Abbas: Palestine will be Judenrein

[ame=]outstanding Explanation: Why Israel can't withdraw to its pre '67 borders line - Please Share - YouTube[/ame]
MJB12741, Roudy, et al,

This, again, is somewhat of a negative view (no insult intended).

Arab racism and bigotry at the highest levels is okay, maybe that's what is expected of them. I guess the world puts up with this barbarism because they just want this conflict to end. But Israel, which currently hosts about 2 million Arab Muslims as Israeli citizens with full rights is held to different standards.
There are also approximately 4 million non citizen Palestinian squatters living in Israel as well.

Yes, Israel is held to a higher standard. But that is because they are a people that know better. It is not as if Israel is without and education, a barbaric nation, or lacking morals and manners. Israel is a nation that must do better because they know better.

And Israel knows, that no matter the source of citizenship, and Israel is an Israel, ---- is an Israeli. And all Israelis must be given equal treatment under the law; both cohesively as a people and coherently as a polarized and universal concept.

As far as the "X" number of squatters is concerned, without regard to whether they have a formalized or documented status as Israeli citizens, the Israeli has to stop thinking of them in that context.

I know, I have a lot of room to talk, given that, America has this controversy with its Mexican-American problem. But just as we have to come to grips with ours, so it is with the Israelis. If they have been there for years, you have to do the "right thing" by them. It is what it is, and because the Israeli knows better, it must demonstrate that it holds the high moral ground.

Just My Thought,
Israel has wanted peace from the first day it was established. When there was a true peace partner in Egypt or Jordan, it was able to make peace. Unfortunately there has never been a true peace partner on the Palestinian side. Once that happens Israel will make the necessary sacrifices to create peace.

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