Abortion - 12 Weeks In The Womb

The photo is a hoax.

snopes.com 12-Week Fetus Photograph

A 12-week old fetus looks nothing like that.

It's a dishonest attempt to play on the emotions because a real picture wouldn't look very human.
Well here is a real picture of an aborted baby. All supporters when you die will hopefully be tormented with this for eternity.
But, but, if your talking about guns. If it will save just one life. Two lives were saved you dumbass.

Uh, no.

The problem with guns is that there are 32,000 gun deaths and 78,000 gun injuries vs. no real benefit.

My point about fetuses at 20 weeks was that few of them survive that early, and when they do, they usually have developmental disabilities that more than negate the value of them being born that early.
The photo is a hoax.

snopes.com 12-Week Fetus Photograph

A 12-week old fetus looks nothing like that.

It's a dishonest attempt to play on the emotions because a real picture wouldn't look very human.
Well here is a real picture of an aborted baby. All supporters when you die will hopefully be tormented with this for eternity.View attachment 33387
But, but, if your talking about guns. If it will save just one life. Two lives were saved you dumbass.

Uh, no.

The problem with guns is that there are 32,000 gun deaths and 78,000 gun injuries vs. no real benefit.

My point about fetuses at 20 weeks was that few of them survive that early, and when they do, they usually have developmental disabilities that more than negate the value of them being born that early.
Approximately 1.21 million abortions a year.
And what does your fucking argument stand on? Denying ones own exsistance? Its always a human,never a goldfish!

Even if it just one person,they have a right to life. My younger sister was born just past the 6mounth mark,they told my parents she would never live. She's done very well for herself. George town law grad,yes very well.

My agrument is a pretty simple one.

Conservatives really don't give a fuck about children. All one needs to do is watch them try to snatch school lunches out of hte mouths of poor kids to give rich guys tax cuts.

They just know they can get religious nutters like you all upset about stuff by showing you fetus porn and voting against your own economic interests.

Riddle me this, Batman... how is it that 40 years after Roe v. Wade, it's just as easy to get an abortion today as it was in 1974?

The rich got their tax cuts, their free trade treaties, their union busting, their deregulation- but you Christians never got a ban on abortion, never got prayer back in the schools, never got Creationism taught like that was a real thing and now them Queers can get married in 32 states.

Seems to me that you guys got played and don't even realize it.

Do you realize that your "agrument" would get you an "F" in any public speaking or debate class? Even your cohorts should be embarrassed by this pitiful drivel.
But, but, if your talking about guns. If it will save just one life. Two lives were saved you dumbass.

Uh, no.

The problem with guns is that there are 32,000 gun deaths and 78,000 gun injuries vs. no real benefit.

My point about fetuses at 20 weeks was that few of them survive that early, and when they do, they usually have developmental disabilities that more than negate the value of them being born that early.

Their "value" to whom?
Do you realize that your "agrument" would get you an "F" in any public speaking or debate class? Even your cohorts should be embarrassed by this pitiful drivel.

Duly noted you couldn't answer the point.
Ok libs, start spinning

Or you could just mind your own business and let people make their own personal decisions that have nothing to do with you.
Ok libs, start spinning

Or you could just mind your own business and let people make their own personal decisions that have nothing to do with you.
Kinda like forcing me to wear a seat belt, wear a motor cycle helmet, what size soda I can buy, forcing me to buy healthcare, forcing me to pay able bodied people not to work, and the funniest, forcing me to pay for women's birth control, and then telling me their none of my business.
Ok libs, start spinning.


It's not a person. Any more questions?

You just validated the OP's point. Congratulations.

Is the zygote I posted a person?

"Real life is how God teaches the law to Conservatives."

OK, let's get real: The "law" that you and your fellow travelers have forced on the American public is that ALL abortions, no matter how late term, may not be regulated in any way. Why don't you defend this position instead of resorting to the "zygote" argument?
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Approximately 1.21 million abortions a year.

Awesome. Planet's already overpopulated. More air for me.
Think of all those potential democrats and tax payers you are happy about murdering.

Meh, most of them will probably be collecting welfare if we don't get rid of them.

Here's the one thing I learned. No one messes up their whole life to make you happy.

Knew a gal when I was in the service, dating a fellow NCO. Catholic, brought up in a traditional Asian Household. And when he boyfriend wasn't making good on his promises to marry her, she "Forgot" to take her birth control pills and got knocked up. Why? She didn't want her parents to think she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

One abortion later and zero lessons learned, she got back with this guy. Same thing all over again.

This is why I don't get worked up about abortion. It's going to happen regardless.

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