CDZ Abortion: Moral or Immoral

Is abortion

  • Moral

    Votes: 7 24.1%
  • Immoral

    Votes: 11 37.9%
  • Only moral after....(specify)

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 7 24.1%

  • Total voters
Way more complex than murder not murder. we send living humans out to murder other humans over ideology, we murder people who murder, call it revenge or justice. those against abortion, throw up road blocks against things that would reduce the need/want for abortion . our whole way of life is under pressure, nations hold the power to end all life. yet so many peoples voting stance rests on one or two issues, aborting being # 1 or 2 . every thing else seems an after thought.
The Higher You Go, the Less Substance There Is

We've heard all that. Try to be original. Never believe what you're told by brownnosing hyenas appointed to be your superiors.
Personally I fell abortion is immoral, but I also feel that there is too strong of a negative connotation with that word. There are of course certain indisputable facts that aid the argument for abortion as well as against abortion, but I cannot see why some people wish to take the argument to the extreme. It can be argued that a fetus is living, it can also be argued a fetus is not. Arguments such as this have no winner, I think.
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The Moral Case For Abortion – The Establishment
These are two opposing opinions, I just do not see anyone winning just see this as two opposing sides presenting facts(allegedly) as they brag about their side and attack the other side.
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What's you position, and why?
Abortion just won't fit into a yes/no category. Generally, it is immoral; however, in cases of rape, incest, and the life of the mother, non-abortion may be even more immoral. In any case, I am deeply skeptical about making a government (legal) decision. Women's bodies aren't state property.
If You've Heard of Someone, Don't Listen to Him

If abortion is immoral, it is also immoral in the cases of rape, incest, and saving the life of the "mother." Neither your power-hungry preachers nor their power-hungry opponents bring that up. Those ambitious imbeciles have no right to dominate the public forum on any issue at all. The truth is forced to hide in the shadows of the artificial light shone on the pompous morons the ruling class picks as the only two choices we are brainwashed to follow.
There are a number of moral issues which don't fit the simple rule that if it is immoral, it is always immoral under any circumstances or conditions. I believe that abortion is one of these.

The case of a mother of three whose fourth pregnancy will cause her death if allowed to go to term is an example. We are looking at the right to life of two people (if you count the fetus as a person) and the right to a mother of four people. Leaving four children orphans (assuming the fetus survives) is pretty immoral.

There is a principle "foreseen but not intended". In this case, ending the pregnancy will result in the death of the fetus but that death is not intended. What is intended is saving the life of the mother. If the fetus miraculously survives, all five people are better off as killing the fetus is not the goal of the action. Think about it.
What's you position, and why?
For the longest time I thought abortion was a very bad thing as babies born or unborn were getting executed without a trial and proving their innocents. But after realizing that 33,000 born and unborn liberal babies a month, aren't being allowed to grow up and be indoctrinated into the Democrap party, maybe , just maybe that the liberals are doing US a favor by stacking the deck for the Republican Party without them understanding their own downfall. Kudos to the democrats for Making America Great Again...

Actually, Conservative, Christian and Republican women are more likely to get abortions because they aren't smart about contraception like liberal women are.

I knew a girl after college. Strict Asian parents, devout Catholic, lived at home.

And when her boyfriend wouldn't make good on his promise to marry her, she "forgot" to take her birth control and got knocked up. When he dumped her after that, it was off to the abortion clinic!

She didn't want her parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 22.
The fact that abortion kills a human child.
What facts are there that say whether a fetus is a human?
It doesnt meet the criteria for a living organism or human.

Science says so. The fact that if left alone, a human being is born.
science says what? Pretty sure science says its both ways because its SUBJECTIVE. They can NOT agree on whether a fetus is a human "life" or not. Possibly because it doesnt meet criteria for life.

Garbage. There isn't one single biologist or scientist who is involved in the human body in any way who will deny that if left alone, a human fetus will become a human being. Not one. They will confirm positively that a human fetus has human DNA. The fact that it cannot live outside the mother for at least 28 weeks is irrelevant.

I have to disagree with you just a little when you say that a child in the fetal stage of their life (if left alone) "will become" a human being.

They already ARE one and even our fetal Homicide laws already define and recognize them as such.

Fetal ‘homicide’ laws protect the pregnant woman and her right to decide whether to have a child or not – having nothing to do with an embryo/fetus.

Every fetal ‘homicide’ law has a provision excluding the performing of an abortion.

It is a settled, accepted fact of Constitutional law – beyond dispute – that an embryo/fetus is not entitled to legal protections.
The one thing that boggles my mind about abortion laws is that if a pregnant woman is murdered and both she and the unborn baby dies, the person that commits the murder can be charged with two homicides. Very progressive states(like California) have found people guilty of double homicides in cases like this.

How can a state like California insist that it's just a fetus in cases of abortion but state that it's an "unborn baby" in cases of homicide??
Easy, only a Mother can choose to abort her child. No one else.

So a mother has a right to murder her child?
A woman has a right to privacy, prohibiting the state from compelling her to give birth against her will through force of law.

An embryo/fetus is not a ‘child’; abortion is not ‘murder.’
The one thing that boggles my mind about abortion laws is that if a pregnant woman is murdered and both she and the unborn baby dies, the person that commits the murder can be charged with two homicides. Very progressive states(like California) have found people guilty of double homicides in cases like this.

