About THIS Covid vaccine:


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
(I preface this with the disclaimer: I am NOT a scientist or a health care professional. Yes, this IS anecdotal).
I'm 64. I've been VACCINATED, and they all seemed to work before. I've gotten inoculations/immunizations/vaccinations for various illnesses/viruses/infections/diseases. Polio, tetanus, measles, various influenzas and so on. And even had a few booster shots. (I make this perfectly clear: I AM NOT anti-vaccine!) But NEVER have I EVER heard of having to take ANY vaccine TWICE or THREE times in less than year's time along with booster shots, then actually knowing people that did all that and STILL got sick from the illness anyway! NEVER! It's clear the covid vaccines are useless and even more clear that Covid19 isn't a health care crisis to begin with. It isn't the black death with a 1% death rate.
No vaccine is more useless than the one you refuse to take.
What? What the hell does that even mean? HMM. Snake oil and electric belt salesman and all the quacks since time immemorial thank you for that endorsement. And Fauci and Biden.
Funny, (the Democrat Biden propaganda organ, the infamous main steam media), never mentions Fauci's perjury. No. Nor the fact that no other vaccine in history needs like 3 shots and then boosters in less than 8 months! NO, heaven forbid. I am 64 years old, this has NEVER happened before, ever! And the fact Covid isn't any worse than the common flu. Remember the Flu? There is no justifiable reason for Biden mandating ANYTHING here!
I have this weird vibe about you liberals : you all are confabulating leprosy and the black plague with a Wuhan manufactured "gain-of-function", and the fact CDC Dr. Fauci committed perjury denying it happened! Never the less. Covid vaccines don't work. They just DON'T. My evidence: You supposedly "need" three of them and booster shoots... in less than a year. This never happened before in American history. Ever. You know of any other vaccinations that REQUIRED more than one application in less than half a decade? Measles polio, tetanus? Nope. And the absurdity doesn't end there; You CAN still get COVID anyway! So what is the bloody point?
I have this weird vibe about you liberals : you all are confabulating leprosy and the black plague with a Wuhan manufactured "gain-of-function", and the fact CDC Dr. Fauci committed perjury denying it happened! Never the less. Covid vaccines don't work. They just DON'T. My evidence: You supposedly "need" three of them and booster shoots... in less than a year. This never happened before in American history. Ever. You know of any other vaccinations that REQUIRED more than one application in less than half a decade? Measles polio, tetanus? Nope. And the absurdity doesn't end there; You CAN still get COVID anyway! So what is the bloody point?
Do you really care to know the answer or would you rather be angry?
Do you really care to know the answer or would you rather be angry?
Nope. I just want the truth. Lets talk "truth". This is purely political and not about "public safety" or human lives. When Kamilah Harris wont' take "Trumps vaccine", and then a year later they mandate it....
What does that tell you?
No vaccine is more useless than the one you refuse to take.
Apparently, these vaccines coming with a guarantee that they'll need boosters forever. Fewer than 2% of those who contract this virus, die. For that cause, the world has been turned upside down and far more people have suffered and died due to the actions of government in dealing with this virus.
(I preface this with the disclaimer: I am NOT a scientist or a health care professional. Yes, this IS anecdotal).
I'm 64. I've been VACCINATED, and they all seemed to work before. I've gotten inoculations/immunizations/vaccinations for various illnesses/viruses/infections/diseases. Polio, tetanus, measles, various influenzas and so on. And even had a few booster shots. (I make this perfectly clear: I AM NOT anti-vaccine!) But NEVER have I EVER heard of having to take ANY vaccine TWICE or THREE times in less than year's time along with booster shots, then actually knowing people that did all that and STILL got sick from the illness anyway! NEVER! It's clear the covid vaccines are useless and even more clear that Covid19 isn't a health care crisis to begin with. It isn't the black death with a 1% death rate.
Yeah, they don't work well. It's a problem. Especially since they are trying to promote them as great stuff -------- but clearly, they are not.
Nope. I just want the truth. Lets talk "truth". This is purely political and not about "public safety" or human lives. When Kamilah Harris wont' take "Trumps vaccine", and then a year later they mandate it....
What does that tell you?

