AAAS, worse than we thought it could be

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
AAAS: Climate change is coming much harder, much faster than predicted
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The American Association for the Advancement of Science is holding its annual meeting, so you can expect a flurry of climate announcements — though not as much as at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union (see here and here). The Washington Post and AFP are reporting:

It seems the dire warnings about the oncoming devastation wrought by global warming were not dire enough, a top climate scientist warned Saturday.

Okay, this is what I’ve been saying for a few years now, but it’s good to hear more and more leading climate scientists besides James Hansen and John Holdren being blunt with the public on this (see links below for others who are now telling it like it is). In this case, it’s Christopher Field, founding director of the Carnegie Institution’s Department of Global Ecology at Stanford University, who said
Climate Progress » Blog Archive » AAAS: Climate change is coming much harder, much faster than predicted
AAAS: Climate change is coming much harder, much faster than predicted
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The American Association for the Advancement of Science is holding its annual meeting, so you can expect a flurry of climate announcements — though not as much as at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union (see here and here). The Washington Post and AFP are reporting:

It seems the dire warnings about the oncoming devastation wrought by global warming were not dire enough, a top climate scientist warned Saturday.

Okay, this is what I’ve been saying for a few years now, but it’s good to hear more and more leading climate scientists besides James Hansen and John Holdren being blunt with the public on this (see links below for others who are now telling it like it is). In this case, it’s Christopher Field, founding director of the Carnegie Institution’s Department of Global Ecology at Stanford University, who said
Climate Progress » Blog Archive » AAAS: Climate change is coming much harder, much faster than predicted

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Wait ... aren't these the same people that predicted we would already be seeing major storms constantly by 2008? Where are those by the way?
AAAS: Climate change is coming much harder, much faster than predicted
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The American Association for the Advancement of Science is holding its annual meeting, so you can expect a flurry of climate announcements — though not as much as at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union (see here and here). The Washington Post and AFP are reporting:

It seems the dire warnings about the oncoming devastation wrought by global warming were not dire enough, a top climate scientist warned Saturday.

Okay, this is what I’ve been saying for a few years now, but it’s good to hear more and more leading climate scientists besides James Hansen and John Holdren being blunt with the public on this (see links below for others who are now telling it like it is). In this case, it’s Christopher Field, founding director of the Carnegie Institution’s Department of Global Ecology at Stanford University, who said
Climate Progress » Blog Archive » AAAS: Climate change is coming much harder, much faster than predicted

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The sky is falling. The sky is falling.
AAAS: Climate change is coming much harder, much faster than predicted
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The American Association for the Advancement of Science is holding its annual meeting, so you can expect a flurry of climate announcements — though not as much as at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union (see here and here). The Washington Post and AFP are reporting:

It seems the dire warnings about the oncoming devastation wrought by global warming were not dire enough, a top climate scientist warned Saturday.

Okay, this is what I’ve been saying for a few years now, but it’s good to hear more and more leading climate scientists besides James Hansen and John Holdren being blunt with the public on this (see links below for others who are now telling it like it is). In this case, it’s Christopher Field, founding director of the Carnegie Institution’s Department of Global Ecology at Stanford University, who said
Climate Progress » Blog Archive » AAAS: Climate change is coming much harder, much faster than predicted

We need a plague. You know ... kill off half the world's population? Your half, not mine.
Nah... we should ignore it and let g-d sort it out.

I mean, why listen to scientists, after all.


The problem is that a majority of the science used isn't solid. Here's a bit of science commonly forgotten that uses other sciences: the life on the planet is never in danger of complete extinction, it is impossible according to the laws of evolution. No matter what changes occur, life forms will evolve to adapt to the new climates and environments, as they have many times in the past. No matter which theory as to the extinction of the dinosaurs (which was not even a complete extinction) it is quite easy to see that life will continue, just in different forms. The problem with the impact has little to do with life in general, but the survival of our own species. The damage we are doing will eventually wipe us out. However, the real damage is still not known, why? Simple, they are focusing too much on one particular aspect and ignoring all others, including other scientific studies and areas, which point that the problems are not what the environuts are screaming about. Why do they ignore these other sciences, why don't they utilize all the data, and why do they keep asking for money? Two reasons to answer those questions, one is the truth is uglier than the whole disaster scenario, the other is that they want to scare you into giving them handouts knowing full well that since they cannot actually fix these changes people will be scared long enough for them to really milk it.
AAAS: Climate change is coming much harder, much faster than predicted. (OMG!)
The American Association for the Advancement of Government Funding for our Pet Projects is holding its annual meeting, so you can expect a flurry of climate announcements — though not as much as at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union.
It seems the dire warnings about the oncoming devastation wrought by global warming were not dire enough, a top climate scientist warned Saturday.
Dogs and Cats living together, MASS HYSTERIA!
What a shock huh? A disaster is coming so we need to fund our projects NOW! We've never heard that before have we? Sounds like the argument for the Porkulus Maximus.
Nah... we should ignore it and let g-d sort it out.

