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A Tutorial For Trump Supporters On Climate Change

Well after wading through the trolling and ad hominems on the previous page..with zero science offered to refute my tutorial for Mr. Trump, something occurred to me. Maybe I'm coming at this all wrong. Trump isn't a scientist; that's for sure. But he is involved in business....so...

Dear Mr. Trump, what makes better financial sense for a business' bottom line?

1. Watch the videos from youtube on page 1 here.

2. Consider that solar thermal is one of any number of ways to boil water to run a steam turbine; which is all any geothermal, coal, oil or nuclear plant does.

3. Consider that a solar thermal plant installation consists of rows of concave mirrors that follow the sun and concentrate that solar radiation on an elevated tube right nearby above them. And the tube is filled with thermal oil that heats up to 300 degrees Celsius with just sunlight concentrated on it (like burning a bug with a magnifying glass.) (200 degrees above the point where water boils). It is the simplest of technologies we have to boil water besides geothermal.

4. Given the cheapness of the costs of setting up a solar thermal plant vs a coal, oil or especially a nuclear plant (gawd! :uhh: ) JUST to boil water....pay attention to #5...

5. Which power plant would generate more profit over time, say 10 years? A. A power plant that 365 days a year has to buy oil that was extracted from the ME at great military costs; it and/or coal locally at great environmental costs (which the "company" will have to pay for later down the line, if you consider US citizens including yourself part of "the company") or...god forbid..extraction of uranium and all those hidden unsustainable costs.. or B. A power plant tied to the hip with solar thermal; where every single day the sun shines in a given area, no matter where or how far North, is one less day you have to pay for fuel to provide your customers with power THAT YOU CHARGE THE SAME RATE AS IF YOU WERE BURNING FUEL...? Free fuel; while charging the customer as if you had to pay for the fuel...

C'mon Mr. Trump. You're a whiz at business. Watch the youtubes and let me know what your answer to #5 is.. Surely now that you're in power you could preside over deals made with Congress where carbon pig utilities can maintain their monopolies, with current charges in place, WHILE REDUCING THEIR COSTS IMMENSELY. Mr. Trump; it's cheap power sold at the same price as expensive power. Knock knock? Helloooooooo? Remember what they taught you in college?
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It's very simple. Trump can either make a good and intelligent business decision on where America gets her money or he can make a bad and stupid decision to listen to the whisperings of the lazy men who simply HAVE to destroy the earth and our Treasury in order to make grotesque personal profit.

If America quickly installs enough solar thermal plants in her 100s of thousands of Southwest regions of completely desolate land sitting useless otherwise, she could sell energy to Canada; and not the other way around. Think of the jobs created by America becoming the world's first mass exporter of solar thermal power? Other countries aren't as fortunate as we in that we have the infrastructure AND the sun-soaked real estate to become TITANS at this type of power generation.

Trump, the first world leader to launch humanity into a brand new boon of profiteering from this ancient way of producing power. We could call the new type of power "Trumpower Inc." or some such. He'd set his family up to make ZILLIONS of $$$$. Wealth even he has not yet known..

How about it Mr. Trump? I realize that with this new type of power fattening the wallets of your BigOil buddies as they switch over, it will mean spending less on military pursuits ...but...hey...you did promise to reign in costs and turn America into a great profit machine again. Does that HAVE to involve killing our enlisted, riling up the Muslims and poisoning our last fresh aquifers locally (fracking solvents that can never be removed once they're pumped into the earth near aquifers) lakes and streams and rivers? You like to visit our Naitonal Parks, and beautiful wildlands in your time off, don't you Mr. Trump? And, you like money and fame. So....?
Donald Trump Will Be the Only World Leader to Deny Climate Change Is Real

As future president, Donald Trump has promised to dismantle President Barack Obama’s progress toward improving the environment. He has supported the Keystone XL pipeline and removing regulations on the gas and oil industries. He wants to reduce the influence of the Environmental Protection Agency, which he called a “disgrace,” and scrap the Clean Power Plan, which would compel power plants to reduce their carbon emission. He wants to “cancel” the Paris climate change deal. And he also once claimed that global warming is a hoax “created by and for the Chinese.Donald Trump Will Be the Only World Leader to Deny Climate Change Is Real

Well Mr. Trump. You's got some learnin' to do. Average-student business-major Donald Trump; who doesn't take regular security briefings from experts even, cuz, you know, he's smarter than they are on everything...has suddenly deemed himself smarter than world scientific consensus. He might as well declare that green is now purple. What will be next in his world of make-believe?

