A WWII Survivor Looks At Obama And Calls Him For What He Is


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
(Strange to find someone who was actually there, who lived through and endured the Nazi occupation, look at Obama and see him in almost exactly the same way you do.
But then again, after listening to PJ ORourke narrate THC's "Inside The Great Battles: Iwo Jima", and reading some of his works, you begin to realize that anyone who delves too deeply into that great conflict becomes deeply, darkly conservative while the rest of the world marches off behind Tiny Tim as he "Tiptoes Through The Tulips"
"If you are incapable of learning from another's mistakes, you are condemned to repeat them")

"Barack Obama: In the Footsteps of Twentieth Century Despots
By Steve McCann

How many times will the American people have to be hit over the head before they understand that Barack Obama is the most corrupt, dictatorial, and ideologically driven president in American history? That his entire being and psyche are devoted to transforming the country not only into a socialist utopia, but into a nation permanently governed by a radical oligarchy?

This mindset has been on display since the beginning of Obama's term, as detailed by David Limbaugh in his book, Crimes Against Liberty. Yet so many seem to not care or are deliberately oblivious to the long-term implications of his actions, many of which mirror those of the despots that ran roughshod over the last century

The recent ruling by the Obama Department of Health and Human Services forcing religious institutions to provide either directly or through private insurance not only contraceptives, but abortion pills and sterilization is not a matter of so-called women's rights, but a means of setting the precedent and foundation to force organized religion to be subservient to the state.

The passage of ObamaCare, from which this edict stems, has nothing to do with healthcare; rather, it is a vehicle to ultimately control the day-to-day activities of the American people through the dictates and mandates emanating from an overarching bureaucracy. Once fully implemented, individual liberty and freedom, the hallmarks of the nation's history, will be eradicated forever.

Further, the Obama regime has shown a callous disregard for the sanctity of life, as no administration in the nation's past has so aggressively promoted abortion, and, through the rationing mechanism in ObamaCare, the very real prospect of government-sponsored euthanasia.

Nothing reveals Obama's dictatorial mindset more than his relationship with Congress. His recent actions in unilaterally making appointments that are subject to Senate approval while the Senate is still in session are blatantly unconstitutional and done to marginalize Congress. His appointment of innumerable "czars" is a means of bypassing Congress and their oversight of the federal Cabinet departments. His Department of Justice has been transformed into an advocacy group to enforce the left-wing radical version of social justice while refusing to be accountable to Congress. Obama has resorted to utilizing executive orders and volumes of regulations from various agencies under his command in order to put in place his radical policies and sidestep Congress and thus the will of the people.....

Barack Obama is following in the footsteps of the despots who dominated the 20th century. If given another term in office, he, along with his fellow-travelers in the administration, will be unencumbered in attempting to complete the transformation of the United States. However, they will not accomplish their quest -- just as those they admire in the previous century did not. They will succeed only in initiating massive social upheaval and violence.

I had to survive a war that was precipitated by leaders in various European countries who were democratically elected. Yet once in power, these power-crazed ideologues began to systematically usurp and overthrow the rule of law with the ultimate goal of becoming the government themselves.

Their lust for power led them to shred any written constitution or traditions as they systematically imposed new regulations, laws, and executive orders geared primarily to centralize authority in the government as individual rights and liberties were extinguished. Legislatures were abolished or marginalized; organized religion was forced to be subservient to the state, and respect for the sanctity of life was extinguished. The owners and managers of business and industry were intimidated and compelled to be submissive and loyal to the state. By the time the populace became aware of what was happening to their respective countries, it was too late.

The citizens of Germany in the first four years of the 1930s would have found it impossible to imagine what became of their country by 1945 or to think it even remotely possible. Those in Italy in the 1920s, promised so much by the Mussolini regime, eagerly voted the Fascists into power only to end up with a society torn asunder and a nation lying in ruins"

Articles: Barack Obama: In the Footsteps of Twentieth Century Despots
Perhaps some insight, some background. Autobiographical?

A paragraph from an earlier article, same author.

["I am among those this nation liberated. I do not know where, when or to whom I was born, except to estimate that it occurred sometime in the later years of the War. My memory begins being alone in a room with a recently deceased woman; I have no knowledge of whom she was. I then began my life of survival of the streets of a totally destroyed city somewhere in central Europe. During this period I was shot and left for dead, rescued, placed in a military hospital and in due course put on a ship bound for the United States. I did not speak English and had no name until I was given one by the first of a number of foster families I lived with. Thanks to the efforts of the Catholic Church I was eventually adopted and put on the road to becoming an American citizen.rl=http://www.americanthinker.com/2010/12/saved_by_christmas.html]Archived-Articles: Saved by Christmas[/url]"
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Secondly, there are such things as roving wiretaps. Now, by the way, any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires — a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way. When we’re talking about chasing down terrorists, we’re talking about getting a court order before we do so. It’s important for our fellow citizens to understand, when you think Patriot Act, constitutional guarantees are in place when it comes to doing what is necessary to protect our homeland, because we value the Constitution.