I mean, why listen to scientists, after all.


The problem is that a majority of the science used isn't solid. Here's a bit of science commonly forgotten that uses other sciences: the life on the planet is never in danger of complete extinction, it is impossible according to the laws of evolution. No matter what changes occur, life forms will evolve to adapt to the new climates and environments, as they have many times in the past. No matter which theory as to the extinction of the dinosaurs (which was not even a complete extinction) it is quite easy to see that life will continue, just in different forms. The problem with the impact has little to do with life in general, but the survival of our own species. The damage we are doing will eventually wipe us out. However, the real damage is still not known, why? Simple, they are focusing too much on one particular aspect and ignoring all others, including other scientific studies and areas, which point that the problems are not what the environuts are screaming about. Why do they ignore these other sciences, why don't they utilize all the data, and why do they keep asking for money? Two reasons to answer those questions, one is the truth is uglier than the whole disaster scenario, the other is that they want to scare you into giving them handouts knowing full well that since they cannot actually fix these changes people will be scared long enough for them to really milk it.

Kitten, what other sciences are you refering to? Yes, complete extinction, as a species, is completely possible, and has happened many times in the history of our planet. Nobody is argueing that all life will be wiped out, or even that our own species will be forced into extinction. What is being said is that the present rather fine life that many of us enjoy will cease. As will the present standard of living.You may find the extinction of our own species as no great matter, but I am rather fond of the naked apes arround me.

Asking for money? Now what do scientists do with all that money that we give them? I mean, other than inventing things like the medium that we are posting on?
Nah... we should ignore it and let g-d sort it out.

I mean, why listen to scientists, after all.


The problem is that a majority of the science used isn't solid. Here's a bit of science commonly forgotten that uses other sciences: the life on the planet is never in danger of complete extinction, it is impossible according to the laws of evolution. No matter what changes occur, life forms will evolve to adapt to the new climates and environments, as they have many times in the past. No matter which theory as to the extinction of the dinosaurs (which was not even a complete extinction) it is quite easy to see that life will continue, just in different forms. The problem with the impact has little to do with life in general, but the survival of our own species. The damage we are doing will eventually wipe us out. However, the real damage is still not known, why? Simple, they are focusing too much on one particular aspect and ignoring all others, including other scientific studies and areas, which point that the problems are not what the environuts are screaming about. Why do they ignore these other sciences, why don't they utilize all the data, and why do they keep asking for money? Two reasons to answer those questions, one is the truth is uglier than the whole disaster scenario, the other is that they want to scare you into giving them handouts knowing full well that since they cannot actually fix these changes people will be scared long enough for them to really milk it.

Kitten, what other sciences are you refering to? Yes, complete extinction, as a species, is completely possible, and has happened many times in the history of our planet. Nobody is argueing that all life will be wiped out, or even that our own species will be forced into extinction. What is being said is that the present rather fine life that many of us enjoy will cease. As will the present standard of living.You may find the extinction of our own species as no great matter, but I am rather fond of the naked apes arround me.

Asking for money? Now what do scientists do with all that money that we give them? I mean, other than inventing things like the medium that we are posting on?

blow it on lap dances and jello shots
Nah... we should ignore it and let g-d sort it out.

I mean, why listen to scientists, after all.


