Aborted Human Fetal Cells for Stimulating Artificial Flavors

Neither can your heart live outside of you
So human life has no value? This is why I have no value for liberals if they were in a house fire I'd throw gas on the fire.

So you would through gas on he fire and by so doing demonstrate that your reverence for life is highly conditional. Only the lives of those who agree with you have value.

Maybe his respect for life makes him lose respect for the lives of those who end human life for profit, i.e. serial killers for hire.

Bingo we have a winner.
Neither can your heart live outside of you
So human life has no value? This is why I have no value for liberals if they were in a house fire I'd throw gas on the fire.

So you would through gas on he fire and by so doing demonstrate that your reverence for life is highly conditional. Only the lives of those who agree with you have value.

Honestly liberals have no value

Most do, but not the ones who have contempt for human life.

In this country the left lost it with the George Bernard Shaw generation.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBZsTf6oLfY]George Bernard Shaw Justify Yourself.mpg - YouTube[/ame]
Just to clarify folks, there are no human cells actually in the Pepsi. The company they used to get their flavoring from used human embryos to develop and test the flavoring.

Facts about Pepsi aborted fetal cell controversy - Jill Stanek

Bottom line: There are no aborted embryonic or fetal cells in any of PepsiCo’s final products. But: Aborted cells are used in the development of artificial flavor enhancers by biotech company Senomyx, with which PepsiCo signed a four-year, $30 million agreement in 2010 for research and development. No Pepsi products containing Senonymx flavor enhancers should be expected until 2013. Senomyx’s disputed cell line is HEK-293, derived from the kidney cells of an aborted baby. We could go into the weeds at this point, but Wikipedia offers an easy explanation: HEK stands for Human Embryonic Kidney cells. These cells, which were cloned, originally came from healthy, electively aborted human embryos. Using information from the human genome sequence, Senomyx has identified hundreds of taste receptors and currently owns 113 patents on their discoveries.
So what?

So What?

Who cares?

The cells don't care.

God don't care.

Get over it.

Now we know why you said you desire "drive through abortion clinics," you want to eat them as fast food. What a ghoul.

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Follow the money.

Aborted Human Fetal Cells for Stimulating Artificial Flavors

Biotech companies have been using aborted human fetal cells for testing the effectiveness of different flavoring agent in their products. Last year the news came out that a biotech company in CA called Senomyx has been using aborted human fetal cells in foods and beverages.

A pro-life watchdog group called Children of God for Life (CGL) has been calling the marketing scheme of the biotech companies deceptive and use of aborted human fetal cells unethical and immoral. Debi Vinnedge, the director of CGL in an interview mentions that why the biotech doesn’t come out clean and tell the public that they are using human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293) taken from aborted babies to produce human taste receptors?


The HEK 293 is the code for aborted human kidney cells that are used to generate taste receptors that can stimulate a type of protein known as G protein familiar to human’s taste.

Beside Synomyx, PepsiCo also continues to use aborted human fetal cells in their drinks. Last year the shareholders of PepsiCo signed a petition that required the company to adopt ethical ways to enhance the natural flavoring of their drinks and stop using human aborted fetuses. However, the Obama administration shut down the proposal and gave their blessing to PepsiCo to continue the use of aborted babies as flavor enhancer in their drinks which means business as usual.

In an interview Debi Vinnedge, the director of CGL also mentions how the biotech has taken the whole thing into a new level by even exploiting the aborted fetuses for profit.

Based on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) the dead human tissues are also found in flu vaccines beside other substances like aluminum, formaldehyde, monosodium glutamate (MSG), mercury and antibiotics. Aborted Human fetal cells for stimulating artificial flavors

The thought of it alone makes me ill...
Follow the money.

Aborted Human Fetal Cells for Stimulating Artificial Flavors

Biotech companies have been using aborted human fetal cells for testing the effectiveness of different flavoring agent in their products. Last year the news came out that a biotech company in CA called Senomyx has been using aborted human fetal cells in foods and beverages.

A pro-life watchdog group called Children of God for Life (CGL) has been calling the marketing scheme of the biotech companies deceptive and use of aborted human fetal cells unethical and immoral. Debi Vinnedge, the director of CGL in an interview mentions that why the biotech doesn’t come out clean and tell the public that they are using human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293) taken from aborted babies to produce human taste receptors?


The HEK 293 is the code for aborted human kidney cells that are used to generate taste receptors that can stimulate a type of protein known as G protein familiar to human’s taste.

Beside Synomyx, PepsiCo also continues to use aborted human fetal cells in their drinks. Last year the shareholders of PepsiCo signed a petition that required the company to adopt ethical ways to enhance the natural flavoring of their drinks and stop using human aborted fetuses. However, the Obama administration shut down the proposal and gave their blessing to PepsiCo to continue the use of aborted babies as flavor enhancer in their drinks which means business as usual.