Bush knew when he said that, he was lying.

Now perhaps you can point to something this overt that Obama has done before calling him a despot?
Secondly, there are such things as roving wiretaps. Now, by the way, any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires — a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way. When we’re talking about chasing down terrorists, we’re talking about getting a court order before we do so. It’s important for our fellow citizens to understand, when you think Patriot Act, constitutional guarantees are in place when it comes to doing what is necessary to protect our homeland, because we value the Constitution.

Bush knew when he said that, he was lying.

Now perhaps you can point to something this overt that Obama has done before calling him a despot?

um, renewing and using the patriot act just like bush?


you can't fix stupid :lol:

Mr McCann called him the despot. I just agreed. According to the paragraph above, he has an intimate familiarity with the works of despots, as would any member of the 29th Infrantry Regiment, the Fourth Armored Division, The "Big Red One" or any soldier who made his way on foot, with a rifle on his back, eastward from the Normandy Beaches. Mr Obama's works are many: The GM bankruptcy, The Chrysler bankruptcy, the arbitrary closings of the Republican supporting auto dealerships, the r@pe of the Chrysler bondholders, the firing of Inspector General Gerald Walpin, Obamacare, Fast and Furious, his contemptuous remarks about the US Constitution being too stifling to bring about the changes he desires, his hopes for a Civilian National Police Force that exceeds the US Military in firepower, the US equivalent of the Nazi Gestapo, his approval of the NDAA while feining dissaproval, his desire to see a national Internet Identification Card, his plans to have 40,000 Predator drones stationed stateside, the better to have his political opponents dissappear on the morning breeze in a fine pink mist.
Atty John Hinderaker described Barack Hussein Obama as "Arrogant, dismissive, and out of control" and "Spoiling for a fight" in the period immediately after the non recess, "Recess appointments" as well as concluding, based on his long experience as an attorney dealing with nefarious, cunning, conniving, Machiavellian individuals as either "Well intentioned but stupid, or purely evil" in the period immediately after Fast and Furious details began to emerge. Based on the events of the last six weeks, Mr Obama fairly well qualifies for the "Purely evil" description. You're still free to go on following behind Tiny Tim, as I'm sure you will.
Mr McCann called him the despot. I just agreed. According to the paragraph above, he has an intimate familiarity with the works of despots, as would any member of the 29th Infrantry Regiment, the Fourth Armored Division, The "Big Red One" or any soldier who made his way on foot, with a rifle on his back, eastward from the Normandy Beaches. Mr Obama's works are many: The GM bankruptcy, The Chrysler bankruptcy, the arbitrary closings of the Republican supporting auto dealerships, the r@pe of the Chrysler bondholders, the firing of Inspector General Gerald Walpin, Obamacare, Fast and Furious, his contemptuous remarks about the US Constitution being too stifling to bring about the changes he desires, his hopes for a Civilian National Police Force that exceeds the US Military in firepower, the US equivalent of the Nazi Gestapo, his approval of the NDAA while feining dissaproval, his desire to see a national Internet Identification Card, his plans to have 40,000 Predator drones stationed stateside, the better to have his political opponents dissappear on the morning breeze in a fine pink mist.
Atty John Hinderaker described Barack Hussein Obama as "Arrogant, dismissive, and out of control" and "Spoiling for a fight" in the period immediately after the non recess, "Recess appointments" as well as concluding, based on his long experience as an attorney dealing with nefarious, cunning, conniving, Machiavellian individuals as either "Well intentioned but stupid, or purely evil" in the period immediately after Fast and Furious details began to emerge. Based on the events of the last six weeks, Mr Obama fairly well qualifies for the "Purely evil" description. You're still free to go on following behind Tiny Tim, as I'm sure you will.

^this is what happens if you consume said toxic bullshit.
whoa. is this person really saying that our rights and liberties have been taken away by only Obama and the current Congress? or is he saying that Obama and the current Congress is the latest to continue that trend?
Secondly, there are such things as roving wiretaps. Now, by the way, any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires — a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way. When we’re talking about chasing down terrorists, we’re talking about getting a court order before we do so. It’s important for our fellow citizens to understand, when you think Patriot Act, constitutional guarantees are in place when it comes to doing what is necessary to protect our homeland, because we value the Constitution.

Bush knew when he said that, he was lying.

Now perhaps you can point to something this overt that Obama has done before calling him a despot?

