A warning to the democrats...Trump is not the Republican you are used to destroying, you are warned.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I have made this point in some of the other threads....but thought it deserved to be made very clear.

Trump is a business man....he likes making deals, he gets along with everyone and is more than happy to negotiate just about everything...he likes to win, sure, but he is used to the back and forth of getting things done.

The democrats could actually have worked with him.....they could have made deals on healthcare, the border, taxes.....just about everything.

But they are the left....they destroy anyone who gets in their way, and they have a track record of doing it to Republicans.....republicans who for some reason have never learned how to fight...who sit back and take whatever the democrats do to them, hand over which ever republican is next in line to be destroyed.....

And now they are going to use their play book to try to destroy Trump.

I say, thank you. Trump is a deal maker and there was always that worry, that he would try to make deals with the democrats, give a little to get what he wanted.........and that never ended well for regular Republicans who always got fucked in those deals...

This is your warning left wingers..............and I know you won't listen.......which is good.....

Donald Trump defeated 16 republican rivals.....experienced politicians with experienced machines and money behind them...(and the truth....they were republicans so they weren't really the toughest bunch of people to beat, as the democrats keep showing year after year)

He faced the clinton machine...the most vicious political machine this country has ever seen.....with the press, hollywood and the washington bureaucracy behind it.....I mean, the attorney general, lorretta lynch met with bill clinton the rapist to get marching orders about hilary's crimes as secretary of state.......

And Trump beat them.........

And obama...with his obamacare, his iran deal, and his destruction of the United States around the world in the balance......got beaten by Trump.....

And now....the left is going after Trump's family. They are going after his people. They aren't trying to defeat his agenda...they are trying to destroy him as a human being.

And they still think he is the typical Republican who will now fall on the ground in the fetal position, as the democrats kick the shit out of him at will......

This is your warning left wingers.....you are going to get everything you deserve.....Trump has stated he is a counter puncher...he doesn't punch first, but when he punches back he punches back to put you down......

And now he has the government and it's tools at his disposal.......you may have your moles, and your thugs embedded.....but he now has his people too.......

He is going to come for you and the beating you get is nothing less than everything you have deserved for the last 50 years.........

And thank you.......you are going to make Trump into a real conservative...something he wasn't attached to when he went into office....you are teaching him who you are and what you are...thank you for that.....
I have made this point in some of the other threads....but thought it deserved to be made very clear.
Yeah, I think there is some validity to this. Trump & Co are probably gonna do what they're gonna do. In fact, they may push harder amid the shit storm.

But I don't think that's really the goal of the Democrats, ultimately. They're looking at 2018. They said up front -- and with good reason -- that a top goal will be to so de-legitamize Trump's administration so that (1) they'll be able to pick off moderate Republicans facing tough '18 races on key votes, and (2) make some inroads in other races.

Just as with the GOP and Obama, the Dems are going to play politics rather than reach across the aisle.
I have made this point in some of the other threads....but thought it deserved to be made very clear.
Yeah, I think there is some validity to this. Trump & Co are probably gonna do what they're gonna do. In fact, they may push harder amid the shit storm.

But I don't think that's really the goal of the Democrats, ultimately. They're looking at 2018. They said up front -- and with good reason -- that a top goal will be to so de-legitamize Trump's administration so that (1) they'll be able to pick off moderate Republicans facing tough '18 races on key votes, and (2) make some inroads in other races.

Just as with the GOP and Obama, the Dems are going to play politics rather than reach across the aisle.

One point....David Horowitz discussed the true nature of the democrats....he was once a communist after all....he stated the democrats don't play politics....they fight total political war...which is why they have beaten the Republicans in the past.....

Trump isn't your typical Republican....he is a fighter......and so far he has defeated all of them, at every step...we will have to see how he fights back...
I have made this point in some of the other threads....but thought it deserved to be made very clear.
Yeah, I think there is some validity to this. Trump & Co are probably gonna do what they're gonna do. In fact, they may push harder amid the shit storm.

But I don't think that's really the goal of the Democrats, ultimately. They're looking at 2018. They said up front -- and with good reason -- that a top goal will be to so de-legitamize Trump's administration so that (1) they'll be able to pick off moderate Republicans facing tough '18 races on key votes, and (2) make some inroads in other races.

Just as with the GOP and Obama, the Dems are going to play politics rather than reach across the aisle.

One point....David Horowitz discussed the true nature of the democrats....he was once a communist after all....he stated the democrats don't play politics....they fight total political war...which is why they have beaten the Republicans in the past.....