Even the chemical industry disagrees with you; and dozens of other professional organizations, including NASA. Who is smarter Trumpees? Your guru Donald Trump? Or almost all world scientists?:

American Chemical Society
"Comprehensive scientific assessments of our current and potential future climates clearly indicate that climate change is real, largely attributable to emissions from human activities, and potentially a very serious problem." (2004)4 http://climate.nasa.gov/scientific-consensus/


Oh, we understand that Climate Change is real...and determined to a large extent by solar cycles.

Winter is Comin'.

Lawrence Solomon: Proof that a new ice age has already started is stronger than ever, and we couldn’t be less prepared
Maybe the anti-American global warming fans have some learnin to do when they blindly follow the preachings of a hypocrite angry looser con man politician who had no background in science.
Oh, we understand that Climate Change is real...and determined to a large extent by solar cycles.

Winter is Comin'.

Lawrence Solomon: Proof that a new ice age has already started is stronger than ever, and we couldn’t be less prepared

It's funny. I know you can type and you provided a link so I know you can read. But apparently you didn't read the OP or other posts on page #1 which discuss why it's getting colder in Winter. You might want to fear a new ice age more than global warming actually. But what you should fear the most is the thinning of the insulation around the earth's house called the "thermosphere" ...damage to said NASA has determined is via human use of petrochemicals and other carbon burning.

Yes, in a tar paper shack with thinning insulation, the occupants thereof experience hotter Summers and colder Winters. Go back and read page #1 when you get a chance..
Maybe the anti-American global warming fans have some learnin to do when they blindly follow the preachings of a hypocrite angry looser con man politician who had no background in science.
Obumbles was like a child lost in the woods. But the direction he was trying to head before his utter lack of scientific exposure in college hamstrung him with BigOil funded engineered-to-fail "green projects" (I can show you some real jokes in that department), was the right direction: making America a world leader in green energy production. Obumbles just thought when BigOil posing as green engineers told him that placing flat mirrors up to a mile away from the source they were targeting was "the way to do solar thermal". I mean a child with a Jr. High exposure to science could've figured out he was being tricked...

If you could get away from your religious zeal for carbon energy sources and think of this equation like I'm urging Trump to do...improved bottom line and "making America great again", you'd realize that your protests are in vain. We can either sell energy to Canada that we can produce here cheaply with probably a 75% reduction in expensive carbon...or we can buy it from her as our doing so encourages her to rape her beautiful wildlands and destroy her waterways....at great expense to ourselves and an extremely finite resource that will have to move away from in near decades anyway. Why not start now, preserve our beautiful lands & water which EVERYONE loves...even BigOil moguls if they were given truth serum...and profit YUGELY from selling cheap green sunshine-boiled water? From an energy source which none of our great great great great great great great great grandchildren will ever see depleted?

Speaking of those far off progeny...how will they weigh Trump's stupidity if he opts for the oil-whisperer's plan? Trump surely realizes what the word "finite" means. And since he probably does; wouldn't he want to be glorified in future history books as "the man who literally himself changed the course of human civilization for the better" instead of "yet another nameless asshole who sold our children's futures out to poisons...and was the last coffin nail in our thinning thermosphere that nearly destroyed the earth? (providing life can still survive in conditions then when our generation is done with the planet)..
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Parabolic Boiler In The North, In The Winter Turning Water Into Steam(Canadian youtubes Into Far North Dead Of Winter Available Also)

Here you go Mr. Trump: how to make America Great Again! Even in the white north in the dead of Winter.

