A week ago righties wanted an armed revolution.

A week ago lefties wanted a peaceful transfer of power! Now, they don't.

Who said that ? Most of the protesters are peaceful . Then u have some trouble makers and suddenly the righties call it "riots " .
And the righties were talking rigged election and armed revolution. Then the FBI rigged the election so now they are happy.
Was the FBI rigging the election when they said they would not prosecute? Did they prosecute?
There was nothing to prosecute, so they persecuted.
Then u have some trouble makers and suddenly the righties call it "riots
One protest was described as a riot it was the one in Portland and it was the authorities who described it that way. If you and the left have trouble with that discerption you should take it up with the Portland authorities who were dealing with it instead of making blanket statements about the right.

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