PATRIOT Act renewal
NDAA 2012
Side stepping congress
Signing statements
Libya war
Assassination of American citizens

Shall i go on, or are you stuffed from eating that alphabet soup you just typed out? :cuckoo:
Mr McCann called him the despot. I just agreed. According to the paragraph above, he has an intimate familiarity with the works of despots, as would any member of the 29th Infrantry Regiment, the Fourth Armored Division, The "Big Red One" or any soldier who made his way on foot, with a rifle on his back, eastward from the Normandy Beaches. Mr Obama's works are many: The GM bankruptcy, The Chrysler bankruptcy, the arbitrary closings of the Republican supporting auto dealerships, the r@pe of the Chrysler bondholders, the firing of Inspector General Gerald Walpin, Obamacare, Fast and Furious, his contemptuous remarks about the US Constitution being too stifling to bring about the changes he desires, his hopes for a Civilian National Police Force that exceeds the US Military in firepower, the US equivalent of the Nazi Gestapo, his approval of the NDAA while feining dissaproval, his desire to see a national Internet Identification Card, his plans to have 40,000 Predator drones stationed stateside, the better to have his political opponents dissappear on the morning breeze in a fine pink mist.
Atty John Hinderaker described Barack Hussein Obama as "Arrogant, dismissive, and out of control" and "Spoiling for a fight" in the period immediately after the non recess, "Recess appointments" as well as concluding, based on his long experience as an attorney dealing with nefarious, cunning, conniving, Machiavellian individuals as either "Well intentioned but stupid, or purely evil" in the period immediately after Fast and Furious details began to emerge. Based on the events of the last six weeks, Mr Obama fairly well qualifies for the "Purely evil" description. You're still free to go on following behind Tiny Tim, as I'm sure you will.

We see & hear of this stuff and know it's true....
do you ever feel like you're just talking to a stupid "brick" instead of people around here sometimes? The left are NOT going to admit anything is wrong with their leader. You can prove it a million times, their blinders won't let them see anything negative about him. Satan blinds his followers to the truth.....
It's a pity Obama didn't lay out the plan for European-style socialized medicine when he was doing healthcare reform.

"How would you like to pay HALF as much as you do now for healthcare? Or get half the money your employer has been paying for it in YOUR paycheck?"
"How would you like to receive BETTER care?"
"How would you like to be assured in the knowledge you won't lose your home if you get sick?"

Now THAT would have made the CONZ fill their diapers.
This "Obama is a despot" stuff just doesn't fly anymore. He hasn't taken anyone's guns or forced us to all worship Allah.

What we have here is a severe case of butthurt sore losers.
It's a pity Obama didn't lay out the plan for European-style socialized medicine when he was doing healthcare reform.

"How would you like to pay HALF as much as you do now for healthcare? Or get half the money your employer has been paying for it in YOUR paycheck?"
"How would you like to receive BETTER care?"
"How would you like to be assured in the knowledge you won't lose your home if you get sick?"

Now THAT would have made the CONZ fill their diapers.
This "Obama is a despot" stuff just doesn't fly anymore. He hasn't taken anyone's guns or forced us to all worship Allah.

What we have here is a severe case of butthurt sore losers.

you're not shaking your pom-poms hard enough, buttboi

It's a pity Obama didn't lay out the plan for European-style socialized medicine when he was doing healthcare reform.

"How would you like to pay HALF as much as you do now for healthcare? Or get half the money your employer has been paying for it in YOUR paycheck?"
"How would you like to receive BETTER care?"
"How would you like to be assured in the knowledge you won't lose your home if you get sick?"

Now THAT would have made the CONZ fill their diapers.
This "Obama is a despot" stuff just doesn't fly anymore. He hasn't taken anyone's guns or forced us to all worship Allah.

What we have here is a severe case of butthurt sore losers.

Lying to make a point. Well im impressed. :lol:
Secondly, there are such things as roving wiretaps. Now, by the way, any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires — a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way. When we’re talking about chasing down terrorists, we’re talking about getting a court order before we do so. It’s important for our fellow citizens to understand, when you think Patriot Act, constitutional guarantees are in place when it comes to doing what is necessary to protect our homeland, because we value the Constitution.

Bush knew when he said that, he was lying.

Now perhaps you can point to something this overt that Obama has done before calling him a despot?

PATRIOT Act renewal
NDAA 2012
Side stepping congress
Signing statements
Libya war
Assassination of American citizens

Shall i go on, or are you stuffed from eating that alphabet soup you just typed out? :cuckoo:

Gee, if you were opposed to all those things, perhaps you should have said something when Bush first did them? Or does how WRONG they are, depend on WHO is doing them?

OH, that's right...most righties thought it was OK since it was THEIR GUY BUSH doing it.
NOW, you're all jittery about this stuff.'

Well, I guess you righties really screwed up on this, huh?
You guys aren't very good at recognizing the possible unintended consequences of your actions, do you? Like when you deregulated the banks? Remember when you guys did that and you nearly tanked the whole enchilada? You've taken responsibility for that, right?

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