This is a crude setup. Imagine highly polished convex mirrors in the Southwest in Summer or Winter right under the tube-oil they're heating...on the way to the turbines....

How about it BigOil? Make your steam for your turbines 300 days a year this way and still charge the same as if you were buying, hauling, burning and scrubbing up after coal or oil combustion? Will you be sad as the cash flows in and you can sleep at night knowing you're getting EVEN RICHER as the environment gets cleaner?

Cogeneration plants. It's happening around the world anyway. Will poor dumb America get left behind on the cash gravy train yet again? Or will she finally wake up and smell the future with this simple technology. Go to Congress. Get your documents drawn up to dupe..er..I mean "inform" the public on the new deal...and get your monopolies on energy production solar thermal nailed down. Then sit back and watch the cash flow in..

I myself wouldn't mind paying the same for energy as long as I know it's not destroying our last fresh water reserves FOREVER underground and on the surface. Get your monopolies set in stone and prepare to leave the filthy caveman carbon industry in the history books where it belongs. Finite resource..your grandkids are going to have to leave it behind anyway..might as well set them up now.

vv Hey Dumb Dumb (BELOW) did you forget to read how solar thermal works IN TANDEM with carbon sources; freeing regular carbon energy plants every day the sunshine happens to pure profit?
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Parabolic Boiler In The North, In The Winter Turning Water Into Steam(Canadian youtubes Into Far North Dead Of Winter Available Also)

Here you go Mr. Trump: how to make America Great Again! Even in the white north in the dead of Winter.

This is a crude setup. Imagine highly polished convex mirrors in the Southwest in Summer or Winter right under the tube-oil they're heating...on the way to the turbines....

How about it BigOil? Make your steam for your turbines 300 days a year this way and still charge the same as if you were buying, hauling, burning and scrubbing up after coal or oil combustion? Will you be sad as the cash flows in and you can sleep at night knowing you're getting EVEN RICHER as the environment gets cleaner?

So we will freeze to death on cloudy days.. How uncivilized.....
Donald Trump Will Be the Only World Leader to Deny Climate Change Is Real

As future president, Donald Trump has promised to dismantle President Barack Obama’s progress toward improving the environment. He has supported the Keystone XL pipeline and removing regulations on the gas and oil industries. He wants to reduce the influence of the Environmental Protection Agency, which he called a “disgrace,” and scrap the Clean Power Plan, which would compel power plants to reduce their carbon emission. He wants to “cancel” the Paris climate change deal. And he also once claimed that global warming is a hoax “created by and for the Chinese.Donald Trump Will Be the Only World Leader to Deny Climate Change Is Real

Well Mr. Trump. You's got some learnin' to do. Average-student business-major Donald Trump; who doesn't take regular security briefings from experts even, cuz, you know, he's smarter than they are on everything...has suddenly deemed himself smarter than world scientific consensus. He might as well declare that green is now purple. What will be next in his world of make-believe?

Even the chemical industry disagrees with you; and dozens of other professional organizations, including NASA. Who is smarter Trumpees? Your guru Donald Trump? Or almost all world scientists?:

American Chemical Society
"Comprehensive scientific assessments of our current and potential future climates clearly indicate that climate change is real, largely attributable to emissions from human activities, and potentially a very serious problem." (2004)4 http://climate.nasa.gov/scientific-consensus/

While climate change is happening, it has been happening for the entire history of the Earth. Thus climate change caused by humans is not real, and there is no evidence that it is. Pollution and climate change are NOT the same thing
One huge wealth redistribution scam

Obama fired a top scientist at the DOE because he dared question global warming...does that sound like settled science? When the Trump administration destroys this climate scam that will be a green light for the rest of the world to follow suit.

We are going to dig coal and drill for oil, that should piss off the left.
The first official "Earth Day" was April 22, 1970. And the big concern then, was "Global Cooling".

