A warning for the Democrats and RINO's.

Better than your War on Wall Street!


Given you guys are whining like stuck pigs, probably not so much.

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, Joe.

You're "winning!"


Totally, man.

Your attempt to deny people health coverage has failed pretty miserably....

Now the 1%ers are telling the Teabaggers to knock it off, and they can't control the monster they created.
Given you guys are whining like stuck pigs, probably not so much.

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, Joe.

You're "winning!"


Totally, man.

Your attempt to deny people health coverage has failed pretty miserably....

Now the 1%ers are telling the Teabaggers to knock it off, and they can't control the monster they created.

Not really they aren't. No one gives a fuck about the government being closed. As for being "denied) health care, people deny them selves of health care. Even if they don't work they have options other then the ER. You know this, but because you spend so much time on the losing end of shit in life, you have to denie it. I mean hell, if it were to get out that this health care crap was just "crap" you and your type would lose another "thing" or "person" to blame for your shitty lives.
1. speel? I'm sure you were being ironic. Yes, I do make money writing. Yes, when I'm being paid to do it, I use spell check.

2. Yawn, the subject you are on about was pretty obscure, but I'm sure they made a big deal about it on Town Hall.

3. Folks in Texas are clinically retarded. Just look at their last two governors.

1. Ridiculous. A guy who cant hold a job is going to tell others how to get one. Yeah, Right.

2.Your surrender is accepted.

3.Well, sucky Governors aside, most in Texas have Jobs and can keep them. You don't and cant. Must be the Mormons.

1. Holding down a job just fine, thanks. Been working at the current one for over five years. Worked at the previous one for six. And, if you think a resume is to tell you "how to get a job", you are really unclear on the concept.

2. Since I didn't hear about it, it wasn't a big deal. Again, I'm sure the nuts on Toon Hall were on abuot it for days between their latest BIrther conspiracy theories, but out in the real world, no one noticed.

3. Texas has shitty minimum wage jobs and their average is $2.00 below the national average. I'm not sure what your point is here, really, other than whining.

1. Holding down a job just fine, thanks. Been working at the current one for over five years. Worked at the previous one for six. And, if you think a resume is to tell you "how to get a job", you are really unclear on the concept.

2. Since I didn't hear about it, it wasn't a big deal. Again, I'm sure the nuts on Toon Hall were on abuot it for days between their latest Birther conspiracy theories, but out in the real world, no one noticed.

3. Texas has shitty minimum wage jobs and their average is $2.00 below the national average. I'm not sure what your point is here, really, other than whining.[/QUOTE]

1. I don't need a resume. Never have. Word of mouth has been enough, and has made me thousands of dollars. Still is to.

2. Na. Town hall folks are just like you. See, you are them. You are the Anti Tea Party, except that far on the left. This is why everyone here makes fun of you. Your the same type of loon.

3. True about the minimum wage in Texas, but the fact is, only illegals just over the Rio work for that. Tones of money to be made in Texas. Its only perpetual victims with zero self worth or self confidence who don't get theirs. Must suck to have been on the losing end of life for as long as you have been. Oh, I corrected the spellin in my quote of your post.
Back when I lived in Houston I was listening to Michael Berry. He was talking about a guy, supported by the Tea Party who had the audacity to run against David Douhurst, the Bush appointee and GOP pick to run instead. They campaigned against him as hard as any democrat could or would. Lavin picked Cruz up and endorsed him as well. Thing was, the more people came out against him, the more the Chronicle said he would lose. In the end, he won. Those in the political ruling class as well as their water boys in the main stream media should learn from this. Those who keep referring to "The Cruz Wing" of the Republican party or "speaker of the house Cruz" may end up with a nasty surprise come November 2014.

Not likely, if 2010 and 2012 were any indication.

The TPM does well in gerrymandered bright red districts, but outside of those districts things get problematic.

When an election concerns state-wide races, the TPM tends to lose.

Take 2010, for example: TPM candidates lost in state-wide senatorial campaigns in Nevada, Colorado, and Connecticut, and lost gubernatorial races in California and New York.

