CDZ Abortion

\Fetuses are not the equivalent to human beings in terms of the Constitution. Such a concept is not recognized. You are saying that a fetus has the same right as its mother. Show me in law that is so. Hint: you cannot.
If it were already in law, I wouldn't have to argue that it SHOULD be in law. Would I?
Thank you for admitting your belief that fetuses are human beings is merely your opinion, with no basis in law.
Human fetuses are human beings (lives) at early stages of development. This is scientific fact. As a democratic republic, we collectively get to choose at what stage of human development that human beings receive legal protection. Under current law, women may choose to terminate offspring still in the womb. Human law and science do not have to be in agreement. What is legal or illegal does not necessarily dictate what is morally or ethically right or wrong.
As I said before, law and science are not the same.
If a human being in the fetal stage of their life is not a human being. . . Then what species of being are they? Be specific.
The question is nonsense. You might just as well ask about the species of my liver. Would your answer be the same if I asked you about a tumor in my liver? Whatever the answer, I trust you would not object to my removing it.

Just because you use the term "human being" in your question does not mean that is in fact what it is.

Is a fertilized egg a human being? When did become so or when will it? Be specific and give the basis for you reasoning.

We can talk about livers and tumors later. Why are you trying to divert attention away from the question asked?

A human being in the fetal stage of their life is an organism of what species?

It's a very simple question with a very obvious biological answer.
If a human being in the fetal stage of their life is not a human being. . . Then what species of being are they? Be specific.
The question is nonsense. You might just as well ask about the species of my liver. Would your answer be the same if I asked you about a tumor in my liver? Whatever the answer, I trust you would not object to my removing it.

Just because you use the term "human being" in your question does not mean that is in fact what it is.

Is a fertilized egg a human being? When did become so or when will it? Be specific and give the basis for you reasoning.

We can talk about livers and tumors later. Why are you trying to divert attention away from the question asked?

A human being in the fetal stage of their life is an organism of what species?

It's a very simple question with a very obvious biological answer.
I was so looking forward to talking about my liver but oh well...

The honest answer is that I don't know the answer to your real question: is a fetus a human being and not just a collection of human tissues. I don't believe a fertilized egg qualifies but a full-term, delivered baby does. Somewhere between the two is an arbitrary line that is an cultural, ethical, moral, legal, religious question open to debate, similar to the question of when is a child becomes an adult. It is not a scientific question and subject to change over time as society changes.

I'd be curious as where you think that line is.
Chuz believes it begins at conception and that the fetus takes precedence over the mother.
If a human being in the fetal stage of their life is not a human being. . . Then what species of being are they? Be specific.
The question is nonsense. You might just as well ask about the species of my liver. Would your answer be the same if I asked you about a tumor in my liver? Whatever the answer, I trust you would not object to my removing it.

Just because you use the term "human being" in your question does not mean that is in fact what it is.

Is a fertilized egg a human being? When did become so or when will it? Be specific and give the basis for you reasoning.

We can talk about livers and tumors later. Why are you trying to divert attention away from the question asked?

A human being in the fetal stage of their life is an organism of what species?

It's a very simple question with a very obvious biological answer.
I was so looking forward to talking about my liver but oh well...

The honest answer is that I don't know the answer to your real question: is a fetus a human being and not just a collection of human tissues. I don't believe a fertilized egg qualifies but a full-term, delivered baby does. Somewhere between the two is an arbitrary line that is an cultural, ethical, moral, legal, religious question open to debate, similar to the question of when is a child becomes an adult. It is not a scientific question and subject to change over time as society changes.

I'd be curious as where you think that line is.

Since you asked, I will try to answer.

First of all, I reject the notion that "human beings" emerge from anything other than human beings/ organisms.

It's a scientific fact that human beings (mammals) do not undergo metamorphosis as frogs and butterfiles do.

Unlike frogs and butterflies, human being (mammals) are the same organism from conception until death.

So, it's obvious (and a biological fact) that a human being - even in the zygote stage of their life is (biologically) a human organism.

2nd Scientific fact is that all living organisms are "beings." They exist.

So, a human organism in ANY stage of their life is BIOLOGICALLY a "human being." That's not my opinion, it's scientific fact.

Gamtes cells (sperm and eggs) are hapoloid reproductive cells that exist solely to merge and to produce new members of their species.

A Conception, their individual lives as reproductive cells are over. The life of the new organism they merged to create has began.

