*A well argued case for impeaching Obama

"President Obama’s increasingly grandiose claims for presidential power are inversely proportional to his shriveling presidency. Desperation fuels arrogance as, barely 200 days into the 1,462 days of his second term, his pantry of excuses for failure is bare, his domestic agenda is nonexistent and his foreign policy of empty rhetorical deadlines and red lines is floundering. And at last week’s news conference he offered inconvenience as a justification for illegality.

Explaining his decision to unilaterally rewrite the Affordable Care Act (ACA), he said: “I didn’t simply choose to” ignore the statutory requirement for beginning in 2014 the employer mandate to provide employees with health care. No, “this was in consultation with businesses.”

He continued: “In a normal political environment, it would have been easier for me to simply call up the speaker and say, you know what, this is a tweak that doesn’t go to the essence of the law. . . . It looks like there may be some better ways to do this, let’s make a technical change to the law. That would be the normal thing that I would prefer to do. But we’re not in a normal atmosphere around here when it comes to Obamacare. We did have the executive authority to do so, and we did so.”

Serving as props in the scripted charade of White House news conferences, journalists did not ask the pertinent question: “Where does the Constitution confer upon presidents the ‘executive authority’ to ignore the separation of powers by revising laws?” The question could have elicited an Obama rarity: brevity. Because there is no such authority. Obama’s explanation began with an irrelevancy. He consulted with businesses before disregarding his constitutional duty to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” That duty does not lapse when a president decides Washington’s “political environment” is not “normal.”-George Will

This is a well argued case for articles of impeachment.


This is a subjective, partisan argument absent any facts or evidence of a ‘crime.’

We saw the same 'reasoning' by liberals when GWB was president.

Impeachment is an indictment, it requires evidence predicated on objective, documented evidence of wrongdoing, not that the president is a democrat or advocates policies the opposition disagrees with.

If that were the case every president could be subject of ‘impeachment.’
[ HE targeted Americans..... HE ordered the killing of a 16 year old boy ....

So tired of this line. If you had your way American traitors would be given an umbrella of safty, a zone free from attack, a protective area to the terrorist we are at war with as long as they had an American next to them. Or perhaps you would insist that scores of our special op's guys risk their lives to capture the American traitor. The kid was being groomed to replace his dad whose specialty was recruiting other Americans to join the forces of al Qaeda. He wasn't coming home after his dad was droned, he was staying with his dad's masters. He was hanging out with our enemy in Yemen. He needed to be taken out and he was taken out.
For there to be a 'loser', does there not have to be a winner?

I see no winners in the disaster called Obama's America


The disaster is what the GOP left our President to deal with. When President Obama took office, we were losing over a half million jobs every month, the market was headed straight down, and it looked like we were going to experiance the Second Great Republican Depression for sure. Today, the market is over 15,000, we are slowly gaining jobs back, in spite of all the efforts of the GOP to crash the economy, and destroy any job growth.

I disagree

President who?

He may be your President, but not mine. We have not had a real President in years


It's true we have not had a president of FDR's stature since 1945, and we may not have another like him for a long time, but we have had some good presidents if not outstanding. Out of 44 presidents Truman was rated 9th best, Ike 10th, JFK 11th. and Clinton 13th. Of course some of the others since FDR have been pretty sad, and with Bush rated as 39th best or fifth worst president that did hurt.
I would love to see Republicans play their impeachment card again

It worked so well last time

Yeah it did, Clinton was impeached but the Democrats don't believe that lying under oath depriving a woman of her civil rights is really a high crime.

Clinton got about the right punishment for being a lying adulterer scumbag.
"President Obama’s increasingly grandiose claims for presidential power are inversely proportional to his shriveling presidency. Desperation fuels arrogance as, barely 200 days into the 1,462 days of his second term, his pantry of excuses for failure is bare, his domestic agenda is nonexistent and his foreign policy of empty rhetorical deadlines and red lines is floundering. And at last week’s news conference he offered inconvenience as a justification for illegality.

