The Palestinians offer peaceful relations and the end to more than 50 years of war.

Isn't this what Israel has been asking for all these years?

Next time you visit Gaza, could you please ask them to change their charter with regard to destroying Israel?

Hamas should change its Charter when Israel changes its name to the "Democratic Jewish State of Israel".

How about the Muslims change their shtick about a Religion of Peace when they stop murdering people for their religious beliefs? I think that is more important than what Israel does because too many people are being murdered by your brethren these days and in the past.
The Palestinians offer peaceful relations and the end to more than 50 years of war.

Isn't this what Israel has been asking for all these years?

Next time you visit Gaza, could you please ask them to change their charter with regard to destroying Israel?

Hamas should change its Charter when Israel changes its name to the "Democratic Jewish State of Israel".

What's wrong with calling Israel a Jewish state ?
Ask what Israel has to gain by giving in to all concessions there is never a response. Nobody is demanding that Israel eventually become an annex to " palestine" except the Palestinians; Not even the Arab League :clap2:

Those aren't concessions, they are obligations.

Tell us then, please what exactly are the Palestinians " offering?" in these " negotiations?" It's a fair question

The Palestinians are offering to cede all the land inside the green line to Israel. That is a huge concession.
Those aren't concessions, they are obligations.

Tell us then, please what exactly are the Palestinians " offering?" in these " negotiations?" It's a fair question

The Palestinians are offering to cede all the land inside the green line to Israel. That is a huge concession.
What about the rockets? The tunnels? The proposed soldier kidnappings? The suicide bomber threats and on and on an on.........?
Am I still allowed to buy Turkey?
Is the world catching on to Turkey?
God, I really love Turkey.

This posting has been approved by me as making more sense than a victory posting.
It would appear that has now arrived, albeit slightly sooner than anyone had expected. Many observers assumed that once Secretary of State John Kerry got around to submitting his framework for a negotiated peace, Palestinian Authority head Mahmoud Abbas would then set about finding an excuse for rejecting it. What few could have predicted was that Abbas would find a way to reject the proposal before it was even submitted. Yet, this is precisely the impressive feat that Abbas has now accomplished.

Earlier today, Abbas’s spokespeople in Ramallah announced the PA’s new set of red lines in any negotiated peace settlement. Each and every one of these red lines blows to pieces anything Kerry was about to propose, as it does to the prospects for an agreement between the two sides in general. These red lines which Abbas details in a letter being sent to the U.S. and the Quartet seamlessly preempts whatever Kerry was likely to outline in his own peace parameters. In this way Abbas artfully dodges a scenario in which the Israelis would agree to a peace plan and the Palestinians would come under pressure not to derail yet another effort to resolve the conflict.

Abbas’s new red lines block just about every concession that the Israelis, and even the U.S., have requested. Abbas demands: a total Israeli withdrawal from all territories that went to Israel in 1967; that Israel complete that withdrawal within three to four years; that the Palestinians not be required to recognize the Jewish state; that east Jerusalem be specified as the capital of a Palestinian state; the release of all Palestinian prisoners; and resolving the refugee issue along the lines of UN General Assembly resolution 194, which in essence means sending those Palestinians claiming to be refugees, not to a Palestinian state, but to Israel, thus terminating the existence of the Jewish state Abbas refuses to recognize.

“Without these principles there can be no just and comprehensive peace in the region,” stated Abbas’s spokesman Abu Rudeineh.

You're such a liar.

UN 194 says nothing about requiring all refugees be allowed to return to Israel.

The peace talks aren't over unless Israel walks away.

You want to call Abbas a liar, not the poster of the article.
Keep your insults to yourself.

Palestinian Myths: The Right of Return of Their Refugees
The Palestinians offer peaceful relations and the end to more than 50 years of war.

Isn't this what Israel has been asking for all these years?

Next time you visit Gaza, could you please ask them to change their charter with regard to destroying Israel?

Hamas should change its Charter when Israel changes its name to the "Democratic Jewish State of Israel".

UN/Mandate created Israel as a jewish state. That is what Israel wants to be recognized as.
Long ago-----when Clinton was king------on the question of "return of the
""palestinian refugees"" " If I remember correctly during talks in the USA.
ARAFART refused to back down in any way and even stated when urged---
something like "you want me dead" ??? My impression was that he
assumed he would be assassinated if he backed down on that issue
Long ago-----when Clinton was king------on the question of "return of the
""palestinian refugees"" " If I remember correctly during talks in the USA.
ARAFART refused to back down in any way and even stated when urged---
something like "you want me dead" ??? My impression was that he
assumed he would be assassinated if he backed down on that issue

You can't please all the people all the time.....
but if you can meat everyone's demands and expectation in a peace agreement, end the talks. Of course if abbas had signed any deal than might be perceived as giving up one grin of sand, including Israel, Abbas would expect to be killed. There is no pleasing the hard liners, that are dangerous.
For peace to work the palestinians have to be taught what is and is not possible and to make some sacrifices and compromises. There expectations have to be lowered. It is an educational process and requires a good PR and advertizement campaign to show th palestinians the benefits of peace and show them what it will bring them.

Hamas complains the UN text books are too "peaceful" and won't use them. Hate is the mainstay of their power not negotiations, recognition or peace.
UN/Mandate created Israel as a jewish state. That is what Israel wants to be recognized as.

Israel has peace treaties and diplomatic relations with hundreds of nations around the world.

Israel hasn't demanded a single one of them officially recognize them as a "Jewish State".

Not until now. Funny huh?
The Palestinians offer peaceful relations and the end to more than 50 years of war.

Isn't this what Israel has been asking for all these years?

Definition of NEGOTIATE

: to arrange for or bring about through conference, discussion, and compromise

Read SLOWLY if you are capable. According to this definition tell us EXACTLY what the Palestinians are doing to " negotiate" .
The Palestinians offer peaceful relations and the end to more than 50 years of war.

Isn't this what Israel has been asking for all these years?

Next time you visit Gaza, could you please ask them to change their charter with regard to destroying Israel?

Hamas should change its Charter when Israel changes its name to the "Democratic Jewish State of Israel".

Why is it their business what the Jewish State calls itself? Israel is a Democracy that allows Freedom of Religion which is more then I can say for the Uncivilized Muslim Countries
UN/Mandate created Israel as a jewish state. That is what Israel wants to be recognized as.

Israel has peace treaties and diplomatic relations with hundreds of nations around the world.

Israel hasn't demanded a single one of them officially recognize them as a "Jewish State".

Not until now. Funny huh?

There is a reason for that moron . It is the Palestinian goal to eventually annex Israel to them . If there is a " Palestinian State" why , shouldn't there be a Jewish State Hypocritical , huh? Of course it is
Those aren't concessions, they are obligations.

Tell us then, please what exactly are the Palestinians " offering?" in these " negotiations?" It's a fair question

The Palestinians are offering to cede all the land inside the green line to Israel. That is a huge concession.

You mean they're not demanding Israel go back to the 1948 Lines that were never accepted? Now, That is funny . The only reason they are not demanding it is because the " International Community" wouldn't go along with them . Not even the alleged " Saudi Peace Plan" calls for it . Nice try though. :clap2:
What about the rockets? The tunnels? The proposed soldier kidnappings? The suicide bomber threats and on and on an on.........?
No comment, Tinmore?

Sure, those are symptoms of a problem. Solve the problem and the symptoms will go away.

Not true. Their Rocket Fire actually increased right after Israel left . If they were really interested in being " Partners in Peace" Rocket fire would have stopped immediately

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