ABC, Sinclair anchor, "I'm going to ram a hot poker up David Hoggs ass"

Surely it would be OK for an "anchor" to hold up an effigy of the little shit's severed head, though. That's a proven acceptable in liberal - land. So long, though, as there are no apparent bullet holes.
Another anally obsessed con.
BINGO! x 2. I'm 60+ and curse like a sailor. I have never used a colon ASSAULT metaphor to make my point. The fact that this vile POS used this about a KID makes my blood boil! The fact they GO to physical and sexual violence FREQUENTLY speaks volumes.

No, it doesn't.

Everyone knows what he meant. Some choose to be fucking liars.
He meant to assault a teenaged boy with a red hot poker up his ass. He said it quite clearly. And good riddance to him. Now he can run for office on the GOP ticket.

You know very well that he was not going to ram a red hot poker up the kid's ass.

He was speaking FIGURATIVELY.

As you know.

You are one of the fucking liars I was referring to.

It WAS a metaphor. It was a disgusting metaphor. It was a SEXUAL VIOLENCE metaphor. Whether YOU understand it or NOT!

Oh, I understand that it was a metaphor.

The lefties in the OP and though out this thread, in order to justify their censorship, are pretending to NOT understand that.
The kid decided to take on the grown ups. F**k the kid. If he can't take the heat, stomp his spoiled brat ass back to the rec room. I'm so sick of hearing how the grown ups are picking on some shit-assed kid who decided to join the grown up room. Hogg needs to sit his dumb-assed self back at the kid's table.
They're not acting like "grown ups" with remarks like that. I think people in the public eye ought to make a mental note not to Tweet and drink.
Another anally obsessed con.
BINGO! x 2. I'm 60+ and curse like a sailor. I have never used a colon ASSAULT metaphor to make my point. The fact that this vile POS used this about a KID makes my blood boil! The fact they GO to physical and sexual violence FREQUENTLY speaks volumes.

No, it doesn't.

Everyone knows what he meant. Some choose to be fucking liars.
I don't know what he meant. What metaphor? Please be explicit. I'm serious; I don't understand.
Well let's see. We have a grown-up, a major network's local TV anchor bullying a KID, using sexual assault imagery on a KID. Well at least it was "only" a tweet, huh? Gotta love those family values types and their media empires
I know you clowns need to push the "kid" angle, but he's NOT (accept when is furthers your sick agenda).

Mar 28, 2018 · David Hogg is an American student, activist and advocate for gun control who is the survivor of the Stoneman Douglas High School ... Birthday: April 12, 2000

This "kid" can't have it both ways.
.if he's a child, the problem is with YOU GUYS using this child. Children do not dictate policy.

If he's an adult (he is), the problem is HIM. Either man up, or shut up.

This loud moth brat wants to take pit shots at everybody else them hide in his mommy's womb when the poor baby get mild criticism.

You "adult" children in the left have no credibility.
Since when is someone getting on their soapbox and expressing their opinion "Dictating Policy." Did you see the Congress do everything he said? Quit exaggerating.
Another anally obsessed con.
BINGO! x 2. I'm 60+ and curse like a sailor. I have never used a colon ASSAULT metaphor to make my point. The fact that this vile POS used this about a KID makes my blood boil! The fact they GO to physical and sexual violence FREQUENTLY speaks volumes.

No, it doesn't.

Everyone knows what he meant. Some choose to be fucking liars.
I don't know what he meant. What metaphor? Please be explicit. I'm serious; I don't understand.

He meant he was going to give the kid a very hostile interview. As you well know.

You do not think that he was literally going to have a forge on the set and heat up a poker, to red hot.

Do you?
BINGO! x 2. I'm 60+ and curse like a sailor. I have never used a colon ASSAULT metaphor to make my point. The fact that this vile POS used this about a KID makes my blood boil! The fact they GO to physical and sexual violence FREQUENTLY speaks volumes.

No, it doesn't.

Everyone knows what he meant. Some choose to be fucking liars.
He meant to assault a teenaged boy with a red hot poker up his ass. He said it quite clearly. And good riddance to him. Now he can run for office on the GOP ticket.

You know very well that he was not going to ram a red hot poker up the kid's ass.

He was speaking FIGURATIVELY.

As you know.

You are one of the fucking liars I was referring to.

Like if someone figuratively said they were going to shoot the leader of the free world? So when they do that, why do they get a visit from the Secret Service?

Funny how nobody can ever say what it is supposed to be a figure of speech for. It's pretty fucking sick and graphic for meaning absolutely nothing.

The President is covered by very specific and special laws, covering assassination threats.