Look at the synonyms for the word "conception." They include "originate, origin, start, beginning, and even birth" for good reason.

Conception is the biological point when your parents first became your biological parents.

Think about it. What more did your biological father do to become YOUR biological parent. . . than to contribute a single sperm cell to the moment of YOUR conception?

It is illogical to conclude that conception did not begin YOUR life but that conception did begin his status as YOUR biological parent.

Furthermore, Conception is when an organisms starts to age.

"Aging is a very natural process. It begins at conception and continues throughout the life cycle."

Any human being's life can be biologically traced all the way back to the moment of conception but no further.

You spoke in your post about what "qualifies" as " human being."

Scientifically / Biologically - the only qualifications are that it be a living human organism.

". . . the scientific evidence supports the conclusion that a zygote is a human organism and that the life of a new human being commences at a scientifically well defined “moment of conception.” This conclusion is objective, consistent with the factual evidence, and independent of any specific ethical, moral, political, or religious view of human life or of human embryos. "- Maureen L. Condic Senior Fellow Westchester Institute for Ethics & the Human Person Associate Professor of Neurobiology and Anatomy at the University of Utah School of Medicine

I could go on. . . but I think you get the point.

My answer is Conception.

And it's also the point now recognized in our Fetal Homicde laws.
Since you asked, I will try to answer.

First of all, I reject the notion that "human beings" emerge from anything other than human beings/ organisms.

It's a scientific fact that human beings (mammals) do not undergo metamorphosis as frogs and butterfiles do.

Unlike frogs and butterflies, human being (mammals) are the same organism from conception until death.

So, it's obvious (and a biological fact) that a human being - even in the zygote stage of their life is (biologically) a human organism.

2nd Scientific fact is that all living organisms are "beings." They exist.

So, a human organism in ANY stage of their life is BIOLOGICALLY a "human being." That's not my opinion, it's scientific fact.

Gamtes cells (sperm and eggs) are hapoloid reproductive cells that exist solely to merge and to produce new members of their species.

A Conception, their individual lives as reproductive cells are over. The life of the new organism they merged to create has began.

Look at the synonyms for the word "conception." They include "originate, origin, start, beginning, and even birth" for good reason.

Conception is the biological point when your parents first became your biological parents.

Think about it. What more did your biological father do to become YOUR biological parent. . . than to contribute a single sperm cell to the moment of YOUR conception?

It is illogical to conclude that conception did not begin YOUR life but that conception did begin his status as YOUR biological parent.

Furthermore, Conception is when an organisms starts to age.

"Aging is a very natural process. It begins at conception and continues throughout the life cycle."

Any human being's life can be biologically traced all the way back to the moment of conception but no further.

You spoke in your post about what "qualifies" as " human being."

Scientifically / Biologically - the only qualifications are that it be a living human organism.

". . . the scientific evidence supports the conclusion that a zygote is a human organism and that the life of a new human being commences at a scientifically well defined “moment of conception.” This conclusion is objective, consistent with the factual evidence, and independent of any specific ethical, moral, political, or religious view of human life or of human embryos. "- Maureen L. Condic Senior Fellow Westchester Institute for Ethics & the Human Person Associate Professor of Neurobiology and Anatomy at the University of Utah School of Medicine

I could go on. . . but I think you get the point.

My answer is Conception.

And it's also the point now recognized in our Fetal Homicde laws.
A reasoned and forceful argument. I don't agree but you've obviously thought long and hard about it.
If a human being in the fetal stage of their life is not a human being. . . Then what species of being are they? Be specific.
The question is nonsense. You might just as well ask about the species of my liver. Would your answer be the same if I asked you about a tumor in my liver? Whatever the answer, I trust you would not object to my removing it.

Just because you use the term "human being" in your question does not mean that is in fact what it is.

Is a fertilized egg a human being? When did become so or when will it? Be specific and give the basis for you reasoning.

We can talk about livers and tumors later. Why are you trying to divert attention away from the question asked?

A human being in the fetal stage of their life is an organism of what species?

It's a very simple question with a very obvious biological answer.
I was so looking forward to talking about my liver but oh well...

The honest answer is that I don't know the answer to your real question: is a fetus a human being and not just a collection of human tissues. I don't believe a fertilized egg qualifies but a full-term, delivered baby does. Somewhere between the two is an arbitrary line that is an cultural, ethical, moral, legal, religious question open to debate, similar to the question of when is a child becomes an adult. It is not a scientific question and subject to change over time as society changes.