National indifference, and in some cases animosity and opposition, to the TPM has only grown since then. And the shutdown is only reinforcing that resentment toward the TPM.

Interesting point--except I live in Florida where the majority of voters are right winged. TPP(Tea Party Patriots is what some call themselves) now have a strangle hold on the state.

It seems more like that the TPP is the future of the GOP. The old GOP is pretty much hated by conservative voters(save a few pols) and the TPP is breathing new life into that party.

In Dem leaning states, they are going to struggle heavily because it is dominated by libs. That is expected.
Back when I lived in Houston I was listening to Michael Berry. He was talking about a guy, supported by the Tea Party who had the audacity to run against David Douhurst, the Bush appointee and GOP pick to run instead. They campaigned against him as hard as any democrat could or would. Lavin picked Cruz up and endorsed him as well. Thing was, the more people came out against him, the more the Chronicle said he would lose. In the end, he won. Those in the political ruling class as well as their water boys in the main stream media should learn from this. Those who keep referring to "The Cruz Wing" of the Republican party or "speaker of the house Cruz" may end up with a nasty surprise come November 2014.

Not likely, if 2010 and 2012 were any indication.

The TPM does well in gerrymandered bright red districts, but outside of those districts things get problematic.

When an election concerns state-wide races, the TPM tends to lose.

Take 2010, for example: TPM candidates lost in state-wide senatorial campaigns in Nevada, Colorado, and Connecticut, and lost gubernatorial races in California and New York.

National indifference, and in some cases animosity and opposition, to the TPM has only grown since then. And the shutdown is only reinforcing that resentment toward the TPM.

Interesting point--except I live in Florida where the majority of voters are right winged. TPP(Tea Party Patriots is what some call themselves) now have a strangle hold on the state.

It seems more like that the TPP is the future of the GOP. The old GOP is pretty much hated by conservative voters(save a few pols) and the TPP is breathing new life into that party.

In Dem leaning states, they are going to struggle heavily because it is dominated by libs. That is expected.

Cool that you point that out. See, Douhurst did all that was required of one running for office in Texas. He kissed the ring of "Don. Bush" and said all the right stuff. Cruz ? well, he did nothing really. And when he got to Washington, he did as he said he would. It also seems that the more the likes of John "that one" McCain calls him a "loony bird" the stronger he gets. It seems like this is the case all over the country. As for "jury manderd districts" this is an accusation that can be leveled at Democrats as well. Shela Jackson Lee is a perfect example in Texas, and we have plenty like her here in Colorado to.

Not really they aren't. No one gives a fuck about the government being closed. As for being "denied) health care, people deny them selves of health care. Even if they don't work they have options other then the ER. You know this, but because you spend so much time on the losing end of shit in life, you have to denie it. I mean hell, if it were to get out that this health care crap was just "crap" you and your type would lose another "thing" or "person" to blame for your shitty lives.

Wow, guy, Toon Hall is missing your level of debate....

Most people are concerned that government can't do its job, and they put the blame squarely on the GOP.

Listened to Ex-Congressman Joe Walsh (whom I was THRILLED to vote against) whining tonight that Paul Ryan is willing to comprimise by leaving ObamaCare intact.

You guys have already lost. It's just about saving face now.

Not really they aren't. No one gives a fuck about the government being closed. As for being "denied) health care, people deny them selves of health care. Even if they don't work they have options other then the ER. You know this, but because you spend so much time on the losing end of shit in life, you have to denie it. I mean hell, if it were to get out that this health care crap was just "crap" you and your type would lose another "thing" or "person" to blame for your shitty lives.

Wow, guy, Toon Hall is missing your level of debate....

Most people are concerned that government can't do its job, and they put the blame squarely on the GOP.

Listened to Ex-Congressman Joe Walsh (whom I was THRILLED to vote against) whining tonight that Paul Ryan is willing to comprimise by leaving ObamaCare intact.

You guys have already lost. It's just about saving face now.