Trump isn't your typical Republican....he is a fighter......and so far he has defeated all of them, at every step...we will have to see how he fights back...
Yeah, as I mentioned in another thread, the old Chinese curse:

"May you live in interesting times".
Hopefully. Just look at how many of the bastards met with Russians. Pelosi has already been caught lying about it.
Kill 'em all.
This Newest Obama Scandal could take down the whole Rat Party!!

I really hope so........obama doesn't have his pets in control of the Justice Department anymore...so hiding the fact that he used the NSA and the FBI to wiretap the Trump Campaign......won't be swept under the rug the way Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal, the clinton foundation scandal, the hilary email scandal, were.....

The obamas and clintons are now going to find out how hard it is to cover up their crimes when they don't control the law enforcement apparatus..........and Trump does....
Hopefully. JUst look at how many of the bastards met with Russians. Pelosi has already been caught lying about it.

Not only that....but podesta and his daughter had actual ties to the Russian government as he worked on the hilary campaign.....and as Secretary of STate she took money through the clinton foundation and then destroyed 33,000 emails to hide it....
I think I heard something about this kind of thing in the past. Someone, somewhere said something like, "If you live in a glass house, don't throw stones". I don't know what that means....
You guys live in la la land if you think the GOP any different than the Dems in terms of desired results: power.
You guys live in la la land if you think the GOP any different than the Dems in terms of desired results: power.

Uh...no....moron.....we know exactly who the Republicans are...which is why we elected Trump this time.....you asswipes don't care who the democrats are as long as they give you free shit......they can be rapists, and sell out the country...but as long as they give you free shit...you don't care.
maybe this explains why so many mysterious and very attractive women with russian/romanian accents that were in the Trump Tower during that time had very perfect looking breasts, hmm,,,tiny microphones in their bras?
I really hope so........obama doesn't have his pets in control of the Justice Department anymore...so hiding the fact that he used the NSA and the FBI to wiretap the Trump Campaign......won't be swept under the rug the way Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal, the clinton foundation scandal, the hilary email scandal, were.....

The obamas and clintons are now going to find out how hard it is to cover up their crimes when they don't control the law enforcement apparatus..........and Trump does....

The question is, will we hear about it?

True, they lost power, but they still have the MSM fully on their side. If Republicans take action on this, they will be coming out with stories of witch hunts reminding us of how we had investigations before that turned up nothing chargeable. So will Republicans pursue it? I really don't know.
You guys live in la la land if you think the GOP any different than the Dems in terms of desired results: power.
And then there is Trump with his sledge hammer destroying all you fascist democrats created.....returning power to the people....l
I really hope so........obama doesn't have his pets in control of the Justice Department anymore...so hiding the fact that he used the NSA and the FBI to wiretap the Trump Campaign......won't be swept under the rug the way Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal, the clinton foundation scandal, the hilary email scandal, were.....

The obamas and clintons are now going to find out how hard it is to cover up their crimes when they don't control the law enforcement apparatus..........and Trump does....

The question is, will we hear about it?

True, they lost power, but they still have the MSM fully on their side. If Republicans take action on this, they will be coming out with stories of witch hunts reminding us of how we had investigations before that turned up nothing chargeable. So will Republicans pursue it? I really don't know.

Republicans no.......They aren't Trump though, are they? And keep in mind.....the democrats are going after Trump's family now....his daughter and her husband.....they are using the same tactics they use against Republicans....but Trump isn't the republican they are used to destroying......
I have made this point in some of the other threads....but thought it deserved to be made very clear.

Trump is a business man....he likes making deals, he gets along with everyone and is more than happy to negotiate just about everything...he likes to win, sure, but he is used to the back and forth of getting things done.

The democrats could actually have worked with him.....they could have made deals on healthcare, the border, taxes.....just about everything.

But they are the left....they destroy anyone who gets in their way, and they have a track record of doing it to Republicans.....republicans who for some reason have never learned how to fight...who sit back and take whatever the democrats do to them, hand over which ever republican is next in line to be destroyed.....

And now they are going to use their play book to try to destroy Trump.

I say, thank you. Trump is a deal maker and there was always that worry, that he would try to make deals with the democrats, give a little to get what he wanted.........and that never ended well for regular Republicans who always got fucked in those deals...

This is your warning left wingers..............and I know you won't listen.......which is good.....

Donald Trump defeated 16 republican rivals.....experienced politicians with experienced machines and money behind them...(and the truth....they were republicans so they weren't really the toughest bunch of people to beat, as the democrats keep showing year after year)

He faced the clinton machine...the most vicious political machine this country has ever seen.....with the press, hollywood and the washington bureaucracy behind it.....I mean, the attorney general, lorretta lynch met with bill clinton the rapist to get marching orders about hilary's crimes as secretary of state.......