The answers to all your questions are there at your fingertips to learn. You just don't like what they say. Being practically the first coronavirus we have ever had to fight our immune systems are totally unfamiliar with them. The other vaccines fight diseases that have been around since prehistory. We are the descendants of people who managed to live through continual pandemics of the diseases we finally developed vaccines for. We have strategies to fight the primordial plagues baked into our DNA. The traditional vaccines simply turn on defenses we already have. This is not possible with coronavirus. Our immune system has to be taught to recognize an infection no human has ever faced. Not everyone has an immune response sufficient to provide perfect immunity. Maybe in the future we may have that. At the moment we have a vaccine that slows community spread and significantly reduces fatality. That's the best weapon we have at this point. I hope I have answered your question, not that I have any faith you ever wanted to really know the answers.
(I preface this with the disclaimer: I am NOT a scientist or a health care professional. Yes, this IS anecdotal).
I'm 64. I've been VACCINATED, and they all seemed to work before. I've gotten inoculations/immunizations/vaccinations for various illnesses/viruses/infections/diseases. Polio, tetanus, measles, various influenzas and so on. And even had a few booster shots. (I make this perfectly clear: I AM NOT anti-vaccine!) But NEVER have I EVER heard of having to take ANY vaccine TWICE or THREE times in less than year's time along with booster shots, then actually knowing people that did all that and STILL got sick from the illness anyway! NEVER! It's clear the covid vaccines are useless and even more clear that Covid19 isn't a health care crisis to begin with. It isn't the black death with a 1% death rate.

Meh vaccines have changed over time. Babies now get 3 doses of DTaP in the first year and a total of 5 doses before they turn 6, and the third doses of polio and Hep B are given between 6 and 15 months.
Would you take a vaccine that is forced on you, and then it needs three doses in less than a year and then you HAVE to take boosters? And then you can still get infected anyway? Now, calm down, relax. Name me any other instance this happened. Polio or measles out breaks? Nope. And they where a far larger health issue. NO lockdowns over any of that, ever. Why this? corvid is like 99% survivable anyway. Why the hysteria?
Would you take a vaccine that is forced on you, and then it needs three doses in less than a year and then you HAVE to take boosters? And then you can still get infected anyway? Now, calm down, relax. Name me any other instance this happened. Polio or measles out breaks? Nope. And they where a far larger health issue. NO lockdowns over any of that, ever. Why this? corvid is like 99% survivable anyway. Why the hysteria?
Between going to school and being in the military I never had a vaccine by choice. No six year-old ever truly understood why they had to get shots to go to school. It's a shame we are hearing the same kind of bewilderment from supposed adults.
The answers to all your questions are there at your fingertips to learn. You just don't like what they say. Being practically the first coronavirus we have ever had to fight our immune systems are totally unfamiliar with them. The other vaccines fight diseases that have been around since prehistory. We are the descendants of people who managed to live through continual pandemics of the diseases we finally developed vaccines for. We have strategies to fight the primordial plagues baked into our DNA. The traditional vaccines simply turn on defenses we already have. This is not possible with coronavirus. Our immune system has to be taught to recognize an infection no human has ever faced. Not everyone has an immune response sufficient to provide perfect immunity. Maybe in the future we may have that. At the moment we have a vaccine that slows community spread and significantly reduces fatality. That's the best weapon we have at this point. I hope I have answered your question, not that I have any faith you ever wanted to really know the answers.

Totally wrong.
Coronaviruses are the most common kind, and many of the common cold viruses are coronaviruses.
We just were not good at identifying viruses until recently.

Immunity to all coronaviruses is trivial.
That is easily proven by the fact you easily defeat the covid virus in your body and you quickly get immunity easily from recovery.

The problem with covid-19 is not that it is a coronavirus, but that it hides out in airways where it is hard for the immune system to detect, so when it does detect it, sometimes if over reacts and accidentally causes death of the person the immune system was trying to save.

Thousands of coronaviruses have been identified to date. Most have been found in animals, including many species in bats. There are at least 7 coronavirus species known to infect humans. Two, namely Human Coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E) Human Coronavirus OC43 ( HCoV-OC43), were identified in the 1960s and between them they are thought to account for 25% of all common colds. Subsequently, the use of more sensitive techniques, which detect the viral genome, has led to the identification of two more species. These are called HCoV-NL63 and HCoV-HKU1, reflecting the fact that they were first found in patient samples in the Netherlands and Hong Kong respectively. They are associated with occasional outbreaks of serious respiratory infection, particularly in young children, the elderly and immunocompromised, but only small numbers of cases each time1.