First off, I'm not "you guys". I'm just one of the majority of normal folks who sit and watch you tards have at it, and get screwed by you straight ticket voters, or you who are unable to think for your selves, so you do as instructed by the welfare dept. and the cable news networks. Second, TH actually misses you and your multiple accounts and the debates you would have between them. As far as already lost, what was there to win ? Obamacare was never going anywhere. Its all just smoke and mirrors. As far as who gets blamed, Government in general is blamed. No aspect of it is popular among anyone but you retards who fuck it up for the rest of us. Lumping me in with any of "the guys doesn't bother me. Here I am either a right wing nut, or an extremist lib. For normal folks that puts me proudly in the middle with the rest who are capable free thinkers.

First off, I'm not "you guys". I'm just one of the majority of normal folks who sit and watch you tards have at it, and get screwed by you straight ticket voters, or you who are unable to think for your selves, so you do as instructed by the welfare dept. and the cable news networks. Second, TH actually misses you and your multiple accounts and the debates you would have between them. As far as already lost, what was there to win ? Obamacare was never going anywhere. Its all just smoke and mirrors. As far as who gets blamed, Government in general is blamed. No aspect of it is popular among anyone but you retards who fuck it up for the rest of us. Lumping me in with any of "the guys doesn't bother me. Here I am either a right wing nut, or an extremist lib. For normal folks that puts me proudly in the middle with the rest who are capable free thinkers.

So what you are saying is that you are just a troll disagreeing with everyone.

Got it.

First off, I'm not "you guys". I'm just one of the majority of normal folks who sit and watch you tards have at it, and get screwed by you straight ticket voters, or you who are unable to think for your selves, so you do as instructed by the welfare dept. and the cable news networks. Second, TH actually misses you and your multiple accounts and the debates you would have between them. As far as already lost, what was there to win ? Obamacare was never going anywhere. Its all just smoke and mirrors. As far as who gets blamed, Government in general is blamed. No aspect of it is popular among anyone but you retards who fuck it up for the rest of us. Lumping me in with any of "the guys doesn't bother me. Here I am either a right wing nut, or an extremist lib. For normal folks that puts me proudly in the middle with the rest who are capable free thinkers.

So what you are saying is that you are just a troll disagreeing with everyone.

Got it.

Holey Shit ! Thats a hoot comeing from you ! I accept your surrender. You have gotten to soft joe. A real powder puff.:lol:
Back when I lived in Houston I was listening to Michael Berry. He was talking about a guy, supported by the Tea Party who had the audacity to run against David Douhurst, the Bush appointee and GOP pick to run instead. They campaigned against him as hard as any democrat could or would. Lavin picked Cruz up and endorsed him as well. Thing was, the more people came out against him, the more the Chronicle said he would lose. In the end, he won. Those in the political ruling class as well as their water boys in the main stream media should learn from this. Those who keep referring to "The Cruz Wing" of the Republican party or "speaker of the house Cruz" may end up with a nasty surprise come November 2014.

Texas will be a purple state in the next 2-3 presidential elections, just like Florida did. Move out of the way of progress or get ran over. :lol:

Oh, and:


That's an all time low right there, and this is before America watches the GOP walk away with NOTHING from shutting the government down. The plan is being worked out now.

So, fuck your message. :eusa_hand:
Back when I lived in Houston I was listening to Michael Berry. He was talking about a guy, supported by the Tea Party who had the audacity to run against David Douhurst, the Bush appointee and GOP pick to run instead. They campaigned against him as hard as any democrat could or would. Lavin picked Cruz up and endorsed him as well. Thing was, the more people came out against him, the more the Chronicle said he would lose. In the end, he won. Those in the political ruling class as well as their water boys in the main stream media should learn from this. Those who keep referring to "The Cruz Wing" of the Republican party or "speaker of the house Cruz" may end up with a nasty surprise come November 2014.

I note that you refer to talk radio hosts. I think it's safe to assume that Cruz benefitted from being in a district with a disproportionate number of passionate doomers, elderly, and preppers that vote at extremely high rates. These would be the "high information" voters Limbaugh speaks of; unfortunately, they are also of rather low intelligence and are somewhat anti-social.

