A warning for all admirers of EU - coming prison of folks


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
If you do not stop outraged lefts now, you will wake up in a communist prison tomorrow, your money get confiscated by laughing socialists, your wife raped by democrats, you killed by a turd world immigrant.
The socialist utopia has been failed everywhere and produced more as 300 millions starved to death, killed and tortured innocent victims.
Russia, China, East Europa, Cuba, Cambogia, now Venezuela. Marxist fairy-tale does not work even when you murder a half of countries population.
Merkel, Macron, Presstitutes and other insane promise you a nice future in Socialist EU, see how this future in reality looks.

All socialist countries had it, have it and will have always.

Leftism kills.Either you stop leftist gangs or them murder you!

The True Face of EU Utopia

37 Devastating Facts About The Gulags

EU is Communist scam, invented and promoted by USA under it's similar scam. But, then, USA deserves it more than Europeans, because the People of USA once had the means to escape the Babylonian gomorra beast, and chose to embrace it, and love it, make excuses for, and worship it.

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