CDZ Abortion: Moral or Immoral

Is abortion

  • Moral

    Votes: 7 24.1%
  • Immoral

    Votes: 11 37.9%
  • Only moral after....(specify)

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 7 24.1%

  • Total voters
Abortion is moral. There is no place to put more ghetto gang babies. A 100 years ago, when abortion technologies were too rudimentary, infanticide was the necessity.
My "opinions"will be argued for me by lawyers and judges who don't even know or care about who I am. So, I don't even have any concerns about that.

It's fucking hilarious that right after you tell me my opinions don't mean Jack because I don't have a uterus. . . You then ask me how "I" would enforce a ban on abortion.

Priceless irony.

Well, no, I don't think you understand what irony means. But besides that, it's a practical question.

You see, the point you anti-choice types never get is that even before Roe v. Wade, women were never arrested for having abortions. The providers were rarely arrested, usually only after they screwed up and one of their patients ended up in the hospital.

By 1970, most abortions were performed in nice safe OB/GYN offices with the doctors writing down something else on the chart. The well off never had a problem getting one.

So the reason I always ask you guys how you'll enforce these laws you want is because you never give me a straight answer.

YOu see, between me and you, I think most abortions happen because people are stupid. As much as the "pro-lifer" complains about the third trimester fetus, and the "Pro-choicer" will talk about rape or health issues, most abortions that are performed are performed on healthy fetuses in the first trimester because someone showed bad judgment.

But as long as that fetus is in a woman's body and if she doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant, we really need to hear less about your "feelings" and more about how you would practically enforce your worldview.
My "opinions"will be argued for me by lawyers and judges who don't even know or care about who I am. So, I don't even have any concerns about that.

It's fucking hilarious that right after you tell me my opinions don't mean Jack because I don't have a uterus. . . You then ask me how "I" would enforce a ban on abortion.

Priceless irony.

Well, no, I don't think you understand what irony means. But besides that, it's a practical question.

You see, the point you anti-choice types never get is that even before Roe v. Wade, women were never arrested for having abortions. The providers were rarely arrested, usually only after they screwed up and one of their patients ended up in the hospital.

By 1970, most abortions were performed in nice safe OB/GYN offices with the doctors writing down something else on the chart. The well off never had a problem getting one.

So the reason I always ask you guys how you'll enforce these laws you want is because you never give me a straight answer.

YOu see, between me and you, I think most abortions happen because people are stupid. As much as the "pro-lifer" complains about the third trimester fetus, and the "Pro-choicer" will talk about rape or health issues, most abortions that are performed are performed on healthy fetuses in the first trimester because someone showed bad judgment.

But as long as that fetus is in a woman's body and if she doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant, we really need to hear less about your "feelings" and more about how you would practically enforce your worldview.

No. You don't NEED to hear from me about enforcement at all. And, though this point will no doubt sail over your head as all the others have. . . It is not my "feelings" that tell me a childs life begins at conception. Thats a biological fact. Likewise, its not mere a "feeling" that children have a right to the equal protections of our laws. Thats what the Constitution says. Any laws that run counter to the Constitution not withstanding.
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No. You don't NEED to hear from me about enforcement at all. And, though this point will no doubt sail over your head as all the others have. . . It is not my "feelings" that tell me a childs life begins at conception. Thats a biological fact. Likewise, its not mere a "feeling" that children have a right to the equal protections of our laws. Thats what the Constitution says. Any laws that run counter to the Constitution not withstanding.

Except every time the court has ruled on this issue, they've found fetuses don't have rights.

So there might be what you THINK the constitution says, but it really doesn't say anything one way or the other. What it does say is that you can't force a woman to carry a pregnancy she doesn't want.

So here's a simple solution. Let's find a way to extract fetuses from unwilling women and stick them in the bodies of Pro-Life religious types. Problem solved.
No. You don't NEED to hear from me about enforcement at all. And, though this point will no doubt sail over your head as all the others have. . . It is not my "feelings" that tell me a childs life begins at conception. Thats a biological fact. Likewise, its not mere a "feeling" that children have a right to the equal protections of our laws. Thats what the Constitution says. Any laws that run counter to the Constitution not withstanding.

Except every time the court has ruled on this issue, they've found fetuses don't have rights.

So there might be what you THINK the constitution says, but it really doesn't say anything one way or the other. What it does say is that you can't force a woman to carry a pregnancy she doesn't want.

So here's a simple solution. Let's find a way to extract fetuses from unwilling women and stick them in the bodies of Pro-Life religious types. Problem solved.

The Constitution says ALL PERSON'S. That's pretty damn inclusive. Isn't it?
Our fetal homicide laws DO.

So, why shouldn't I?

people get prosecuted for killing late trimster fetuses when they kill pregnant women.

Nobody gets prosecuted for unknowingly offing first trimester fetuses.

Fetal Homicide laws are crap... but they are so rarely enforced that they are meaningless.

You ignore the fact that women already can be and some already have been charged with murder for having illegal abortions. The premise may have moved slow and is still being established but the legal recognition is still there.

You can ignore it and or dismiss it all you want. Myself and others are going to continue to build on the recognition established by our fetal homicide laws, whether you and your ilk like it or not.
You ignore the fact that women already can be and some already have been charged with murder for having illegal abortions.

Really? Do you have a link where a woman has been prosecuted for having an abortion?

You can ignore it and or dismiss it all you want. Myself and others are going to continue to build on the recognition established by our fetal homicide laws, whether you and your ilk like it or not.

