A WikiLeaks Summary


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
There are so damned many of them that it's almost impossible to comprehend them. And, after claiming WikiLeaks is a Russian front, they claim they are invalid because they're stolen. I will admit one thing they claim – so far, not a single email from Shrillary has been released. Here is the article:

What You Need To Know About WikiLeaks' Podesta Emails And Project Veritas Videos

The article explains what WikiLeaks is.

What do the Podesta leaks contain?

Project Veritas Videos: What are they?

Who is involved?

What does it all mean?

If you only tune into the mainstream media, you might view this election as a battle between unqualified Donald Trump and the shrewd, highly qualified Hillary Clinton. You certainly would not be exposed to the reams of evidence that cast Hillary, her campaign, and the Clinton Foundation as a corrupt underground network of self-serving people acting exclusively for their own political and financial gain.

Much much more @ What You Need To Know About WikiLeaks' Podesta Emails And Project Veritas Videos | Break.com

Brutal new Clinton emails about Teneo remind us of Huma Abedin circa 2010 @ Brutal new Clinton emails about Teneo remind us of Huma Abedin circa 2010 - Hot Air

That should leave voters with one question which seems rather obvious. Why would all of these groups and corporations be so willing to shower cash on the Clintons if they weren’t expecting something in return? I’m not just talking about whatever actual charitable work was going on here. I mean all of the contracts, speaking fees and board membership salaries which fell into Bill Clinton’s lap. Those outfits are in business to make money like anyone else so they don’t just hand it out for no reason. Just how many people have their hooks into the Clintons and will be expecting something in return if she makes it into the White House? (Bold mine)

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