A warning for the Democrats and RINO's.

3 more years of Barry Hussein and the remaining democRAT pols will be lucky to escape a necktie party. His stalinist regime has shown the left's true colors....commie red.
3 more years of Barry Hussein and the remaining democRAT pols will be lucky to escape a necktie party. His stalinist regime has shown the left's true colors....commie red.

I agree in part, but an ass load of Republicans need to be invited as well, and some blame for this mess needs to go to Republican presidents also. None of them have done anything to prevent whats happening now.
Back when I lived in Houston I was listening to Michael Berry. He was talking about a guy, supported by the Tea Party who had the audacity to run against David Douhurst, the Bush appointee and GOP pick to run instead. They campaigned against him as hard as any democrat could or would. Lavin picked Cruz up and endorsed him as well. Thing was, the more people came out against him, the more the Chronicle said he would lose. In the end, he won. Those in the political ruling class as well as their water boys in the main stream media should learn from this. Those who keep referring to "The Cruz Wing" of the Republican party or "speaker of the house Cruz" may end up with a nasty surprise come November 2014.
Irrelevant. The outcome of a local election there has no real barring on a local or national election anywhere else. The fact is that the recent events do not poll well anywhere and they poll even worse for republicans than democrats. The republicans could have won this round resoundingly but they made it about Obamacare, a LOOSING argument with the nation as a whole. This is not going well for them and a 'watch out' attitude will certainly not help those that are tea partiers.
Blah, Blah, Blah... Cruz is red meat for the base. Nothing more. It is so amusing that you guys keep thinking that you lost the presidency because you did'nt run a "true conservative". The only shot you have is a Libertarian that does not listen to the bible thumpers on social issues. But you and I both know thats never going go happen

I wish. I really, really wish but that is likely false. Most studies that I have seen have stated the exact opposite. It seems that the 'moral' right is stronger than the 'free' right and that moving to what I would view as the proper place of the Republican Party would actually hurt them as a whole. I find that is really disappointing for me because it ensures that our choices are essentially limited to who do you want controlling your life. I want to vote to control my own damn life but that seems off t6he table these days. The tea party certainly does not reflect those that are libertarian minded. They are far closer to the social house and that is rather confusing as it DIRECTLY conflicts with their moniker of 'small' government and low taxes.

State, not local.
3 more years of Barry Hussein and the remaining democRAT pols will be lucky to escape a necktie party. His stalinist regime has shown the left's true colors....commie red.

I agree in part, but an ass load of Republicans need to be invited as well, and some blame for this mess needs to go to Republican presidents also. None of them have done anything to prevent whats happening now.

True, but Dubya had his hands full dealing with mess Clinton left him both foreign and domestic. He shouldn't have invaded Iraq....that was on Rumsfeld telling him we could do it without the 3rd ID coming down from Turkey through the sunni triangle. If we'd waited, twisted the Turks necks a little, there would have been no insurgency and we'd have been out of there in a year. Clinton's "surplus" was cooked books and media sorcery....if anybody should be swung from the yard arm it's Slick Willy. :eusa_eh:
True, but Dubya had his hands full dealing with mess Clinton left him both foreign and domestic. He shouldn't have invaded Iraq....that was on Rumsfeld telling him we could do it without the 3rd ID coming down from Turkey through the sunni triangle. If we'd waited, twisted the Turks necks a little, there would have been no insurgency and we'd have been out of there in a year. Clinton's "surplus" was cooked books and media sorcery....if anybody should be swung from the yard arm it's Slick Willy. :eusa_eh:

calling for a former President to be killed?

talk about treason!!!

and yes, Clinton left Dubya with an extremely low deficit.
True, but Dubya had his hands full dealing with mess Clinton left him both foreign and domestic. He shouldn't have invaded Iraq....that was on Rumsfeld telling him we could do it without the 3rd ID coming down from Turkey through the sunni triangle. If we'd waited, twisted the Turks necks a little, there would have been no insurgency and we'd have been out of there in a year. Clinton's "surplus" was cooked books and media sorcery....if anybody should be swung from the yard arm it's Slick Willy. :eusa_eh:

calling for a former President to be killed?

talk about treason!!!

and yes, Clinton left Dubya with an extremely low deficit.

You wouldn't know "treason" if it bit your ugly face, asshole. Yeah, EXECUTED the same way he signed execution orders while governor of Arkansas. But not put down by needle like a dog.....HANGED for crimes against humanity. Got it?
3 more years of Barry Hussein and the remaining democRAT pols will be lucky to escape a necktie party. His stalinist regime has shown the left's true colors....commie red.

I agree in part, but an ass load of Republicans need to be invited as well, and some blame for this mess needs to go to Republican presidents also. None of them have done anything to prevent whats happening now.

True, but Dubya had his hands full dealing with mess Clinton left him both foreign and domestic. He shouldn't have invaded Iraq....that was on Rumsfeld telling him we could do it without the 3rd ID coming down from Turkey through the sunni triangle. If we'd waited, twisted the Turks necks a little, there would have been no insurgency and we'd have been out of there in a year. Clinton's "surplus" was cooked books and media sorcery....if anybody should be swung from the yard arm it's Slick Willy. :eusa_eh:

That's the thing, they all had electronic numbers, and economical hocus pocus. In the end, it was nothing more then paying the credit card bill with another credit card. Both party's are guilty here, as well as the media . I think now, with the likes of Cruz and the Tea Party this will change in the years to come. I also feel that Tea Party Democrats will start to pop up. The social issues will stop mattering and paying the bills will be the topic of the day.
True, but Dubya had his hands full dealing with mess Clinton left him both foreign and domestic. He shouldn't have invaded Iraq....that was on Rumsfeld telling him we could do it without the 3rd ID coming down from Turkey through the sunni triangle. If we'd waited, twisted the Turks necks a little, there would have been no insurgency and we'd have been out of there in a year. Clinton's "surplus" was cooked books and media sorcery....if anybody should be swung from the yard arm it's Slick Willy. :eusa_eh:

calling for a former President to be killed?

talk about treason!!!

and yes, Clinton left Dubya with an extremely low deficit.

I think that was a figgr of speach.
True, but Dubya had his hands full dealing with mess Clinton left him both foreign and domestic. He shouldn't have invaded Iraq....that was on Rumsfeld telling him we could do it without the 3rd ID coming down from Turkey through the sunni triangle. If we'd waited, twisted the Turks necks a little, there would have been no insurgency and we'd have been out of there in a year. Clinton's "surplus" was cooked books and media sorcery....if anybody should be swung from the yard arm it's Slick Willy. :eusa_eh:

calling for a former President to be killed?

talk about treason!!!

and yes, Clinton left Dubya with an extremely low deficit.

I think that was a figgr of speach.


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