ABC makes epic mistake retracts bombshell Flynn story

Trump should pull their license and charge them with sedition

Lying to the American People > lying to the FBI
Mr. Obama’s conversations with the Iraqi leaders, confirmed to The Washington Times by his campaign aides, began just two weeks after he clinched the Democratic presidential nomination in June and stirred controversy over the appropriateness of a White House candidate’s contacts with foreign governments while the sitting president is conducting a war. Obama tried to sway Iraqis on Bush deal
did you read politifact's in depth article I posted a link to?

Whether it was done as a candidate or as President elect, matters naught!

We only have ONE PRESIDENT AT A TIME, and any dealings trying to offer removing sanctions that were put on the Russians THAT DAY by President Obama, for interfering in our election process, Trump orTrump team's undermining and undercutting the sitting President was not legal nor ethical.....

And shows why Trump has been obstructing Justice by trying to end this gives motive to his firing Comey....among other things....
actually NOT true. a Candidate is free to tell foreign governments what he will do if elected retard.
Mr. Obama’s conversations with the Iraqi leaders, confirmed to The Washington Times by his campaign aides, began just two weeks after he clinched the Democratic presidential nomination in June and stirred controversy over the appropriateness of a White House candidate’s contacts with foreign governments while the sitting president is conducting a war. Obama tried to sway Iraqis on Bush deal
did you read politifact's in depth article I posted a link to?
Politifact is known to be wrong quite often, even to purposely lie and omit facts. Plenty of reasons not to trust their "fact checking" too much.
Having caused chaos in financial markets briefly, set the liberal media on fire with 'I told you so's, and sparked a renewed round of #ImpeachTrump demands, ABC News issued a 'clarification' to their bombshell Flynn report that not only negates the entire story but provides President Trump with another round of ammunition to fire against the 'fake news' media.

ABC Makes "Epic Mistake", Retracts Bombshell Flynn Story

ABC makes a mistake noooo you've got to be kidding me. or is it they just got caught and it wasn't a mistake.
People are awake now so catching these leftist bull shitters happens real fast now ah days....

ABC's lie was intended to cause a panic in the market and stop the momentum. It did, but not enough. Democrats were hoping for a crash.

Too broad of a brush. Democratic bundlers and media owners not the reporters had the money to profit from the move. The Ds are run by non-office holding gangsters. that's why the party is sleazy.
LMMAAOOOOO ......fake news to cover your his ass.....not going to work in new enlightened age

Notice what happens when they realize the fools they make of themselves as they fend for lying pos losers if only we could nail Clinton and send that bitch to the nearest prison cell.
ABC's lie was intended to cause a panic in the market and stop the momentum. It did, but not enough. Democrats were hoping for a crash.
They can't let Trump win on any front. They'd rather hurt the nation.

They're going to begin the Impeachment on Trump now. These stupid sob's have no idea what they are asking for and what they will do to this COuntry.
Mr. Obama’s conversations with the Iraqi leaders, confirmed to The Washington Times by his campaign aides, began just two weeks after he clinched the Democratic presidential nomination in June and stirred controversy over the appropriateness of a White House candidate’s contacts with foreign governments while the sitting president is conducting a war. Obama tried to sway Iraqis on Bush deal
did you read politifact's in depth article I posted a link to?
Politifact is known to be wrong quite often, even to purposely lie and omit facts. Plenty of reasons not to trust their "fact checking" too much.

They're like SNOPES trendy's can't figure that out yet.

Whether it was done as a candidate or as President elect, matters naught!

We only have ONE PRESIDENT AT A TIME, and any dealings trying to offer removing sanctions that were put on the Russians THAT DAY by President Obama, for interfering in our election process, Trump orTrump team's undermining and undercutting the sitting President was not legal nor ethical.....

And shows why Trump has been obstructing Justice by trying to end this gives motive to his firing Comey....among other things....
Blah blah blah Obama Iran 2008......before assuming office
Ignorant as usual
Tis YOU who is ignorant and believes fake news, as usual.... :rolleyes:

Your story is FALSE

In 2008, "candidate Obama, he's not even president-elect, sends William Miller over to Iran to establish a back channel and let the Iranians know that should he win the election, they will have friendlier terms."
Kimberley Strassel on Sunday, May 28th, 2017 in "Meet the Press" on NBC
Did Obama seek back-channel talks with Iran in '08?

ABC's lie was intended to cause a panic in the market and stop the momentum. It did, but not enough. Democrats were hoping for a crash.
They can't let Trump win on any front. They'd rather hurt the nation.

They're going to begin the Impeachment on Trump now. These stupid sob's have no idea what they are asking for and what they will do to this COuntry.
There are no grounds for impeachment. Screaming helplessly at the sky doesn't count.
ABC's lie was intended to cause a panic in the market and stop the momentum. It did, but not enough. Democrats were hoping for a crash.
They can't let Trump win on any front. They'd rather hurt the nation.

They're going to begin the Impeachment on Trump now. These stupid sob's have no idea what they are asking for and what they will do to this COuntry.
There are no grounds for impeachment. Screaming helplessly at the sky doesn't count.

No grounds make no difference it's the lies that count.
ABC's lie was intended to cause a panic in the market and stop the momentum. It did, but not enough. Democrats were hoping for a crash.
They can't let Trump win on any front. They'd rather hurt the nation.

They're going to begin the Impeachment on Trump now. These stupid sob's have no idea what they are asking for and what they will do to this COuntry.
There are no grounds for impeachment. Screaming helplessly at the sky doesn't count.

Wanna bet lol


They USED FLYNN sunk him in purpose in order to set the stage for fake reason to try and impeach Trump. This is how they play .Flyn did nothing wrong and if more sheep listened to alex or those in his same reporting they'd learn how this is all being staged in order to set the stage for Trump to get impeached.

If he gets impeachd there will be a CIVIL WAR this is exactly what the Globalist want.
Having caused chaos in financial markets briefly, set the liberal media on fire with 'I told you so's, and sparked a renewed round of #ImpeachTrump demands, ABC News issued a 'clarification' to their bombshell Flynn report that not only negates the entire story but provides President Trump with another round of ammunition to fire against the 'fake news' media.

ABC Makes "Epic Mistake", Retracts Bombshell Flynn Story

ABC makes a mistake noooo you've got to be kidding me. or is it they just got caught and it wasn't a mistake.
People are awake now so catching these leftist bull shitters happens real fast now ah days....
Moron is using a far right site to say ABC is retracting a story. If ABC Did retract a story it would come from ABC themselves.
Mindless is as big a liar as Flynn and Trump is.
And of course the sheep actually believe it.

Who's the sheep now dummy:dance:
Having caused chaos in financial markets briefly, set the liberal media on fire with 'I told you so's, and sparked a renewed round of #ImpeachTrump demands, ABC News issued a 'clarification' to their bombshell Flynn report that not only negates the entire story but provides President Trump with another round of ammunition to fire against the 'fake news' media.

ABC Makes "Epic Mistake", Retracts Bombshell Flynn Story

ABC makes a mistake noooo you've got to be kidding me. or is it they just got caught and it wasn't a mistake.
People are awake now so catching these leftist bull shitters happens real fast now ah days....

So is Alex Jones going to retract his “story” that Sandy Hook was a hoax?

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