A transgender teen used the girls’ locker room. Now her community is up in arms.

Look At How This University Responded After Winning Case Against Transgender Student It Expelled

A federal judge in western Pennsylvania ruled Tuesday against a transgender student who had sued the University of Pittsburgh for discrimination.

According to a decision from District Judge Kim Gibson, a George W. Bush appointee, Seamus Johnston had no claim of discrimination against Pitt for not allowing him to use the men’s locker rooms and bathrooms and eventually expelling him for doing so. “The simple answer is no,” Gibson wrote, alleging that Johnston had not transitioned enough (i.e. undergone sex reassignment surgery) and that there are no protections based on gender identity to be found under Title IX or the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
and you are trying to discriminate against her.
School did nothing wrong. There are rules the school must follow for transgender children that is the same across the country. The school was following the law.

Transgenders are not going to go away, nor is the law.
You are a century out of step.

When you are forcing all the REAL girls to be uncomfortable to accommodate one child that is a problem. Those sorts of rules are going to lead to lots of discrimination. Lots of angry students and parents.

All? 10% of the students, that is not all. The other 40 percent of the girls did not protest, or skip classes. We don't even know that all those protesting were even girls, just 150 people.
Students are wrong. They have to get used to it, that will be an issue out in the rest of the real world. Many places have unisex bathrooms. College, work, shopping, they have to get used to transgenders. Whites finally had to accept blacks. TGs have a right to be treated according to their identification not what others want them to be.

Closing your mind is not going to change things. School did what they were supposed to, let her use the girls room

Yes you are making 150 students uncomfortable and unhappy so that one person with a mental disorder can try to be happy. That won't work.


APA Revises Manual: Being Transgender Is No Longer A Mental Disorder

Yes the APA clearly has a lot of problems. Next they will say people who believe they are unicorns don't have a mental disorder. Sorry but you don't need to be a psychologist to know when somebody believes they are something that is obviously not true that person is crazy.

and are you crazy for accepting the facts?
for refusing to see the truth of TG?

Go see you psychiatrist

school followed the law
and are you crazy for accepting the facts?
for refusing to see the truth of TG?

Go see you psychiatrist

The truth is quite clear enough. Male is male, female is female, they are different, they are not interchangeable, and one cannot become the other.

It's a matter of hard biological science.

Yours is the side that refuses to see the plain truth.
Cross-dressing, self-mutilating faggots don't belong in women's locker rooms or restrooms. They probably shouldn't be in men's locker rooms or restrooms either.

There is an easy solution to all this. The Transgender/queer/homo-progressive changing room/restroom:

and are you crazy for accepting the facts?
for refusing to see the truth of TG?

Go see you psychiatrist

The truth is quite clear enough. Male is male, female is female, they are different, they are not interchangeable, and one cannot become the other.

It's a matter of hard biological science.

Yours is the side that refuses to see the plain truth.

The medical side? The legal side? I should instead be on the bigots side?

Even Islam which does not allow homosexuality let people get GRS

Even the bible speak of those who were 'born eunuchs'.
When you are forcing all the REAL girls to be uncomfortable to accommodate one child that is a problem. Those sorts of rules are going to lead to lots of discrimination. Lots of angry students and parents.

All? 10% of the students, that is not all. The other 40 percent of the girls did not protest, or skip classes. We don't even know that all those protesting were even girls, just 150 people.
Students are wrong. They have to get used to it, that will be an issue out in the rest of the real world. Many places have unisex bathrooms. College, work, shopping, they have to get used to transgenders. Whites finally had to accept blacks. TGs have a right to be treated according to their identification not what others want them to be.

Closing your mind is not going to change things. School did what they were supposed to, let her use the girls room

Yes you are making 150 students uncomfortable and unhappy so that one person with a mental disorder can try to be happy. That won't work.


APA Revises Manual: Being Transgender Is No Longer A Mental Disorder

Yes the APA clearly has a lot of problems. Next they will say people who believe they are unicorns don't have a mental disorder. Sorry but you don't need to be a psychologist to know when somebody believes they are something that is obviously not true that person is crazy.

and are you crazy for accepting the facts?
for refusing to see the truth of TG?

Go see you psychiatrist

school followed the law

The fact is he is male and will never be female.
and are you crazy for accepting the facts?
for refusing to see the truth of TG?

