ABC to Rasmussen: Answer our questions or else!


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
In the world of double standards, ABC probably should be in at least top 5 or 10 with a letter to Rasmussen with demands that are so over the top I can't find a word to describe them. I would bet a good steak dinner that ABC has made no such demands to any of the leftwing polling groups or other networks (which are leftwing polling groups.)

With a long, very long laundry risks, of demands to Rasmussen, it is obvious to me anyway that the intent is to take Rasmussen out of the equation or another facet of cancel culture. What is really amazing about it is that Rasmussen gives Biden some of his highest approval ratings, but they do poll a lot of questions that are off limits to or problematic for leftists. Example: a recent poll showing 52% of likely voters think the CIA and other federal groups are likely interfering with the 2024 election.

So what do you think? Should Rasmussen comply with a competing polling organization's demands? Or give them the proverbial middle finger? (I would vote for the second choice myself.)

In the world of double standards, ABC probably should be in at least top 5 or 10 with a letter to Rasmussen with demands that are so over the top I can't find a word to describe them. I would bet a good steak dinner that ABC has made no such demands to any of the leftwing polling groups or other networks (which are leftwing polling groups.)

With a long, very long laundry risks, of demands to Rasmussen, it is obvious to me anyway that the intent is to take Rasmussen out of the equation or another facet of cancel culture. What is really amazing about it is that Rasmussen gives Biden some of his highest approval ratings, but they do poll a lot of questions that are off limits to or problematic for leftists. Example: a recent poll showing 52% of likely voters think the CIA and other federal groups are likely interfering with the 2024 election.

So what do you think? Should Rasmussen comply with a competing polling organization's demands? Or give them the proverbial middle finger? (I would vote for the second choice myself.)

Again kids, this why you don't dwell or take information from alt-right media. They lie to you.
A short read of the attached article shows exactly what 538's issue with Rasmussen is.
"I am emailing you to send a final notice that FiveThirtyEight is considering formally banning Rasmussen". (what does ABC have to do with this?)

"Related to this, does Rasmussen Reports believe the results of the 2022 Arizona Governor election, as certified by the state's department of elections, to be fraudulent based on the results of a 2023 survey conducted by Rasmussen reports and sponsored by College Republicans, as it stated for Mr Bannon on his programming in April of this year?".

It looks like 538 is concerned Rasmussen might be making their poll data up. :)
The questions seem reasonable to me. If there is a significant difference between final polling and election results, then Rasmussen should be able to come up with an explanation. Seriously, this is a legitimate question.
So why have the polls been so wildly slanted in favor of Republicans this cycle?

Trump-backers don't want that question answered. They seem to understand something dishonest is happening, and they want that dishonesty to be hidden.
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Again kids, this why you don't dwell or take information from alt-right media. They lie to you.
A short read of the attached article shows exactly what 538's issue with Rasmussen is.
"I am emailing you to send a final notice that FiveThirtyEight is considering formally banning Rasmussen". (what does ABC have to do with this?)

"Related to this, does Rasmussen Reports believe the results of the 2022 Arizona Governor election, as certified by the state's department of elections, to be fraudulent based on the results of a 2023 survey conducted by Rasmussen reports and sponsored by College Republicans, as it stated for Mr Bannon on his programming in April of this year?".

It looks like 538 is concerned Rasmussen might be making their poll data up. :)
Go ask the people of AZ. Rasmussen did.
In the world of double standards, ABC probably should be in at least top 5 or 10 with a letter to Rasmussen with demands that are so over the top I can't find a word to describe them. I would bet a good steak dinner that ABC has made no such demands to any of the leftwing polling groups or other networks (which are leftwing polling groups.)

With a long, very long laundry risks, of demands to Rasmussen, it is obvious to me anyway that the intent is to take Rasmussen out of the equation or another facet of cancel culture. What is really amazing about it is that Rasmussen gives Biden some of his highest approval ratings, but they do poll a lot of questions that are off limits to or problematic for leftists. Example: a recent poll showing 52% of likely voters think the CIA and other federal groups are likely interfering with the 2024 election.

So what do you think? Should Rasmussen comply with a competing polling organization's demands? Or give them the proverbial middle finger? (I would vote for the second choice myself.)