And we'll keep slapping you down.

You see, the worst thing that you guys could have happen is to restrict a woman's right. That's when all 50 million women who have had abortions turn on you guys.

So jump right in if you're feeling froggy.

you see, there's a lot of way you guys could actually reduce the number of abortions. Improved sex education, free contraception, universal health care and paid family leave. You won't stop the chick who sees abortion as a form of brith control, but you will prevent pregnancies from happening or ones that are on the bubble from being done if they can afford it.

But it's never really been about the babies for you guys. I figured that out in 2008 when you guys turned on Huckabee for putting fetuses ahead of tax cuts for the rich.
You ignore the fact that women already can be and some already have been charged with murder for having illegal abortions.

Really? Do you have a link where a woman has been prosecuted for having an abortion?

You can ignore it and or dismiss it all you want. Myself and others are going to continue to build on the recognition established by our fetal homicide laws, whether you and your ilk like it or not.

And we'll keep slapping you down.

You see, the worst thing that you guys could have happen is to restrict a woman's right. That's when all 50 million women who have had abortions turn on you guys.

So jump right in if you're feeling froggy.

you see, there's a lot of way you guys could actually reduce the number of abortions. Improved sex education, free contraception, universal health care and paid family leave. You won't stop the chick who sees abortion as a form of brith control, but you will prevent pregnancies from happening or ones that are on the bubble from being done if they can afford it.

But it's never really been about the babies for you guys. I figured that out in 2008 when you guys turned on Huckabee for putting fetuses ahead of tax cuts for the rich.

+"woman charged" +"illegal abortion" - Google Search
What other activities will we ask whether they are moral or immoral? Carrying guns? Wars? Domestic violence? People who claim superiority on account of their skin tone? The double standard of sexual morality? There are so many issues that involve morality.
You ignore the fact that women already can be and some already have been charged with murder for having illegal abortions.

Really? Do you have a link where a woman has been prosecuted for having an abortion?

You can ignore it and or dismiss it all you want. Myself and others are going to continue to build on the recognition established by our fetal homicide laws, whether you and your ilk like it or not.

And we'll keep slapping you down.

You see, the worst thing that you guys could have happen is to restrict a woman's right. That's when all 50 million women who have had abortions turn on you guys.

So jump right in if you're feeling froggy.

you see, there's a lot of way you guys could actually reduce the number of abortions. Improved sex education, free contraception, universal health care and paid family leave. You won't stop the chick who sees abortion as a form of brith control, but you will prevent pregnancies from happening or ones that are on the bubble from being done if they can afford it.

But it's never really been about the babies for you guys. I figured that out in 2008 when you guys turned on Huckabee for putting fetuses ahead of tax cuts for the rich.

+"woman charged" +"illegal abortion" - Google Search

Most of those cases were dismissed... some of them weren't in the US.

The Purvi Patel case was considered particularly ridiculous and was overturned.

So that's the best you can do?
You ignore the fact that women already can be and some already have been charged with murder for having illegal abortions.

Really? Do you have a link where a woman has been prosecuted for having an abortion?

You can ignore it and or dismiss it all you want. Myself and others are going to continue to build on the recognition established by our fetal homicide laws, whether you and your ilk like it or not.

And we'll keep slapping you down.

You see, the worst thing that you guys could have happen is to restrict a woman's right. That's when all 50 million women who have had abortions turn on you guys.

So jump right in if you're feeling froggy.

you see, there's a lot of way you guys could actually reduce the number of abortions. Improved sex education, free contraception, universal health care and paid family leave. You won't stop the chick who sees abortion as a form of brith control, but you will prevent pregnancies from happening or ones that are on the bubble from being done if they can afford it.

But it's never really been about the babies for you guys. I figured that out in 2008 when you guys turned on Huckabee for putting fetuses ahead of tax cuts for the rich.

+"woman charged" +"illegal abortion" - Google Search

Most of those cases were dismissed... some of them weren't in the US.

The Purvi Patel case was considered particularly ridiculous and was overturned.

So that's the best you can do?

We will see what gets overturned and upheld after Trump' s picks are seated.
We will see what gets overturned and upheld after Trump' s picks are seated.

First, no one is going to retire and let Trump pick his replacement.

Second, SCOTUS is smart enough to know that overturning Roe would be a horrible idea, which is why they haven't done it in 45 years, even with the majority of the justices appointed since then being Republicans. You maybe have three votes to overturn Roe right now.
We will see what gets overturned and upheld after Trump' s picks are seated.

First, no one is going to retire and let Trump pick his replacement.

Second, SCOTUS is smart enough to know that overturning Roe would be a horrible idea, which is why they haven't done it in 45 years, even with the majority of the justices appointed since then being Republicans. You maybe have three votes to overturn Roe right now.


Even if true. . .

that changes...

Nothing for me at all.
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God created spontaneous abortions long before people started to do it. So if it's good enough for god...

Even if true. . .

that changes...

Nothing for me at all.

I know. Religious nuts are basically immune to reason. We get that.

You see, you guys could work on solutions to reduce the number of abortions instead of stomping your feet screaming "Fetuses are people, too!"

Even if true. . .

that changes...

Nothing for me at all.

I know. Religious nuts are basically immune to reason. We get that.

You see, you guys could work on solutions to reduce the number of abortions instead of stomping your feet screaming "Fetuses are people, too!"

I'm not religious, so. . .

Nice try.

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