In the 21st century, three new coronaviruses associated with widespread transmission have emerged. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) was first reported from China in late 2002. Then in 2012 a different epidemic virus, Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) was identified in Saudi Arabia. The most recent addition to the list has been named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) since its sequence shows that it is very closely related to the 2002 SARS virus. The disease it causes is to be called COVID-19 ( coronavirus identified in 2019)2.
Meh vaccines have changed over time. Babies now get 3 doses of DTaP in the first year and a total of 5 doses before they turn 6, and the third doses of polio and Hep B are given between 6 and 15 months.

Not relevant. It is clear these covid mRNA vaccines simply are not working.
Vaccinated people are losing immunity in less than 6 months.
These vaccines are fake.
They do not contain virus, but merely synthetic spike proteins.
Between going to school and being in the military I never had a vaccine by choice. No six year-old ever truly understood why they had to get shots to go to school. It's a shame we are hearing the same kind of bewilderment from supposed adults.

It is not the 6 year old who is making the decisions, but the parents.
And traditional vaccines makes sense.
These fake synthetic spike proteins being called vaccines, do not make sense because covid-19 is not endemic to humans and should never come back once stopped.
Not relevant. It is clear these covid mRNA vaccines simply are not working.
Vaccinated people are losing immunity in less than 6 months.
These vaccines are fake.
They do not contain virus, but merely synthetic spike proteins.

The person said " But NEVER have I EVER heard of having to take ANY vaccine TWICE or THREE times in less than year's time along with booster shots". Just because it is not something that serves your bias does not make it "not relevant". The way in which vaccines are administered have changed over time. There are very few one and done shots.
The person said " But NEVER have I EVER heard of having to take ANY vaccine TWICE or THREE times in less than year's time along with booster shots". Just because it is not something that serves your bias does not make it "not relevant". The way in which vaccines are administered have changed over time. There are very few one and done shots.

Spreading out vaccines into multiple shots is likely safer.
But that is not what is happening with covid vaccines.
Instead they are rapidly losing any effect.
So this is not about lessening risk but about attempting to maintain effectiveness.

When one gets polio, TB, diphtheria, or MMR vaccines, they do not constantly need boosters just to remain effective.
Only pertussis and tetanus require boosters over time.
Nope. I just want the truth. Lets talk "truth". This is purely political and not about "public safety" or human lives. When Kamilah Harris wont' take "Trumps vaccine", and then a year later they mandate it....
What does that tell you?

You are so easily duped.
WHY? You read FAKE NEWS.

Harris clearly said she would not take the vaccine because trump said to take it. She said she would take the vaccine when the health professionals said it was safe.

Her statement:

"Well, I think that's going to be an issue for all of us. I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump. And it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability of whatever he's talking about. I will not take his word for it. He wants us to inject bleach. I — no, I will not take his word."

Harris was asked in an Oct. 7, 2020, vice presidential debate if she would take a vaccine if the Trump administration approved one. Referring to the leading government epidemiologist Dr. Anthony Fauci, she said:

"If the public health professionals, if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I’ll be the first in line to take it. Absolutely. But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it, I’m not taking it."
(I preface this with the disclaimer: I am NOT a scientist or a health care professional. Yes, this IS anecdotal).
I'm 64. I've been VACCINATED, and they all seemed to work before. I've gotten inoculations/immunizations/vaccinations for various illnesses/viruses/infections/diseases. Polio, tetanus, measles, various influenzas and so on. And even had a few booster shots. (I make this perfectly clear: I AM NOT anti-vaccine!) But NEVER have I EVER heard of having to take ANY vaccine TWICE or THREE times in less than year's time along with booster shots, then actually knowing people that did all that and STILL got sick from the illness anyway! NEVER! It's clear the covid vaccines are useless and even more clear that Covid19 isn't a health care crisis to begin with. It isn't the black death with a 1% death rate.

Right. Hysteria and Moral Panics can only cover the truth for so long...

And I think time is running out for the Covid Cult

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