The problem is that a majority of the science used isn't solid. Here's a bit of science commonly forgotten that uses other sciences: the life on the planet is never in danger of complete extinction, it is impossible according to the laws of evolution. No matter what changes occur, life forms will evolve to adapt to the new climates and environments, as they have many times in the past. No matter which theory as to the extinction of the dinosaurs (which was not even a complete extinction) it is quite easy to see that life will continue, just in different forms. The problem with the impact has little to do with life in general, but the survival of our own species. The damage we are doing will eventually wipe us out. However, the real damage is still not known, why? Simple, they are focusing too much on one particular aspect and ignoring all others, including other scientific studies and areas, which point that the problems are not what the environuts are screaming about. Why do they ignore these other sciences, why don't they utilize all the data, and why do they keep asking for money? Two reasons to answer those questions, one is the truth is uglier than the whole disaster scenario, the other is that they want to scare you into giving them handouts knowing full well that since they cannot actually fix these changes people will be scared long enough for them to really milk it.

Kitten, what other sciences are you refering to? Yes, complete extinction, as a species, is completely possible, and has happened many times in the history of our planet. Nobody is argueing that all life will be wiped out, or even that our own species will be forced into extinction. What is being said is that the present rather fine life that many of us enjoy will cease. As will the present standard of living.You may find the extinction of our own species as no great matter, but I am rather fond of the naked apes arround me.

Asking for money? Now what do scientists do with all that money that we give them? I mean, other than inventing things like the medium that we are posting on?

LOL ... seriously, you can't be that stupid, and if it was only the few nutjob scientists that still scream about this crap it wouldn't be such an issue, nor nearly as expensive. You really think that all the money you spend in taxes on environmental bills goes to scientists? A ton goes to Gores companies, then straight into his pocket. He started this hysteria for that reason only ... seriously, he doesn't give a fuck about the environment and twisted the numbers when they first appeared just to make the problem look worse so people would fall for it.

I was saying a complete extinction of all life, at least you admit that it's not possible. However nature itself drives species extinct all the time, the Dodo was only one, soon the Cheetah just because it's not adapting well to the new prey, which are evolving naturally without our influence (look it up sometime, fascinating story, and I live cats so yeah I will miss them but not going to go nuts when they do die off). Other sciences include biology, anthropology, even archeology just off the top of my head. Climatology isn't the only science important in this case, and yet you environazis want to ignore them all except the one that just happens to be easily misread to support your claims. One such HUGE waste of money, there are several species of animals that should have gone extinct naturally, but we wasted a ton of money to "save them", now they are seeing these same species they saved suddenly endangering others because they no longer have the room and are fighting for living space.

Each species is suppose to be replaced with new ones eventually, it's nature, it's the cycle of life, it's how it's suppose to be. Even humans will become extinct eventually, we have no choice, already our biology is starting to fail, our bodies not nearly as tough as they once were. Medicine is only delaying the inevitable.
Most of the species dying off right now are dying off because MANKIND has systematically taken over their environment.

Putting that issue of species die off aside, the important question about the environment is no longer can we prevent it (we cannot) but how should we be preparing for it?

Now some of you doubt that the climate is changing, and that I truly do not understand.

Some of you doubt that we can know what that will mean, and THAT I totally understand.

Global warming really means climate weirding, I think.

But obviously SOME people ARE preparing for climate weirding.

For example, those insurance companies which are no longer offering homeowner protection in FLA?

They sense (perhaps fear is the better word) that the hurricanic activity might easily wipe them out should two or three hurricanes hit population centers in FLA.

Now that might happen this year or it might never happen, but those boys play the odds, and apparently they are convinced that the RISK of that happening exceeds to the POTENTIAL rewards the gain if it DOES NOT happen.
The plain simple facts are that scientist and science do NOT know enough to make an educated realistic guess about what is or is not going to happen. It is really that simple. Claiming they know what will happen in 10 or 20 years are wild ass guesses based on short term information with no data to support them, or not enough to be meaningful.

This is nothing more than a new attempt to scare people into pouring money into this crap once again. Why? Because we have started to wise up to the con game and the misinformation.

THEY DO NOT KNOW ENOUGH TO MAKE THESE DIRE PREDICTIONS. There is no scientific basis for the claims. But if they do not make these claims they stand to lose millions in grants around the world.

