Abortion Barbie's Book about as popular as she is.


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Mar 23, 2013
Wendy Davis Has Sold Hardly Any Copies Of Her Book The Daily Caller

"Wendy Davis’ new memoir appears to have something in common with her Texas gubernatorial candidacy: nobody’s buying.
According to Slate, which obtained sales data from Nielsen BookScan, the state senator, who is running against Republican state Attorney General Greg Abbott, has sold just 4,317 copies of her book, “Forgetting to Be Afraid,” since it was released Sept. 9."

I seriously doubt this moonbat actually has the intelligence to write a book. I would bet it was ghost written by some libtard zealot on her campaign staff that recently graduated from a brainwashing institution like UT. I find it truly baffling how such an obvious fraud can muster the followers that these democrook whores do. She has just one "accomplishment" (if you can call an 11 hour rant in favor of infanticide such) as a politician. Other than that she has proven to be a manipulative sociopath by tricking her husband into funding her Harvard brainwashing (or a light rinse in her case) and then divorcing him the day after the last payment was made and abandoning her children because she was on a quest for self aggrandizement. It's a good thing for her kids that abortion isn't retroactive, since some modern libtards seem to think killing an unwanted 5 year old would be OK.

TRENDING More college students support post-birth abortion

" one young man at the University of Minnesota who thought it was alright to kill children if they were under the age of 5 years old, as he did not consider them persons until that age"

Folks, this is how men like Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler (add any other leftist murderer here) could find the people to pull the triggers, drive the trains, turn on the gas and destroy the remains. When someone can be so emotionless and have no sense of morality that even 5 year old children "aren't people" you know we're in for trouble.
It started out with "first trimester abortions" are ok. Then it was "second trimester abortions" are ok. Then, they called for "abortion on demand", and "partial birth abortion". Is it any surprise they would get around to defending the killing of toddlers? And the 4,000 books were most likely purchased by union members (not by choice).
It started out with "first trimester abortions" are ok. Then it was "second trimester abortions" are ok. Then, they called for "abortion on demand", and "partial birth abortion". Is it any surprise they would get around to defending the killing of toddlers? And the 4,000 books were most likely purchased by union members (not by choice).

This from the guy who calls abortion murder, but doesn't want the murdering mothers punished.
It started out with "first trimester abortions" are ok. Then it was "second trimester abortions" are ok. Then, they called for "abortion on demand", and "partial birth abortion". Is it any surprise they would get around to defending the killing of toddlers? And the 4,000 books were most likely purchased by union members (not by choice).

This from the guy who calls abortion murder, but doesn't want the murdering mothers punished.
I didn't say I didn't want them punished, liar. I said we're not going to execute them. But I'm glad you acknowledge they are murderers.
Wendy Davis Has Sold Hardly Any Copies Of Her Book The Daily Caller

"Wendy Davis’ new memoir appears to have something in common with her Texas gubernatorial candidacy: nobody’s buying.
According to Slate, which obtained sales data from Nielsen BookScan, the state senator, who is running against Republican state Attorney General Greg Abbott, has sold just 4,317 copies of her book, “Forgetting to Be Afraid,” since it was released Sept. 9."

I seriously doubt this moonbat actually has the intelligence to write a book. I would bet it was ghost written by some libtard zealot on her campaign staff that recently graduated from a brainwashing institution like UT. I find it truly baffling how such an obvious fraud can muster the followers that these democrook whores do. She has just one "accomplishment" (if you can call an 11 hour rant in favor of infanticide such) as a politician. Other than that she has proven to be a manipulative sociopath by tricking her husband into funding her Harvard brainwashing (or a light rinse in her case) and then divorcing him the day after the last payment was made and abandoning her children because she was on a quest for self aggrandizement. It's a good thing for her kids that abortion isn't retroactive, since some modern libtards seem to think killing an unwanted 5 year old would be OK.

TRENDING More college students support post-birth abortion

" one young man at the University of Minnesota who thought it was alright to kill children if they were under the age of 5 years old, as he did not consider them persons until that age"

Folks, this is how men like Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler (add any other leftist murderer here) could find the people to pull the triggers, drive the trains, turn on the gas and destroy the remains. When someone can be so emotionless and have no sense of morality that even 5 year old children "aren't people" you know we're in for trouble.

I'm truly beginning to believe all these book deals with advances and expenses paid are a back door way of funding a candidate and their campaign.

Think about Davis alone. From what I've read she has scored an advance and expenses almost to the tune of a quarter of a million dollars.

I'm almost done wrapping up the garden and the yard and because I live in the land of 10 months of winter and 2 months of bad skating :) I think I'm going to do some hunting and track who has gotten how much in advance and then track their sales.

All these politicians getting unwarranted book deals for mega bucks has set off alarm bells for me.

By the pricking in my thumbs I think something wicked this way comes.

Should be interesting.
Wendy Davis is for abortion up to 260 weeks.

These moonbats are actually making me pro-abortion. I wish she would self abort.

These sniveling parasites should not exist. Whether it's merely just their inferior genetic make-up or their parents allowing them to grow up without any critical thinking skills, morals, integrity, character or shame they are a threat to our species, and we can not progress as long as they're polluting the genepool, and programming our children. I strongly recommend homeschooling, or at least paying close attention to what sort of bullshit your kids are learning.

Not just because they're so dangerously stupid that they accidentally (and in some cases purosefully) cause the deaths of innocents, or advance an agenda that weakens the very foundation of our nation, but because their ignorance has become a liability that has dragged this nation from the top of the world in industrial, military and and economic power to a country that now has to consider CHINA as a competetor.

Never mind how the history of leftist governments is rife with genocide, purges, famine and stagnant abject poverty, while the power brokers gorge themselves in luxury. I won't be alive to see that inevitable consequence of liberalism unhindered. These people are clearly reversing the laws of nature as theorized by Darwin. We now have the dumbest, weakest, most deceitful and morally bankrupt criminally insane sociopaths at the helm of power in this country and the only thing preventing us from becoming a soviet hell hole is the fact that the people holding most of the guns both public and private oppose them.

I can only hope they swallow and abort enough of their own children to reduce their numbers quickly enough so that those of us who raise our children to not become utterly parasitic oxygen theives can outnumber and overrule them.

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