I'd be curious as where you think that line is.

Since you asked, I will try to answer.

First of all, I reject the notion that "human beings" emerge from anything other than human beings/ organisms.

It's a scientific fact that human beings (mammals) do not undergo metamorphosis as frogs and butterfiles do.

Unlike frogs and butterflies, human being (mammals) are the same organism from conception until death.

So, it's obvious (and a biological fact) that a human being - even in the zygote stage of their life is (biologically) a human organism.

2nd Scientific fact is that all living organisms are "beings." They exist.

So, a human organism in ANY stage of their life is BIOLOGICALLY a "human being." That's not my opinion, it's scientific fact.

Gamtes cells (sperm and eggs) are hapoloid reproductive cells that exist solely to merge and to produce new members of their species.

A Conception, their individual lives as reproductive cells are over. The life of the new organism they merged to create has began.

Look at the synonyms for the word "conception." They include "originate, origin, start, beginning, and even birth" for good reason.

Conception is the biological point when your parents first became your biological parents.

Think about it. What more did your biological father do to become YOUR biological parent. . . than to contribute a single sperm cell to the moment of YOUR conception?

It is illogical to conclude that conception did not begin YOUR life but that conception did begin his status as YOUR biological parent.

Furthermore, Conception is when an organisms starts to age.

"Aging is a very natural process. It begins at conception and continues throughout the life cycle."

Any human being's life can be biologically traced all the way back to the moment of conception but no further.

You spoke in your post about what "qualifies" as " human being."

Scientifically / Biologically - the only qualifications are that it be a living human organism.

". . . the scientific evidence supports the conclusion that a zygote is a human organism and that the life of a new human being commences at a scientifically well defined “moment of conception.” This conclusion is objective, consistent with the factual evidence, and independent of any specific ethical, moral, political, or religious view of human life or of human embryos. "- Maureen L. Condic Senior Fellow Westchester Institute for Ethics & the Human Person Associate Professor of Neurobiology and Anatomy at the University of Utah School of Medicine

I could go on. . . but I think you get the point.

My answer is Conception.

And it's also the point now recognized in our Fetal Homicde laws.

A reasoned and forceful argument. I don't agree but you've obviously thought long and hard about it, well done. Are abortions ever justified in your mind? In cases of rape or incest or to save the life of the mother?

The only thing unique about the fertilized egg is the DNA it contains. Otherwise, it is just a cell like any other in our bodies. I believe we’ve already been able to coerce a skin cell to become an egg cell (or soon will be able to). Personally, I have trouble equating a few molecules that might turn out to be a human in the future if everything goes well, with a living breathing woman.
Since you asked, I will try to answer.

First of all, I reject the notion that "human beings" emerge from anything other than human beings/ organisms.

It's a scientific fact that human beings (mammals) do not undergo metamorphosis as frogs and butterfiles do.

Unlike frogs and butterflies, human being (mammals) are the same organism from conception until death.

So, it's obvious (and a biological fact) that a human being - even in the zygote stage of their life is (biologically) a human organism.

2nd Scientific fact is that all living organisms are "beings." They exist.

So, a human organism in ANY stage of their life is BIOLOGICALLY a "human being." That's not my opinion, it's scientific fact.

Gamtes cells (sperm and eggs) are hapoloid reproductive cells that exist solely to merge and to produce new members of their species.

A Conception, their individual lives as reproductive cells are over. The life of the new organism they merged to create has began.

Look at the synonyms for the word "conception." They include "originate, origin, start, beginning, and even birth" for good reason.

Conception is the biological point when your parents first became your biological parents.

Think about it. What more did your biological father do to become YOUR biological parent. . . than to contribute a single sperm cell to the moment of YOUR conception?

It is illogical to conclude that conception did not begin YOUR life but that conception did begin his status as YOUR biological parent.

Furthermore, Conception is when an organisms starts to age.

"Aging is a very natural process. It begins at conception and continues throughout the life cycle."

Any human being's life can be biologically traced all the way back to the moment of conception but no further.

You spoke in your post about what "qualifies" as " human being."

Scientifically / Biologically - the only qualifications are that it be a living human organism.

". . . the scientific evidence supports the conclusion that a zygote is a human organism and that the life of a new human being commences at a scientifically well defined “moment of conception.” This conclusion is objective, consistent with the factual evidence, and independent of any specific ethical, moral, political, or religious view of human life or of human embryos. "- Maureen L. Condic Senior Fellow Westchester Institute for Ethics & the Human Person Associate Professor of Neurobiology and Anatomy at the University of Utah School of Medicine

I could go on. . . but I think you get the point.