People have been "researching" this supposed manmade climate change for forty-five years. And after all that researching, all that screaming, all that denigration of those who don't see any evidence for it.....

...not a single report proving that man has had any impact on climate change, or can ever have any in the foreseeable future, has ever been published.

Not one. In forty-plus years.

Lots of stuff has been published saying that man has had an effect on climate change. and lots of it claims to "prove" it, or at least support it, by "logic" such as:

1.) Increased levels of (CO2, methane, hydrogen, pick your favorite "greenhouse gas") can change the climate.

2.) Man can create more greenhouse gases by paving too much land, or burning fossil fuels, or exhaling really heavily (insert the activity you want to demonize here).

3.) Man is doing that activity, so man is changing the climate.

No attempt to establish what increase in gases is necessary to actually change the climate in whatever way you are fearing this week. No attempt to find if man is actually creating that much. No attempt to find if such increases do or don't trigger other events that might absorb or use up more of those gases (more plants growing or oceans absorbing or whatever). Etc. etc.

And a great deal of publishing has been done, of documents that purport to "prove" that man is affecting the climate, by referring to long bibliographies of learned documents and other "studies". But if you actually look into those bibliographies and open up the documents they cite, you find... you guessed it, more bibliographies, pointing to yet more documents. No actual studies or experiments that demonstrate what the publishers say is true. Just references to even more studies... which in turn refer to even more studies... none of which ever actually prove the original assertion.

FORTY-PLUS YEARS. And not a single actual proof.

There's a reason for this. And it's similar to the reason why no chemical has ever been found that can turn lead into gold... something that has been "researched" for thousands of years.

And the reason is, because there just plain isn't any.

Go peddle your papers, manmade-global-whatever hysterics. You HAVE succeeded in convincing the rest of us of one thing: that you're selling snake oil, no matter how high a price you're charging for it. Nothing else could account for your complete failure to produce even ONE piece of proof, after all the resources you have expended (usually from other peoples' pockets) and forty-plus years of trying.

Why not join the Flat Earth Society? You'll find some people there, who have the mindset needed to believe you.
Donald Trump Will Be the Only World Leader to Deny Climate Change Is Real

As future president, Donald Trump has promised to dismantle President Barack Obama’s progress toward improving the environment. He has supported the Keystone XL pipeline and removing regulations on the gas and oil industries. He wants to reduce the influence of the Environmental Protection Agency, which he called a “disgrace,” and scrap the Clean Power Plan, which would compel power plants to reduce their carbon emission. He wants to “cancel” the Paris climate change deal. And he also once claimed that global warming is a hoax “created by and for the Chinese.Donald Trump Will Be the Only World Leader to Deny Climate Change Is Real

Well Mr. Trump. You's got some learnin' to do. Average-student business-major Donald Trump; who doesn't take regular security briefings from experts even, cuz, you know, he's smarter than they are on everything...has suddenly deemed himself smarter than world scientific consensus. He might as well declare that green is now purple. What will be next in his world of make-believe?

Even the chemical industry disagrees with you; and dozens of other professional organizations, including NASA. Who is smarter Trumpees? Your guru Donald Trump? Or almost all world scientists?:

American Chemical Society
"Comprehensive scientific assessments of our current and potential future climates clearly indicate that climate change is real, largely attributable to emissions from human activities, and potentially a very serious problem." (2004)4 http://climate.nasa.gov/scientific-consensus/

I love it, he'll be the only one correct
No....we're going to piss off the left and make money.....
Not as much as you would if you got power plants to harvest free fuel for most of the year. Vs the expensive kind you want to burn 365 days a year. Ever take economics? You decrease your overhead and your profits rise. Might want to take a quick refresher course on economics 101. Even Trump understands this most basic of concepts discussed last page.
Well after wading through the trolling and ad hominems on the previous page..with zero science offered to refute my tutorial for Mr. Trump, something occurred to me. Maybe I'm coming at this all wrong. Trump isn't a scientist; that's for sure. But he is involved in business....so...