If I were you, I wouldn't expect the whole country to resemble that dirt-clod district of Cruz's.
Back when I lived in Houston I was listening to Michael Berry. He was talking about a guy, supported by the Tea Party who had the audacity to run against David Douhurst, the Bush appointee and GOP pick to run instead. They campaigned against him as hard as any democrat could or would. Lavin picked Cruz up and endorsed him as well. Thing was, the more people came out against him, the more the Chronicle said he would lose. In the end, he won. Those in the political ruling class as well as their water boys in the main stream media should learn from this. Those who keep referring to "The Cruz Wing" of the Republican party or "speaker of the house Cruz" may end up with a nasty surprise come November 2014.

Texas will be a purple state in the next 2-3 presidential elections, just like Florida did. Move out of the way of progress or get ran over. :lol:

Oh, and:


That's an all time low right there, and this is before America watches the GOP walk away with NOTHING from shutting the government down. The plan is being worked out now.

So, fuck your message. :eusa_hand:

Wish full thinking on your part. They have been saying Texas is going purple in one way or another for years, and it has yet to happen. As for the GOP walking away with nothing, this is no surprise, but as far as I know, that's to be decided, but for the most part, they are nutless and its to be expected that they will cave causing primaries from their right. And then their is Obamacare. It will eat its self. We will see that when you get dinged for $100.00 bucks out of your food stamps and they kick you out of Medicaid because you work 20 hours a week. then we will see you scream bloody murder when you get the fine taken from your EIC refund because you could not afford your ACA. So I feel pretty good about how things are going. Obama and his bieotch will get the boot in 2016, the aca will be beginning its death throws and I will be gloating in 2014, and 2016 when you retards fill the house and senate with the "Tea Baggers" you hate so much. It will be Epic.
Back when I lived in Houston I was listening to Michael Berry. He was talking about a guy, supported by the Tea Party who had the audacity to run against David Douhurst, the Bush appointee and GOP pick to run instead. They campaigned against him as hard as any democrat could or would. Lavin picked Cruz up and endorsed him as well. Thing was, the more people came out against him, the more the Chronicle said he would lose. In the end, he won. Those in the political ruling class as well as their water boys in the main stream media should learn from this. Those who keep referring to "The Cruz Wing" of the Republican party or "speaker of the house Cruz" may end up with a nasty surprise come November 2014.

Just like Bachmann.
Back when I lived in Houston I was listening to Michael Berry. He was talking about a guy, supported by the Tea Party who had the audacity to run against David Douhurst, the Bush appointee and GOP pick to run instead. They campaigned against him as hard as any democrat could or would. Lavin picked Cruz up and endorsed him as well. Thing was, the more people came out against him, the more the Chronicle said he would lose. In the end, he won. Those in the political ruling class as well as their water boys in the main stream media should learn from this. Those who keep referring to "The Cruz Wing" of the Republican party or "speaker of the house Cruz" may end up with a nasty surprise come November 2014.

I note that you refer to talk radio hosts. I think it's safe to assume that Cruz benefitted from being in a district with a disproportionate number of passionate doomers, elderly, and preppers that vote at extremely high rates. These would be the "high information" voters Limbaugh speaks of; unfortunately, they are also of rather low intelligence and are somewhat anti-social.

If I were you, I wouldn't expect the whole country to resemble that dirt-clod district of Cruz's.

Um. Pleas do tell us what "district" cruz is from ?
Back when I lived in Houston I was listening to Michael Berry. He was talking about a guy, supported by the Tea Party who had the audacity to run against David Douhurst, the Bush appointee and GOP pick to run instead. They campaigned against him as hard as any democrat could or would. Lavin picked Cruz up and endorsed him as well. Thing was, the more people came out against him, the more the Chronicle said he would lose. In the end, he won. Those in the political ruling class as well as their water boys in the main stream media should learn from this. Those who keep referring to "The Cruz Wing" of the Republican party or "speaker of the house Cruz" may end up with a nasty surprise come November 2014.

I note that you refer to talk radio hosts. I think it's safe to assume that Cruz benefitted from being in a district with a disproportionate number of passionate doomers, elderly, and preppers that vote at extremely high rates. These would be the "high information" voters Limbaugh speaks of; unfortunately, they are also of rather low intelligence and are somewhat anti-social.