Check the data from 1998 on, the temperature data is all FIXED. They do not provide raw numbers, it is all adjusted and almost always with no realistic explanation as to why the adjustments. It has already been shown that key data collection points for temperature are actually corrupted by heat sinks. Man made heat sinks.

Science does not have the data to make any claims at all that stand up to investigation by non involved scientific review. We simply do NOT know enough about how nature works, the cycles , the causes and the effects. We still can not explain why or when clouds will form. We know what they are made of, but no one can predict with any accuracy what kind of clouds will form or when. It is all done by OBSERVATION. AS IS predictions on rain and other weather events. All based off of OBSERVATION. We see it, we track it and we can predict what will happen as the weather moves from place to place.

This does not work for years down the road. Once again, if they know how to predict weather far in the future they should be able to use the method to accurately use the simulations to recreate past years weather semi correctly. But they can not, because they do not KNOW ENOUGH.
Most of the species dying off right now are dying off because MANKIND has systematically taken over their environment.

Putting that issue of species die off aside, the important question about the environment is no longer can we prevent it (we cannot) but how should we be preparing for it?

Now some of you doubt that the climate is changing, and that I truly do not understand.

Some of you doubt that we can know what that will mean, and THAT I totally understand.

Global warming really means climate weirding, I think.

But obviously SOME people ARE preparing for climate weirding.

For example, those insurance companies which are no longer offering homeowner protection in FLA?

They sense (perhaps fear is the better word) that the hurricanic activity might easily wipe them out should two or three hurricanes hit population centers in FLA.

Now that might happen this year or it might never happen, but those boys play the odds, and apparently they are convinced that the RISK of that happening exceeds to the POTENTIAL rewards the gain if it DOES NOT happen.

THAT is the ugly truth that environazis won't face. There is only one way to stop that, decrease OUR population. But how? No one likes any of the possible solutions because they are weak willed and weak hearted. China tried several times to curb their own, but each time they were met with outrage, now they are the rule in population problems not the exception. The only country that doesn't have a serious problem is Japan, but that's because people are spending most of their lives working now (both men and women) and less time breeding or raising families. In the US we put so much emphasis on sex that they even advertise sexual products in commercials (lubes, viagra, penis pumps even now) when this is causing a lot of obvious problems, but still they do. So until you want to start accepting the real problem with humanity and more people stop being such wusses about the solutions, nothing will EVER get better.
Most of the species dying off right now are dying off because MANKIND has systematically taken over their environment.

Putting that issue of species die off aside, the important question about the environment is no longer can we prevent it (we cannot) but how should we be preparing for it?

Now some of you doubt that the climate is changing, and that I truly do not understand.

Some of you doubt that we can know what that will mean, and THAT I totally understand.

Global warming really means climate weirding, I think.

But obviously SOME people ARE preparing for climate weirding.

For example, those insurance companies which are no longer offering homeowner protection in FLA?

They sense (perhaps fear is the better word) that the hurricanic activity might easily wipe them out should two or three hurricanes hit population centers in FLA.

Now that might happen this year or it might never happen, but those boys play the odds, and apparently they are convinced that the RISK of that happening exceeds to the POTENTIAL rewards the gain if it DOES NOT happen.

THAT is the ugly truth that environazis won't face. There is only one way to stop that, decrease OUR population. But how? No one likes any of the possible solutions because they are weak willed and weak hearted. China tried several times to curb their own, but each time they were met with outrage, now they are the rule in population problems not the exception. The only country that doesn't have a serious problem is Japan, but that's because people are spending most of their lives working now (both men and women) and less time breeding or raising families. In the US we put so much emphasis on sex that they even advertise sexual products in commercials (lubes, viagra, penis pumps even now) when this is causing a lot of obvious problems, but still they do. So until you want to start accepting the real problem with humanity and more people stop being such wusses about the solutions, nothing will EVER get better.

Placing emphasis on sex in not producing a population explosion in the US.
Most of the species dying off right now are dying off because MANKIND has systematically taken over their environment.

Putting that issue of species die off aside, the important question about the environment is no longer can we prevent it (we cannot) but how should we be preparing for it?

Now some of you doubt that the climate is changing, and that I truly do not understand.

Some of you doubt that we can know what that will mean, and THAT I totally understand.

Global warming really means climate weirding, I think.