Speak Truth Rasmussen! It is the wooden stake!
Go ask the people of AZ. Rasmussen did.
And it looks like they fudged their data. And then went on Bannon's Nuremberg broadcast and parroted it as truth. Which is what 538 appears to be complaining about. :)
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And it looks like they fudged their data. And then went on Bannon's Nuremberg broadcast and parroted it as truth. Which is what 538 appears to be complaining about. :)
I see. None of the information you get is altered to appear better than it is? If elections were not stolen none of this would be happening.
Again kids, this why you don't dwell or take information from alt-right media. They lie to you.
A short read of the attached article shows exactly what 538's issue with Rasmussen is.
"I am emailing you to send a final notice that FiveThirtyEight is considering formally banning Rasmussen". (what does ABC have to do with this?)

"Related to this, does Rasmussen Reports believe the results of the 2022 Arizona Governor election, as certified by the state's department of elections, to be fraudulent based on the results of a 2023 survey conducted by Rasmussen reports and sponsored by College Republicans, as it stated for Mr Bannon on his programming in April of this year?".

It looks like 538 is concerned Rasmussen might be making their poll data up. :)
Whether they do or whether they do not is none of ABC's business to police. ABC won't ask that question of people they poll and as surrogate media for the deep state, ABC may have been ordered or urged to take down Rasmussen as much as possible. Rasmussen is FAR from being a right wing polling group--Scott Rasmussen himself was an anti-Trumper and Democrat--but they do ask the hard questions that the leftwing media ignores.

The best way to deal with a fraudulent polling group is for all the others to run their own polls and it wouldn't take long for Rasmussen, if fraudulent, to show up as an outlier. But Rasmussen rates up there pretty close to everybody else as one of the more accurate polling groups. And again, of the major polling groups they poll the public on questions the leftwing media ignores or spins to attack those on the right who ask the questions.

And the letter rings pretty hollow with ABC's 538 rating system doesn't include Rasmussen now:
Again kids, this why you don't dwell or take information from alt-right media. They lie to you.
A short read of the attached article shows exactly what 538's issue with Rasmussen is.
"I am emailing you to send a final notice that FiveThirtyEight is considering formally banning Rasmussen". (what does ABC have to do with this?)

"Related to this, does Rasmussen Reports believe the results of the 2022 Arizona Governor election, as certified by the state's department of elections, to be fraudulent based on the results of a 2023 survey conducted by Rasmussen reports and sponsored by College Republicans, as it stated for Mr Bannon on his programming in April of this year?".

It looks like 538 is concerned Rasmussen might be making their poll data up. :)
ABC owns and staffs 538.
The questions seem reasonable to me. If there is a significant difference between final polling and election results, then Rasmussen should be able to come up with an explanation. Seriously, this is a legitimate question.
The demands in the letter were ridiculous. And any fair minded person would recognize them as such.
Whether they do or whether they do not is none of ABC's business to police. ABC won't ask that question of people they poll and as surrogate media for the deep state, ABC may have been ordered or urged to take down Rasmussen as much as possible. Rasmussen is FAR from being a right wing polling group--Scott Rasmussen himself was an anti-Trumper and Democrat--but they do ask the hard questions that the leftwing media ignores.

The best way to deal with a fraudulent polling group is for all the others to run their own polls and it wouldn't take long for Rasmussen, if fraudulent, to show up as an outlier. But Rasmussen rates up there pretty close to everybody else as one of the more accurate polling groups. And again, of the major polling groups they poll the public on questions the leftwing media ignores or spins to attack those on the right who ask the questions.

And the letter rings pretty hollow with ABC's 538 rating system doesn't include Rasmussen now:
Rasmussen slants their poll questions heavily to the right. They are already an outlier.
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Rasmussen slants their poll questions heavily to the right. They are already an outlier.
The only way Rasmussen slants their polling at all is to ask question that the left is embarrassed to have asked because it makes them look bad at times. Not always. But at times. And Rasmussen always publishes the questions exactly as they are asked which most media polling groups do not. Rasmussen's questions are not slanted in any direction.

For instance here are the questions asked in the recent poll re federal intelligence agencies:
So why have the polls been so wildly slanted in favor of Republicans this cycle?

Trump-backers don't want that question answered. They seem to understand something dishonest is happening, and they want that dishonesty to be hidden.
When you study the RCP polling data which averages the results of ALL the polling from all the major polling organizations, if the results seem to favor Republicans, it is because that's what ALL the polls averaged are saying. The only reason to take down Rasmussen is that they ask questions embarrassing to Democrats/leftists/Marxists etc. and of course any speech like that has to be squelched as quickly and absolutely as possible. The leftist media completely ignores such topics unless they can spin them as right wing conspiracy theories or whatever. They never poll the average American on what they think as they reserve the right to tell the American people what they think.