My answer is Conception.

And it's also the point now recognized in our Fetal Homicde laws.
A reasoned and forceful argument. I don't agree but you've obviously thought long and hard about it.
If a human being in the fetal stage of their life is not a human being. . . Then what species of being are they? Be specific.
The question is nonsense. You might just as well ask about the species of my liver. Would your answer be the same if I asked you about a tumor in my liver? Whatever the answer, I trust you would not object to my removing it.

Just because you use the term "human being" in your question does not mean that is in fact what it is.

Is a fertilized egg a human being? When did become so or when will it? Be specific and give the basis for you reasoning.

We can talk about livers and tumors later. Why are you trying to divert attention away from the question asked?

A human being in the fetal stage of their life is an organism of what species?

It's a very simple question with a very obvious biological answer.
I was so looking forward to talking about my liver but oh well...

The honest answer is that I don't know the answer to your real question: is a fetus a human being and not just a collection of human tissues. I don't believe a fertilized egg qualifies but a full-term, delivered baby does. Somewhere between the two is an arbitrary line that is an cultural, ethical, moral, legal, religious question open to debate, similar to the question of when is a child becomes an adult. It is not a scientific question and subject to change over time as society changes.

I'd be curious as where you think that line is.

Since you asked, I will try to answer.

First of all, I reject the notion that "human beings" emerge from anything other than human beings/ organisms.

It's a scientific fact that human beings (mammals) do not undergo metamorphosis as frogs and butterfiles do.

Unlike frogs and butterflies, human being (mammals) are the same organism from conception until death.

So, it's obvious (and a biological fact) that a human being - even in the zygote stage of their life is (biologically) a human organism.

2nd Scientific fact is that all living organisms are "beings." They exist.

So, a human organism in ANY stage of their life is BIOLOGICALLY a "human being." That's not my opinion, it's scientific fact.

Gamtes cells (sperm and eggs) are hapoloid reproductive cells that exist solely to merge and to produce new members of their species.

A Conception, their individual lives as reproductive cells are over. The life of the new organism they merged to create has began.

Look at the synonyms for the word "conception." They include "originate, origin, start, beginning, and even birth" for good reason.

Conception is the biological point when your parents first became your biological parents.

Think about it. What more did your biological father do to become YOUR biological parent. . . than to contribute a single sperm cell to the moment of YOUR conception?

It is illogical to conclude that conception did not begin YOUR life but that conception did begin his status as YOUR biological parent.

Furthermore, Conception is when an organisms starts to age.

"Aging is a very natural process. It begins at conception and continues throughout the life cycle."

Any human being's life can be biologically traced all the way back to the moment of conception but no further.

You spoke in your post about what "qualifies" as " human being."

Scientifically / Biologically - the only qualifications are that it be a living human organism.

". . . the scientific evidence supports the conclusion that a zygote is a human organism and that the life of a new human being commences at a scientifically well defined “moment of conception.” This conclusion is objective, consistent with the factual evidence, and independent of any specific ethical, moral, political, or religious view of human life or of human embryos. "- Maureen L. Condic Senior Fellow Westchester Institute for Ethics & the Human Person Associate Professor of Neurobiology and Anatomy at the University of Utah School of Medicine

I could go on. . . but I think you get the point.

My answer is Conception.

And it's also the point now recognized in our Fetal Homicde laws.

A reasoned and forceful argument. I don't agree but you've obviously thought long and hard about it, well done. Are abortions ever justified in your mind? In cases of rape or incest or to save the life of the mother?

The only thing unique about the fertilized egg is the DNA it contains. Otherwise, it is just a cell like any other in our bodies. I believe we’ve already been able to coerce a skin cell to become an egg cell (or soon will be able to). Personally, I have trouble equating a few molecules that might turn out to be a human in the future if everything goes well, with a living breathing woman.

Thank you. I will have to respond later.
Since you asked, I will try to answer.

First of all, I reject the notion that "human beings" emerge from anything other than human beings/ organisms.

It's a scientific fact that human beings (mammals) do not undergo metamorphosis as frogs and butterfiles do.

Unlike frogs and butterflies, human being (mammals) are the same organism from conception until death.

So, it's obvious (and a biological fact) that a human being - even in the zygote stage of their life is (biologically) a human organism.