How can a state like California insist that it's just a fetus in cases of abortion but state that it's an "unborn baby" in cases of homicide??
Easy, only a Mother can choose to abort her child. No one else.

So a mother has a right to murder her child?
A woman has a right to privacy, prohibiting the state from compelling her to give birth against her will through force of law.

An embryo/fetus is not a ‘child’; abortion is not ‘murder.’

If an embryo/fetus is not a child then how can someone be convicted of first degree murder for killing one?
The one thing that boggles my mind about abortion laws is that if a pregnant woman is murdered and both she and the unborn baby dies, the person that commits the murder can be charged with two homicides. Very progressive states(like California) have found people guilty of double homicides in cases like this.

How can a state like California insist that it's just a fetus in cases of abortion but state that it's an "unborn baby" in cases of homicide??
Easy, only a Mother can choose to abort her child. No one else.

So a mother has a right to murder her child?
A woman has a right to privacy, prohibiting the state from compelling her to give birth against her will through force of law.

An embryo/fetus is not a ‘child’; abortion is not ‘murder.’

If an embryo/fetus is not a child then how can someone be convicted of first degree murder for killing one?
That an embryo/fetus is neither a ‘child’ nor a ‘person’ is a settled, accepted fact of Constitutional,law, beyond dispute:

‘…as a matter of federal constitutional law, a developing organism that is not yet a "person" does not have what is sometimes described as a "right to life." [n.2] This has been and, by the Court's holding today, remains a fundamental premise of our constitutional law governing reproductive autonomy.’ (Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992))
Personally I fell abortion is immoral, but I also feel that there is too strong of a negative connotation with that word. There are of course certain indisputable facts that aid the argument for abortion as well as against abortion, but I cannot see why some people wish to take the argument to the extreme. It can be argued that a fetus is living, it can also be argued a fetus is not. Arguments such as this have no winner, I think.
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The Moral Case For Abortion – The Establishment
These are two opposing opinions, I just do not see anyone winning just see this as two opposing sides presenting facts(allegedly) as they brag about their side and attack the other side.
Hence the importance of the right to privacy: to allow each person to decide the matter for himself in accordance with his own good faith, good conscience, and moral dictates – free from unwarranted interference by the state.
The one thing that boggles my mind about abortion laws is that if a pregnant woman is murdered and both she and the unborn baby dies, the person that commits the murder can be charged with two homicides. Very progressive states(like California) have found people guilty of double homicides in cases like this.

How can a state like California insist that it's just a fetus in cases of abortion but state that it's an "unborn baby" in cases of homicide??
Easy, only a Mother can choose to abort her child. No one else.

So a mother has a right to murder her child?
A woman has a right to privacy, prohibiting the state from compelling her to give birth against her will through force of law.

An embryo/fetus is not a ‘child’; abortion is not ‘murder.’

If an embryo/fetus is not a child then how can someone be convicted of first degree murder for killing one?
That an embryo/fetus is neither a ‘child’ nor a ‘person’ is a settled, accepted fact of Constitutional,law, beyond dispute:

‘…as a matter of federal constitutional law, a developing organism that is not yet a "person" does not have what is sometimes described as a "right to life." [n.2] This has been and, by the Court's holding today, remains a fundamental premise of our constitutional law governing reproductive autonomy.’ (Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992))

You didn't answer my question. How can someone be convicted of 1st degree murder for killing one?
I have a question. If an American bomber pilot, with one hand on the button to drop a bomb, and the other holding a Cross and a Bible, drops a bomb on a village and kills a fetus, is he an Abortionist?
To abort a pregnancy when neither rape, incest, or health of mother is a infanticide and should be punished. Don’t spread your legs if you can’t handle the consequences of your actions.
The one thing that boggles my mind about abortion laws is that if a pregnant woman is murdered and both she and the unborn baby dies, the person that commits the murder can be charged with two homicides. Very progressive states(like California) have found people guilty of double homicides in cases like this.

How can a state like California insist that it's just a fetus in cases of abortion but state that it's an "unborn baby" in cases of homicide??
Easy, only a Mother can choose to abort her child. No one else.

So a mother has a right to murder her child?
A woman has a right to privacy, prohibiting the state from compelling her to give birth against her will through force of law.

An embryo/fetus is not a ‘child’; abortion is not ‘murder.’

If an embryo/fetus is not a child then how can someone be convicted of first degree murder for killing one?
If it’s got a heartbeat...fetus has Constitutional rights in my opinion.
The one thing that boggles my mind about abortion laws is that if a pregnant woman is murdered and both she and the unborn baby dies, the person that commits the murder can be charged with two homicides. Very progressive states(like California) have found people guilty of double homicides in cases like this.

How can a state like California insist that it's just a fetus in cases of abortion but state that it's an "unborn baby" in cases of homicide??
Easy, only a Mother can choose to abort her child. No one else.

So a mother has a right to murder her child?
A woman has a right to privacy, prohibiting the state from compelling her to give birth against her will through force of law.

An embryo/fetus is not a ‘child’; abortion is not ‘murder.’

If an embryo/fetus is not a child then how can someone be convicted of first degree murder for killing one?
If it’s got a heartbeat...fetus has Constitutional rights in my opinion.

Not that I don't appreciate the fact that would move the timeline closer to conception. . .
Why a heartbeat?

What is it about a heartbeat that makes the new child more of a human being than any of his or her other characteristics do?

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