A TrumpUSA Parable


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Consumerism culture creates an attitude of shopping spiritualism (Black Friday) and investment ethics (Wall Street).

Now that we live under 'TrumpUSA,' we can imagine differing 'factions/schools' of capitalism-consciousness emerging among pedestrian politics, which partially explains all the protest-passions surrounding the election of President Trump.

Maybe you're angry about your bank's interest rates; maybe you're unhappy with countless mobile phones beeping on and off in the pockets of a million mindless American shoppers!

Imagine therefore that a small child and her babysitter (a male college student named Hal) are caught in a terrible matrix of angry protesters paranoid about both 9/11 and TrumpUSA hysteria...

Will TrumpUSA generate the right kind of dystopian storytelling and/or bright-capitalist folklore?

This self-deluding daydream-tale I cooked up was inspired by the films The Wolf of Wall Street (Leo DiCaprio) and The Town (Ben Affleck).

If Trump is no Lincoln or JFK or even George Bush, will we be able to celebrate 'druid-like daydreams'?

I wonder if the first Hollywood film about TrumpUSA will be a comedy or a fantasy...


Daphne always carried with her a special baby-doll named Penny. Her babysitter Hal (a student at Boston College) was babysitting her on Black Friday while her parents were shopping at the mall. President Trump was in Boston delivering a public speech on the streets in front of pedestrians ready to shop on Black Friday. Hal decided to take Daphne (and Penny!) to the Trump speech.

When Hal and Daphne (and Penny) arrived at the Trump speech, they noticed multiple protesters with picket-signs and saying thing like, "We don't want to be Black Friday slaves under TrumpUSA!" Hal decided to take some photos of Trump trying to deliver his speech amidst the protesters when he noticed an ambulance truck drive by and park in front of a bank next to the podium where Trump was giving his speech in front of a crowd of supporters (and protesters!).

Hal realized that the ambulance truck was driven by a group of bank-robbers who hopped out and ran into the bank with machine-guns, using the melee of the Trump speech protesters to sneak in a bank-robbery without being observed by police to busy handling the protesters in the street. Hal decided to walk towards the ambulance truck (with Daphne). One of the bank-robbers came out and placed a bag full of money before going back inside the bank. Hal considered trying to be a hero or just take the money-bag the robber placed in the unattended truck!

Hal decided to take the money-bag and flee away with Daphne (and Penny!) back to Daphne's apartment. Later, he carried the money-bag to his own bank deposit box and stored the money. He heard on the news of the 'Black Friday Robbery' and how the robbers took advantage of the Trump speech protest melee and wondered if the robbers took account of the one missing bag Hal took while the robbers' getaway ambulance truck was parked outside the bank unattended. Hal decided to take one half of the money in the money-bag he nabbed ($1 million) and invest it in the stock market.

Hal invested in Ford Motor Company which saw a huge spike in its index while Hal's money was invested in the company! Hal made a profit of $6 million. He decided to give $3 million to an AIDS charity and take the remainder and retire to Fiji. However, he wanted to say goodbye to Daphne (and Penny!) before he left. When he got to Penny's apartment, she was crying (sad that her babysitter and friend was leaving). Daphne told Hal, "I'll remember how you, me, and Penny saw that weird ambulance truck that day near the President when all those people were yelling at him!" Hal decided he had a real 'Babylon' experience and ironically became a supporter of 'TrumpUSA.'



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