ABC, Sinclair anchor, "I'm going to ram a hot poker up David Hoggs ass"

Well let's see. We have a grown-up, a major network's local TV anchor bullying a KID, using sexual assault imagery on a KID. Well at least it was "only" a tweet, huh? Gotta love those family values types and their media empires.

ABC Sinclair anchor, "I'm going to ram a hot poker up David Boggs ass"

Pro-Trump anchor resigns after threatening to ‘ram a hot poker’ into the ‘ass’ of Parkland survivor David Hogg
09 APR 2018 AT 2100

An anchor at a Sinclair-owned ABC affiliate in St. Louis has resigned from his job amid the fallout from a social media post where he threatened to sexually assault Parkland survivor David Hogg with “a hot poker.”

The Washington Post reported Monday evening that KDNL anchor Jamie Allman resigned following an advertiser boycott after a March 26 tweet where he said he was “hanging out getting ready to ram a hot poker up David Hogg’s ass tomorrow.”
Good riddance.
Well let's see. We have a grown-up, a major network's local TV anchor bullying a KID, using sexual assault imagery on a KID. Well at least it was "only" a tweet, huh? Gotta love those family values types and their media empires
I know you clowns need to push the "kid" angle, but he's NOT (accept when is furthers your sick agenda).

Mar 28, 2018 · David Hogg is an American student, activist and advocate for gun control who is the survivor of the Stoneman Douglas High School ... Birthday: April 12, 2000

This "kid" can't have it both ways.
.if he's a child, the problem is with YOU GUYS using this child. Children do not dictate policy.

If he's an adult (he is), the problem is HIM. Either man up, or shut up.

This loud moth brat wants to take pit shots at everybody else them hide in his mommy's womb when the poor baby get mild criticism.

You "adult" children in the left have no credibility.
"sexual assault?" :rofl:
Fucking bedwetters get more loony every day!

His statement was a literal threat to sodomize. There's no loony bedwetter about it. I get that you want words to be meaningless, just like when your dear leader speaks? But that's not how society operates.

He can say whatever the fuck he wants, and then he can deal with the fallout.

Sucks to be him.

Was it really THAT important that he make himself look like a sexual deviant to verbally attack a minor? Apparently so. And apparently that was the price for going there.
Well let's see. We have a grown-up, a major network's local TV anchor bullying a KID, using sexual assault imagery on a KID. Well at least it was "only" a tweet, huh? Gotta love those family values types and their media empires
I know you clowns need to push the "kid" angle, but he's NOT (accept when is furthers your sick agenda).

Mar 28, 2018 · David Hogg is an American student, activist and advocate for gun control who is the survivor of the Stoneman Douglas High School ... Birthday: April 12, 2000

This "kid" can't have it both ways.
.if he's a child, the problem is with YOU GUYS using this child. Children do not dictate policy.

If he's an adult (he is), the problem is HIM. Either man up, or shut up.

This loud moth brat wants to take pit shots at everybody else them hide in his mommy's womb when the poor baby get mild criticism.

You "adult" children in the left have no credibility.

Did you mean potshots?

Because your version would likely be very painful.
Well let's see. We have a grown-up, a major network's local TV anchor bullying a KID, using sexual assault imagery on a KID. Well at least it was "only" a tweet, huh? Gotta love those family values types and their media empires.

ABC Sinclair anchor, "I'm going to ram a hot poker up David Boggs ass"

Pro-Trump anchor resigns after threatening to ‘ram a hot poker’ into the ‘ass’ of Parkland survivor David Hogg
09 APR 2018 AT 2100

An anchor at a Sinclair-owned ABC affiliate in St. Louis has resigned from his job amid the fallout from a social media post where he threatened to sexually assault Parkland survivor David Hogg with “a hot poker.”

The Washington Post reported Monday evening that KDNL anchor Jamie Allman resigned following an advertiser boycott after a March 26 tweet where he said he was “hanging out getting ready to ram a hot poker up David Hogg’s ass tomorrow.”

