ABC News..Brian Ross says Batman shooter has tea party page.

Don't feed us that BS. The left did the same exact thing to Sarah Palin when Gabby Giffords was shot.

And yet here I am urging restraint until the facts are in, if you feel the left acted hastily branding the Giffords shooter as a teabagger then is that any reason to do the same thing? Mourn for the dead, do not trample their bodies in a rush to protect or condemn anyone.

Then URGE restraint of the MSM!!!!! These biased hacks very often jump to conclusions, stretch a story or otherwise attempt to convince readers that all conservatives/tea party/anti-liberals are violent, people/gay haters and want to kill people!
Most liberal biased MSM shows NO restraint when it comes to jumping to conclusions!
Look what they've done with Zimmerman! Found him totally guilty! Without a trial!

I do not have a direct line to any news reader talking head, I do not even watch any form of TV news, but I do post on this board and this is my opinion: leave it be for 24 hours or so, see what firms up and then act like the usual idiots.
And yet here I am urging restraint until the facts are in, if you feel the left acted hastily branding the Giffords shooter as a teabagger then is that any reason to do the same thing? Mourn for the dead, do not trample their bodies in a rush to protect or condemn anyone.

Then URGE restraint of the MSM!!!!! These biased hacks very often jump to conclusions, stretch a story or otherwise attempt to convince readers that all conservatives/tea party/anti-liberals are violent, people/gay haters and want to kill people!
Most liberal biased MSM shows NO restraint when it comes to jumping to conclusions!
Look what they've done with Zimmerman! Found him totally guilty! Without a trial!

I do not have a direct line to any news reader talking head, I do not even watch any form of TV news, but I do post on this board and this is my opinion: leave it be for 24 hours or so, see what firms up and then act like the usual idiots.

We would love to leave it be, but false charges have once again been put out by the left to politicize a tragedy. Innocent people once again are being demonizied by corrupt leftist media. Work on that.
I bet he gets his hair cut at a barber shop, does that make all barber guilty. What stupid way to try and tie this to the t-part. The t-part has never be involved in violence. It is a good thing he is not part of the Taliban or some would go crazy. Look at the brite side, we don't have to listen about Tom and Katie any more for a while.
Latest reports coming out claim he's a registered Democrat. If that means anything to anyone.

By the time you nutty rw's get done with this, you'll be calling him Obama's best friend, mentor, classmate in China, former spouse, massive financial contributor and quoted all through all of his books.

Latest reports coming out claim he's a registered Democrat. If that means anything to anyone.

By the time you nutty rw's get done with this, you'll be calling him Obama's best friend, mentor, classmate in China, former spouse, massive financial contributor and quoted all through all of his books.


Gee, that's too damn bad. Perhaps one of your corrupt talking heads named Brain Moss should have thought of that when he deliberately tied the Tea Party to this tragedy. Dumb asses.
Then URGE restraint of the MSM!!!!! These biased hacks very often jump to conclusions, stretch a story or otherwise attempt to convince readers that all conservatives/tea party/anti-liberals are violent, people/gay haters and want to kill people!
Most liberal biased MSM shows NO restraint when it comes to jumping to conclusions!
Look what they've done with Zimmerman! Found him totally guilty! Without a trial!

I do not have a direct line to any news reader talking head, I do not even watch any form of TV news, but I do post on this board and this is my opinion: leave it be for 24 hours or so, see what firms up and then act like the usual idiots.

We would love to leave it be, but false charges have once again been put out by the left to politicize a tragedy. Innocent people once again are being demonizied by corrupt leftist media. Work on that.

Oh well, I tried to urge you and others to watch and wait but you instead jump to conclusions in response to others jumping to conclusions. These things always sort themselves out in the end and the wise are holding on to any knee-jerk reactions.
I heard he was a member of a local school board volunteer grp. too:rolleyes:

here we go again, you would have thought they had learned something from the Jared Loughner 'reporting' boondoggle.

I heard he was an obama advisor in 2009..........i hear a lot of random things :lol:
You thought that was clever didnt you?

NO I was doing exactly what the MSM is doing NOW MAKING news NOT reporting!
This is a perfect example of BIASED reporting influencing people's opinions!
Tea Party has NO history of violence ... yet every occasion like this Tea Party tried to linked and it is just disgusting because the VAST majority of people are law abiding!

Uh, actually, the teeparty does have a history of violence. How can anyone deny that? AND, baggers in congress talk violence all the time.