And Trump beat them.........

And obama...with his obamacare, his iran deal, and his destruction of the United States around the world in the balance......got beaten by Trump.....

And now....the left is going after Trump's family. They are going after his people. They aren't trying to defeat his agenda...they are trying to destroy him as a human being.

And they still think he is the typical Republican who will now fall on the ground in the fetal position, as the democrats kick the shit out of him at will......

This is your warning left wingers.....you are going to get everything you deserve.....Trump has stated he is a counter puncher...he doesn't punch first, but when he punches back he punches back to put you down......

And now he has the government and it's tools at his disposal.......you may have your moles, and your thugs embedded.....but he now has his people too.......

He is going to come for you and the beating you get is nothing less than everything you have deserved for the last 50 years.........

And thank you.......you are going to make Trump into a real conservative...something he wasn't attached to when he went into office....you are teaching him who you are and what you are...thank you for that.....

Trump can't work with the Democrats because the GOP Congress won't let him.
I really hope so........obama doesn't have his pets in control of the Justice Department anymore...so hiding the fact that he used the NSA and the FBI to wiretap the Trump Campaign......won't be swept under the rug the way Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal, the clinton foundation scandal, the hilary email scandal, were.....

The obamas and clintons are now going to find out how hard it is to cover up their crimes when they don't control the law enforcement apparatus..........and Trump does....

The question is, will we hear about it?

True, they lost power, but they still have the MSM fully on their side. If Republicans take action on this, they will be coming out with stories of witch hunts reminding us of how we had investigations before that turned up nothing chargeable. So will Republicans pursue it? I really don't know.

Republicans no.......They aren't Trump though, are they? And keep in mind.....the democrats are going after Trump's family now....his daughter and her husband.....they are using the same tactics they use against Republicans....but Trump isn't the republican they are used to destroying......

If Trump wants Republicans to work with him, they will be calling the shots. After all, he's probably the most disliked Republican (by other Republicans) we have in the party right now. No matter who is in charge, politics is always a "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine" game. He really wants that wall, tax cuts, and more military spending. He can't do that alone.
I have made this point in some of the other threads....but thought it deserved to be made very clear.

Trump is a business man....he likes making deals, he gets along with everyone and is more than happy to negotiate just about everything...he likes to win, sure, but he is used to the back and forth of getting things done.

The democrats could actually have worked with him.....they could have made deals on healthcare, the border, taxes.....just about everything.

But they are the left....they destroy anyone who gets in their way, and they have a track record of doing it to Republicans.....republicans who for some reason have never learned how to fight...who sit back and take whatever the democrats do to them, hand over which ever republican is next in line to be destroyed.....

And now they are going to use their play book to try to destroy Trump.

I say, thank you. Trump is a deal maker and there was always that worry, that he would try to make deals with the democrats, give a little to get what he wanted.........and that never ended well for regular Republicans who always got fucked in those deals...

This is your warning left wingers..............and I know you won't listen.......which is good.....

Donald Trump defeated 16 republican rivals.....experienced politicians with experienced machines and money behind them...(and the truth....they were republicans so they weren't really the toughest bunch of people to beat, as the democrats keep showing year after year)

He faced the clinton machine...the most vicious political machine this country has ever seen.....with the press, hollywood and the washington bureaucracy behind it.....I mean, the attorney general, lorretta lynch met with bill clinton the rapist to get marching orders about hilary's crimes as secretary of state.......

And Trump beat them.........

And obama...with his obamacare, his iran deal, and his destruction of the United States around the world in the balance......got beaten by Trump.....

And now....the left is going after Trump's family. They are going after his people. They aren't trying to defeat his agenda...they are trying to destroy him as a human being.

And they still think he is the typical Republican who will now fall on the ground in the fetal position, as the democrats kick the shit out of him at will......

This is your warning left wingers.....you are going to get everything you deserve.....Trump has stated he is a counter puncher...he doesn't punch first, but when he punches back he punches back to put you down......

And now he has the government and it's tools at his disposal.......you may have your moles, and your thugs embedded.....but he now has his people too.......

He is going to come for you and the beating you get is nothing less than everything you have deserved for the last 50 years.........

And thank you.......you are going to make Trump into a real conservative...something he wasn't attached to when he went into office....you are teaching him who you are and what you are...thank you for that.....

Trump can't work with the Democrats because the GOP Congress won't let him.
We saw how they are trying to work with Trump at the address.
And the ranting continues. In fact, government health care continues, a realistic immigration policy is developing that will lead to normalization for many immigrants, and Trump discovers he is not a dictator. :lol:

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