2nd Scientific fact is that all living organisms are "beings." They exist.

So, a human organism in ANY stage of their life is BIOLOGICALLY a "human being." That's not my opinion, it's scientific fact.

Gamtes cells (sperm and eggs) are hapoloid reproductive cells that exist solely to merge and to produce new members of their species.

A Conception, their individual lives as reproductive cells are over. The life of the new organism they merged to create has began.

Look at the synonyms for the word "conception." They include "originate, origin, start, beginning, and even birth" for good reason.

Conception is the biological point when your parents first became your biological parents.

Think about it. What more did your biological father do to become YOUR biological parent. . . than to contribute a single sperm cell to the moment of YOUR conception?

It is illogical to conclude that conception did not begin YOUR life but that conception did begin his status as YOUR biological parent.

Furthermore, Conception is when an organisms starts to age.

"Aging is a very natural process. It begins at conception and continues throughout the life cycle."

Any human being's life can be biologically traced all the way back to the moment of conception but no further.

You spoke in your post about what "qualifies" as " human being."

Scientifically / Biologically - the only qualifications are that it be a living human organism.

". . . the scientific evidence supports the conclusion that a zygote is a human organism and that the life of a new human being commences at a scientifically well defined “moment of conception.” This conclusion is objective, consistent with the factual evidence, and independent of any specific ethical, moral, political, or religious view of human life or of human embryos. "- Maureen L. Condic Senior Fellow Westchester Institute for Ethics & the Human Person Associate Professor of Neurobiology and Anatomy at the University of Utah School of Medicine

I could go on. . . but I think you get the point.

My answer is Conception.

And it's also the point now recognized in our Fetal Homicde laws.
A reasoned and forceful argument. I don't agree but you've obviously thought long and hard about it.
If a human being in the fetal stage of their life is not a human being. . . Then what species of being are they? Be specific.
The question is nonsense. You might just as well ask about the species of my liver. Would your answer be the same if I asked you about a tumor in my liver? Whatever the answer, I trust you would not object to my removing it.

Just because you use the term "human being" in your question does not mean that is in fact what it is.

Is a fertilized egg a human being? When did become so or when will it? Be specific and give the basis for you reasoning.

We can talk about livers and tumors later. Why are you trying to divert attention away from the question asked?

A human being in the fetal stage of their life is an organism of what species?

It's a very simple question with a very obvious biological answer.
I was so looking forward to talking about my liver but oh well...

The honest answer is that I don't know the answer to your real question: is a fetus a human being and not just a collection of human tissues. I don't believe a fertilized egg qualifies but a full-term, delivered baby does. Somewhere between the two is an arbitrary line that is an cultural, ethical, moral, legal, religious question open to debate, similar to the question of when is a child becomes an adult. It is not a scientific question and subject to change over time as society changes.

I'd be curious as where you think that line is.

Since you asked, I will try to answer.

First of all, I reject the notion that "human beings" emerge from anything other than human beings/ organisms.

It's a scientific fact that human beings (mammals) do not undergo metamorphosis as frogs and butterfiles do.

Unlike frogs and butterflies, human being (mammals) are the same organism from conception until death.

So, it's obvious (and a biological fact) that a human being - even in the zygote stage of their life is (biologically) a human organism.

2nd Scientific fact is that all living organisms are "beings." They exist.

So, a human organism in ANY stage of their life is BIOLOGICALLY a "human being." That's not my opinion, it's scientific fact.

Gamtes cells (sperm and eggs) are hapoloid reproductive cells that exist solely to merge and to produce new members of their species.

A Conception, their individual lives as reproductive cells are over. The life of the new organism they merged to create has began.

Look at the synonyms for the word "conception." They include "originate, origin, start, beginning, and even birth" for good reason.

Conception is the biological point when your parents first became your biological parents.

Think about it. What more did your biological father do to become YOUR biological parent. . . than to contribute a single sperm cell to the moment of YOUR conception?

It is illogical to conclude that conception did not begin YOUR life but that conception did begin his status as YOUR biological parent.

Furthermore, Conception is when an organisms starts to age.

"Aging is a very natural process. It begins at conception and continues throughout the life cycle."

Any human being's life can be biologically traced all the way back to the moment of conception but no further.

You spoke in your post about what "qualifies" as " human being."

Scientifically / Biologically - the only qualifications are that it be a living human organism.

