A warning for the Democrats and RINO's.

Back when I lived in Houston I was listening to Michael Berry. He was talking about a guy, supported by the Tea Party who had the audacity to run against David Douhurst, the Bush appointee and GOP pick to run instead. They campaigned against him as hard as any democrat could or would. Lavin picked Cruz up and endorsed him as well. Thing was, the more people came out against him, the more the Chronicle said he would lose. In the end, he won. Those in the political ruling class as well as their water boys in the main stream media should learn from this. Those who keep referring to "The Cruz Wing" of the Republican party or "speaker of the house Cruz" may end up with a nasty surprise come November 2014.

Get real.

Besides the fact that Cruz would have to resign his Senate Seat to run for a house seat to become "Speaker", you forget a major problem.

The GOP really, really HATES Ted Cruz.

Ted Cruz is Joe McCarthy. He's riding high on a wave of hate, but eventually that wave is going to crash into the shoals.

Joe. Did they turn off your cable ? I have a difficult time believing that it went over your head. I can float you a few peso's so you can stay up to date. Google "speaker Cruz and get with it. Sheesh.

I did not see that. But still, he is a skilled politition, and dangerous. Just ask the current polititions. Not saying he will be president, but if they keep on with the "Speaker Cruz" stuff they may get a nasty surprise.

1) It's spelled "Politician". I wouldn't make a big deal, but you've done this a couple times now.

2) He have to be a member of the House to be Speaker.

3) Most Republicans really, really don't like the guy. He's making them refight a fight they've already lost.

1. Dont even try to be a grammer Nazi. You speel campaign wrong most of the time and claim to be a writer. So fuck ya.

2. Pay attention th the news and you will get it. If you need a hand out PM me and ill help ya get that cable back on.

3.This is how he got elected in Texas. No republicans liked him.
Based on about every poll I've seen, being a RINO may be quite the desirable position to be in.
The Dems' approval ratings are down but their ratings haven't tanked as bad as the GOP's and the Tea Party's.
It seems the American people want a more moderate approach to politics. The days of extremism and the act of no-compromise are coming to an end. Government has proved it can't function with either of them and people are very aware of nothing getting done in Washington because of radicalism and the refusal to seriously compromise.
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Based on about every poll I've seen, being a RINO may be quite the desirable position to be in.
The Dems' approval ratings are down but theirr ratings haven't tanked as bad as the GOP's and the Tea Party's.
It seems the American people want a more moderate approach to politics. The days of extremism and the act of no-compromise are coming to an end. Government has proved it can't function with either of them and people are very aware of nothing getting done in Washington because of radicalism and the refusal to seriously compromise.

I dont know. Thats what they have said about every election since 2004. In reality the fools in the house and senate dont represent America. They represent them selves. Even Ted Cruz. As far as the polls go, all together they poll badly. For the most part, I agree wit ya.
I did not see that. But still, he is a skilled politition, and dangerous. Just ask the current polititions. Not saying he will be president, but if they keep on with the "Speaker Cruz" stuff they may get a nasty surprise.

1) It's spelled "Politician". I wouldn't make a big deal, but you've done this a couple times now.

2) He have to be a member of the House to be Speaker.

3) Most Republicans really, really don't like the guy. He's making them refight a fight they've already lost.

1. Dont even try to be a grammer Nazi. You speel campaign wrong most of the time and claim to be a writer. So fuck ya.

2. Pay attention th the news and you will get it. If you need a hand out PM me and ill help ya get that cable back on.

3.This is how he got elected in Texas. No republicans liked him.

1. speel? I'm sure you were being ironic. Yes, I do make money writing. Yes, when I'm being paid to do it, I use spell check.

2. Yawn, the subject you are on about was pretty obscure, but I'm sure they made a big deal about it on Town Hall.

3. Folks in Texas are clinically retarded. Just look at their last two governors.
1) It's spelled "Politician". I wouldn't make a big deal, but you've done this a couple times now.

2) He have to be a member of the House to be Speaker.

3) Most Republicans really, really don't like the guy. He's making them refight a fight they've already lost.

1. Dont even try to be a grammer Nazi. You speel campaign wrong most of the time and claim to be a writer. So fuck ya.

2. Pay attention th the news and you will get it. If you need a hand out PM me and ill help ya get that cable back on.

3.This is how he got elected in Texas. No republicans liked him.

1. speel? I'm sure you were being ironic. Yes, I do make money writing. Yes, when I'm being paid to do it, I use spell check.

2. Yawn, the subject you are on about was pretty obscure, but I'm sure they made a big deal about it on Town Hall.

3. Folks in Texas are clinically retarded. Just look at their last two governors.

1. Ridiculous. A guy who cant hold a job is going to tell others how to get one. Yeah, Right.

2.Your surrender is accepted.