Cut the "kid" sh|t out. If he's old enough to march on DC to try and take away my 2nd amendment rights, and if he's old enough to try and get a Fox News anchor fired, then he freaking fair game. That "he's a kid sh|t" isn't gonna fly anymore. Here's an idea, stop sending this "kid" to do your job.
Would have been better off using the term "bumpy cucumber" instead of "hot poker".

I just don't get the anger.....Hogg has been pretty much out of the news for 2 weeks now and has accomplished zero in the real world. By April 1st Congress was snoozing....:113:
Would have been better off using the term "bumpy cucumber" instead of "hot poker".

I just don't get the anger.....Hogg has been pretty much out of the news for 2 weeks now and has accomplished zero in the real world. By April 1st Congress was snoozing....:113:

Congress usually snoozes earlier. Meanwhile, DH is getting people involved in the next several planned marches, of which apparently you are completely unaware.
Would have been better off using the term "bumpy cucumber" instead of "hot poker".

I just don't get the anger.....Hogg has been pretty much out of the news for 2 weeks now and has accomplished zero in the real world. By April 1st Congress was snoozing....:113:

Congress usually snoozes earlier. Meanwhile, DH is getting people involved in the next several planned marches, of which apparently you are completely unaware.

Big difference between what conservatives define as success and what progressives define is success.

Progressives get all hyped up about symbols, banners and marches. It's quite fascinating. At the end of the day all the banners symbols and marches never add up to dick. We see it almost every year with some idiot gun grabber catching some headlines..... progressives get certain that the Second Amendment is in danger..... but it never is. :hello77:. And never will be. Not nearly enough people in the marches s0ns.... not even close but you idiots get duped by the MSM.

But hey ....
take all the bows you want s0n. In the real world nobody is caring.:hhello:
Would have been better off using the term "bumpy cucumber" instead of "hot poker".

I just don't get the anger.....Hogg has been pretty much out of the news for 2 weeks now and has accomplished zero in the real world. By April 1st Congress was snoozing....:113:

Congress usually snoozes earlier. Meanwhile, DH is getting people involved in the next several planned marches, of which apparently you are completely unaware.

Big difference between what conservatives define as success and what progressives define is success.

Progressives get all hyped up about symbols, banners and marches. It's quite fascinating. At the end of the day all the banners symbols and marches never add up to dick. We see it almost every year with some idiot gun grabber catching some headlines..... progressives get certain that the Second Amendment is in danger..... but it never is. :hello77:. And never will be. Not nearly enough people in the marches s0ns.... not even close but you idiots get duped by the MSM.

But hey ....
take all the bows you want s0n. In the real world nobody is caring.:hhello:

Oh, don't I know it. Because in your bubble, most people don't even know who Stormy Daniels is. Faux & Fiends has worked very hard at keeping you lot in the dark.
Well let's see. We have a grown-up, a major network's local TV anchor bullying a KID, using sexual assault imagery on a KID. Well at least it was "only" a tweet, huh? Gotta love those family values types and their media empires
I know you clowns need to push the "kid" angle, but he's NOT (accept when is furthers your sick agenda).

Mar 28, 2018 · David Hogg is an American student, activist and advocate for gun control who is the survivor of the Stoneman Douglas High School ... Birthday: April 12, 2000

This "kid" can't have it both ways.
.if he's a child, the problem is with YOU GUYS using this child. Children do not dictate policy.

If he's an adult (he is), the problem is HIM. Either man up, or shut up.

This loud moth brat wants to take pit shots at everybody else them hide in his mommy's womb when the poor baby get mild criticism.

You "adult" children in the left have no credibility.

F. U. He's still 17, I suppose you lack the skill to do simple math. I'm perplexed, how many of your kind ended up as total assholes? Most, like you, stupid ones and that may explain it.
Doesn't take a genius to figure out that Hogg will eventually end up taking the bumpy cucumber in one form or another. I'm just hoping when it happens they get some video of it..... would get tens of millions of hits.:coffee:. Is there anything more hysterical than seeing a snowflake fairy get physically abused.:fingerscrossed:
Would have been better off using the term "bumpy cucumber" instead of "hot poker".