". . . the scientific evidence supports the conclusion that a zygote is a human organism and that the life of a new human being commences at a scientifically well defined “moment of conception.” This conclusion is objective, consistent with the factual evidence, and independent of any specific ethical, moral, political, or religious view of human life or of human embryos. "- Maureen L. Condic Senior Fellow Westchester Institute for Ethics & the Human Person Associate Professor of Neurobiology and Anatomy at the University of Utah School of Medicine

I could go on. . . but I think you get the point.

My answer is Conception.

And it's also the point now recognized in our Fetal Homicde laws.

A reasoned and forceful argument. I don't agree but you've obviously thought long and hard about it, well done.

Again, thank you.

Are abortions ever justified in your mind? In cases of rape or incest or to save the life of the mother?

My mind is irrelevant for anything other than my preferences on this. If you are asking if I think some abortions can be legally and Constitutionally justified (even if not morally justified) then my answer is yes.

The only thing unique about the fertilized egg is the DNA it contains. [/quote ]

There is more than that but I am out of time to respond.
Like everything in this world, laws and morals evolve over time. Unless one claims they come from God, only then can they be considered absolutes. I have no absolutes.
Like everything in this world, laws and morals evolve over time. Unless one claims they come from God, only then can they be considered absolutes. I have no absolutes.

You seem like a logical person alang.

Can I ask you this.

Which is the most logical statement given that our Constitution makes the all inclusive statement that ALL persons are entitled to due process and to the EQUAL protections of our laws.

1. A child's life doesn't begin until it lives too long and develops past the point where society can't deny them anymore


2. A child's life and rights begins at the earliest moment that we can determine their existence
Considering that in the Bible, Adam and Eve didn't actually come to life until God "breathed the Breath of Life into them".

Until a baby draws it's first breath, it's still not a "human".
"For the life of a creature is in the blood" (Leviticus 17:11).

Apparently, God breathes life into people at five weeks.
Like everything in this world, laws and morals evolve over time. Unless one claims they come from God, only then can they be considered absolutes. I have no absolutes.

You seem like a logical person alang.

Can I ask you this.

Which is the most logical statement given that our Constitution makes the all inclusive statement that ALL persons are entitled to due process and to the EQUAL protections of our laws.

1. A child's life doesn't begin until it lives too long and develops past the point where society can't deny them anymore


2. A child's life and rights begins at the earliest moment that we can determine their existence

3. A child's life and rights begins when they begin to display the uniqueness that makes us human and separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom. This comes down to the developing brain, if you don't have a functioning brain you do not qualify as a human being. < insert teenager joke here > If you're brain is dead you are dead, even if your body is being kept alive by artificial means.
Like everything in this world, laws and morals evolve over time. Unless one claims they come from God, only then can they be considered absolutes. I have no absolutes.

You seem like a logical person alang.

Can I ask you this.

Which is the most logical statement given that our Constitution makes the all inclusive statement that ALL persons are entitled to due process and to the EQUAL protections of our laws.

1. A child's life doesn't begin until it lives too long and develops past the point where society can't deny them anymore


2. A child's life and rights begins at the earliest moment that we can determine their existence

3. A child's life and rights begins when they begin to display the uniqueness that makes us human and separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom. This comes down to the developing brain, if you don't have a functioning brain you do not qualify as a human being. < insert teenager joke here > If you're brain is dead you are dead, even if your body is being kept alive by artificial means.
That would mean that a new born infant does not qualify to be a human being because it's brain is not developed enough to be superior to the rest of the animal kingdom.
Like everything in this world, laws and morals evolve over time. Unless one claims they come from God, only then can they be considered absolutes. I have no absolutes.

You seem like a logical person alang.

Can I ask you this.

Which is the most logical statement given that our Constitution makes the all inclusive statement that ALL persons are entitled to due process and to the EQUAL protections of our laws.

1. A child's life doesn't begin until it lives too long and develops past the point where society can't deny them anymore


2. A child's life and rights begins at the earliest moment that we can determine their existence

3. A child's life and rights begins when they begin to display the uniqueness that makes us human and separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom. This comes down to the developing brain, if you don't have a functioning brain you do not qualify as a human being. < insert teenager joke here > If you're brain is dead you are dead, even if your body is being kept alive by artificial means.
That would mean that a new born infant does not qualify to be a human being because it's brain is not developed enough to be superior to the rest of the animal kingdom.
I would have to disagree, a new born infant's brain is very well developed it just has not learned anything. There is a difference.

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