The name calling in DC, "fag", "n-word", the address of a fellow congressperson that turned out to be the brother but then, the attempt to rig a bbq to explode in an area where 4 little kids played, the racist and violent signs and guns at rallies.

Look at what Alan West, Michelle Bachmann, Joe Walsh say including the completely assssinine accusations (lies) about other congresspeople.

The real irony is that today's phony teeparty have the opposite goals from the brave people who founded our country.

Does stupidity like the statements above have any end to them? The tea party is violent? Really? And how many riot police are on stand by when the tea party holds rallies? Is it more than when the Occupiers have a rally? I know for a fact that the tea party PAYS for its own security. And I wonder, after a tea party rally, how much does it cost to clean up afterward? I know for a fact that EVERY rally I have attended or have heard of has cleaned up afterward and left the area CLEANER than when they arrived.

I get it that you don't like what the tea party stands for. I get it that for you, the people who actually pay taxes and who succeed are the bad guys. Concepts like limited and responsible government are a slap in the face of your desire to have everyone stand in line and become one of the faceless, nameless throng of robots that adhere to your dogma. I understand that for the likes of you, those that think independently of the 'approved' talking points are in fact dangerous. Simply because they do not walk lock-step with your view of the way the world should be.

Well, on second thought, I guess you are absolutely correct. THE TEA PARTY IS DANGEROUS. We are Americans and we WILL NOT STAND QUIETLY IN LINE and adhere to concepts that we know will threaten our freedom. We will NOT simply go quietly into the night while you STEAL our money, our personal property, our freedom, and our rights. You're absolutely correct... the Tea Party is dangerous because we will NOT 'believe'.

The likes of you should be afraid... very afraid...
That guy is the lowest life form for doing such a sick thing so soon. Hope the country reminds him daily that he is total scum
I do not have a direct line to any news reader talking head, I do not even watch any form of TV news, but I do post on this board and this is my opinion: leave it be for 24 hours or so, see what firms up and then act like the usual idiots.

We would love to leave it be, but false charges have once again been put out by the left to politicize a tragedy. Innocent people once again are being demonizied by corrupt leftist media. Work on that.

Oh well, I tried to urge you and others to watch and wait but you instead jump to conclusions in response to others jumping to conclusions. These things always sort themselves out in the end and the wise are holding on to any knee-jerk reactions.

You should be telling that to Brain Moss.
We would love to leave it be, but false charges have once again been put out by the left to politicize a tragedy. Innocent people once again are being demonizied by corrupt leftist media. Work on that.

Oh well, I tried to urge you and others to watch and wait but you instead jump to conclusions in response to others jumping to conclusions. These things always sort themselves out in the end and the wise are holding on to any knee-jerk reactions.

You should be telling that to Brain Moss.

I agree, and have sent emails of complaint to every news outlet I found reporting on the nutcase's political affiliation.

In each one I told them they need to get real reporters and shitcan the lazy ass shills that only write to inflame the public with propaganda for whatever side they may be on.

You clowns can argue about which media outlet claims what, but the fact is it's all of them.
Oh well, I tried to urge you and others to watch and wait but you instead jump to conclusions in response to others jumping to conclusions. These things always sort themselves out in the end and the wise are holding on to any knee-jerk reactions.

You should be telling that to Brain Moss.

I agree, and have sent emails of complaint to every news outlet I found reporting on the nutcase's political affiliation.

In each one I told them they need to get real reporters and shitcan the lazy ass shills that only write to inflame the public with propaganda for whatever side they may be on.

You clowns can argue about which media outlet claims what, but the fact is it's all of them.

Who else reported the shooter may be a Tea Party member?
Stupid, irresponsible "reporting".

His political affiliations don't matter one bit. He's a murderer.
I am going to have the human decency not to comment on this tragedy in a political context until facts are known, you should do the same.

Either way, who cares?

Every group has it's fair share of fucking whackos. It's not like it's an indictment of the rest of the group.

This is as lame as saying that Bill Ayers' 60 radicalism somehow says something about Obama.
We would love to leave it be, but false charges have once again been put out by the left to politicize a tragedy. Innocent people once again are being demonizied by corrupt leftist media. Work on that.

Oh well, I tried to urge you and others to watch and wait but you instead jump to conclusions in response to others jumping to conclusions. These things always sort themselves out in the end and the wise are holding on to any knee-jerk reactions.

You should be telling that to Brain Moss.

I will just pick up the phone and call him on the secret direct line all liberals have to to the librul media.

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