Dear Mr. Trump, what makes better financial sense for a business' bottom line?

1. Watch the videos from youtube on page 1 here.

2. Consider that solar thermal is one of any number of ways to boil water to run a steam turbine; which is all any geothermal, coal, oil or nuclear plant does.

3. Consider that a solar thermal plant installation consists of rows of concave mirrors that follow the sun and concentrate that solar radiation on an elevated tube right nearby above them. And the tube is filled with thermal oil that heats up to 300 degrees Celsius with just sunlight concentrated on it (like burning a bug with a magnifying glass.) (200 degrees above the point where water boils). It is the simplest of technologies we have to boil water besides geothermal.

4. Given the cheapness of the costs of setting up a solar thermal plant vs a coal, oil or especially a nuclear plant (gawd! :uhh: ) JUST to boil water....pay attention to #5...

5. Which power plant would generate more profit over time, say 10 years? A. A power plant that 365 days a year has to buy oil that was extracted from the ME at great military costs; it and/or coal locally at great environmental costs (which the "company" will have to pay for later down the line, if you consider US citizens including yourself part of "the company") or...god forbid..extraction of uranium and all those hidden unsustainable costs.. or B. A power plant tied to the hip with solar thermal; where every single day the sun shines in a given area, no matter where or how far North, is one less day you have to pay for fuel to provide your customers with power THAT YOU CHARGE THE SAME RATE AS IF YOU WERE BURNING FUEL...? Free fuel; while charging the customer as if you had to pay for the fuel...

C'mon Mr. Trump. You're a whiz at business. Watch the youtubes and let me know what your answer to #5 is.. Surely now that you're in power you could preside over deals made with Congress where carbon pig utilities can maintain their monopolies, with current charges in place, WHILE REDUCING THEIR COSTS IMMENSELY. Mr. Trump; it's cheap power sold at the same price as expensive power. Knock knock? Helloooooooo? Remember what they taught you in college?

5. Which power plant would generate more profit over time, say 10 years? A. A power plant that 365 days a year has to buy oil that was extracted from the ME at great military costs;

How uneducated are you kid? Less than 1% of American power plants use oil

Donald Trump Will Be the Only World Leader to Deny Climate Change Is Real

As future president, Donald Trump has promised to dismantle President Barack Obama’s progress toward improving the environment. He has supported the Keystone XL pipeline and removing regulations on the gas and oil industries. He wants to reduce the influence of the Environmental Protection Agency, which he called a “disgrace,” and scrap the Clean Power Plan, which would compel power plants to reduce their carbon emission. He wants to “cancel” the Paris climate change deal. And he also once claimed that global warming is a hoax “created by and for the Chinese.Donald Trump Will Be the Only World Leader to Deny Climate Change Is Real

Well Mr. Trump. You's got some learnin' to do. Average-student business-major Donald Trump; who doesn't take regular security briefings from experts even, cuz, you know, he's smarter than they are on everything...has suddenly deemed himself smarter than world scientific consensus. He might as well declare that green is now purple. What will be next in his world of make-believe?

Even the chemical industry disagrees with you; and dozens of other professional organizations, including NASA. Who is smarter Trumpees? Your guru Donald Trump? Or almost all world scientists?:

American Chemical Society
"Comprehensive scientific assessments of our current and potential future climates clearly indicate that climate change is real, largely attributable to emissions from human activities, and potentially a very serious problem." (2004)4 http://climate.nasa.gov/scientific-consensus/


Does your dumb ass know who the fuck is the Prime Minister of GB?
The change in deep open co2 released into the atmosphere is a million times more daily than the co2 released by humans in years. When the suns energy is angularly more direct and deeper reaching into the deep cold water ocean trenches it releases billions of cubic feet of co2 into the atmosphere and when the angle is less direct the deep ocean waters reclaim the co2. IE non manmade global greenhouse gas production on a massive scale. Now what any liberal want to challenge that?

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