A warning for the Democrats and RINO's.

Wish full thinking on your part. They have been saying Texas is going purple in one way or another for years, and it has yet to happen.

Think again, President Obama lost Texas last year by a mere 1.2 million votes. Projections have it turning purple/blue by 2020, as they have been saying for the last 12 years that it has been monitored.

40% of the population in TX is Hispanic (up 8% from 2008, 15% from 2000) and roughly 15% is African American, since these two demographics are most likely to vote Dem.. Well, you might be able to figure it out.

It's not be decided.. They will walk away with nothing that they started this shutdown for.

Their? Fuck, what are you retarded? Learn to spell you knuckle dragger.

I will be screaming nothing, I own 2 businesses (part own one) and I offer healthcare to my employees. The ACA saves me money. LOL, I did the math, refused to listen to misinformation your type thrive on and work the numbers.

I save money because of the ACA (as a business owner).

So I feel pretty good about how things are going. Obama and his bieotch will get the boot in 2016, the aca will be beginning its death throws and I will be gloating in 2014, and 2016 when you retards fill the house and senate with the "Tea Baggers" you hate so much. It will be Epic.

"Obama and his bieotch will get the boot in 2016", if he was actually running again (seeing he can't) that would be funny, otherwise that is just a sad comment and it shows your complete lack of understanding in our political system.

You must be retarded, flat out. Having ALL TIME low approval rating going into 2014 mid-term elections is not a good place to be.. The republicans know this, that is why we are now starting to hear about ending the shutdown because they see the poll numbers that are coming around. :lol:

There will be no redemption, your party will lose seats in the house (all we need is 17), just like the GOP did not win the election no matter how much they wished. Your party wont be "filling" the house and senate with anything no matter how much you try and pretend that the facts are lies.

Not to mention, you negged me on my comment.. And this pathetic reply is the best that you can come up with? Poor spelling and an even worse thought out reply, voters like you are on the decline and that is a great thing for America.

Obama lost Arizona by about 200,000 votes. So that is a good sign for the Dems. Arizona will be in play in 2016 forcing dwindling GOP resources to be spent there since there seems to be no favorite son/daughter vote.

Also, there is this:


While we weren't looking, the Senate in Texas shifted and there is no longer a GOP super-majority there. Hence the Wendy Davis filibuster (she'll soon be my new avatar is she keeps it up). Another good sign for the Dems.

If the LULAC coalition was smart, they'd be ringing up the TX Democratic party down there and demanding seats at the table. If the Dems do turn Texas, it will be only because of the Hispanic influence.

As for Michael Berry, a friend of mine who lives in Pasadena (where gas is $2.89 a gallon--thank you Mr. President), sent me this video:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSPOuRaQu68]POLICE WATCH BAR VIDEO IN HIT-AND-RUN PROBE - YouTube[/ame]

Sound familiar?

What is it about Conservatives who bash homosexuals in the day and party with them at night?

Now you are trying to be clever. How about you play the part where channel 2 news walked that storey back, or how Berry was the first to bring it up ? You are not smart enough for that stuff so stop doing it. Dang.
earlycuyler posted:
Take John McCain. Cant say many like him much. I mean, he was absolutely torn to ribbons in his presidential run. Whats sad about that is that Palin carried him through that.

Ron sez:
Palin carried McCain!!!!!!!!!! Please! One reason Obama won the presidency was because the idea of Palin being a heart beat away from the presidency scared the living shit out of thinking Americans. I strongly suggest that if a dead person were running against McCain/Palin the dead person would win. I know they would have my vote.

You watch to much TV. McCain never got crowds until Palin came on. Come to think of it, McCain has been a major loser on the national stage.

McCain should just get it over with and join the Democrats since he is so fond of gladhanding them and adopting their attitude.

So says this "TEA Party Hobbit":eusa_shhh:
earlycuyler posted:
Take John McCain. Cant say many like him much. I mean, he was absolutely torn to ribbons in his presidential run. Whats sad about that is that Palin carried him through that.

Ron sez:
Palin carried McCain!!!!!!!!!! Please! One reason Obama won the presidency was because the idea of Palin being a heart beat away from the presidency scared the living shit out of thinking Americans. I strongly suggest that if a dead person were running against McCain/Palin the dead person would win. I know they would have my vote.

You watch to much TV. McCain never got crowds until Palin came on. Come to think of it, McCain has been a major loser on the national stage.

McCain should just get it over with and join the Democrats since he is so fond of gladhanding them and adopting their attitude.

So says this "TEA Party Hobbit":eusa_shhh:

Yup. Its the "go along to get along" shit that I cant stand. No one there has any respect for those that sent them. This is where I see why the Tea Party is gaining traction, and why the operatives for the political class send the hitters after them so hard. They are scared shitless of them. Never saw a group of stodgy old farts strike so much fear into any one !
Last edited:
Wish full thinking on your part. They have been saying Texas is going purple in one way or another for years, and it has yet to happen.

