a virginia furious after special grand jury indicts white officer

The man broke the law.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
The guy's a loser and an idiot, no doubt. Stealing sunglasses in his late 30's?

But guys so afraid that they shoot a guy because he "reached for something," shouldn't ever be given a gun and definitely not a badge.

If it were the store owner or the store's private security who chased the guy and shot him because he "reached for something," would you be so congratulatory?
The guy's a loser and an idiot, no doubt. Stealing sunglasses in his late 30's?

But guys so afraid that they shoot a guy because he "reached for something," shouldn't ever be given a gun and definitely not a badge.

If it were the store owner or the store's private security who chased the guy and shot him because he "reached for something," would you be so congratulatory?
Reaching while a gun is pointed at you?
Darwin Award.
Maybe the account of the incident has merit for indicting the officer but where the hell does the part come in that claims "a Virginia furious"? Does it allege that the entire state is furious or is it some glitch in foreign language propaganda?
Maybe the account of the incident has merit for indicting the officer but where the hell does the part come in that claims "a Virginia furious"? Does it allege that the entire state is furious or is it some glitch in foreign language propaganda?
Yes, we are.
This is a big reason so many people don't want to pursue a career in law enforcement.
the guy was grabbing at a cops gun on his belt. should he let him get and kill him.

So says the cop. He killed a man, a Black Man and of course the Black Man was going his gun.....cop excuse No.1.....right up there with " I was in fear for my life".

The defense will present its evidence at trial. The cop is NOT judge, jury and executioner. He killed a man.
It always help when the Black Man is accused of being criminal. Heavy on the word accused. There was no trial/no verdict. The court showed good judgement in charging the cop. Unlike the man he killed, he will get trial, which means the cop must be white.
He is a Negro. He was guilty as fuck. No doubt about it.

Another example of the government protecting the goddamn thieves and punishing the cops. No wonder stores are closing left and right because the Negroes and other shitheads are stealing from them.
It was too dark to see the criminal reaching for anything. Even if he hadn’t, the idiot would still be alive if he didn’t commit a crime.
I did watch it, but I guess you did not. If you had, you would have seen that there was no gun-grabbing, by anyone except the police officers.
i did you didnt. how could tell it was puitch black all you heard cop yelling stop grabbing. liar l,iar pants on fire.
So says the cop. He killed a man, a Black Man and of course the Black Man was going his gun.....cop excuse No.1.....right up there with " I was in fear for my life".

The defense will present its evidence at trial. The cop is NOT judge, jury and executioner. He killed a man.
he was yelingat him to stop watch the video
See in the eyes of racist like the mumble mouth OP, anytime a cop murders a black man he should be given a medal for job well done.
Call me a "Librull" if you like. But I have had it up to here with unarmed people being killed by police because the police officer claims they "reached for something."

Give me a break. No shooting until you see a gun. Shooting people for "reaching for something," and calling that justified, could be a death sentence for people with any kind of disability that affects behavior. I'm surprised we don't see more people with autism shot by cops. They act strangely sometimes, but I've never heard of one carrying or wanting to carry a gun. But I could easily picture one of my students reaching for his wallet when a police officer tells them to stop.

There is a reason deaf people, epileptics, and diabetics are terrified of cops.

If you're too scared to hold your fire until you see that the person is an actual thread, get a job in the fire department. Maybe they'll let you blast water into houses that look like they might be fire hazards without you seeing any actual fire.

Both cops shot at an unarmed man? That department needs more training and should stand down and let the county take over until they have it. Where did the bullet go that missed the suspect? Should I say into whom did it go?

I suspect many cops HOPE that this is the day they get to kill someone. I wonder how many have orgasms when they do.
thwe black dude to grab cops gun . the cops had no choice.
Why show a video then lie about the contents?

The guy was 50 feet away in the dark.
The cop could not have seen the guy "reach" in the dark
The guy was shot in the chest indicating he was facing the officer and thereby complying.

This was murder, plain and simple.

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