Why is it their business what the Jewish State calls itself? Israel is a Democracy that allows Freedom of Religion which is more then I can say for the Uncivilized Muslim Countries

Freedom of Religion? Is that why only Orthodox Jewish conversions are respected in Israel?

Is that why religious intermarriage isn't legal in Israel?

Is that why Israel stole millions of dumans of land from Israeli Arab citizens and never gave back the land?
Why is it their business what the Jewish State calls itself? Israel is a Democracy that allows Freedom of Religion which is more then I can say for the Uncivilized Muslim Countries

Freedom of Religion? Is that why only Orthodox Jewish conversions are respected in Israel?

Is that why religious intermarriage isn't legal in Israel?

Is that why Israel stole millions of dumans of land from Israeli Arab citizens and never gave back the land?

If you are so concerned about " Democracy" including Freedom of Religion maybe you should look at the Muslim/ Arab World. People are free to practice their Muslim faith, Christianity and Jewish Faith unlike the Muslim Countries.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks on Christians

Muslims Kill Dozens of Christians On Christmas Day & White House Remains Silent

Maybe you should be a little more concerned about this? Naaaa. That would make you less Hypocritical.

The Arabs never accepted Israel or it's Borders obviously. They initiated the 67 War; Where was their " respect" for " Borders?" :cuckoo:

None of your false claims have to do with what Israel calls itself. By your " logic" I should object to the name " Palestinian State" :cuckoo:
Who the fuck said I wanted peace? Do I look like a peacenik? I want the Pali's pounding sand back in Jordan where they belong.

Like most Israelis and Israelophiles, you don't give a damn about peace and want to commit ethnic cleansing against the Arabs of the West Bank.

I appreciate your honesty, you racist dick.
Who the fuck said I wanted peace? Do I look like a peacenik? I want the Pali's pounding sand back in Jordan where they belong.

Like most Israelis and Israelophiles, you don't give a damn about peace and want to commit ethnic cleansing against the Arabs of the West Bank.

I appreciate your honesty, you racist dick.

Shows how much you know dickweed. They are the same race. They're both Semites. They're cousins you dumb twat. And no I don't give a damn. Now take another hissy fit.
Who the fuck said I wanted peace? Do I look like a peacenik? I want the Pali's pounding sand back in Jordan where they belong.

Like most Israelis and Israelophiles, you don't give a damn about peace and want to commit ethnic cleansing against the Arabs of the West Bank.

I appreciate your honesty, you racist dick.

Abbas: 'Not a single Israeli' in future Palestinian state | JPost | Israel News

You're the one who doesn't want Peace, You dishonest Racist Dick
Abbas: 'Not a single Israeli' in future Palestinian state | JPost | Israel News

You're the one who doesn't want Peace, You dishonest Racist Dick

I have nothing against Jews, Judaism, or the various Jewish cultures.

I want a two state solution based on the 1967 borders with mutually agreed upon 1 to 1 landswaps that would include some settlements.

I want Israel to rule West Jerusalem and the Jewish section of the Old City including the Western Wall.

I want no more than 100,000 1st generation Palestinian refugees to return to Israel, if they agree to swear allegiance to a democratic Jewish State and promise to be good and peaceful citizens.

You on the other hand want all the land for Israel and the Arabs to be packed into cattle cars and shipped to Jordan. And any who refuse to obey will be shot dead. That's your wish.

And that's why you are a racist and a fascist pig. Anti-Semitism is fueled by assholes like you and you have the blood of dead Jews on your hands, because of your fueling of anti-Semitism.
Abbas: 'Not a single Israeli' in future Palestinian state | JPost | Israel News

You're the one who doesn't want Peace, You dishonest Racist Dick

I have nothing against Jews, Judaism, or the various Jewish cultures.

I want a two state solution based on the 1967 borders with mutually agreed upon 1 to 1 landswaps that would include some settlements.

I want Israel to rule West Jerusalem and the Jewish section of the Old City including the Western Wall.

I want no more than 100,000 1st generation Palestinian refugees to return to Israel, if they agree to swear allegiance to a democratic Jewish State and promise to be good and peaceful citizens.

You on the other hand want all the land for Israel and the Arabs to be packed into cattle cars and shipped to Jordan. And any who refuse to obey will be shot dead. That's your wish.

And that's why you are a racist and a fascist pig. Anti-Semitism is fueled by assholes like you and you have the blood of dead Jews on your hands, because of your fueling of anti-Semitism.

You want, you want, you want. Want in one hand and shit in the other. See what you get. We don't give a shit what YOU want, dickweed. There will never be a Palestinian state.
You want, you want, you want. Want in one hand and shit in the other. See what you get. We don't give a shit what YOU want, dickweed. There will never be a Palestinian state.

You don't want a Palestinian state? You want Jewish control of all the land and the Arabs be shipped to Jordan?

That would lead to lots of dead Jews. Why do you want innocent Jews to die?
You want, you want, you want. Want in one hand and shit in the other. See what you get. We don't give a shit what YOU want, dickweed. There will never be a Palestinian state.

You don't want a Palestinian state? You want Jewish control of all the land and the Arabs be shipped to Jordan?

That would lead to lots of dead Jews. Why do you want innocent Jews to die?

What point are you struggling to make,, Victory??? That muslims slit the throats of infants
if they do not get all that they WANT? Not news.-----but the civilized world does
not wish to cave into your disgusting filth

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