed they abide by the rules.

It is what it is. Lily is transgender and she has to be allowed to use the girls rooms
"A transgender teen used the girls’ locker room. Now her community is up in arms."


"It's community is up in arms"...
Anybody see transgender reporters in the liberal media or trans actors on pop T.V. or even commercials? No way. The people who are responsible for viewers are well aware that the majority of Americans do not want to see a freakazoid on T.V. So why does the democrat/liberal cabal think that teenage girls should accept a freak with a dick in their locker room? Is there something missing in the liberal DNA?

There are at least three shows about transgender on TV. Their issues have been approached on other shows and movies. They have been discussed on news shows.

This is nothing new.

Transgender and GRS have been medical issues since the 70's. Throughout history there have been people that identify and dress to the gender they see themselves as. Kings and Queens of empires have been doing cross gender over the centuries.

Just because some are ignorant does not change the fact, Transgender is a real think and the law says they have to be treated as the gender they identify as.

The TG girl has to be treated as a girl. How hard is that to understand. She has bee identified as a TG girl and the school did what they were supposed to.

Other students and parent don't like it, that is their problem. Go find some place else. This is not going away.

Get used to it. It is here to stay.

School followed the law.
The transgender is in transition. You have to wait for GRS till she finishes growing.
If the kids don't mind and consider her female, why is there so much fuss.
Transgender is not a whim or a gag for a male to get into the girls locker room.
If she is getting counseling, under medical care and on hormones, she identifies as a female.

Time for people to become understanding and stuff their bigotry under the rug. The girl needs friends and support, not hostility and prejudice by ignorant adults
The only bigots are the liberals who are FORCING upon US their immorality. All a normal citizen wanted was to be left alone, but since the bullies of the left cannot be happy unless they are treading upon US, we see time and again, how they push their homosexual behavior constantly. This is all about Government control and as long as people believe in God, and not the government, the government cannot control the masses like they did in the USSR. Shame REAL history isn't being taught in public education anymore, but if it was, then the liberals would be in real trouble, as they were the RACISTS, SEXISTS, and BIGOTS, but lied to get the low information voter to believe otherwise. And the liberals have no shame in their dishonor.

If someone was a hermaphrodite from birth, what locker room would you make it use? The one the person identifies with or one that it does not?

If is was a transgender taking hormones that identified as a boy, where would you put it?
Oh stop reaching..Your argument holds no water. Get lost...

and you are trying to discriminate against her.
School did nothing wrong. There are rules the school must follow for transgender children that is the same across the country. The school was following the law.

Transgenders are not going to go away, nor is the law.
You are a century out of step.

When you are forcing all the REAL girls to be uncomfortable to accommodate one child that is a problem. Those sorts of rules are going to lead to lots of discrimination. Lots of angry students and parents.

All? 10% of the students, that is not all. The other 40 percent of the girls did not protest, or skip classes. We don't even know that all those protesting were even girls, just 150 people.
Students are wrong. They have to get used to it, that will be an issue out in the rest of the real world. Many places have unisex bathrooms. College, work, shopping, they have to get used to transgenders. Whites finally had to accept blacks. TGs have a right to be treated according to their identification not what others want them to be.

Closing your mind is not going to change things. School did what they were supposed to, let her use the girls room

A federal judge this week threw out a suit brought by a transgender man against the University of Pittsburgh that said the school discriminated against him by not letting him use the men’s locker rooms and bathrooms at the Johnstown campus.

U.S. District Judge Kim Gibson, sitting in Johnstown, ruled on Tuesday that Seamus Johnston’s suit has no standing because, although he considers himself a man, he’s a woman by birth and didn’t undergo a sex change or otherwise take steps to officially change his gender.

The only bigots are the liberals who are FORCING upon US their immorality. All a normal citizen wanted was to be left alone, but since the bullies of the left cannot be happy unless they are treading upon US, we see time and again, how they push their homosexual behavior constantly. This is all about Government control and as long as people believe in God, and not the government, the government cannot control the masses like they did in the USSR. Shame REAL history isn't being taught in public education anymore, but if it was, then the liberals would be in real trouble, as they were the RACISTS, SEXISTS, and BIGOTS, but lied to get the low information voter to believe otherwise. And the liberals have no shame in their dishonor.