If I were you, I wouldn't expect the whole country to resemble that dirt-clod district of Cruz's.

Um. Pleas do tell us what "district" cruz is from ?

Wait, he's a senator. That means half of Texas is retarded.

Wait, we already knew that.

First off, I'm not "you guys". I'm just one of the majority of normal folks who sit and watch you tards have at it, and get screwed by you straight ticket voters, or you who are unable to think for your selves, so you do as instructed by the welfare dept. and the cable news networks. Second, TH actually misses you and your multiple accounts and the debates you would have between them. As far as already lost, what was there to win ? Obamacare was never going anywhere. Its all just smoke and mirrors. As far as who gets blamed, Government in general is blamed. No aspect of it is popular among anyone but you retards who fuck it up for the rest of us. Lumping me in with any of "the guys doesn't bother me. Here I am either a right wing nut, or an extremist lib. For normal folks that puts me proudly in the middle with the rest who are capable free thinkers.

So what you are saying is that you are just a troll disagreeing with everyone.

Got it.

Holey Shit ! Thats a hoot comeing from you ! I accept your surrender. You have gotten to soft joe. A real powder puff.:lol:

Your spelling is about at 6th-grade level, did you realize that?
Back when I lived in Houston I was listening to Michael Berry. He was talking about a guy, supported by the Tea Party who had the audacity to run against David Douhurst, the Bush appointee and GOP pick to run instead. They campaigned against him as hard as any democrat could or would. Lavin picked Cruz up and endorsed him as well. Thing was, the more people came out against him, the more the Chronicle said he would lose. In the end, he won. Those in the political ruling class as well as their water boys in the main stream media should learn from this. Those who keep referring to "The Cruz Wing" of the Republican party or "speaker of the house Cruz" may end up with a nasty surprise come November 2014.

Just like Bachmann.

I don't know. Many there thought of her as a bed bug of Paultard levels. This was different. Tell you what, google up Michale Berry, better yet, google "Shirley Q Liqueur" and you will get the bent of the radio guy. I figured there would be NO WAY Cruz would be elected with this dude backing him, yet he won over David Douhurst. The next in the line of succession and proclaimed so by the Bush cartel. It just did not happen. Bachman is a separate type of crazy. And she is a leach who grabbed her position to keep her power. Cruz is a different critter.
Back when I lived in Houston I was listening to Michael Berry. He was talking about a guy, supported by the Tea Party who had the audacity to run against David Douhurst, the Bush appointee and GOP pick to run instead. They campaigned against him as hard as any democrat could or would. Lavin picked Cruz up and endorsed him as well. Thing was, the more people came out against him, the more the Chronicle said he would lose. In the end, he won. Those in the political ruling class as well as their water boys in the main stream media should learn from this. Those who keep referring to "The Cruz Wing" of the Republican party or "speaker of the house Cruz" may end up with a nasty surprise come November 2014.

The retards in California's 43rd Congressional district keep re-electing Maxine Waters, so I would not be surprised if the retards of Texas re-elect Ted Cruz.

But the fact remains that Ted Cruz helped the GOP sink to a record low approval rating since September. With a big hand from Cruz, the GOP now stands at 28 percent compared to the Democrats at 43 percent. That's a very bad footing for the Republican Party to be entering into the mid-terms from.

You yahoos might love him, but the rest of America, and a large swath of Republicans, are repulsed by him.

So go right ahead and take ownership of him. You deserve it.
Last edited:
So what you are saying is that you are just a troll disagreeing with everyone.

Got it.

Holey Shit ! Thats a hoot comeing from you ! I accept your surrender. You have gotten to soft joe. A real powder puff.:lol:

Your spelling is about at 6th-grade level, did you realize that?

Meh, Mostly you just aren't worth proper spelling. You didn't even know that Ted Cruz was a Senator. you are retarded and not worthy of spell check. Go play in the bad lands retard, but before you do, go back to 2nd grade and learn your government.

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