Think again, President Obama lost Texas last year by a mere 1.2 million votes. Projections have it turning purple/blue by 2020, as they have been saying for the last 12 years that it has been monitored.

40% of the population in TX is Hispanic (up 8% from 2008, 15% from 2000) and roughly 15% is African American, since these two demographics are most likely to vote Dem.. Well, you might be able to figure it out.

As for the GOP walking away with nothing, this is no surprise, but as far as I know, that's to be decided, but for the most part, they are nutless and its to be expected that they will cave causing primaries from their right.

It's not be decided.. They will walk away with nothing that they started this shutdown for.

And then their is Obamacare. It will eat its self. We will see that when you get dinged for $100.00 bucks out of your food stamps and they kick you out of Medicaid because you work 20 hours a week. then we will see you scream bloody murder when you get the fine taken from your EIC refund because you could not afford your ACA.

Their? Fuck, what are you retarded? Learn to spell you knuckle dragger.

I will be screaming nothing, I own 2 businesses (part own one) and I offer healthcare to my employees. The ACA saves me money. LOL, I did the math, refused to listen to misinformation your type thrive on and work the numbers.

I save money because of the ACA (as a business owner).

So I feel pretty good about how things are going. Obama and his bieotch will get the boot in 2016, the aca will be beginning its death throws and I will be gloating in 2014, and 2016 when you retards fill the house and senate with the "Tea Baggers" you hate so much. It will be Epic.

"Obama and his bieotch will get the boot in 2016", if he was actually running again (seeing he can't) that would be funny, otherwise that is just a sad comment and it shows your complete lack of understanding in our political system.

You must be retarded, flat out. Having ALL TIME low approval rating going into 2014 mid-term elections is not a good place to be.. The republicans know this, that is why we are now starting to hear about ending the shutdown because they see the poll numbers that are coming around. :lol:

There will be no redemption, your party will lose seats in the house (all we need is 17), just like the GOP did not win the election no matter how much they wished. Your party wont be "filling" the house and senate with anything no matter how much you try and pretend that the facts are lies.

Not to mention, you negged me on my comment.. And this pathetic reply is the best that you can come up with? Poor spelling and an even worse thought out reply, voters like you are on the decline and that is a great thing for America.

You got negged for not knowing where Senators come from. You got another for crying about it.
earlycuyler posted:
Take John McCain. Cant say many like him much. I mean, he was absolutely torn to ribbons in his presidential run. Whats sad about that is that Palin carried him through that.

Ron sez:
Palin carried McCain!!!!!!!!!! Please! One reason Obama won the presidency was because the idea of Palin being a heart beat away from the presidency scared the living shit out of thinking Americans. I strongly suggest that if a dead person were running against McCain/Palin the dead person would win. I know they would have my vote.

You watch to much TV. McCain never got crowds until Palin came on. Come to think of it, McCain has been a major loser on the national stage.
McCain may have drawn bigger crowds with Palin but that does not translate to votes. When the carnival came to town I would sometimes go and see the bearded lady but that does not mean I wanted anything to do with her.
earlycuyler posted:
Take John McCain. Cant say many like him much. I mean, he was absolutely torn to ribbons in his presidential run. Whats sad about that is that Palin carried him through that.

Ron sez:
Palin carried McCain!!!!!!!!!! Please! One reason Obama won the presidency was because the idea of Palin being a heart beat away from the presidency scared the living shit out of thinking Americans. I strongly suggest that if a dead person were running against McCain/Palin the dead person would win. I know they would have my vote.

You watch to much TV. McCain never got crowds until Palin came on. Come to think of it, McCain has been a major loser on the national stage.
McCain may have drawn bigger crowds with Palin but that does not translate to votes. When the carnival came to town I would sometimes go and see the bearded lady but that does not mean I wanted anything to do with her.

Even if it was just to see the train wreck, McCain could not do it without her. Even today, the loudest cant take the woman down. She also brings in the $$$ for the party. Something the "reasonable" republicans never decline.
You watch to much TV. McCain never got crowds until Palin came on. Come to think of it, McCain has been a major loser on the national stage.

McCain should just get it over with and join the Democrats since he is so fond of gladhanding them and adopting their attitude.

So says this "TEA Party Hobbit":eusa_shhh:

Yup. Its the "go along to get along" shit that I cant stand. No there has any respect for those that sent them. This is where I see why the Tea Party is gaining traction, and why the operatives for the political class send the hitters after them so hard. They are scared shitless of them. Never saw a group of stodgy old farts strike so much fear into any one !
Apparently you are one of those people who live in a bubble. Perhaps you should take a peek outside and see what is really going on.