But obviously SOME people ARE preparing for climate weirding.

For example, those insurance companies which are no longer offering homeowner protection in FLA?

They sense (perhaps fear is the better word) that the hurricanic activity might easily wipe them out should two or three hurricanes hit population centers in FLA.

Now that might happen this year or it might never happen, but those boys play the odds, and apparently they are convinced that the RISK of that happening exceeds to the POTENTIAL rewards the gain if it DOES NOT happen.

THAT is the ugly truth that environazis won't face. There is only one way to stop that, decrease OUR population. But how? No one likes any of the possible solutions because they are weak willed and weak hearted. China tried several times to curb their own, but each time they were met with outrage, now they are the rule in population problems not the exception. The only country that doesn't have a serious problem is Japan, but that's because people are spending most of their lives working now (both men and women) and less time breeding or raising families. In the US we put so much emphasis on sex that they even advertise sexual products in commercials (lubes, viagra, penis pumps even now) when this is causing a lot of obvious problems, but still they do. So until you want to start accepting the real problem with humanity and more people stop being such wusses about the solutions, nothing will EVER get better.

Yes lets just randomly kill off half the worlds population and then impose strict laws on who can have babies, how many and when. Of course I am not sure how you plan to sell that to the VAST majority of the world since there are over 6 billion on the planet and we number just a bit over 300 million.

I do know of about 1.4 billion or so worthless fucks we could exterminate and solve all kind of problems for the rest of us.
Most of the species dying off right now are dying off because MANKIND has systematically taken over their environment.

Putting that issue of species die off aside, the important question about the environment is no longer can we prevent it (we cannot) but how should we be preparing for it?

Now some of you doubt that the climate is changing, and that I truly do not understand.

Some of you doubt that we can know what that will mean, and THAT I totally understand.

Global warming really means climate weirding, I think.

But obviously SOME people ARE preparing for climate weirding.

For example, those insurance companies which are no longer offering homeowner protection in FLA?

They sense (perhaps fear is the better word) that the hurricanic activity might easily wipe them out should two or three hurricanes hit population centers in FLA.

Now that might happen this year or it might never happen, but those boys play the odds, and apparently they are convinced that the RISK of that happening exceeds to the POTENTIAL rewards the gain if it DOES NOT happen.

THAT is the ugly truth that environazis won't face. There is only one way to stop that, decrease OUR population. But how? No one likes any of the possible solutions because they are weak willed and weak hearted. China tried several times to curb their own, but each time they were met with outrage, now they are the rule in population problems not the exception. The only country that doesn't have a serious problem is Japan, but that's because people are spending most of their lives working now (both men and women) and less time breeding or raising families. In the US we put so much emphasis on sex that they even advertise sexual products in commercials (lubes, viagra, penis pumps even now) when this is causing a lot of obvious problems, but still they do. So until you want to start accepting the real problem with humanity and more people stop being such wusses about the solutions, nothing will EVER get better.

Placing emphasis on sex in not producing a population explosion in the US.

Really, octuplets anyone? It may not be the only reason, but it's an example. Another: Teens are being brainwashed into thinking that having their own kids is sooooo damned important that many are actually trying to make babies as young as 13 ... 13 for fucks sake, when they should be worrying about school they are instead focusing more on dating and breeding. Other examples are: lack of sex ed, tax breaks for having children, medicine sustaining life far beyond it's natural length, etc.

It's not an explosion, it happened over a long time, it's just now we know it's happening but people are still denying it. Until people are willing to see the real problem, it's all just a waste, nothing will get better, especially the environment. Everything we do leaves behind pollution, just living does, what normally clears pollution is ... trees. In out state they cut down thousands of acres just to make room for a few hundred houses recently, they cleared out my town (which was almost all trees when I was growing up) and built a ton of homes there and a couple of strip malls in place of the trees. Now they are all complaining about the air quality getting worse ... well duh.
THAT is the ugly truth that environazis won't face. There is only one way to stop that, decrease OUR population. But how? No one likes any of the possible solutions because they are weak willed and weak hearted. China tried several times to curb their own, but each time they were met with outrage, now they are the rule in population problems not the exception. The only country that doesn't have a serious problem is Japan, but that's because people are spending most of their lives working now (both men and women) and less time breeding or raising families. In the US we put so much emphasis on sex that they even advertise sexual products in commercials (lubes, viagra, penis pumps even now) when this is causing a lot of obvious problems, but still they do. So until you want to start accepting the real problem with humanity and more people stop being such wusses about the solutions, nothing will EVER get better.

