A Win For Trump: SCOTUS Rules Illegal Aliens And DACA Dreamers Can Be Detained Indefinitely If Caugh

Another case of trumpybear standing on the shoulders of the Great President Obama..........:muahaha:

"The Obama administration appealed to the high court, insisting that Congress — not the courts — has the power to make immigration law and that the law allows the government to detain "criminal and terrorist aliens" as well as "aliens seeking admission to the United States."

The Trump administration continued the case."
Right. People all over are killing off the plague that was Obama and his occupation of the white house. Here's another that is dumping that bastards legacy. But you go ahead and pretend. No cares about your lies anymore.

One state pursues 'end of ObamaCare,' setting stage for new fight

Poor Mikey, That was a quote from Stevie McRacist's own article.

Red America has fought against the Market based solution only since Obama proposed it. It being the Heritage Plan. The people love the provisions of the ACA but they just don't want to pay for it.
That anchor baby can be challenged on his citizenship. This would be the perfect time to do it. They are not true citizens. They've subverted the 14th Amendment that was framed strictly to give citizenship to the newly freed slaves.

Not at all. the clear text of the 14th amendment, makes anybody born on american soil a citizen except the prodigy of diplomats. Language overrides intent when it grants additional rights.
How is this a win for Trump?
Allowing the illegals to stay is not what Trump was after
Returning the illegals to their place of their origin would have been a win for Trump
Another case of trumpybear standing on the shoulders of the Great President Obama..........:muahaha:

"The Obama administration appealed to the high court, insisting that Congress — not the courts — has the power to make immigration law and that the law allows the government to detain "criminal and terrorist aliens" as well as "aliens seeking admission to the United States."

The Trump administration continued the case."
Right. People all over are killing off the plague that was Obama and his occupation of the white house. Here's another that is dumping that bastards legacy. But you go ahead and pretend. No cares about your lies anymore.

One state pursues 'end of ObamaCare,' setting stage for new fight

Poor Mikey, That was a quote from Stevie McRacist's own article.

Red America has fought against the Market based solution only since Obama proposed it. It being the Heritage Plan. The people love the provisions of the ACA but they just don't want to pay for it.
It's un-affordable.
This ruling ought to chap the asses of liberals and DACA recipients. Remember, they're illegal and criminal.

And what's with the politically correct title by NPR? They're not immigrants, they're illegal immigrants!
Supreme Court Ruling Means Immigrants Could Continue To Be Detained Indefinitely
Donald Trump goes on a fact-finding visit to Israel. While he is on tour, he suffers a heart attack and dies.

The thrifty undertaker tells the Americans, "It will cost $50,000 to have him shipped home, or you can bury him here in the Holy Land for just $100."

Trump's entourage goes into a room and discusses it for a few minutes. They return to the undertaker and tell him that they want Trump's body shipped home.

The undertaker is puzzled and asks why they would spend $50,000 and not be buried in the Holy Land.

The American diplomats reply, "Long ago a man died here, was buried here, and 3 days later he rose from the dead. We don't want to take any chances."
How is this a win for Trump?
Allowing the illegals to stay is not what Trump was after
Returning the illegals to their place of their origin would have been a win for Trump

Just like Trump building his wall at american taxpayer expense is a WIN for Trump.
That anchor baby can be challenged on his citizenship. This would be the perfect time to do it. They are not true citizens. They've subverted the 14th Amendment that was framed strictly to give citizenship to the newly freed slaves.

Not at all. the clear text of the 14th amendment, makes anybody born on american soil a citizen except the prodigy of diplomats. Language overrides intent when it grants additional rights.


United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U. S. 649 (1898): “Every person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof becomes at once a citizen of the United States, and needs no naturalization.

Illegals are not subject to the jurisdiction, especially their parents who are nationals of a foreign sovereignty.

Then there's Rep John Bingham, the founder of the 14th who stated this in 1866 when framing it.
This ruling ought to chap the asses of liberals and DACA recipients. Remember, they're illegal and criminal.