If someone was a hermaphrodite from birth, what locker room would you make it use? The one the person identifies with or one that it does not?

If is was a transgender taking hormones that identified as a boy, where would you put it?
Oh stop reaching..Your argument holds no water. Get lost...

and you are trying to discriminate against her.
School did nothing wrong. There are rules the school must follow for transgender children that is the same across the country. The school was following the law.

Transgenders are not going to go away, nor is the law.
You are a century out of step.

When you are forcing all the REAL girls to be uncomfortable to accommodate one child that is a problem. Those sorts of rules are going to lead to lots of discrimination. Lots of angry students and parents.

All? 10% of the students, that is not all. The other 40 percent of the girls did not protest, or skip classes. We don't even know that all those protesting were even girls, just 150 people.
Students are wrong. They have to get used to it, that will be an issue out in the rest of the real world. Many places have unisex bathrooms. College, work, shopping, they have to get used to transgenders. Whites finally had to accept blacks. TGs have a right to be treated according to their identification not what others want them to be.

Closing your mind is not going to change things. School did what they were supposed to, let her use the girls room

Yes you are making 150 students uncomfortable and unhappy so that one person with a mental disorder can try to be happy. That won't work.
The only bigots are the liberals who are FORCING upon US their immorality. All a normal citizen wanted was to be left alone, but since the bullies of the left cannot be happy unless they are treading upon US, we see time and again, how they push their homosexual behavior constantly. This is all about Government control and as long as people believe in God, and not the government, the government cannot control the masses like they did in the USSR. Shame REAL history isn't being taught in public education anymore, but if it was, then the liberals would be in real trouble, as they were the RACISTS, SEXISTS, and BIGOTS, but lied to get the low information voter to believe otherwise. And the liberals have no shame in their dishonor.

If someone was a hermaphrodite from birth, what locker room would you make it use? The one the person identifies with or one that it does not?

If is was a transgender taking hormones that identified as a boy, where would you put it?
Oh stop reaching..Your argument holds no water. Get lost...

and you are trying to discriminate against her.
School did nothing wrong. There are rules the school must follow for transgender children that is the same across the country. The school was following the law.

Transgenders are not going to go away, nor is the law.
You are a century out of step.

When you are forcing all the REAL girls to be uncomfortable to accommodate one child that is a problem. Those sorts of rules are going to lead to lots of discrimination. Lots of angry students and parents.

All? 10% of the students, that is not all. The other 40 percent of the girls did not protest, or skip classes. We don't even know that all those protesting were even girls, just 150 people.
Students are wrong. They have to get used to it, that will be an issue out in the rest of the real world. Many places have unisex bathrooms. College, work, shopping, they have to get used to transgenders. Whites finally had to accept blacks. TGs have a right to be treated according to their identification not what others want them to be.

Closing your mind is not going to change things. School did what they were supposed to, let her use the girls room

Why is it this guy wants to be in the girls locker room? Certainly this is one place where it will be most obvious he is not a woman. I think it's just a ridiculous attention grab. You don't force your way into the girls locker room if you want to be accepted. This kid has more than one mental disorder.
If someone was a hermaphrodite from birth, what locker room would you make it use? The one the person identifies with or one that it does not?

If is was a transgender taking hormones that identified as a boy, where would you put it?
Oh stop reaching..Your argument holds no water. Get lost...

and you are trying to discriminate against her.
School did nothing wrong. There are rules the school must follow for transgender children that is the same across the country. The school was following the law.

Transgenders are not going to go away, nor is the law.
You are a century out of step.

When you are forcing all the REAL girls to be uncomfortable to accommodate one child that is a problem. Those sorts of rules are going to lead to lots of discrimination. Lots of angry students and parents.

All? 10% of the students, that is not all. The other 40 percent of the girls did not protest, or skip classes. We don't even know that all those protesting were even girls, just 150 people.
Students are wrong. They have to get used to it, that will be an issue out in the rest of the real world. Many places have unisex bathrooms. College, work, shopping, they have to get used to transgenders. Whites finally had to accept blacks. TGs have a right to be treated according to their identification not what others want them to be.

Closing your mind is not going to change things. School did what they were supposed to, let her use the girls room

Yes you are making 150 students uncomfortable and unhappy so that one person with a mental disorder can try to be happy. That won't work.