If some lefty reporter was going to interview the President and said he was going to "ram a red hot poker up his ass", he would not get a visit from the Secret Service.

You know this. Stop your lying.

This is you justifying tyranny and censorship.
I just cannot believe we are having a discussion about this. I cannot believe anyone is actually defending this type of speech by a professional against any opponent.
Another anally obsessed con.
BINGO! x 2. I'm 60+ and curse like a sailor. I have never used a colon ASSAULT metaphor to make my point. The fact that this vile POS used this about a KID makes my blood boil! The fact they GO to physical and sexual violence FREQUENTLY speaks volumes.

No, it doesn't.

Everyone knows what he meant. Some choose to be fucking liars.
I don't know what he meant. What metaphor? Please be explicit. I'm serious; I don't understand.

He meant he was going to give the kid a very hostile interview. As you well know.

You do not think that he was literally going to have a forge on the set and heat up a poker, to red hot.

Do you?
No I didn't know. It was completely inappropriate.
No, it doesn't.

Everyone knows what he meant. Some choose to be fucking liars.
He meant to assault a teenaged boy with a red hot poker up his ass. He said it quite clearly. And good riddance to him. Now he can run for office on the GOP ticket.

You know very well that he was not going to ram a red hot poker up the kid's ass.

He was speaking FIGURATIVELY.

As you know.

You are one of the fucking liars I was referring to.

Like if someone figuratively said they were going to shoot the leader of the free world? So when they do that, why do they get a visit from the Secret Service?

Funny how nobody can ever say what it is supposed to be a figure of speech for. It's pretty fucking sick and graphic for meaning absolutely nothing.

The President is covered by very specific and special laws, covering assassination threats.

If some lefty reporter was going to interview the President and said he was going to "ram a red hot poker up his ass", he would not get a visit from the Secret Service.

You know this. Stop your lying.

This is you justifying tyranny and censorship.
I just cannot believe we are having a discussion about this. I cannot believe anyone is actually defending this type of speech by a professional against any opponent.

I can't believe that a large segment of our society has embraced the idea of using censorship to silence their political opponents and thus "win" the debate.
Another anally obsessed con.
BINGO! x 2. I'm 60+ and curse like a sailor. I have never used a colon ASSAULT metaphor to make my point. The fact that this vile POS used this about a KID makes my blood boil! The fact they GO to physical and sexual violence FREQUENTLY speaks volumes.

No, it doesn't.

Everyone knows what he meant. Some choose to be fucking liars.
I don't know what he meant. What metaphor? Please be explicit. I'm serious; I don't understand.

He meant he was going to give the kid a very hostile interview. As you well know.

You do not think that he was literally going to have a forge on the set and heat up a poker, to red hot.

Do you?
No I didn't know. It was completely inappropriate.

It is not credible that you thought that was a real threat of actual physical harm.
Well let's see. We have a grown-up, a major network's local TV anchor bullying a KID, using sexual assault imagery on a KID. Well at least it was "only" a tweet, huh? Gotta love those family values types and their media empires.

ABC Sinclair anchor, "I'm going to ram a hot poker up David Boggs ass"

Pro-Trump anchor resigns after threatening to ‘ram a hot poker’ into the ‘ass’ of Parkland survivor David Hogg
09 APR 2018 AT 2100

An anchor at a Sinclair-owned ABC affiliate in St. Louis has resigned from his job amid the fallout from a social media post where he threatened to sexually assault Parkland survivor David Hogg with “a hot poker.”

The Washington Post reported Monday evening that KDNL anchor Jamie Allman resigned following an advertiser boycott after a March 26 tweet where he said he was “hanging out getting ready to ram a hot poker up David Hogg’s ass tomorrow.”
You jealous?
Starting a sentence with “I’m going to” is highly indicative that there is no figurative speech involved.
He meant to assault a teenaged boy with a red hot poker up his ass. He said it quite clearly. And good riddance to him. Now he can run for office on the GOP ticket.

You know very well that he was not going to ram a red hot poker up the kid's ass.

He was speaking FIGURATIVELY.

As you know.

You are one of the fucking liars I was referring to.

Like if someone figuratively said they were going to shoot the leader of the free world? So when they do that, why do they get a visit from the Secret Service?

Funny how nobody can ever say what it is supposed to be a figure of speech for. It's pretty fucking sick and graphic for meaning absolutely nothing.

The President is covered by very specific and special laws, covering assassination threats.

If some lefty reporter was going to interview the President and said he was going to "ram a red hot poker up his ass", he would not get a visit from the Secret Service.

You know this. Stop your lying.

This is you justifying tyranny and censorship.
I just cannot believe we are having a discussion about this. I cannot believe anyone is actually defending this type of speech by a professional against any opponent.

