A Victim of the Swedish Opinion Police

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
A Victim of the Swedish Opinion Police
Posted on December 12, 2019 by Baron Bodissey

Åsa Westerberg is a Swedish anti-sharia activist who has spoken out against the intolerance and misogyny of Islam on multiple occasions. “New Swedes” who adhere to the religion of peace have denounced her to the police frequently enough that she has now been harassed several times by special anti-“hate” goon squads of the police. The police tactics that she describes below are stunningly totalitarian.

Many thanks to Kronans Martell (Ullis News) for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video link

Swedish woman beaten and arrested by police for thought and speech crimes by rairfoundation - 3Speak.Online

She was only trying to start a conversation...unfortunately with " tolerant " " educated " "democratic socialist "you can only start conversations they agree with other wise you may get your door kicked in ...

Much blood coming to the streets of the west
Tick tock
A Victim of the Swedish Opinion Police
Posted on December 12, 2019 by Baron Bodissey

Åsa Westerberg is a Swedish anti-sharia activist who has spoken out against the intolerance and misogyny of Islam on multiple occasions. “New Swedes” who adhere to the religion of peace have denounced her to the police frequently enough that she has now been harassed several times by special anti-“hate” goon squads of the police. The police tactics that she describes below are stunningly totalitarian.

Many thanks to Kronans Martell (Ullis News) for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video link

Swedish woman beaten and arrested by police for thought and speech crimes by rairfoundation - 3Speak.Online


Proof once again that liberal, social ideology survives only by the force of government. They will threaten, condemn, arrest and beat this woman senseless until she comes around and stops all that terrible hate speech speaking out against forced moral and social decay!
But...bub....but....but....DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM! :auiqs.jpg:
Have they militarized their police and do they have the entire population under constant corporate state surveillance? Are they walling themselves in? Any concentration camps over there? How about their lack of mass incarceration?

But...bub....but....but....DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM! :auiqs.jpg:
Have they militarized their police and do they have the entire population under constant corporate state surveillance? Are they walling themselves in? Any concentration camps over there? How about their lack of mass incarceration?

They're working on it...Mebby you oughtta get a visa and move your sorry ass over there.
But...bub....but....but....DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM! :auiqs.jpg:
Have they militarized their police and do they have the entire population under constant corporate state surveillance? Are they walling themselves in? Any concentration camps over there? How about their lack of mass incarceration?

They're working on it...Mebby you oughtta get a visa and move your sorry ass over there.
Once again we see america shatting itself over a teenager. One our aristocracy didn't get the chance to fuck and sodomized via the Epstein/Maxwell Child Sex Trafficking Corporation.
Muslims are the scourge of the world with their sick stone age cult of death and violence, and their pedophile fake prophet. They take over where ever they get a foothold and sufficient numbers of them, and yet there are people STUPID enough to HELP them take over their OWN NATION and lands. It's especially mind boggling how leftist homos and their lovers absolutely REFUSE to speak ONE SINGLE WORD against islam for it's blatant HATE of homos. I think all of them are just two faced, gutless COWARDS.

This is just like if someone broke into your house and sat down on your couch, and then instead of you calling the police to get them out, or just shooting the bastard yourself, you instead wait on them hand and foot and offer them to just make themselves at home... it's insane. The people of Sweden are insane. Anyone, anywhere that allows muslims to infiltrate and take over are insane, because they do NOT ASSIMILATE. They bring with them their stone age cult which is SHARIA LAW, and that is ALL they respect, PERIOD.
But...bub....but....but....DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM! :auiqs.jpg:
Have they militarized their police and do they have the entire population under constant corporate state surveillance? Are they walling themselves in? Any concentration camps over there? How about their lack of mass incarceration?


Jesus H They really are dumbed down useful idiots.
Nice try changing the subject. I can assure you that I have been following the militarization of police forces across the United States longer than you have. ...not exactly a big fan of it ...furthermore you left wing nazi morons will turn right around and insist law abiding citizens turn in their rifles ....

Look ma I'm a dumbed down leftist scum.

"The police are evil ...bu bu bu .only the police, military and federal bureaucracies should have guns"

That's how fucking stupid you brainwashed retards are .......

I still keep asking why the department of education has a fuckin swat team! ....being a dumbed down ignorant left wing nazi you probably had no clue that yes they do have a swat team .

And really to bring up obamma concentration camp cages?
Anything goes on my threads but You are not allowed to sway off topic ..because you're an idiot

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