APA Revises Manual: Being Transgender Is No Longer A Mental Disorder
If someone was a hermaphrodite from birth, what locker room would you make it use? The one the person identifies with or one that it does not?

If is was a transgender taking hormones that identified as a boy, where would you put it?
Oh stop reaching..Your argument holds no water. Get lost...

and you are trying to discriminate against her.
School did nothing wrong. There are rules the school must follow for transgender children that is the same across the country. The school was following the law.

Transgenders are not going to go away, nor is the law.
You are a century out of step.

When you are forcing all the REAL girls to be uncomfortable to accommodate one child that is a problem. Those sorts of rules are going to lead to lots of discrimination. Lots of angry students and parents.

All? 10% of the students, that is not all. The other 40 percent of the girls did not protest, or skip classes. We don't even know that all those protesting were even girls, just 150 people.
Students are wrong. They have to get used to it, that will be an issue out in the rest of the real world. Many places have unisex bathrooms. College, work, shopping, they have to get used to transgenders. Whites finally had to accept blacks. TGs have a right to be treated according to their identification not what others want them to be.

Closing your mind is not going to change things. School did what they were supposed to, let her use the girls room

Why is it this guy wants to be in the girls locker room? Certainly this is one place where it will be most obvious he is not a woman. I think it's just a ridiculous attention grab. You don't force your way into the girls locker room if you want to be accepted. This kid has more than one mental disorder.

Law says to treat her as a girl and the school did just that.

When they make the locker rooms unisex will there be protest?

School was follow the rules for transgender students.
Oh stop reaching..Your argument holds no water. Get lost...

and you are trying to discriminate against her.
School did nothing wrong. There are rules the school must follow for transgender children that is the same across the country. The school was following the law.

Transgenders are not going to go away, nor is the law.
You are a century out of step.

When you are forcing all the REAL girls to be uncomfortable to accommodate one child that is a problem. Those sorts of rules are going to lead to lots of discrimination. Lots of angry students and parents.

All? 10% of the students, that is not all. The other 40 percent of the girls did not protest, or skip classes. We don't even know that all those protesting were even girls, just 150 people.
Students are wrong. They have to get used to it, that will be an issue out in the rest of the real world. Many places have unisex bathrooms. College, work, shopping, they have to get used to transgenders. Whites finally had to accept blacks. TGs have a right to be treated according to their identification not what others want them to be.

Closing your mind is not going to change things. School did what they were supposed to, let her use the girls room

Yes you are making 150 students uncomfortable and unhappy so that one person with a mental disorder can try to be happy. That won't work.


APA Revises Manual: Being Transgender Is No Longer A Mental Disorder

Yes the APA clearly has a lot of problems. Next they will say people who believe they are unicorns don't have a mental disorder. Sorry but you don't need to be a psychologist to know when somebody believes they are something that is obviously not true that person is crazy.
Oh stop reaching..Your argument holds no water. Get lost...

and you are trying to discriminate against her.
School did nothing wrong. There are rules the school must follow for transgender children that is the same across the country. The school was following the law.

Transgenders are not going to go away, nor is the law.
You are a century out of step.

When you are forcing all the REAL girls to be uncomfortable to accommodate one child that is a problem. Those sorts of rules are going to lead to lots of discrimination. Lots of angry students and parents.

All? 10% of the students, that is not all. The other 40 percent of the girls did not protest, or skip classes. We don't even know that all those protesting were even girls, just 150 people.
Students are wrong. They have to get used to it, that will be an issue out in the rest of the real world. Many places have unisex bathrooms. College, work, shopping, they have to get used to transgenders. Whites finally had to accept blacks. TGs have a right to be treated according to their identification not what others want them to be.

Closing your mind is not going to change things. School did what they were supposed to, let her use the girls room

Why is it this guy wants to be in the girls locker room? Certainly this is one place where it will be most obvious he is not a woman. I think it's just a ridiculous attention grab. You don't force your way into the girls locker room if you want to be accepted. This kid has more than one mental disorder.

Law says to treat her as a girl and the school did just that.

When they make the locker rooms unisex will there be protest?

School was follow the rules for transgender students.

I think you are exaggerating the law. There is no law saying you need to let boys in the girls locker room. Once you start doing that you are no longer providing a safe environment for the girls.

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