I just don't get the anger.....Hogg has been pretty much out of the news for 2 weeks now and has accomplished zero in the real world. By April 1st Congress was snoozing....:113:

Congress usually snoozes earlier. Meanwhile, DH is getting people involved in the next several planned marches, of which apparently you are completely unaware.

Big difference between what conservatives define as success and what progressives define is success.

Progressives get all hyped up about symbols, banners and marches. It's quite fascinating. At the end of the day all the banners symbols and marches never add up to dick. We see it almost every year with some idiot gun grabber catching some headlines..... progressives get certain that the Second Amendment is in danger..... but it never is. :hello77:. And never will be. Not nearly enough people in the marches s0ns.... not even close but you idiots get duped by the MSM.

But hey ....
take all the bows you want s0n. In the real world nobody is caring.:hhello:

Oh, don't I know it. Because in your bubble, most people don't even know who Stormy Daniels is. Faux & Fiends has worked very hard at keeping you lot in the dark.

Nobody cares about Stormy Daniels. Since the story broke Trump's poll numbers have increased.:iyfyus.jpg:
Would have been better off using the term "bumpy cucumber" instead of "hot poker".

I just don't get the anger.....Hogg has been pretty much out of the news for 2 weeks now and has accomplished zero in the real world. By April 1st Congress was snoozing....:113:

Congress usually snoozes earlier. Meanwhile, DH is getting people involved in the next several planned marches, of which apparently you are completely unaware.

Big difference between what conservatives define as success and what progressives define is success.

Progressives get all hyped up about symbols, banners and marches. It's quite fascinating. At the end of the day all the banners symbols and marches never add up to dick. We see it almost every year with some idiot gun grabber catching some headlines..... progressives get certain that the Second Amendment is in danger..... but it never is. :hello77:. And never will be. Not nearly enough people in the marches s0ns.... not even close but you idiots get duped by the MSM.

But hey ....
take all the bows you want s0n. In the real world nobody is caring.:hhello:

Oh, don't I know it. Because in your bubble, most people don't even know who Stormy Daniels is. Faux & Fiends has worked very hard at keeping you lot in the dark.

Nobody cares about Stormy Daniels. Since the story broke Trump's poll numbers have increased.:iyfyus.jpg:

Would have been better off using the term "bumpy cucumber" instead of "hot poker".

I just don't get the anger.....Hogg has been pretty much out of the news for 2 weeks now and has accomplished zero in the real world. By April 1st Congress was snoozing....:113:

Congress usually snoozes earlier. Meanwhile, DH is getting people involved in the next several planned marches, of which apparently you are completely unaware.

Big difference between what conservatives define as success and what progressives define is success.

Progressives get all hyped up about symbols, banners and marches. It's quite fascinating. At the end of the day all the banners symbols and marches never add up to dick. We see it almost every year with some idiot gun grabber catching some headlines..... progressives get certain that the Second Amendment is in danger..... but it never is. :hello77:. And never will be. Not nearly enough people in the marches s0ns.... not even close but you idiots get duped by the MSM.

But hey ....
take all the bows you want s0n. In the real world nobody is caring.:hhello:

Oh, don't I know it. Because in your bubble, most people don't even know who Stormy Daniels is. Faux & Fiends has worked very hard at keeping you lot in the dark.

Nobody cares about Stormy Daniels. Since the story broke Trump's poll numbers have increased.:iyfyus.jpg:


What a dummy......

Another anally obsessed con.
BINGO! x 2. I'm 60+ and curse like a sailor. I have never used a colon ASSAULT metaphor to make my point. The fact that this vile POS used this about a KID makes my blood boil! The fact they GO to physical and sexual violence FREQUENTLY speaks volumes.

No, it doesn't.

Everyone knows what he meant. Some choose to be fucking liars.
He meant to assault a teenaged boy with a red hot poker up his ass. He said it quite clearly. And good riddance to him. Now he can run for office on the GOP ticket.

You know very well that he was not going to ram a red hot poker up the kid's ass.

He was speaking FIGURATIVELY.

As you know.

You are one of the fucking liars I was referring to.

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