3.Well, sucky Governors aside, most in Texas have Jobs and can keep them. You don't and cant. Must be the Mormons.
Truedat. But back to the point. Ted Cruz (for abit there) was getting pounded by both sides. He was dubbed "Speaker Cruz" amd others. This happened to him in Texas to. There was great lamentation in Texas after he won his race.
1. Dont even try to be a grammer Nazi. You speel campaign wrong most of the time and claim to be a writer. So fuck ya.

2. Pay attention th the news and you will get it. If you need a hand out PM me and ill help ya get that cable back on.

3.This is how he got elected in Texas. No republicans liked him.

1. speel? I'm sure you were being ironic. Yes, I do make money writing. Yes, when I'm being paid to do it, I use spell check.

2. Yawn, the subject you are on about was pretty obscure, but I'm sure they made a big deal about it on Town Hall.

3. Folks in Texas are clinically retarded. Just look at their last two governors.

1. Ridiculous. A guy who cant hold a job is going to tell others how to get one. Yeah, Right.

2.Your surrender is accepted.

3.Well, sucky Governors aside, most in Texas have Jobs and can keep them. You don't and cant. Must be the Mormons.

1. Holding down a job just fine, thanks. Been working at the current one for over five years. Worked at the previous one for six. And, if you think a resume is to tell you "how to get a job", you are really unclear on the concept.

2. Since I didn't hear about it, it wasn't a big deal. Again, I'm sure the nuts on Toon Hall were on abuot it for days between their latest BIrther conspiracy theories, but out in the real world, no one noticed.

3. Texas has shitty minimum wage jobs and their average is $2.00 below the national average. I'm not sure what your point is here, really, other than whining.
Back when I lived in Houston I was listening to Michael Berry. He was talking about a guy, supported by the Tea Party who had the audacity to run against David Douhurst, the Bush appointee and GOP pick to run instead. They campaigned against him as hard as any democrat could or would. Lavin picked Cruz up and endorsed him as well. Thing was, the more people came out against him, the more the Chronicle said he would lose. In the end, he won. Those in the political ruling class as well as their water boys in the main stream media should learn from this. Those who keep referring to "The Cruz Wing" of the Republican party or "speaker of the house Cruz" may end up with a nasty surprise come November 2014.

They'll be in power?

That would be quite a surprise.

Which "they" do you refer to?
Back when I lived in Houston I was listening to Michael Berry. He was talking about a guy, supported by the Tea Party who had the audacity to run against David Douhurst, the Bush appointee and GOP pick to run instead. They campaigned against him as hard as any democrat could or would. Lavin picked Cruz up and endorsed him as well. Thing was, the more people came out against him, the more the Chronicle said he would lose. In the end, he won. Those in the political ruling class as well as their water boys in the main stream media should learn from this. Those who keep referring to "The Cruz Wing" of the Republican party or "speaker of the house Cruz" may end up with a nasty surprise come November 2014.
Irrelevant. The outcome of a local election there has no real barring on a local or national election anywhere else. The fact is that the recent events do not poll well anywhere and they poll even worse for republicans than democrats. The republicans could have won this round resoundingly but they made it about Obamacare, a LOOSING argument with the nation as a whole. This is not going well for them and a 'watch out' attitude will certainly not help those that are tea partiers.
Blah, Blah, Blah... Cruz is red meat for the base. Nothing more. It is so amusing that you guys keep thinking that you lost the presidency because you did'nt run a "true conservative". The only shot you have is a Libertarian that does not listen to the bible thumpers on social issues. But you and I both know thats never going go happen

I wish. I really, really wish but that is likely false. Most studies that I have seen have stated the exact opposite. It seems that the 'moral' right is stronger than the 'free' right and that moving to what I would view as the proper place of the Republican Party would actually hurt them as a whole. I find that is really disappointing for me because it ensures that our choices are essentially limited to who do you want controlling your life. I want to vote to control my own damn life but that seems off t6he table these days. The tea party certainly does not reflect those that are libertarian minded. They are far closer to the social house and that is rather confusing as it DIRECTLY conflicts with their moniker of 'small' government and low taxes.
Ted Cruz is for defunding the PPACA without repealing the mandate law. That means he wants to remove the tax on the Wallstreet Billionaires who wrote the law to force us to make them filthy rich. So Wallstreet Billionaires will pay half the tax rate that we have to pay on earn income & we get to subsidize them even more. We will have to pay the entire cost of this mandated law that makes them even richer. Have you seen the 300% rise in Wellpoint stock since the PPACA became law? Yes Wellpoint wrote the PPACA & Ted Cruz is going to make us pay for it & remove all of Wallstreets obligations to help fund it. Ted Cruz can Kiss My Ass!!!
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