Poll: Tea Party support dips; majority of electorate see women's rights under attack
Posted Oct 9,2013 6:48 AM PDT
Updated Oct 9, 2013 7:21 AM PDT
By Sean Collins-Smith

NEWPORT NEWS, VA (WWBT) - Only a quarter of Virginia voters support the Tea Party movement, according to a newly released poll by Christopher Newport University's Wason Center for Public Policy.

Those numbers reflect the mood nationally, where across the country Tea Party support has hit all-time lows.

Poll: Tea Party support dips; majority of electorate see women's - NBC12.com - Richmond, VA News
McCain should just get it over with and join the Democrats since he is so fond of gladhanding them and adopting their attitude.

So says this "TEA Party Hobbit":eusa_shhh:

Yup. Its the "go along to get along" shit that I cant stand. No there has any respect for those that sent them. This is where I see why the Tea Party is gaining traction, and why the operatives for the political class send the hitters after them so hard. They are scared shitless of them. Never saw a group of stodgy old farts strike so much fear into any one !
Apparently you are one of those people who live in a bubble. Perhaps you should take a peek outside and see what is really going on.

Poll: Tea Party support dips; majority of electorate see women's rights under attack
Posted Oct 9,2013 6:48 AM PDT
Updated Oct 9, 2013 7:21 AM PDT
By Sean Collins-Smith

NEWPORT NEWS, VA (WWBT) - Only a quarter of Virginia voters support the Tea Party movement, according to a newly released poll by Christopher Newport University's Wason Center for Public Policy.

Those numbers reflect the mood nationally, where across the country Tea Party support has hit all-time lows.

Poll: Tea Party support dips; majority of electorate see women's - NBC12.com - Richmond, VA News

Those numbers are out every year before an election, and they never matter. They just don't. Every election one more seat go's, either from a RINO or a Democrat. Im just not impressed by the polls.
earlycuyler posted:
Even if it was just to see the train wreck, McCain could not do it without her. Even today, the loudest cant take the woman down. She also brings in the $$$ for the party. Something the "reasonable" republicans never decline.

Ron posted:
You do realize that you are trying to defend Palin by comparing her to a "train wreck."
You do realize that, don't you?
earlycuyler posted:
Even if it was just to see the train wreck, McCain could not do it without her. Even today, the loudest cant take the woman down. She also brings in the $$$ for the party. Something the "reasonable" republicans never decline.

Ron posted:
You do realize that you are trying to defend Palin by comparing her to a "train wreck."
You do realize that, don't you?

Not really. I don't need to defend Palin. I really don't give a fuck about her to tell the truth. I'm simply pointing out that no matter how hard the Dem's hit her, they do no good. Also, that she brings in millions of bucks that the republicans, even the RINO's gladly accept, even though they spend so much time attacking her, and the likes of Ted Cruz, only to get more like them elected.

Sorry dude, the butt hurt is flowing from your area . I mean, you keep bringing up TH and have had to bring your socks to help you out just as you did over there. and you never really got going there. You got shut down so fast it was almost sad. That's why the multiple accounts. Still cant figure out why you spent so much time debating your self with them though.

I posted on Toon Hall for about four years... And frankly, their site security was so poor I could have done it a lot longer than that... Its just boring to constantly try to talk sense to crazy people.

At least there are some sane people here on USMB. Not sure if you are one of them, though. Still not sure what your gig is, exactly.
You watch to much TV. McCain never got crowds until Palin came on. Come to think of it, McCain has been a major loser on the national stage.

McCain should just get it over with and join the Democrats since he is so fond of gladhanding them and adopting their attitude.

So says this "TEA Party Hobbit":eusa_shhh:

Yup. Its the "go along to get along" shit that I cant stand. No one there has any respect for those that sent them. This is where I see why the Tea Party is gaining traction, and why the operatives for the political class send the hitters after them so hard. They are scared shitless of them. Never saw a group of stodgy old farts strike so much fear into any one !
There's a HUGE reckoning afoot concerning the PEOPLE and the District of Criminals...and the folks in DC had better prepare themselves in 2014.

It isn't going to be nice by any stretch for ANYONE in government.

Sorry dude, the butt hurt is flowing from your area . I mean, you keep bringing up TH and have had to bring your socks to help you out just as you did over there. and you never really got going there. You got shut down so fast it was almost sad. That's why the multiple accounts. Still cant figure out why you spent so much time debating your self with them though.

I posted on Toon Hall for about four years... And frankly, their site security was so poor I could have done it a lot longer than that... Its just boring to constantly try to talk sense to crazy people.

At least there are some sane people here on USMB. Not sure if you are one of them, though. Still not sure what your gig is, exactly.

Security here is no better then anyplace else. As for my gig, and what it is, its a three pronged piece of metal on the end of a 7 foot stick. I use it for flounder fishing when they are shallow . Or I did when I lived in Houston.
McCain should just get it over with and join the Democrats since he is so fond of gladhanding them and adopting their attitude.