Placing emphasis on sex in not producing a population explosion in the US.

Really, octuplets anyone? It may not be the only reason, but it's an example. Another: Teens are being brainwashed into thinking that having their own kids is sooooo damned important that many are actually trying to make babies as young as 13 ... 13 for fucks sake, when they should be worrying about school they are instead focusing more on dating and breeding. Other examples are: lack of sex ed, tax breaks for having children, medicine sustaining life far beyond it's natural length, etc.

It's not an explosion, it happened over a long time, it's just now we know it's happening but people are still denying it. Until people are willing to see the real problem, it's all just a waste, nothing will get better, especially the environment. Everything we do leaves behind pollution, just living does, what normally clears pollution is ... trees. In out state they cut down thousands of acres just to make room for a few hundred houses recently, they cleared out my town (which was almost all trees when I was growing up) and built a ton of homes there and a couple of strip malls in place of the trees. Now they are all complaining about the air quality getting worse ... well duh.

you're speaking to exceptions--not the rule. You might wanna leave you're hatred of sex out of your argument.
Placing emphasis on sex in not producing a population explosion in the US.

Really, octuplets anyone? It may not be the only reason, but it's an example. Another: Teens are being brainwashed into thinking that having their own kids is sooooo damned important that many are actually trying to make babies as young as 13 ... 13 for fucks sake, when they should be worrying about school they are instead focusing more on dating and breeding. Other examples are: lack of sex ed, tax breaks for having children, medicine sustaining life far beyond it's natural length, etc.

It's not an explosion, it happened over a long time, it's just now we know it's happening but people are still denying it. Until people are willing to see the real problem, it's all just a waste, nothing will get better, especially the environment. Everything we do leaves behind pollution, just living does, what normally clears pollution is ... trees. In out state they cut down thousands of acres just to make room for a few hundred houses recently, they cleared out my town (which was almost all trees when I was growing up) and built a ton of homes there and a couple of strip malls in place of the trees. Now they are all complaining about the air quality getting worse ... well duh.

you're speaking to exceptions--not the rule. You might wanna leave you're hatred of sex out of your argument.

*grins widely* Why do you think I hate sex ... because of over population in our area the places I grew up are now housing complexes, they drained our neighborhood swamp to make room for more houses, cut down all the beautiful wild areas for even more houses, and destroyed an entire wooded area for some stupid strip mall and Fred Meyers. Also, it's not the act of sex I hate, though I do not enjoy it myself, it's the mindless breeding without thinking about the consequences that I truly hate.
Really, octuplets anyone? It may not be the only reason, but it's an example. Another: Teens are being brainwashed into thinking that having their own kids is sooooo damned important that many are actually trying to make babies as young as 13 ... 13 for fucks sake, when they should be worrying about school they are instead focusing more on dating and breeding. Other examples are: lack of sex ed, tax breaks for having children, medicine sustaining life far beyond it's natural length, etc.

It's not an explosion, it happened over a long time, it's just now we know it's happening but people are still denying it. Until people are willing to see the real problem, it's all just a waste, nothing will get better, especially the environment. Everything we do leaves behind pollution, just living does, what normally clears pollution is ... trees. In out state they cut down thousands of acres just to make room for a few hundred houses recently, they cleared out my town (which was almost all trees when I was growing up) and built a ton of homes there and a couple of strip malls in place of the trees. Now they are all complaining about the air quality getting worse ... well duh.

you're speaking to exceptions--not the rule. You might wanna leave you're hatred of sex out of your argument.

*grins widely* Why do you think I hate sex ... because of over population in our area the places I grew up are now housing complexes, they drained our neighborhood swamp to make room for more houses, cut down all the beautiful wild areas for even more houses, and destroyed an entire wooded area for some stupid strip mall and Fred Meyers. Also, it's not the act of sex I hate, though I do not enjoy it myself, it's the mindless breeding without thinking about the consequences that I truly hate.

Did you know they have birth control these days ?

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