About those interior borders and the bulls


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
This is what I wrote several years ago about Gabbatha. It is a place in the spirit where certain judgments take place. When speaking of apostate Jews whether they be calling themselves Jews or Christians it makes no difference as it is by faith that one is even considered.

Gabbatha {gab∙bath∙ah’} ‘elevated, a platform (interior Landmarks)’
♦ Greek version is called Lithostrotos ‘the pavement of stones’ the space of Gazith ‘hewn’ where the Sanhedrin ‘council seat-bloody seat’ sits in the temple when they have trials for principal causes. Called so for it’s paved with smooth, square hewn stones (keeping in mind these are hewned stones not the natural stones for the Lord); it is considered that half of it is holy and half of it is common. It has two entries one for that part which is holy and the other for that part that is common; the Sanhedrin sat in the carnal half.
The common half of the temple represented in a human is the carnal half where judgments take place for the enmities of Jehovah’s seed within Adam. Where host for weeds, serpents and unholy thoughts are what rules over the common half- carnal minds (the son of perdition that does not take instruction well). The holy half is where the heavenly portions take place for the Son. The beloved’s (you as a believer or even a claimed non-believer) is learning, under correction and this is where teaching and sacrifice takes place. The spiritual portion is working in a human continually, watering, burning weeds, and molding us into the image of the only begotten Son regardless if a human knows, refuses it or not.
It is called Gabbatha, from its height
♦ The Syrian and Persian versions translate this Gaphiphtha. It is an enclosed area or boundary marker
♦ This is the pavement of the temple where the Israelites ‘contenders, they desire to be children of Jehovah’ fall and worship God in 2Chronicles 7:3 (even in the spirit) ♦ The Hebrew word for Pavement is written only once in the Old Testament. In 2Kings 16:17, this is where King Ahaz ‘he has grasped: possessor’ cuts off the borders of the bases, and removes the laver (crimson filled washbasins: laver as the filling with an edible crimson red algae) from off them. Ahaz also takes down the sea of uncertainty off of the brazen oxen that are under it, and puts it on top of the pavement made of hewn or cut stones. When this is done the brass oxen are now a top of or over the sea of uncertainty and the hewn pavement stones. The King ruling this portion Ahaz shows fully a falling away according to traditions. What has Ahaz fallen away from and what happens when the bulls are over the hewn pavers?
Hint; Ahaz with Abijah ‘father Jah (Jehovah, as a feeding trough)’ the daughter of Zechariah ‘Jehovah remembers’ brings forth (births the host) Hezekiah ‘Jehovah has made strong by the strength of Jehovah, with a knowledge that Jehovah is thy strength’, who tears down idols and groves throughout the kingdom.
This is also the location where Pilate ‘armed with a spear’ comes down to the apostate Jews; who are rejecting Jesus Christ ‘anointed with Jehovah’s salvation with us’. The apostates pretending to be believers are governed and maneuver at this point by Gentile idolater’s ♦
This clip will give you an idea of what it looks like in carnal terms when the bulls are over the hewn stones (those who are still going by carnal precepts) that have uncertainty within them
bull over the pavers.PNG

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