a youthful Brennan voted for Gus Hall but was not a member of the CPUSA

The question was answered clearly and succinctly in the CNN link above.
Brennan still was spying on congress and sat in front of congress and denied it. He did not relent in lying about it until the AG showed the truth then he felt compelled to tell the truth.
The question was answered clearly and succinctly in the CNN link above.

CNN never gets anything correct Jakey, lol. Weren't they the ones who keep pushing the collusion/delusion, that now it seems, has not only been totally discredited, but also on the verge of being shown to originally started in Washington by Brennan, lol!

You people are sooooooooo screwed, but I got to hand it to you, you keep trying, lol!
IOW, you did not read the transcripts and comments by CNN.

It is all answered, but you, typically, won't answer it, yet expect to survive the elections. :p
Republican U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis cast doubt on the credibility of John Brennan over the former former CIA director’s furious reaction to President Donald Trump’s meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Brennan called Trump’s meeting with Putin "nothing short of treasonous" on Twitter.

Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???

DeSantis, who is vying for Florida governor, appeared on Fox News hours later to respond.

"John Brennan was a disaster as CIA director," DeSantis said on Fox News on July 16. "He was a disaster as the counterterrorism official. He was a member of the Communist Party during the Cold War."

DeSantis added: "So this is not exactly the guy I would listen to about Russia."
Brennan discussed the test at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's annual conference in September 2016, CNN reported. He was a panelist in a discussion about diversity in the intelligence community. Brennan was asked about whether past activism would create a barrier for diverse candidates seeking to enter the intelligence community later in life.

According to Brennan, the polygrapher asked him, "Have you ever worked with or for a group that was dedicated to overthrowing the U.S.?"

Brennan said he was apprehensive — he had voted for Gus Hall for president in 1976, which was while the Cold War was underway. (The Cold War is generally defined as running from 1947 to 1991.)

The New York Times reported Hall earned more support from American voters in his 1976 presidential campaign than in his other three. He won 58,992 votes, putting him in eighth place, behind candidates from the Democratic, Republican, Independent, Libertarian, American Independent, American and Socialist Workers parties.

"I froze, because I was getting so close to coming into CIA and said, 'OK, here's the choice, John. You can deny that, and the machine is probably going to go, you know, wacko, or I can acknowledge it and see what happens,'" CNN has quoted Brennan as saying. (We searched for video but did not find it.)

Brennan told the polygraph operator that he had voted for Hall, but added that he was never a member of the Communist Party. Speaking at the conference, Brennan said he was relieved to have been accepted into the CIA, because he worried about having compromised his chances by being forthcoming.

"I said I was neither Democratic or Republican, but it was my way, as I was going to college, of signaling my unhappiness with the system, and the need for change. I said I'm not a member of the Communist Party, so the polygrapher looked at me and said, 'OK,' and when I was finished with the polygraph and I left and said, 'Well, I'm screwed.'"
Brennan used the anecdote to make a point about room for diversity in the CIA ranks.

"So if back in 1980, John Brennan was allowed to say, 'I voted for the Communist Party with Gus Hall' ... and still got through, rest assured that your rights and your expressions and your freedom of speech as Americans is something that's not going to be disqualifying of you as you pursue a career in government," CNN reported him as saying.

Does any of this make Brennan a member of the Communist Party at the time? No.

In 1976, Brennan was studying political science at Fordham University. This was the first election after the Watergate scandal, which left many Americans disillusioned with American politics.

He could have voted for the Republican candidate Gerald Ford, who had controversially pardoned Richard Nixon, or he could have cast his ballot for Democratic candidate Jimmy Carter.

Stephen Craig, a political science professor at the University of Florida, said, "Carter (was) a southerner who was not trusted given the legacy of the Jim Crow South by many Democrats and other left-leaning voters."

"Carter was an outsider who promised ethical governance but still represented mainstream politics," added Gregory Koger, a political science professor at the University of Miami.

Importantly, experts agree that voting for a particular candidate in a party does not make the voter a member of that party. Becoming a member of a party is a much more specific and intensive commitment than simply pulling a lever in the ballot booth.

"Brennan was … a young idealistic student pursuing studies in politics who shared the concerns of many about the health of the U.S. political system during this time period," said Thomas Sutton, a political science professor at Baldwin Wallace University.

Brennan’s former CIA deputy chief of staff Nick Shapiro told PolitiFact Florida that it wouldn’t make sense for someone who was a secret communist to out themselves repeatedly.

