Aborted and miscarried babies incinerated to heat UK hospitals

They can take away preborn human lives and abuse its remains. They can't take away the unborn child's spirit. It's a pure white light, welcomed by God into his kingdom, where he will protect them from ever experiencing such a hateful outcome again. I have a hard time wrapping my mind around the half a billion North Americans who lost life before it began on this Continent since the year 1973. It's enough to break the heart.


Not just sick, but severely demented!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxPUKV-WlKw"]Emily's Abortion Video - YouTube[/ame]

It seems most telling that her comment at the end of this video: “I feel in awe of the fact that I can make a baby, I can make a life.”.... And then she goes and kills that baby, ..... Does she look, and sound happy?

Very illustrative video of someone in denial.

I feel sorry for that young girl, she was almost in a severe breakdown.... she'll have that weighing on her mind until the day she dies, perhaps missing the love of a child that would have cared desperately for her!:(
Black market in China and South Korea is hot right now for this "cure all" medicine made from aborted babies.

So what else is new? Do they think fetuses will make their peckers bigger, like a rhino horn supposedly does?
I am left appalled. UK should focus on making the lives of its people better but instead it spends far too much resources promoting wars that it can barely afford to fight.

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