So says this "TEA Party Hobbit":eusa_shhh:

Yup. Its the "go along to get along" shit that I cant stand. No one there has any respect for those that sent them. This is where I see why the Tea Party is gaining traction, and why the operatives for the political class send the hitters after them so hard. They are scared shitless of them. Never saw a group of stodgy old farts strike so much fear into any one !
There's a HUGE reckoning afoot concerning the PEOPLE and the District of Criminals...and the folks in DC had better prepare themselves in 2014.

It isn't going to be nice by any stretch for ANYONE in government.

As it sould be. All of them are crooked. The 80 or so that everyone hates seem to be ok folks, although in time I would bet they go crooked the same way as the others have.
Back when I lived in Houston I was listening to Michael Berry. He was talking about a guy, supported by the Tea Party who had the audacity to run against David Douhurst, the Bush appointee and GOP pick to run instead. They campaigned against him as hard as any democrat could or would. Lavin picked Cruz up and endorsed him as well. Thing was, the more people came out against him, the more the Chronicle said he would lose. In the end, he won. Those in the political ruling class as well as their water boys in the main stream media should learn from this. Those who keep referring to "The Cruz Wing" of the Republican party or "speaker of the house Cruz" may end up with a nasty surprise come November 2014.

Texas. :rofl: :rofl:
McCain should just get it over with and join the Democrats since he is so fond of gladhanding them and adopting their attitude.

So says this "TEA Party Hobbit":eusa_shhh:

Yup. Its the "go along to get along" shit that I cant stand. No one there has any respect for those that sent them. This is where I see why the Tea Party is gaining traction, and why the operatives for the political class send the hitters after them so hard. They are scared shitless of them. Never saw a group of stodgy old farts strike so much fear into any one !
There's a HUGE reckoning afoot concerning the PEOPLE and the District of Criminals...and the folks in DC had better prepare themselves in 2014.

It isn't going to be nice by any stretch for ANYONE in government.

Like Romney's victory in 2012, right?
Back when I lived in Houston I was listening to Michael Berry. He was talking about a guy, supported by the Tea Party who had the audacity to run against David Douhurst, the Bush appointee and GOP pick to run instead. They campaigned against him as hard as any democrat could or would. Lavin picked Cruz up and endorsed him as well. Thing was, the more people came out against him, the more the Chronicle said he would lose. In the end, he won. Those in the political ruling class as well as their water boys in the main stream media should learn from this. Those who keep referring to "The Cruz Wing" of the Republican party or "speaker of the house Cruz" may end up with a nasty surprise come November 2014.

Texas. :rofl: :rofl:

Yup. The great state of! It even left you exasperated. Maybe even a bit horny. Its a VERY gay friendly state.
Back when I lived in Houston I was listening to Michael Berry. He was talking about a guy, supported by the Tea Party who had the audacity to run against David Douhurst, the Bush appointee and GOP pick to run instead. They campaigned against him as hard as any democrat could or would. Lavin picked Cruz up and endorsed him as well. Thing was, the more people came out against him, the more the Chronicle said he would lose. In the end, he won. Those in the political ruling class as well as their water boys in the main stream media should learn from this. Those who keep referring to "The Cruz Wing" of the Republican party or "speaker of the house Cruz" may end up with a nasty surprise come November 2014.

Texas. :rofl: :rofl:

Yup. The great state of! It even left you exasperated. Maybe even a bit horny. Its a VERY gay friendly state.

Texas. :rofl: :rofl:
Yup. Its the "go along to get along" shit that I cant stand. No one there has any respect for those that sent them. This is where I see why the Tea Party is gaining traction, and why the operatives for the political class send the hitters after them so hard. They are scared shitless of them. Never saw a group of stodgy old farts strike so much fear into any one !
There's a HUGE reckoning afoot concerning the PEOPLE and the District of Criminals...and the folks in DC had better prepare themselves in 2014.

It isn't going to be nice by any stretch for ANYONE in government.

Like Romney's victory in 2012, right?

Romny had the same issue McCain did. No one liked him because he was just the next Republican in line. He was the RNC choice. Also like McCain, he was no different then Obama. He had no plan that was any different then Obama. All Romney was was entitled. That's it.
There's a HUGE reckoning afoot concerning the PEOPLE and the District of Criminals...and the folks in DC had better prepare themselves in 2014.

It isn't going to be nice by any stretch for ANYONE in government.

Like Romney's victory in 2012, right?

Romny had the same issue McCain did. No one liked him because he was just the next Republican in line. He was the RNC choice. Also like McCain, he was no different then Obama. He had no plan that was any different then Obama. All Romney was was entitled. That's it.
So, you didn't vote for him.

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