Aborted Human Fetal Cells for Stimulating Artificial Flavors

I thought that was debunked but I guess I was wrong.

No, you're not wrong. This story is several years old. This Children of God group called a boycott of Pepsi based on its own misunderstanding, received assurances from Pepsi that what it thought was going on was not going on, and called off the boycott. Years ago. Somebody else brought this up in a thread a few months ago, maybe one of us remembers where that is for reference? I don't but it was thoroughly hashed out there.

Snopes: Pepsi/Senomyx
Someone needs to alert [MENTION=39664]Jimbo[/MENTION]wie and [MENTION=42689]The2ndAmendment[/MENTION] about this.

Late to the ballgame as always, I was onto this months ago, but all the libtards were saying 'It cant be! Not my Pepsi! Not my Obama Supreme Leader for Life!'


Thank you, there it is.

And of course it was Pogo being the Ignorant Ass Hat.

Bonie hates it when I debunk his threads. Probably because it's so effortless.

Actually, edit that -- it's SecondAmendment's thread. Boney can't even keep himself from claiming the blame for somebody else's thread. Probably he confused himself by hijacking it.
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I thought that was debunked but I guess I was wrong.

I was affiliated with the Flavor and Fragrance industry for decades, yes we do use some animal products, but I've never seen or heard of products of abortion used to enhance flavors. Is it possible that there's confusion with the Cosmetic industry? I do know they use a number of exotic products for topical use to peddle their products.
I thought that was debunked but I guess I was wrong.

I was affiliated with the Flavor and Fragrance industry for decades, yes we do use some animal products, but I've never seen or heard of products of abortion used to enhance flavors. Is it possible that there's confusion with the Cosmetic industry? I do know they use a number of exotic products for topical use to peddle their products.

They don't. That's part of the myth.

Apparently what they did, some time in the past, was use taste receptors -- just that, not a fetus, the taste receptors -- to monitor their reaction to this substance formula or that one or the next one. Based on those reactions they come up with some flavor catalyst-- which is synthesized from chemicals that are in no way related to human tissue.

There's much more in that older thread if you're interested including material directly from Pepsi. As usual you'll have to navigate through noise.
holy shit, i just nearly choked.

there was a piece of fetus in my pepsi.

Neither can your heart live outside of you
So human life has no value? This is why I have no value for liberals if they were in a house fire I'd throw gas on the fire.

I'm sure you would... YOu have issues...

doesn't take away the fact that fetuses aren't "life" because they cannot survive outside the womb.

I don't have issues but liberals have over extend their stay on earth. way to long

Dude, you seriously have fucking issues.

But that isn't even the point of this conversation.

Are fetuses people. The law says no. 40 milion women who've had abortions say no. Medical science says no.

Not to worry, though, the Koch Brothers and the 1%ers will keep you upset about this issue, though.
to make matters worse, salmon sperm was used to create HEK 293 cells. :eek:

now you have salmon sperm AND aborted fetus in your pepsi, ha!
to make matters worse, salmon sperm was used to create HEK 293 cells. :eek:

now you have salmon sperm AND aborted fetus in your pepsi, ha!

If Pepsi is doing this, just imagine what Coke is doing just to "keep up with the Jonesies"...

And there is an epic battle raging between the two. Behold:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7A-M4yyjwc]COLOSSAL SQUID (giant squid ) Vs. SPERM WHALE "EPIC BATTLE" - YouTube[/ame]
I thought that was debunked but I guess I was wrong.

I was affiliated with the Flavor and Fragrance industry for decades, yes we do use some animal products, but I've never seen or heard of products of abortion used to enhance flavors. Is it possible that there's confusion with the Cosmetic industry? I do know they use a number of exotic products for topical use to peddle their products.

The company Pepsi was buying some of its flavorings from a company that had been using a line of engineered cells originally taken from fetal kidney tissue to enhance the flavors.

There is no cell tissue in the final product, but human tissue was being used to develop the flavor/enhancers.

To anyone with a conscience this is horrid, but to those who have long lived comfortably with the murder of millions of our unborn, this is a joke and proof of their lack of a moral compass.
Not this again....

Fetus. Yum it's what's for dinner.

Thus the libtards see little value in human life except their own.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBZsTf6oLfY]George Bernard Shaw Justify Yourself.mpg - YouTube[/ame]
Coke is probably putting pieces of flesh from executed death roll thugs.

Of course, for progressives to start killing all the people they would like to, they have to shred the Constitution and turn the Republic into a mere façade for a crypto-fascist dictatorship.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4R7jL0_JANY&list=PLC6514882D640F457]George Bernard Shaw says to abolish the Constitution (INFOWARS) - YouTube[/ame]
I thought that was debunked but I guess I was wrong.

I was affiliated with the Flavor and Fragrance industry for decades, yes we do use some animal products, but I've never seen or heard of products of abortion used to enhance flavors. Is it possible that there's confusion with the Cosmetic industry? I do know they use a number of exotic products for topical use to peddle their products.

The company Pepsi was buying some of its flavorings from a company that had been using a line of engineered cells originally taken from fetal kidney tissue to enhance the flavors.

There is no cell tissue in the final product, but human tissue was being used to develop the flavor/enhancers.

Taste receptor cells.

Obviously taken from Homo Taste Receptorius, which is a giant tongue life form. You've seen 'em around, the Rolling Stones used to have one.

The lab monitored how these cells reacted to various formulas, i.e. which of them "tasted good". In other words exactly the same thing as your friend offering you a Pepsi and saying, ''try this, it's pretty good".

Oh the horror. I'm going to think of this every time I ask somebody's opinion on what something tastes like, because it's the same process. "Waiter, how's the chicken pot pie-- wait ... excuse me :puke: "

And these Giant Tongues were probably callously discarded after they served their corporate masters' purpose, rather than sent to Humpty Dumpty Factory to reassemble them into humans, or even Giant Tongue People.


To anyone with a conscience this is horrid, but to those who have long lived comfortably with the murder of millions of our unborn, this is a joke and proof of their lack of a moral compass.

-- says the assclown who counters Snopes with Alex Jones.

Emotional meltdowns aside, stem cells are developed in a lab; they're not "millions" and they're not "unborn" since they were never going to be "born". As soon as you get up from your barcalounger you're going to be walking on your own cells that fell out of your hair or skin, and they didn't come from a lab. Use your moral compass to navigate around them and you should be OK.

Somehow I'm not offended that some food process lab is basing the chemicals they contrive upon whether that flavour tastes good to humans. I'm offended that that chemical is going into that food just to make a profit. But that doesn't have a chance to kill the "unborn" -- when it attacks it will be on the born. But those who prefer to wallow in ignorance, hey they have their priorities.

Alex Jones told them so.
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