A Trump Dresser


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Sep 22, 2013
This is a comic book oriented short-story fan-fic of sorts I wrote about a capitalism dominion which I think represents 'pedestrianism passion' in our capitalism-subjective media-marshalled 'TrumpUSA.'

I'm actually starting to feel better about President Trump...

Ya know, during the reign of our last 'celebrity-prez' (Ronald Reagan), the martialism video game Contra (a Nicaraguan paramilitary adventure) was all the rage with American youngsters!


A huge terrorism scheme was developing in the year 2030, and now that former U.S. President Donald Trump's son was the new leader of the free world, a loosely governed association of nations known as the Federation of Market Allies, people were conscious of the 'legacy' of capitalism. President Donald Trump, Jr. had assembled a troop of valiant paramilitary crusaders known cleverly as 'G.I. Joes' led by Duke (a movie-star turned Navy Seal) and Snake-Eyes (an Olympian turned ninja) to tackle a super-terrorist organization known as Cobra. Everyone was thinking about how the Federation would coordinate capitalism with the threat of pure anarchy.

Cobra was led by Serpentor (a genetically-engineered super-soldier), Pythona (a spore-wielding eco-terrorist), Storm-Shadow (a relentless assassin), and Destro (a diabolical conspirator). Duke ordered Snake-Eyes to infiltrate Cobra's base in Texas (in the former USA) and personally tackle Storm-Shadow (who himself was sent on a pedestrian-terror mission by Serpentor). Storm-Shadow had become a ruthless serial-killer, modelling himself after the iconic 21st Century American horror film 'ghoul' Leatherface (a weapon-wielding, mask-wearing cannibal from the haunting Texas Chainsaw Massacre film franchise). Snake-Eyes decide to engage Storm-Shadow as a 'vigilante pedestrian' in Texas, since Storm-Shadow was roaming unchecked as 'Leatherface.' Duke blessed the mission.

Snake-Eyes costumed himself as a vigilante named Leviathan and wandered around Texas on Halloween Eve 2031 (since Leatherface/Storm-Shadow) had sent a notice that he would stalk pedestrians on that Halloween as 'Leatherface.' When Leviathan/Snake-Eyes confronted Leatherface/Storm-Shadow, he realized he was face-to-face with a real troublemaker. Leviathan told Leatherface, "We could either fight to kingdom-come, or we could search for a more sane route to peaceful co-existence!" Leatherface responded with a clever dare: "Cobra's attractive eco-terrorist Pythona has just divorced her brutish husband Nemesis-Enforcer. Let's see which one of us can win her affections first, and that will be the peaceful end of our 'battle'." Leviathan liked the idea.

Leviathan realized Leatherface proposed the intriguing 'love-triangle' contest between the two since they were friends when they were younger and Pythona was an agent of Cobra --- testing Leviathan to see if he could 'transcend' political differences to seek a 'love-solution' to the geo-political problem of terrorism. Leviathan went searching for Pythona. When he found her, he realized she had already fallen in love with Leatherface. Leviathan told the two love-birds, "I see Leatherface is the clear winner, having gotten to Pythona first, so let's call this the end of our terrible 'contest.' I will go back to Duke and tell him this will serve as a pedestal for future peace-negotiations and cease-fire initiatives!"

When Leviathan/Snake-Eyes returned to the G.I. Joe fortress in Switzerland, Duke was very unhappy. Snake-Eyes explained to Duke that his 'love-solution' would serve as a humanist 'gesture' signifying a human approach to the problem of political disagreement (especially since Snake-Eyes and Storm-Shadow were friends when they were younger). Duke admonished Snake-Eyes and reminded him that modern capitalism hysteria made 'emotional approaches' to terrorism-related problem-solving seem too naive and immature. Snake-Eyes realized right away he was gulled by Storm-Shadow and Pythona into thinking that the 'love-solution' proposal would clearly solve the problem of political disagreement. Snake-Eyes remarked to himself ominously, "Maybe President Donald Trump, Jr. will award me some kind of 'Christian medallion' for my optimistic (if overly-idealistic) work with this pro-democracy 'love-crusade'!" Snake-Eyes decided to purchase the newly-released capitalism-themed G.I. Joe video game (titled The Dystopian Gauntlet) for his son and meditate on the simple 'old-world' (Donald Trump, Sr. era) charms of consumerism.




'LEATHERFACE' (Storm-Shadow) and 'LEVIATHAN' (Snake-Eyes):

The Pedestal

Here's a metaphysics-sarcasm TrumpUSA tale inspired by the missionary pseudo-spoof film The Boondock Saints.

I like coordinating 'TrumpUSA optimism' with primal sentimentalism.

I hope my idealism here is justified...


Samuels and Cruise were two American hot-shots riding the new wave of a media-catalyzed cultural revolution in America which arguably began with the LA Race Riots of 1992. They wore masks and 'zoomed' around America as 'prophets of democracy, but standing in their way was a new profiteerism crime syndicate based in Moscow called the Black Brain. Black Brain was led by an ex-IRA terrorist named Cyan and included a ruthless lawyer-woman nicknamed Baroness. It was rumored Cyan and Baroness were boyfriend-girlfriend.

Black Brain had established an ominous mini-crime ring in Boston, Massachusetts, circulating opium in numerous drug labyrinths across the campuses of the multiple high-profile schools in the area (Boston College, Boston University, MIT, and Harvard). Samuels and Cruise wanted to infiltrate and undermine the criminal influence Black Brain had created in the academic area of Boston, which was otherwise a very pro-pedestrian and consumer-friendly American city. Samuels and Cruise decided to begin a media pro-democracy 'mini-crusade,' disseminating ideas about peaceful commerce.

Black Brain was enraged and ordered for the assassination of the capitalism-subjective U.S. President (Donald Trump). However, Baroness defected and informed Samuels and Cruise of this new conspiracy-plot, afraid Black Brain was simply going too far. Samuels and Cruise decided to thwart the assassination scheme by staking out a hotel near the White House, sure that a gang of Black Brain minions were stationed there, preparing to strike at President Trump at some opportune moment. Samuels and Cruise deduced the correct hotel suite and busted in with silencer-pistols and shot the armed gang, all the while imagining that the divine and clever spirit of the gracious Jesus Christ was their secret 'capitalist ally.'



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