In an interview Debi Vinnedge, the director of CGL also mentions how the biotech has taken the whole thing into a new level by even exploiting the aborted fetuses for profit.

Based on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) the dead human tissues are also found in flu vaccines beside other substances like aluminum, formaldehyde, monosodium glutamate (MSG), mercury and antibiotics. Aborted Human fetal cells for stimulating artificial flavors

The thought of it alone makes me ill...

Just the fact that it is 'human tissue' is not a big issue to me with regard to the things we use in medicine, and I listed some of those things earlier. There have been times when most of us have had something medical that was developed from human 'tissue.' The most obvious thing I can think of is blood and blood products. The use of human tissue is critical in medical research. But, damn, flavoring a drink with it. Isn't that low level cannibalism? Who knew we tasted so good! Got Almighty!

Pore old Alfred packer was tried for murder after his episode if cannibalism.

Alfred "Alferd" Packer The Cannibal of Lake City, Colorado
Follow the money.

Aborted Human Fetal Cells for Stimulating Artificial Flavors

Biotech companies have been using aborted human fetal cells for testing the effectiveness of different flavoring agent in their products. Last year the news came out that a biotech company in CA called Senomyx has been using aborted human fetal cells in foods and beverages.

A pro-life watchdog group called Children of God for Life (CGL) has been calling the marketing scheme of the biotech companies deceptive and use of aborted human fetal cells unethical and immoral. Debi Vinnedge, the director of CGL in an interview mentions that why the biotech doesn’t come out clean and tell the public that they are using human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293) taken from aborted babies to produce human taste receptors?


The HEK 293 is the code for aborted human kidney cells that are used to generate taste receptors that can stimulate a type of protein known as G protein familiar to human’s taste.

Beside Synomyx, PepsiCo also continues to use aborted human fetal cells in their drinks. Last year the shareholders of PepsiCo signed a petition that required the company to adopt ethical ways to enhance the natural flavoring of their drinks and stop using human aborted fetuses. However, the Obama administration shut down the proposal and gave their blessing to PepsiCo to continue the use of aborted babies as flavor enhancer in their drinks which means business as usual.

In an interview Debi Vinnedge, the director of CGL also mentions how the biotech has taken the whole thing into a new level by even exploiting the aborted fetuses for profit.

Based on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) the dead human tissues are also found in flu vaccines beside other substances like aluminum, formaldehyde, monosodium glutamate (MSG), mercury and antibiotics. Aborted Human fetal cells for stimulating artificial flavors

Gotta say, this is absolutely disgusting stuff. Blech...
I guess what amazes me most is how easily distracted we get, and the end result is garbage like this. Government sanctioned and protected garbage. Kind of gives Soylent Green a whole new perspective.

Half of that sentence I agree with. But those companies are private companies. Are you saying that they are SUPPOSED to be sanctioned by the big old Gubbermint?

Conservatives hold the view that there is generally far too much Gubbermint. Wouldn't this also be a case of too much Gubbermint?


But the part about distracted I agree with.
how is this legal? where is the FDA or did they actually approve this.

this is unreal, soylent green is real though....

Oh, I thought you Cons didn't want the FDA around at all. Now you are screaming for it? Really? Hmmmm.....
So what?

So What?

Who cares?

The cells don't care.

God don't care.

Get over it.

Thank you or your honest 'I don't give a shit' response.

That's rare for libtards, guess your having an off day.

You're only so worked up about this because you've been misinformed.



Did you take any Bio in high school?

It would be nice if you cretins ever had a fucking point.

Yes, I had biology in high school, shit-for-brains.
Trading life for life is not pro life, try once more, but this time pull your big boy pants up.

Fetuses can't live outside the womb and therefore are not life.

Nope, it's about you guys being terribly upset that women were doing what they pleased with their vaginas....

This being concerned about 'babies" horseshit is belied by the fact you guys are happy to let them starve once they are born.

Neither can your heart live outside of you
So human life has no value? This is why I have no value for liberals if they were in a house fire I'd throw gas on the fire.

I'm sure you would... YOu have issues...

doesn't take away the fact that fetuses aren't "life" because they cannot survive outside the womb.
Fetuses can't live outside the womb and therefore are not life.

Nope, it's about you guys being terribly upset that women were doing what they pleased with their vaginas....

This being concerned about 'babies" horseshit is belied by the fact you guys are happy to let them starve once they are born.

Neither can your heart live outside of you
So human life has no value? This is why I have no value for liberals if they were in a house fire I'd throw gas on the fire.

I'm sure you would... YOu have issues...

doesn't take away the fact that fetuses aren't "life" because they cannot survive outside the womb.

I don't have issues but liberals have over extend their stay on earth. way to long

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