Explaining his decision to unilaterally rewrite the Affordable Care Act (ACA), he said: “I didn’t simply choose to” ignore the statutory requirement for beginning in 2014 the employer mandate to provide employees with health care. No, “this was in consultation with businesses.”

He continued: “In a normal political environment, it would have been easier for me to simply call up the speaker and say, you know what, this is a tweak that doesn’t go to the essence of the law. . . . It looks like there may be some better ways to do this, let’s make a technical change to the law. That would be the normal thing that I would prefer to do. But we’re not in a normal atmosphere around here when it comes to Obamacare. We did have the executive authority to do so, and we did so.”

Serving as props in the scripted charade of White House news conferences, journalists did not ask the pertinent question: “Where does the Constitution confer upon presidents the ‘executive authority’ to ignore the separation of powers by revising laws?” The question could have elicited an Obama rarity: brevity. Because there is no such authority. Obama’s explanation began with an irrelevancy. He consulted with businesses before disregarding his constitutional duty to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” That duty does not lapse when a president decides Washington’s “political environment” is not “normal.”-George Will

This is a well argued case for articles of impeachment.


This is a subjective, partisan argument absent any facts or evidence of a ‘crime.’

We saw the same 'reasoning' by liberals when GWB was president.

Impeachment is an indictment, it requires evidence predicated on objective, documented evidence of wrongdoing, not that the president is a democrat or advocates policies the opposition disagrees with.

If that were the case every president could be subject of ‘impeachment.’

How about this crime?

Al-Awlaki Asks Why 16-Year-Old Grandson Was Killed by Drone Strike

He was not a threat, direct or otherwise to America. Neither were those around him. The administrations excuse? It was that the boy should have had a better father. Cold, damn cold bastards.
Lying is a crime but nothing compared to spying on most of the country(nsa).

I want impeachment papers filed on him for this.

Never will happen. Everyone is afraid of Obama because, in this case, he is black. Most other times he is a half breed

Lying is a crime but nothing compared to spying on most of the country(nsa).

I want impeachment papers filed on him for this.

As much as I dislike spying on our own people I have yet to see where it has actually hurt anyone. Unlike Clinton lying under oath and lying on the TV shaking his lying finger in our faces. He belittled the office of the Presidency and lowered the bar for all future presidents. So the harm he did he paid for by being impeached, losing his law license and losing a huge civil suit (settled out of court.) He was still able to get Hillary elected, THAT is how stupid and or immoral is the democrat party.
Obama taught Constitutional Law at the University Level for 10 years.

He knows much more about the real constitution than the one the right wingers "imagine".

In fact, these same people imagine Universities to be hotbeds of liberalism that teach nothing of importance. To listen to them makes your ears bleed "stupid".
Lying is a crime but nothing compared to spying on most of the country(nsa).

I want impeachment papers filed on him for this.

Never will happen. Everyone is afraid of Obama because, in this case, he is black. Most other times he is a half breed


As for Obama being Black, if Obama is removed from office it will say to America Black presidents get impeached just like white presidents. The Republicans have a majority in the House and they could impeach Obama Monday morning, well Tuesday morning as they don't work on Mondays, so why don't they?
Obama taught Constitutional Law at the University Level for 10 years.

He knows much more about the real constitution than the one the right wingers "imagine".

In fact, these same people imagine Universities to be hotbeds of liberalism that teach nothing of importance. To listen to them makes your ears bleed "stupid".

Did he really, screw his forged Birth Certificate, I want to see his transcripts. Even Dufus Bush JR showed his

Come on, show us the cards

Lying is a crime but nothing compared to spying on most of the country(nsa).

I want impeachment papers filed on him for this.

Never will happen. Everyone is afraid of Obama because, in this case, he is black. Most other times he is a half breed


As for Obama being Black, if Obama is removed from office it will say to America Black presidents get impeached just like white presidents. The Republicans have a majority in the House and they could impeach Obama Monday morning, well Tuesday morning as they don't work on Mondays, so why don't they?

Because they are on his side is why. Plus, they are afraid of Obama. Why? Who knows

Gee, who knew the GOP would become the party of victims and bitches so easily. We may have mass suicides on our hands if a woman gets elected next...

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