Our ruling
DeSantis said Brennan "was a member of the Communist Party during the Cold War."

Brennan has openly confirmed voting for a Communist Party candidate for president in 1976. But the DeSantis campaign did not provide evidence that he was a card-carrying party member, and we did not find any.
LOL, Snarkey is deflecting. Again. Fine Snarkey, John Boy WASN'T a card carrying member. He is still guilty of Sedition, his clearance should have been pulled long ago. Golly Snarks....what was it...two weeks ago you were arguing the Brennan DIDN'T vote for Hall?
Says John Brennan "was a member of the Communist Party during the Cold War."
Ron DeSantis on Monday, July 16th, 2018 in an interview on Fox News

CNN did good research that a youthful Brennan did indeed vote for Gus Hall in 1976, was never a member of the CPUSA, and did pass a polygraph test when entering the CIA.

IOW, Brennan was honest and served his country brilliantly.

IOW, Trump reeks of unsavory immorality and is hurting his country horribly.

ps: all the Trumpees love Russia anyway so they are blood brothers and sisters to Brennan.

Was John Brennan once a member of the Communist Party?

So he admits he voted for the Communist Party candidate. That hardly vindicates him.
It was a fuk you vote after Watergate

I really don't care who the man voted for 42 years ago. I care about how he is behaving now.
Question for all the nice posters------------> When you apply for a top secret security clearance, is it true that you are asked if you ever supported, or belonged to the Communist party? I personally thought it was.
Yes [ was not asked if I supported the communist party, just if I was a member or affiliated in any way], the FBI [and NIS in my case] then follow up with sweeping background checks.
Says John Brennan "was a member of the Communist Party during the Cold War."
Ron DeSantis on Monday, July 16th, 2018 in an interview on Fox News

CNN did good research that a youthful Brennan did indeed vote for Gus Hall in 1976, was never a member of the CPUSA, and did pass a polygraph test when entering the CIA.

IOW, Brennan was honest and served his country brilliantly.

IOW, Trump reeks of unsavory immorality and is hurting his country horribly.

ps: all the Trumpees love Russia anyway so they are blood brothers and sisters to Brennan.

Was John Brennan once a member of the Communist Party?

So he admits he voted for the Communist Party candidate. That hardly vindicates him.
It was a fuk you vote after Watergate

And Trump gave him a fuck you vote after he was called a traitor
Trump is a traitor.
Says John Brennan "was a member of the Communist Party during the Cold War."
Ron DeSantis on Monday, July 16th, 2018 in an interview on Fox News

CNN did good research that a youthful Brennan did indeed vote for Gus Hall in 1976, was never a member of the CPUSA, and did pass a polygraph test when entering the CIA.

IOW, Brennan was honest and served his country brilliantly.

IOW, Trump reeks of unsavory immorality and is hurting his country horribly.

ps: all the Trumpees love Russia anyway so they are blood brothers and sisters to Brennan.

Was John Brennan once a member of the Communist Party?

So he admits he voted for the Communist Party candidate. That hardly vindicates him.
It was a fuk you vote after Watergate

I really don't care who the man voted for 42 years ago. I care about how he is behaving now.
He is behaving like an American Patriot fighting against a despotic leader

Trump is worse than King George
Says John Brennan "was a member of the Communist Party during the Cold War."
Ron DeSantis on Monday, July 16th, 2018 in an interview on Fox News

CNN did good research that a youthful Brennan did indeed vote for Gus Hall in 1976, was never a member of the CPUSA, and did pass a polygraph test when entering the CIA.

IOW, Brennan was honest and served his country brilliantly.

IOW, Trump reeks of unsavory immorality and is hurting his country horribly.

ps: all the Trumpees love Russia anyway so they are blood brothers and sisters to Brennan.

Was John Brennan once a member of the Communist Party?

So he admits he voted for the Communist Party candidate. That hardly vindicates him.
It was a fuk you vote after Watergate

I really don't care who the man voted for 42 years ago. I care about how he is behaving now.
He is behaving like an American Patriot fighting against a despotic leader

Trump is worse than King George

This is about as stupid as one can get.
Brennan was and is a communist. He has been able to successfully lie about it. The ability to lie convincingly is essential to the CIA.
As Director is the CIA, he has undergone extensive background investigations ........he is as clean as they come

He is an American Patriot and has loyally served his country for decades
He has had the assistance of other clandestine communists.
Clearly Brennan is now and always was a communist. A vote for a communist is better than a vote for Trump. Which is why the US is becoming increasingly communist.

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