A warning from a lady in Yugoslavia


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
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We can also point blame at the Republicans that voted to allow a "peaceful" transition of power in our last election. Apparently, they believe that it's better to lose our nation to Communism, than have another Civil War. Sad.

Too many clueless republicans aka the p.c, the moderates and elitist republicans. Aka...romney, the bush family etc.
A message all Americans desperately need to hear....thanx to John T. Ford for this link......it outlines how what the socialists are now doing to America was perpetrated on Yugoslavians and the disastrous consequences...how the socialistic biden regime is dividing Americans to weaken us and ultimately to impose a completely totalitarian government.

A Warning from Yugoslavia – Don't Follow What We Did | Armstrong Economics

Yugoslavia - Wikipedia

The conflicts in Yugoslavia had been first of all racist conflicts between different ethnic groups with different religions and not a conflict of right wing vs left wing ideologies.

To say "socialism" and "national socialism" are the same is a typical nonsense, which is only used from the strange ideologists in the USA around Donald Trump, the autocratic son of the autocrat Putin and lots of other "big strong men" all over the world and all over history. I context Yugoslavia: When the "big strong man" Tito had died also the strength had died, which had held together the people of Yugoslavia. After his death they lost more and more control over their economy, their lifes and their leaders - and many mutated suddenly to agressive mass-murderers of their neighbors. A big tragedy of history. Unimaginable for everyone whow knows what a friendly and nice country Yugoslavia once had been.

What everyone is able to learn is it not to trust in big strong men - even in case they seem to be good and to stabalize a country. Always try to find democratic compromisses and solutions - as unsatisfying this solution sometimes seem to be. Nothing is as perfect as unperfect, living and sometimes often a little chaotic solutions. Live and let live. That's the best. Ideologies are uninteresting - as well left wing ideologies and right wing ideologies. Racism and elitarian ideas in all forms are nonsense - and freedom of religion is a totally normal thing.

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We can also point blame at the Republicans that voted to allow a "peaceful" transition of power in our last election. Apparently, they believe that it's better to lose our nation to Communism, than have another Civil War. Sad.

Too many clueless republicans aka the p.c, the moderates and elitist republicans. Aka...romney, the bush family etc.
You are conflicted.
Just because they call themselves Republicans, does NOT mean they ARE Republicans!! Traitors, spies, posers, and imposters come in all shapes and forms. For example the Bushes are in allegiance with and members of the DNC. The Bushes.....part of the DNC's plan to destroy this country!! Which continued with Obozo and now Beijing Biden!!!
Jesus Christ. Yugoslavia was a Marxist country that fell into sectarian chaos. It has nothing to do with anything other than to point out the danger to society of ethnic and religious hatred.
Jesus Christ. Yugoslavia was a Marxist country that fell into sectarian chaos. It has nothing to do with anything other than to point out the danger to society of ethnic and religious hatred.
I care not regarding peoples ethnicity or religion (well.....Islam fundamentalists are a different matter, as a PEW survey done years ago in Muslim nations, found that an estimated 320,000,000 Muslims want those they deemed "infidels," converted, subjugated, or killed and that's equivalent to the number of people inhabiting the United States).

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