Go see you psychiatrist

The truth is quite clear enough. Male is male, female is female, they are different, they are not interchangeable, and one cannot become the other.

It's a matter of hard biological science.

Yours is the side that refuses to see the plain truth.

The medical side? The legal side? I should instead be on the bigots side?

Even Islam which does not allow homosexuality let people get GRS

Even the bible speak of those who were 'born eunuchs'.

Eunuchs aren't women.

Children should not be making gender changing decisions.
Only in the eyes of mentally challenged liberals will he be treated as female, but what I want to know, is that with this degenerate going into the "WOMENS" bathroom, and making them uncomfortable, isn't it the LIBERALS who are having a "WAR ON WOMEN"?

When they make the locker rooms unisex will there be protest?

School was follow the rules for transgender students.
When they make locker rooms unisex? At least you're being honest now. Of course that's what the left wants gender irrelevance. That's why they push homosexuality so much. But as far as following the law we see no outrage from the left on sanctuary cities that violate federal law and gets people killed. Libs are phoneys.
Oh stop reaching..Your argument holds no water. Get lost...

and you are trying to discriminate against her.
School did nothing wrong. There are rules the school must follow for transgender children that is the same across the country. The school was following the law.

Transgenders are not going to go away, nor is the law.
You are a century out of step.

When you are forcing all the REAL girls to be uncomfortable to accommodate one child that is a problem. Those sorts of rules are going to lead to lots of discrimination. Lots of angry students and parents.

All? 10% of the students, that is not all. The other 40 percent of the girls did not protest, or skip classes. We don't even know that all those protesting were even girls, just 150 people.
Students are wrong. They have to get used to it, that will be an issue out in the rest of the real world. Many places have unisex bathrooms. College, work, shopping, they have to get used to transgenders. Whites finally had to accept blacks. TGs have a right to be treated according to their identification not what others want them to be.

Closing your mind is not going to change things. School did what they were supposed to, let her use the girls room

Why is it this guy wants to be in the girls locker room? Certainly this is one place where it will be most obvious he is not a woman. I think it's just a ridiculous attention grab. You don't force your way into the girls locker room if you want to be accepted. This kid has more than one mental disorder.

Law says to treat her as a girl and the school did just that.

When they make the locker rooms unisex will there be protest?

School was follow the rules for transgender students.

Unisex bathrooms are usually single shooters, you don't have to share them with others.
Why is it not okay to have one individual be uncomfortable about which locker room they use but it is okay for everyone else in that locker room to be uncomfortable because of the one individual?
It is the liberal way, to FORCE upon the rest of US the will of the minority, and if you don't like it, you will be sent to jail. WAR ON WOMEN, Liberals have a WAR ON WOMEN.

Liberals think Republicans are waging war on women.jpg
Is anyone surprised liberals are shoving this on us? Look at the whole gay marraige thing. Only 3% of the population is gay, yet gays are seeking all kinds of favortism and special treatment. "Gay rights?" WTF does that even mean? What rights do gays have that the rest of the 97% of the population doesn't? Liberals don't care about the 97%, the only care about the 3% and not for any other reason other than votes.

So one student out of 150 has a problem? You know where the liberals will be and who they'll back.
and you are trying to discriminate against her.
School did nothing wrong. There are rules the school must follow for transgender children that is the same across the country. The school was following the law.

Transgenders are not going to go away, nor is the law.
You are a century out of step.

When you are forcing all the REAL girls to be uncomfortable to accommodate one child that is a problem. Those sorts of rules are going to lead to lots of discrimination. Lots of angry students and parents.

All? 10% of the students, that is not all. The other 40 percent of the girls did not protest, or skip classes. We don't even know that all those protesting were even girls, just 150 people.
Students are wrong. They have to get used to it, that will be an issue out in the rest of the real world. Many places have unisex bathrooms. College, work, shopping, they have to get used to transgenders. Whites finally had to accept blacks. TGs have a right to be treated according to their identification not what others want them to be.

Closing your mind is not going to change things. School did what they were supposed to, let her use the girls room

Why is it this guy wants to be in the girls locker room? Certainly this is one place where it will be most obvious he is not a woman. I think it's just a ridiculous attention grab. You don't force your way into the girls locker room if you want to be accepted. This kid has more than one mental disorder.