But if you look at the RCP poll averages of all the major polling groups on any given day, Rasmussen, if included at all, will pretty darn consistently be within a point or two of the RCP average.
Example from today:

There is zero evidence that their polls not included in the RCP averages are any different.
The only way Rasmussen slants their polling at all is to ask question that the left is embarrassed to have asked because it makes them look bad at times. Not always. But at times. And Rasmussen always publishes the questions exactly as they are asked which most media polling groups do not. Rasmussen's questions are not slanted in any direction.

For instance here are the questions asked in the recent poll re federal intelligence agencies:
Rasmussen polled to the upper right of just about every conservative leaning poll in 2020.
As they still do. Its because they slant their questions. That's not saying other polling orgs don't. But they're run by conservatives with an agenda.
Their results, like the results from some of the liberal left leaning polls can be discarded.
Take the average of the rest to get your real life numbers. :)
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Rasmussen polled to the upper right of just about every conservative leaning poll in 2020.
As they still do. Its because they slant their questions. That's not saying other polling orgs don't. They're run by conservatives with an agenda.
Their results, like the results from some of the liberal left leaning polls can be discarded.
Take the average of the rest to get your real life numbers. :)
Show me a slanted question Rasmussen has asked. I posted the wording of the questions in that intelligence agency poll. You will either back up your claim here or I can legitimately say you have no evidence and are most likely aiding the cancel culture to take out a group that is problematic to 'woke' or leftwing propaganda and ambitions.
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Speak Truth Rasmussen! It is the wooden stake!
And therein is why the deep state is likely now focusing on them to take them out before the general election campaign is winding up. Their surrogate deep state media/polling groups won't ask the embarrassing (to them) questions that Rasmussen asks.

The reason I trust Rasmussen to make every reasonable effort to get it right is because they quickly also publish results to those questions that don't make Republicans or those on the right look good.
Show me a slanted question Rasmussen has asked. I posted the wording of the questions in that intelligence agency poll. You will either back up your claim here or I can legitimately say you have no evidence and are most likely aiding the cancel culture to take out a group that is problematic to 'woke' or leftwing propaganda and cancel culture smear machine.
Look, I understand you are a true believer and will just throw talking points out there.
But since you asked politely, here's one I personally got in 2020. It was one that was well documented.
See if you can spot the "slant". :)

Now, to be fair, I got this poll question AFTER Trump had been declared the loser and he and his supporters were throwing a hissy fit.

"Who is America’s biggest enemy as 2020 draws to a close — Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Trump voters or Biden voters?".

I'll give your three guesses what the answer was. And the first two are wrong.
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The only way Rasmussen slants their polling at all is to ask question that the left is embarrassed to have asked because it makes them look bad at times. Not always. But at times. And Rasmussen always publishes the questions exactly as they are asked which most media polling groups do not. Rasmussen's questions are not slanted in any direction.

For instance here are the questions asked in the recent poll re federal intelligence agencies:
All four of these questions (after what we've experienced with alt-right media klaxxoning over the last four years) are slanted.
These are designed and targeted toward a specific group of people. They already know how these people are going to answer. :)
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Look, I understand you are a true believer and will just throw talking points out there.
But since you asked politely, here's one I personally got in 2020. It was one that was well documented.
See if you can spot the "slant". :)

Now, to be fair, I got this poll question AFTER Trump had been declared the loser and he and his supporters were throwing a hissy fit.

"Who is America’s biggest enemy as 2020 draws to a close — Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Trump voters or Biden voters?".

I'll give your three guesses what the answer was. And the first two are wrong.
Yes that is a slanted question. I get polled by that kind of slant all the time from both Republican and Democrat polling groups. I tell them both what I think and refuse to participate in such dishonest polling.

President Trump's polls are often that slanted as well and that's why I never answer them. Others poll dishonestly by calling their questions to a specific area that will have mostly people dependable to have a particular point of view and will not produce information of what mainstream America thinks.

But I follow the polling pretty closely and because Rasmussen always publishes the wording of their poll questions, I can say with confidence they do NOT slant their polls. They also only poll likely voters which the leftwing media or others polling to get a specific answer hate.

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