I can't believe that a large segment of our society has embraced the idea of using censorship to silence their political opponents and thus "win" the debate.
I can't believe you. If you think there is any "debate" involved in that guy's statement, you've been hanging around USMB too long.
Hogg would like it. That's the way the liberals play.

Well, now you've devolved into another stupid asshole.

Says the man defending the idea that the news anchor was literally going to heat a poker, to red hot and shove it up his interviewees anus, on national television.

You should really be slower to call other people stupid. Or assholes.

Just saying.

You should be careful building Straw Men. Never did I write or imply that jerk meant to do that literally. Why post such a lie, are you that desperate for attention?
Another anally obsessed con.
BINGO! x 2. I'm 60+ and curse like a sailor. I have never used a colon ASSAULT metaphor to make my point. The fact that this vile POS used this about a KID makes my blood boil! The fact they GO to physical and sexual violence FREQUENTLY speaks volumes.

No, it doesn't.

Everyone knows what he meant. Some choose to be fucking liars.
He meant to assault a teenaged boy with a red hot poker up his ass. He said it quite clearly. And good riddance to him. Now he can run for office on the GOP ticket.

You know very well that he was not going to ram a red hot poker up the kid's ass.

He was speaking FIGURATIVELY.

As you know.

You are one of the fucking liars I was referring to.

The idiot used violent pornographic imagery in response to an underage boy. A grown man with a TV news job and the public platform that comes with it, and this is how he expresses his views.

Regardless of whether he was speaking figuratively or literally it was a bonehead and entirely inappropriate public remark.

And if you need to gave that explained to you, you’re not terribly bright yourself.
I view David Hogg as no different than an 8 year old kid that plays up a division with the 9 and 10 year olds in soccer (or any sport). If the kid is willing and able and the parents allow it then there's nothing wrong with the 8 year old playing up. But that doesn't mean the 9 and 10 year old kids are required to take it easy on him. At 17, David Hogg is playing up in the adult world by doing things that affect adults. He's willing and able and so are his parents. Likewise, he's fair game for criticism just like another other adult.
I view David Hogg as no different than an 8 year old kid that plays up a division with the 9 and 10 year olds in soccer (or any sport). If the kid is willing and able and the parents allow it then there's nothing wrong with the 8 year old playing up. But that doesn't mean the 9 and 10 year old kids are required to take it easy on him. At 17, David Hogg is playing up in the adult world by doing things that affect adults. He's willing and able and so are his parents. Likewise, he's fair game for criticism just like another other adult.

Yeah, that’s not this discussion.
I view David Hogg as no different than an 8 year old kid that plays up a division with the 9 and 10 year olds in soccer (or any sport). If the kid is willing and able and the parents allow it then there's nothing wrong with the 8 year old playing up. But that doesn't mean the 9 and 10 year old kids are required to take it easy on him. At 17, David Hogg is playing up in the adult world by doing things that affect adults. He's willing and able and so are his parents. Likewise, he's fair game for criticism just like another other adult.

Yeah, that’s not this discussion.

Yes it is. You keep referring to him as a "kid" when he chose to play in the real world.
Well let's see. We have a grown-up, a major network's local TV anchor bullying a KID, using sexual assault imagery on a KID. Well at least it was "only" a tweet, huh? Gotta love those family values types and their media empires.

ABC Sinclair anchor, "I'm going to ram a hot poker up David Boggs ass"

Pro-Trump anchor resigns after threatening to ‘ram a hot poker’ into the ‘ass’ of Parkland survivor David Hogg
09 APR 2018 AT 2100

An anchor at a Sinclair-owned ABC affiliate in St. Louis has resigned from his job amid the fallout from a social media post where he threatened to sexually assault Parkland survivor David Hogg with “a hot poker.”

The Washington Post reported Monday evening that KDNL anchor Jamie Allman resigned following an advertiser boycott after a March 26 tweet where he said he was “hanging out getting ready to ram a hot poker up David Hogg’s ass tomorrow.”

It's a gay thing to say
I view David Hogg as no different than an 8 year old kid that plays up a division with the 9 and 10 year olds in soccer (or any sport). If the kid is willing and able and the parents allow it then there's nothing wrong with the 8 year old playing up. But that doesn't mean the 9 and 10 year old kids are required to take it easy on him. At 17, David Hogg is playing up in the adult world by doing things that affect adults. He's willing and able and so are his parents. Likewise, he's fair game for criticism just like another other adult.

Yeah, that’s not this discussion.

Yes it is. You keep referring to him as a "kid" when he chose to play in the real world.

He is a minor. But the discussion is about sodomizing him, not the discussion you are attempting.

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