A warning for the Democrats and RINO's.


Extra long Bad Ass Cut.
Sep 17, 2011
Back when I lived in Houston I was listening to Michael Berry. He was talking about a guy, supported by the Tea Party who had the audacity to run against David Douhurst, the Bush appointee and GOP pick to run instead. They campaigned against him as hard as any democrat could or would. Lavin picked Cruz up and endorsed him as well. Thing was, the more people came out against him, the more the Chronicle said he would lose. In the end, he won. Those in the political ruling class as well as their water boys in the main stream media should learn from this. Those who keep referring to "The Cruz Wing" of the Republican party or "speaker of the house Cruz" may end up with a nasty surprise come November 2014.
warning to democrats and rino's.

wouldn't that be a warning to y'all?
Be careful. LK prowls around and he'll beat you over the head on verb tenses, dangling participles, grammar, and spelling.
Despite the insanity, and despite Cruz causing maybe 20 house gopers to get primaried out, the dems have little chance to pick up the House until 2016 at the earliest.

The Senate may be interesting.
Blah, Blah, Blah... Cruz is red meat for the base. Nothing more. It is so amusing that you guys keep thinking that you lost the presidency because you did'nt run a "true conservative". The only shot you have is a Libertarian that does not listen to the bible thumpers on social issues. But you and I both know thats never going go happen
So normal America is supposed to take it as some sort of warning that Texas elected a rightwing nut to the Senate?

Back when I lived in Houston I was listening to Michael Berry. He was talking about a guy, supported by the Tea Party who had the audacity to run against David Douhurst, the Bush appointee and GOP pick to run instead. They campaigned against him as hard as any democrat could or would. Lavin picked Cruz up and endorsed him as well. Thing was, the more people came out against him, the more the Chronicle said he would lose. In the end, he won. Those in the political ruling class as well as their water boys in the main stream media should learn from this. Those who keep referring to "The Cruz Wing" of the Republican party or "speaker of the house Cruz" may end up with a nasty surprise come November 2014.

Get real.

Besides the fact that Cruz would have to resign his Senate Seat to run for a house seat to become "Speaker", you forget a major problem.

The GOP really, really HATES Ted Cruz.

Ted Cruz is Joe McCarthy. He's riding high on a wave of hate, but eventually that wave is going to crash into the shoals.
Back when I lived in Houston I was listening to Michael Berry. He was talking about a guy, supported by the Tea Party who had the audacity to run against David Douhurst, the Bush appointee and GOP pick to run instead. They campaigned against him as hard as any democrat could or would. Lavin picked Cruz up and endorsed him as well. Thing was, the more people came out against him, the more the Chronicle said he would lose. In the end, he won. Those in the political ruling class as well as their water boys in the main stream media should learn from this. Those who keep referring to "The Cruz Wing" of the Republican party or "speaker of the house Cruz" may end up with a nasty surprise come November 2014.

They'll be in power?

That would be quite a surprise.

I did not see that. But still, he is a skilled politition, and dangerous. Just ask the current polititions. Not saying he will be president, but if they keep on with the "Speaker Cruz" stuff they may get a nasty surprise.

1) It's spelled "Politician". I wouldn't make a big deal, but you've done this a couple times now.

2) He have to be a member of the House to be Speaker.

3) Most Republicans really, really don't like the guy. He's making them refight a fight they've already lost.
Back when I lived in Houston I was listening to Michael Berry. He was talking about a guy, supported by the Tea Party who had the audacity to run against David Douhurst, the Bush appointee and GOP pick to run instead. They campaigned against him as hard as any democrat could or would. Lavin picked Cruz up and endorsed him as well. Thing was, the more people came out against him, the more the Chronicle said he would lose. In the end, he won. Those in the political ruling class as well as their water boys in the main stream media should learn from this. Those who keep referring to "The Cruz Wing" of the Republican party or "speaker of the house Cruz" may end up with a nasty surprise come November 2014.

The thing is that Democrats, progressives, moderates, liberals, RINO's, moderate Republicans, they make up the overwhelming majority of America.

