Aaron Osmond, Utah State Senator, Calls For End To Mandatory Education

Well besides having guidelines and standards...of course this explains why you are an idiot.

A more educated society is a better society....education gave you that computer you are using right now.

But by all means run on this platform. You will lose at least 90% of all mothers alone.

Standardized education did not. perhaps you ought to see where computer leaders went above and taught themselves without school.. and see how many of us in the telecom/IT/SatCom/DataTrans business got there without the standard education...

The only way to LOSE them is by the propaganda and misinformation YOU and your ilk are trying to put forth

1) This does not take away education
2) This gives other choices to problem kids
3) This gives other paths to kids who may excel in one area but lack in several others
4) This empowers the parents and not the system
5) Troublemakers are not forced to go back into the system

Misinformation lol.....propaganda lol..oh man I see you are a loon.
Again by all means run on this platform. Majority of mothers disagree with you about education.

Yes... for example when you and the rest of your ilk in here claim it takes education away... THAT is INDEED MISINFORMATION
Well besides having guidelines and standards...of course this explains why you are an idiot.

A more educated society is a better society....education gave you that computer you are using right now.

But by all means run on this platform. You will lose at least 90% of all mothers alone.

That was almost as incoherent as any post you've made.
You don't need guidelines and standards. We have more guidelines and standards now than ever before and worse results.
We have more college educated people than ever before. And more idiots who cannot read, write, think or reason. I'll bet you're one of them.
This computer is using chips made in Taiwan. Probably yours too. Tell me about it.
Meanwhile, go and convince mothers that a school board knows better than she does what kind of education her child needs.

Swing and a miss! Keep on tarding up the place rabbi...!

And if we just rely on others to do work for us, what happens when they start controlling us or decide to follow our example and rely on someone else? We become poor, divided, and an awful country that is so useless, it would be better if we didn't exist? If that mother isn't convinced by the school board, if she doesn't believe them, she is an unfit mother, as she is blind enough to believe that an education won't get you anywhere. Generally, they would know best. Now sometimes, the mother will be right, and she will actually know what her kids want and the kids will have actually told her. But there are almost no mothers who will even think about letting their kid drop out of school, even if they want to, because they need an education. Those mothers that want their kid out of school, do it so they don't have to pay for it, making them bad people, as they can't put their child's needs in front of theirs. Now the mother may have to work 24/7, but giving up will not set a good example for her children. And children are the future of the world. We need to set amazing examples and support them, as they follow the adults examples. Having an education, makes it that much more likely to make the future a better place. Giving up will make the kids think giving up is okay. So lets work hard, and make the future a better place.
Well, he'd have a larger pool of uneducated minor girls to marry and thus increase his pool of sister wives.
Well besides having guidelines and standards...of course this explains why you are an idiot.

A more educated society is a better society....education gave you that computer you are using right now.

But by all means run on this platform. You will lose at least 90% of all mothers alone.

That was almost as incoherent as any post you've made.
You don't need guidelines and standards. We have more guidelines and standards now than ever before and worse results.
We have more college educated people than ever before. And more idiots who cannot read, write, think or reason. I'll bet you're one of them.
This computer is using chips made in Taiwan. Probably yours too. Tell me about it.
Meanwhile, go and convince mothers that a school board knows better than she does what kind of education her child needs.

Swing and a miss! Keep on tarding up the place rabbi...!

Translation: Darn, I can't argue with that. I must be wrong so I'll deflect and post something stupid.

We already have plenty of uneducated non-productive people living in this country.
Do you really want to add to that number? And this would be good for America how?
Is that is supposed to be some kind of evidence of the success of compulsory gubmint edumacation?


Just because not every single person comes out highly educated does not mean that we remove the opportunity from those who cannot afford it or for whatever reason believe education is unimportant. Our military has lost a number of wars or not prevailed in the way they anticipated. Should we get rid of the military because of this? Hospitals don't save every patient that they see, so should we get rid of hospitals and doctors because they are not 100% effective? Public roads fall apart over time causing damage to our vehicles when we drive on them, so should we get rid of roads?

Nobody is advocating for removing the opportunity of education.

Per your article, what is being considered, is removal of mandatory attendance vs voluntary attendance.

If a student doesn't want to attend and his actions prove this out, than he should be allowed to opt out and get his GED or be home schooled.

Mandatory attendance ties in with Fed and State school funding.
In the district I live in, there are certain dates that are audited and on those dates if attendance is high, the more money the district gets.
It's ridiculous all the advertising 'for the children' the district does in targeting the audited dates.

Hospitals and Doctors are private, which has nothing to do with the OP and in the end, everyone dies.

Public roads falling apart? Is that state roads or federal roads? Let's see, we have tolls, gas taxes, property taxes (depending on where you live, some prop taxes go to roads) etc that are supposed to keep our roads in good shape. Also has nothing to do with your OP.
Here's the way it works. The tax exempt Media Matters with the incredible budget combs every news source in the Country looking for provocative statements from (only) republicans. They hand them to Huffington which puts a provocative title that may or may not be accurate and feed it to the angry left wing mob who need a daily dose of hatred to keep going. The Huf. headline could just have accurately said "Osmond calls for more funding for Utah schools".

We already have plenty of uneducated non-productive people living in this country.
Do you really want to add to that number? And this would be good for America how?
Is that is supposed to be some kind of evidence of the success of compulsory gubmint edumacation?


Just because not every single person comes out highly educated does not mean that we remove the opportunity from those who cannot afford it or for whatever reason believe education is unimportant. Our military has lost a number of wars or not prevailed in the way they anticipated. Should we get rid of the military because of this? Hospitals don't save every patient that they see, so should we get rid of hospitals and doctors because they are not 100% effective? Public roads fall apart over time causing damage to our vehicles when we drive on them, so should we get rid of roads?

While I'm sure it was most likely just a typo, you should brush up on your grammar, and I'm not referring to your sarcastic spelling.

Removing reguired attendence is not the same as removing the availability of schooling. You should know little things like that.

Nor, is your fairy tale anywhere near realistic. If hospitals were killing a large percentage of their patients, we would shut them down. If our military was actually losing wars, we would change the training of our troops. And, if our roads were falling apart at the same rate as our public schools fail children, we would be looking for new ways to pave roads.

In many areas, mostly inner city, the public school systems are not teaching our children what they need to know to prosper in this world. Those systems need to be fixed, and fixed now.

Even in good school districts, large percentages of children are being left behind. Is this all the parents fault?
Removing reguired attendence is not the same as removing the availability of schooling


But I still favor mandatory education. I consider the failure of parents to see that their children are educated is child abuse. And I oppose child abuse.
Removing reguired attendence is not the same as removing the availability of schooling


But I still favor mandatory education. I consider the failure of parents to see that their children are educated is child abuse. And I oppose child abuse.

How do you feel about keeping kids in failing schools where their "education" consists of fist fights and drug deals?

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