And what's with the politically correct title by NPR? They're not immigrants, they're illegal immigrants!
Supreme Court Ruling Means Immigrants Could Continue To Be Detained Indefinitely
You mean like in jail? Are you concerned about illegal immigrants getting food stamps and now you're applauding because we're going to keep them incarcerated for a year or more? Do you know how much that costs?
Forget the Wall. You are going to have to build a LOT of detention centers. Good jobs program while it lasts, though.

they don't care.... it has nothing to do with money. it's all about abusing anyone who isn't a white anglo saxon protestant male. kkk boi is a Nazi. this suits him. he just isn't understanding the ruling in light of DACA because that ruling by the Court did NOT overturn the lower federal court decision.

but kkk boi isn't that bright. he's just disgusting.

I see fear in that tirade. You know you are losing. You know you will be exposed.
Not at all. the clear text of the 14th amendment, makes anybody born on american soil a citizen except the prodigy of diplomats. Language overrides intent when it grants additional rights.


United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U. S. 649 (1898): “Every person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof becomes at once a citizen of the United States, and needs no naturalization.

You're making my point, by quoting the USSC.

The question presented by the record is whether a child born in the United States, of parents of Chinese descent, who, at the time of his birth, are subjects of the Emperor of China, but have a permanent domicil and residence in the United States, and are there carrying on business, and are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity under the Emperor of China, becomes at the time of his birth a citizen of the United States by virtue of the first clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution,

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

Lord Chief Justice Cockburn, in the same year, reviewing the whole matter, said:

"By the common law of England, every person born within the dominions of the Crown, no matter whether of English or of foreign parents, and, in the latter case, whether the parents were settled or merely temporarily sojourning, in the country, was an English subject, save only the children of foreign ambassadors (who were excepted because their fathers carried their own nationality with them), or a child born to a foreigner during the hostile occupation of any part of the territories of England. No effect appears to have been given to descent as a source of nationality."

The exceptions afterwards mentioned by Mr. Dicey are only these two:

"1. Any person who (his father being an alien enemy) is born in a part of the British dominions, which at the time of such person's birth is in hostile occupation, is an alien."

"2. Any person whose father (being an alien) is at the time of such person's birth an ambassador or other diplomatic agent accredited to the Crown by the Sovereign of a foreign State is (though born within the British dominions) an alien."

Illegals are not subject to the jurisdiction, especially their parents who are nationals of a foreign sovereignty.

Again from the USSC

By the Civil Rights Act of 1866, "all persons born in the United States, and not subject to any foreign power, excluding Indians not taxed," were declared to be citizens of the United States. In the light of the law as previously established, and of the history of the times, it can hardly be doubted that the words of that act, "not subject to any foreign power," were not intended to exclude any children born in this country from the citizenship which would theretofore have been their birthright, or, for instance, for the first time in our history, to deny the right of citizenship to native-born children of foreign white parents not in the diplomatic service of their own country nor in hostile occupation of part of our territory. But any possible doubt in this regard was removed when the negative words of the Civil Rights Act, "not subject to any foreign power," gave way, in the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution, to the affirmative words, "subject to the jurisdiction of the United States."

This sentence of the Fourteenth Amendment is declaratory of existing rights and affirmative of existing law as to each of the qualifications therein expressed -- "born in the United States," "naturalized in the United States," and "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" -- in short, as to everything relating to the acquisition of citizenship by facts occurring within the limits of the United States.
This ruling ought to chap the asses of liberals and DACA recipients. Remember, they're illegal and criminal.

And what's with the politically correct title by NPR? They're not immigrants, they're illegal immigrants!
Supreme Court Ruling Means Immigrants Could Continue To Be Detained Indefinitely
You mean like in jail? Are you concerned about illegal immigrants getting food stamps and now you're applauding because we're going to keep them incarcerated for a year or more? Do you know how much that costs?
Forget the Wall. You are going to have to build a LOT of detention centers. Good jobs program while it lasts, though.

they don't care.... it has nothing to do with money. it's all about abusing anyone who isn't a white anglo saxon protestant male. kkk boi is a Nazi. this suits him. he just isn't understanding the ruling in light of DACA because that ruling by the Court did NOT overturn the lower federal court decision.

but kkk boi isn't that bright. he's just disgusting.

Come on Jillian...lets hear you say "my fellow white people"....


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