They aren't at war with each other.

But the Tea Partiers are. They're at war with all of us. They hate that we pool our money to build roads and bridges. They're at war with Obama. At war with their leaders. At war with food stamps. At war with governing.

They're a fucking retarded subset of mostly toothless losers (they could actually use some Obamacare!) who've sliced up America into a gerrymandered mess so that it gives them the numbers in the House to make them feel like they're representing all of us, but they aren't. They only represent themselves.

And what do they want, exactly? To hold a gun to our heads and force us to repeal the last 80 years.

Fuck them.

The Tea Party is going to be wiped off the map soon enough. This is just them in their final throes of desperation.
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Lissen up, y'all RINO reactionaries on the party's far right: you are going to be defeated, period.
Back when I lived in Houston I was listening to Michael Berry. He was talking about a guy, supported by the Tea Party who had the audacity to run against David Douhurst, the Bush appointee and GOP pick to run instead. They campaigned against him as hard as any democrat could or would. Lavin picked Cruz up and endorsed him as well. Thing was, the more people came out against him, the more the Chronicle said he would lose. In the end, he won. Those in the political ruling class as well as their water boys in the main stream media should learn from this. Those who keep referring to "The Cruz Wing" of the Republican party or "speaker of the house Cruz" may end up with a nasty surprise come November 2014.

Not likely, if 2010 and 2012 were any indication.

The TPM does well in gerrymandered bright red districts, but outside of those districts things get problematic.

When an election concerns state-wide races, the TPM tends to lose.

Take 2010, for example: TPM candidates lost in state-wide senatorial campaigns in Nevada, Colorado, and Connecticut, and lost gubernatorial races in California and New York.

National indifference, and in some cases animosity and opposition, to the TPM has only grown since then. And the shutdown is only reinforcing that resentment toward the TPM.
Back when I lived in Houston I was listening to Michael Berry. He was talking about a guy, supported by the Tea Party who had the audacity to run against David Douhurst, the Bush appointee and GOP pick to run instead. They campaigned against him as hard as any democrat could or would. Lavin picked Cruz up and endorsed him as well. Thing was, the more people came out against him, the more the Chronicle said he would lose. In the end, he won. Those in the political ruling class as well as their water boys in the main stream media should learn from this. Those who keep referring to "The Cruz Wing" of the Republican party or "speaker of the house Cruz" may end up with a nasty surprise come November 2014.


"Hay Y'all!!! Some gomer won in a goober district in a ex-slave state, all ya'll! Yeee Haw!"
Blah, Blah, Blah... Cruz is red meat for the base. Nothing more. It is so amusing that you guys keep thinking that you lost the presidency because you did'nt run a "true conservative". The only shot you have is a Libertarian that does not listen to the bible thumpers on social issues. But you and I both know thats never going go happen

No real Libertarians exist.
Back when I lived in Houston I was listening to Michael Berry. He was talking about a guy, supported by the Tea Party who had the audacity to run against David Douhurst, the Bush appointee and GOP pick to run instead. They campaigned against him as hard as any democrat could or would. Lavin picked Cruz up and endorsed him as well. Thing was, the more people came out against him, the more the Chronicle said he would lose. In the end, he won. Those in the political ruling class as well as their water boys in the main stream media should learn from this. Those who keep referring to "The Cruz Wing" of the Republican party or "speaker of the house Cruz" may end up with a nasty surprise come November 2014.

Not likely, if 2010 and 2012 were any indication.

The TPM does well in gerrymandered bright red districts, but outside of those districts things get problematic.

When an election concerns state-wide races, the TPM tends to lose.

Take 2010, for example: TPM candidates lost in state-wide senatorial campaigns in Nevada, Colorado, and Connecticut, and lost gubernatorial races in California and New York.

National indifference, and in some cases animosity and opposition, to the TPM has only grown since then. And the shutdown is only reinforcing that resentment toward the TPM.

^ exactly what was said (not word for word, but the jist) when he ran against Douhurst. All along he was loseing. He had few if any friends in the republican party. Less then even Dick Perry.

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