Law says to treat her as a girl and the school did just that.

When they make the locker rooms unisex will there be protest?

School was follow the rules for transgender students.

Unisex bathrooms are usually single shooters, you don't have to share them with others.

You don't get out the east or travel to europe much
When you are forcing all the REAL girls to be uncomfortable to accommodate one child that is a problem. Those sorts of rules are going to lead to lots of discrimination. Lots of angry students and parents.

All? 10% of the students, that is not all. The other 40 percent of the girls did not protest, or skip classes. We don't even know that all those protesting were even girls, just 150 people.
Students are wrong. They have to get used to it, that will be an issue out in the rest of the real world. Many places have unisex bathrooms. College, work, shopping, they have to get used to transgenders. Whites finally had to accept blacks. TGs have a right to be treated according to their identification not what others want them to be.

Closing your mind is not going to change things. School did what they were supposed to, let her use the girls room

Why is it this guy wants to be in the girls locker room? Certainly this is one place where it will be most obvious he is not a woman. I think it's just a ridiculous attention grab. You don't force your way into the girls locker room if you want to be accepted. This kid has more than one mental disorder.

Law says to treat her as a girl and the school did just that.

When they make the locker rooms unisex will there be protest?

School was follow the rules for transgender students.

Unisex bathrooms are usually single shooters, you don't have to share them with others.

You don't get out the east or travel to europe much

Different Cultures, and ours prefers men and women do their thangs separately.

There is a difference between accommodating people who buck the norm, and rushing to meet their every whim and demand.
No not really. The child identified as a female because that is what her brain chemistry kept telling her from birth.
Nonsense. Johns Hopkins no longer does transgender operations and recognizes it as a mental disorder. The gender determines brain function to a degree, not the other way around.

It is not a mental "disorder" but the brain chemistry makes her a mental female despite what her body looks like. Once the girl and her family have gone through the process to transition, she needs to be treated as a female.

This is not a guy in drag, the is a girl born with the wrong body parts.

If she had a third leg?

If it was a male and female Siamese twins?

This is a girl on hormones in preparation for GRS when she finishes growing.

Legally she is female
Really? So you have no problem with your 13 year old daughter sharing a public restroom with a 50 year old creepy fat guy who thinks he's a woman?
When I was in the 7th grade, I took my blind friend to use the boys' room. I couldn't get him straight in front of the urinal and soon he was spraying the entire restroom while I was frantically trying to get him to face the right way. There were several other boys there...yeah they all saw his penis too. Just another day in the school restroom.

So why are Leftists trying to get boys to see vaginas and girls to see penises?
Unisex bathrooms are usually single shooters, you don't have to share them with others.

Try to imagine the relative cost and complexity of building and maintaining enough unisex, single-occupancy restrooms and locker rooms to take the place of a few larger locker rooms and restrooms of the more conventional multiple-occupancy sort.
Is anyone surprised liberals are shoving this on us? Look at the whole gay marraige thing. Only 3% of the population is gay, yet gays are seeking all kinds of favortism and special treatment. "Gay rights?" WTF does that even mean? What rights do gays have that the rest of the 97% of the population doesn't? Liberals don't care about the 97%, the only care about the 3% and not for any other reason other than votes.

So one student out of 150 has a problem? You know where the liberals will be and who they'll back.

You'd think that they'd be able to figure out that alienating the overwhelming vast majority of the population, in order to solicit the votes and support of a tiny, freakish minority, is ultimately going to be a net loss.
Is anyone surprised liberals are shoving this on us? Look at the whole gay marraige thing. Only 3% of the population is gay, yet gays are seeking all kinds of favortism and special treatment. "Gay rights?" WTF does that even mean? What rights do gays have that the rest of the 97% of the population doesn't? Liberals don't care about the 97%, the only care about the 3% and not for any other reason other than votes.

So one student out of 150 has a problem? You know where the liberals will be and who they'll back.

You'd think that they'd be able to figure out that alienating the overwhelming vast majority of the population, in order to solicit the votes and support of a tiny, freakish minority, is ultimately going to be a net loss.
Not really, they can piss off the rest of US, have dead people and pets vote, bring in illegal aliens and give them voting rights, not count real citizens votes, and steal the elections like they have done in 2012.

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